The Universal Device Detection library will parse any User Agent and detect the browser, operating system, device used (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), brand and model.



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The Universal Device Detection library that parses User Agents and detects devices (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), clients (browsers, feed readers, media players, PIMs, ...), operating systems, brands and models.


Using DeviceDetector with composer is quite easy. Just add matomo/device-detector to your projects requirements.

composer require matomo/device-detector

And use some code like this one:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use DeviceDetector\DeviceDetector;
use DeviceDetector\Parser\Device\AbstractDeviceParser;

// OPTIONAL: Set version truncation to none, so full versions will be returned
// By default only minor versions will be returned (e.g. X.Y)
// for other options see VERSION_TRUNCATION_* constants in DeviceParserAbstract class

$userAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // change this to the useragent you want to parse

$dd = new DeviceDetector($userAgent);

// OPTIONAL: Set caching method
// By default static cache is used, which works best within one php process (memory array caching)
// To cache across requests use caching in files or memcache
// $dd->setCache(new Doctrine\Common\Cache\PhpFileCache('./tmp/'));

// OPTIONAL: Set custom yaml parser
// By default Spyc will be used for parsing yaml files. You can also use another yaml parser.
// You may need to implement the Yaml Parser facade if you want to use another parser than Spyc or [Symfony](
// $dd->setYamlParser(new DeviceDetector\Yaml\Symfony());

// OPTIONAL: If called, getBot() will only return true if a bot was detected  (speeds up detection a bit)
// $dd->discardBotInformation();

// OPTIONAL: If called, bot detection will completely be skipped (bots will be detected as regular devices then)
// $dd->skipBotDetection();


if ($dd->isBot()) {
  // handle bots,spiders,crawlers,...
  $botInfo = $dd->getBot();
} else {
  $clientInfo = $dd->getClient(); // holds information about browser, feed reader, media player, ...
  $osInfo = $dd->getOs();
  $device = $dd->getDeviceName();
  $brand = $dd->getBrandName();
  $model = $dd->getModel();

Methods check device type:


Methods check client type:


Get OS family:

use DeviceDetector\Parser\OperatingSystem;

$osFamily = OperatingSystem::getOsFamily($dd->getOs('name'));

Get browser family:

use DeviceDetector\Parser\Client\Browser;

$browserFamily = Browser::getBrowserFamily($dd->getClient('name'));

Instead of using the full power of DeviceDetector it might in some cases be better to use only specific parsers. If you aim to check if a given useragent is a bot and don't require any of the other information, you can directly use the bot parser.

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use DeviceDetector\Parser\Bot AS BotParser;

$botParser = new BotParser();

// OPTIONAL: discard bot information. parse() will then return true instead of information

$result = $botParser->parse();

if (!is_null($result)) {
    // do not do anything if a bot is detected

// handle non-bot requests

Using without composer

Alternatively to using composer you can also use the included autoload.php. This script will register an autoloader to dynamically load all classes in DeviceDetector namespace.

Device Detector requires a YAML parser. By default Spyc parser is used. As this library is not included you need to include it manually or use another YAML parser.


include_once 'path/to/spyc/Spyc.php';
include_once 'path/to/device-detector/autoload.php';

use DeviceDetector\DeviceDetector;

$deviceDetector = new DeviceDetector();

// ...


By default, DeviceDetector uses a built-in array cache. To get better performance, you can use your own caching solution:

// Example with PSR-6 and Symfony
$cache = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ApcuAdapter();
    new \DeviceDetector\Cache\PSR6Bridge($cache)

// Example with PSR-16 and ScrapBook
$cache = new \MatthiasMullie\Scrapbook\Psr16\SimpleCache(
    new \MatthiasMullie\Scrapbook\Adapters\Apc()
    new \DeviceDetector\Cache\PSR16Bridge($cache)

// Example with Doctrine
$cache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ApcuCache();
    new \DeviceDetector\Cache\DoctrineBridge($cache)


Hacking the library

This is a free/libre library under license LGPL v3 or later.

Your pull requests and/or feedback is very welcome!

Listing all user agents from your logs

Sometimes it may be useful to generate the list of most used user agents on your website, extracting this list from your access logs using the following command:

zcat ~/path/to/access/logs* | awk -F'"' '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n20000 > /home/matomo/top-user-agents.txt


Created by the Matomo team, Stefan Giehl, Matthieu Aubry, Michał Gaździk, Tomasz Majczak, Grzegorz Kaszuba, Piotr Banaszczyk and contributors.

Together we can build the best Device Detection library.

We are looking forward to your contributions and pull requests!


See also: QA at Matomo

Running tests

cd /path/to/device-detector
curl -sS | php
php composer.phar install

Device Detector for other languages

There are already a few ports of this tool to other languages:

What Device Detector is able to detect

The lists below are auto generated and updated from time to time. Some of them might not be complete.

Last update: 2021/12/07

List of detected operating systems:

AIX, Android, AmigaOS, tvOS, Arch Linux, BackTrack, Bada, BeOS, BlackBerry OS, BlackBerry Tablet OS, Brew, Caixa Mágica, CentOS, Chrome OS, CyanogenMod, Debian, Deepin, DragonFly, DVKBuntu, Fedora, Fenix, Firefox OS, Fire OS, Freebox, FreeBSD, FydeOS, Gentoo, GridOS, Google TV, HP-UX, Haiku OS, iPadOS, HarmonyOS, HasCodingOS, IRIX, Inferno, Java ME, KaiOS, Knoppix, Kubuntu, GNU/Linux, Lubuntu, Lumin OS, VectorLinux, Mac, Maemo, Mageia, Mandriva, MeeGo, MocorDroid, Mint, MildWild, MorphOS, NetBSD, MTK / Nucleus, MRE, Nintendo, Nintendo Mobile, OS/2, OSF1, OpenBSD, OpenWrt, Ordissimo, PCLinuxOS, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation, Red Hat, RISC OS, Roku OS, Rosa, Remix OS, REX, RazoDroiD, Sabayon, SUSE, Sailfish OS, SeewoOS, Slackware, Solaris, Syllable, Symbian, Symbian OS, Symbian OS Series 40, Symbian OS Series 60, Symbian^3, ThreadX, Tizen, TmaxOS, Ubuntu, watchOS, WebTV, Whale OS, Windows, Windows CE, Windows IoT, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone, Windows RT, Xbox, Xubuntu, YunOs, iOS, palmOS, webOS

List of detected browsers:

115 Browser, 2345 Browser, 360 Phone Browser, 360 Browser, 7654 Browser, Avant Browser, ABrowse, ANT Fresco, ANTGalio, Aloha Browser, Aloha Browser Lite, Amaya, Amigo, Android Browser, AOL Desktop, AOL Shield, Arora, Arctic Fox, Amiga Voyager, Amiga Aweb, Arvin, Atom, Atomic Web Browser, Avast Secure Browser, AVG Secure Browser, Avira Scout, AwoX, Beaker Browser, Beamrise, BlackBerry Browser, Baidu Browser, Baidu Spark, Basilisk, Beonex, BlackHawk, Bunjalloo, B-Line, Blue Browser, Bonsai, Borealis Navigator, Brave, BriskBard, BrowseX, Browzar, Biyubi, Byffox, Camino, CCleaner, Chedot, Centaury, Coc Coc, CoolBrowser, Colibri, Comodo Dragon, Coast, Charon, CM Browser, Chrome Frame, Headless Chrome, Chrome, Chrome Mobile iOS, Conkeror, Chrome Mobile, CoolNovo, CometBird, COS Browser, Cornowser, Chim Lac, ChromePlus, Chromium, Chromium GOST, Cyberfox, Cheshire, Crusta, Craving Explorer, Crazy Browser, Cunaguaro, Chrome Webview, dbrowser, Peeps dBrowser, Deepnet Explorer, deg-degan, Deledao, Delta Browser, DeskBrowse, Dolphin, Dorado, Dot Browser, Dooble, Dillo, DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser, Ecosia, Edge WebView, Epic, Elinks, Element Browser, Elements Browser, eZ Browser, EUI Browser, GNOME Web, Espial TV Browser, Falkon, Faux Browser, Firefox Mobile iOS, Firebird, Fluid, Fennec, Firefox, Firefox Focus, Firefox Reality, Firefox Rocket, Flock, Flow, Firefox Mobile, Fireweb, Fireweb Navigator, Flash Browser, Flast, FreeU, Galeon, Ghostery Privacy Browser, GinxDroid Browser, Glass Browser, Google Earth, GOG Galaxy, GoBrowser, Harman Browser, HasBrowser, Hawk Turbo Browser, Helio, hola! Browser, HotJava, Huawei Browser Mobile, Huawei Browser, iBrowser, iBrowser Mini, IBrowse, iCab, iCab Mobile, Iridium, Iron Mobile, IceCat, IceDragon, Isivioo, Iceweasel, Internet Explorer, IE Mobile, Iron, Japan Browser, Jasmine, JavaFX, Jig Browser, Jig Browser Plus, Jio Browser, K.Browser, Kindle Browser, K-meleon, Konqueror, Kapiko, Kinza, Kiwi, Kode Browser, Kylo, Kazehakase, Cheetah Browser, Lagatos Browser, LieBaoFast, LG Browser, Light, Links, Lolifox, Lovense Browser, LT Browser, LuaKit, Lulumi, Lunascape, Lunascape Lite, Lynx, Mandarin, mCent, MicroB, NCSA Mosaic, Meizu Browser, Mercury, Mobile Safari, Midori, Mobicip, MIUI Browser, Mobile Silk, Minimo, Mint Browser, Maxthon, Maelstrom, MxNitro, Mypal, Monument Browser, MAUI WAP Browser, Navigateur Web, NFS Browser, Nokia Browser, Nokia OSS Browser, Nokia Ovi Browser, Nox Browser, NetSurf, NetFront, NetFront Life, NetPositive, Netscape, NTENT Browser, Oculus Browser, Opera Mini iOS, Obigo, Odin, OceanHero, Odyssey Web Browser, Off By One, OhHai Browser, ONE Browser, Opera GX, Opera Neon, Opera Devices, Opera Mini, Opera Mobile, Opera, Opera Next, Opera Touch, Orca, Ordissimo, Oregano, Origin In-Game Overlay, Origyn Web Browser, Openwave Mobile Browser, OpenFin, OmniWeb, Otter Browser, Palm Blazer, Pale Moon, Polypane, Oppo Browser, Palm Pre, Puffin, Palm WebPro, Palmscape, Perfect Browser, Phantom Browser, Phoenix, Phoenix Browser, PlayFree Browser, Polaris, Polarity, PolyBrowser, PrivacyWall, PSI Secure Browser, Microsoft Edge, Qazweb, QQ Browser Lite, QQ Browser Mini, QQ Browser, Qutebrowser, Quark, QupZilla, Qwant Mobile, QtWebEngine, Realme Browser, Rekonq, RockMelt, Samsung Browser, Sailfish Browser, Seewo Browser, SEMC-Browser, Sogou Explorer, Safari, Safe Exam Browser, SalamWeb, Secure Browser, SFive, Shiira, SimpleBrowser, Sizzy, Skyfire, Seraphic Sraf, Sleipnir, Slimjet, SP Browser, Stampy Browser, 7Star, Smart Lenovo Browser, Smooz, Snowshoe, Sogou Mobile Browser, Spectre Browser, Splash, Sputnik Browser, Sunrise, SuperBird, Super Fast Browser, Sushi Browser, surf, Stargon, START Internet Browser, Steam In-Game Overlay, Streamy, Swiftfox, Seznam Browser, T-Browser, Browser, Tao Browser, TenFourFox, Tenta Browser, Tizen Browser, Tungsten, ToGate, TweakStyle, TV Bro, UBrowser, UC Browser, UC Browser HD, UC Browser Mini, UC Browser Turbo, UR Browser, Uzbl, Venus Browser, Vivaldi, vivo Browser, Vision Mobile Browser, VMware AirWatch, Wear Internet Browser, Web Explorer, WebPositive, Waterfox, Whale Browser, wOSBrowser, WeTab Browser, Yahoo! Japan Browser, Yandex Browser, Yandex Browser Lite, Yaani Browser, Yolo Browser, xStand, Xiino, Xvast, Zetakey, Zvu

List of detected browser engines:

WebKit, Blink, Trident, Text-based, Dillo, iCab, Elektra, Presto, Gecko, KHTML, NetFront, Edge, NetSurf, Servo, Goanna, EkiohFlow

List of detected libraries:

aiohttp, Akka HTTP, Aria2, C++ REST SDK, curl, Embarcadero URI Client, Faraday, Go-http-client, Google HTTP Java Client, GRequests, Guzzle (PHP HTTP Client), gvfs, HTTPie, HTTP_Request2, Jakarta Commons HttpClient, Java, libdnf, LUA OpenResty NGINX, Mechanize, Mikrotik Fetch, Node Fetch, OkHttp, Perl, Perl REST::Client, Postman Desktop, Python Requests, Python urllib, ReactorNetty, REST Client for Ruby, RestSharp, ScalaJ HTTP, uclient-fetch, urlgrabber (yum), uTorrent, Wget, WinHttp WinHttpRequest, WWW-Mechanize

List of detected media players:

Audacious, Banshee, Boxee, Clementine, Deezer, Downcast, FlyCast, Foobar2000, foobar2000, Google Podcasts, HTC Streaming Player, iTunes, Kodi, MediaMonkey, Miro, MPlayer, mpv, Music Player Daemon, NexPlayer, Nightingale, QuickTime, Songbird, SONOS, Sony Media Go, Stagefright, SubStream, VLC, Winamp, Windows Media Player, XBMC

List of detected mobile apps:

1Password, 2tch, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Synchronizer, Aha Radio 2, AIDA64, Alexa Media Player, AliExpress, AndroidDownloadManager, AntennaPod, Apple News, Avid Link, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, Baidu Box App,, BB2C, BBC News, BetBull, BeyondPod, Bible KJV, Binance, BingWebApp, Bitsboard, Blackboard, Blitz, Blue Proxy, BlueStacks, Bookshelf, Bose Music, bPod, CastBox, Castro, Castro 2, CCleaner, CGN, ChMate, Chrome Update, Ciisaa, Clovia, COAF SMART Citizen, Copied, Cortana, Covenant Eyes, CPU-Z, CrosswalkApp, DevCasts, DeviantArt, DingTalk, Discord, DoggCatcher, douban App, Downcast, Dr. Watson, Edge Update, Emby Theater, Epic Games Launcher, ESET Remote Administrator, eToro, Evolve Podcast, Facebook, Facebook Audience Network, Facebook Groups, Facebook Messenger, Facebook Messenger Lite, FeedR, Flipboard App, Flipp, Gaana, Git, GitHub Desktop, GlobalProtect, GoNative, Google Fiber TV, Google Go, Google Play Newsstand, Google Plus, Google Podcasts, Google Search App, Google Tag Manager, HandBrake, HeyTapBrowser, Hik-Connect, HP Smart, iCatcher, Instacast, Instagram App, Instapaper, JaneStyle, Jungle Disk, KakaoTalk, Keeper Password Manager, Kik, Landis+Gyr AIM Browser, Line, LinkedIn, Logi Options+, MetaTrader, Microsoft Office $1, Microsoft Office Mobile, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Outlook, My World, Naver, Netflix, NewsArticle App, Nextcloud, NPR One, NTV Mobil, NuMuKi Browser, Odnoklassniki, OfferUp, Opal Travel, Opera News, Overcast, Paint by Number, Pandora, Papers, Pic Collage, Pinterest, Player FM, Pocket Casts, Podbean, Podcast & Radio Addict, Podcaster, Podcast Republic, Podcasts, Podcat, Podcatcher Deluxe, Podimo, Podkicker$1, PowerShell, Procast, qBittorrent, QQMusic, QuickCast, RadioPublic, Rave Social, Razer Synapse, rekordbox, Roblox, RoboForm, Rocket Chat, RSSRadio, Samsung Magician, Shopee, ShowMe, Sina Weibo, Siri, Skyeng Teachers, Skype for Business, Slack, Snapchat, SogouSearch App, SPORT1, Streamlabs OBS, Strimio, Swoot, Teams, The Wall Street Journal, Theyub, Thunder, tieba, TikTok, TopBuzz, TuneIn Radio, TuneIn Radio Pro, TVirl, twinkle, Twitter, U-Cursos, Unibox, UnityPlayer, Viber, Visual Studio Code, Vuhuv, Wattpad, WebDAV, WeChat, WeChat Share Extension, WhatsApp, Whisper, WH Questions, Windows CryptoAPI, Windows Delivery Optimization, Windows Push Notification Services, Windows Update Agent, Wireshark, Wirtschafts Woche, Word Cookies!, Y8 Browser, Yahoo! Japan, YakYak, Yandex, Yelp Mobile, YouTube, Zalo, ZEPETO, Zoho Chat and mobile apps using AFNetworking

List of detected PIMs (personal information manager):

Airmail, Barca, Basecamp, BathyScaphe, DAVdroid, Evernote, Franz, JaneView, Live5ch, Lotus Notes, MailBar, Mailbird, Mailspring, Microsoft Outlook, Notion, Outlook Express, Postbox,, Rambox Pro, SeaMonkey, The Bat!, Thunderbird, Windows Mail

List of detected feed readers:

Akregator, Apple PubSub, BashPodder, Breaker, FeedDemon, Feeddler RSS Reader, gPodder, JetBrains Omea Reader, Liferea, NetNewsWire, Newsbeuter, NewsBlur, NewsBlur Mobile App, PritTorrent, Pulp, QuiteRSS, ReadKit, Reeder, RSS Bandit, RSS Junkie, RSSOwl, Stringer

List of brands with detected devices:

2E, 3GNET, 3GO, 3Q, 4Good, 4ife, 7 Mobile, 360, 8848, A1, Accent, Ace, Acer, Acteck, Adronix, Advan, Advance, AfriOne, AGM, AG Mobile, Ainol, Airness, AIRON, Airties, AIS, Aiuto, Aiwa, Akai, AKIRA, Alba, Alcatel, Alcor, ALDI NORD, ALDI SÜD, Alfawise, Aligator, AllCall, AllDocube, Allview, Allwinner, Altech UEC, Altice, altron, Amazon, AMCV, AMGOO, Amigoo, Amoi, Andowl, Anker, Anry, ANS, AOC, Aocos, AOpen, Aoson, AOYODKG, Apple, Archos, Arian Space, Ark, ArmPhone, Arnova, ARRIS, Artel, Artizlee, Asano, Asanzo, Ask, Aspera, Assistant, Astro, Asus, AT&T, Atom, Atvio, Audiovox, AURIS, Avenzo, AVH, Avvio, Awow, Axioo, Axxion, Azumi Mobile, BangOlufsen, Barnes & Noble, BBK, BB Mobile, BDF, Becker, Beeline, Beelink, Beetel, Bellphone, BenQ, BenQ-Siemens, Benzo, Beyond, Bezkam, BGH, Bigben, BIHEE, BilimLand, Billion, BioRugged, Bird, Bitel, Bitmore, Bkav, Black Bear, Black Fox, Blackview, Blaupunkt, Bleck, Blloc, Blow, Blu, Bluboo, Bluebird, Bluedot, Bluegood, Bluewave, BMAX, Bmobile, Bobarry, bogo, Boway, bq, Brandt, Bravis, BrightSign, Brondi, BS Mobile, Bundy, Bush, CAGI, Camfone, Canal Digital, Capitel, Captiva, Carrefour, Casio, Casper, Cat, Cavion, Celcus, Celkon, Cell-C, CellAllure, Cellution, Centric, CG Mobile, CGV, Changhong, Cherry Mobile, Chico Mobile, China Mobile, Chuwi, Claresta, Clarmin, Clementoni, Cloudfone, Cloudpad, Clout, CnM, Cobalt, Coby Kyros, Colors, Comio, Compal, Compaq, ComTrade Tesla, Concord, ConCorde, Condor, Connectce, Connex, Conquest, Contixo, Coolpad, CORN, Cosmote, Covia, Cowon, CreNova, Crescent, Cricket, Crius Mea, Crony, Crosscall, Cube, CUBOT, CVTE, Cyrus, Daewoo, Danew, Datalogic, Datamini, Datang, Datawind, Datsun, Dazen, Dbtel, Dell, Denver, Desay, DeWalt, DEXP, Dialog, Dicam, Digi, Digicel, DIGIFORS, Digihome, Digiland, Digma, DING DING, Ditecma, Diva, Divisat, DIXON, DMM, DNS, DoCoMo, Doffler, Dolamee, Doogee, Doopro, Doov, Dopod, Doro, Dragon Touch, Droxio, Dune HD, E-Boda, E-Ceros, E-tel, Eagle, Easypix, EBEST, Echo Mobiles, ECON, ECS, EE, Einstein, EKO, Eks Mobility, EKT, ELARI, Electroneum, ELECTRONIA, Elekta, Element, Elenberg, Elephone, Eltex, Energizer, Energy Sistem, Engel, Enot, Epik One, Epson, Ergo, Ericsson, Ericy, Erisson, Essential, Essentielb, eSTAR, Eton, eTouch, Etuline, Eurostar, Evercoss, Evertek, Evolio, Evolveo, EvroMedia, EWIS, EXCEED, Exmart, ExMobile, EXO, Explay, Extrem, Ezio, Ezze, F&U, F2 Mobile, F150, Facebook, Fairphone, Famoco, Fantec, FaRao Pro, FarEasTone, Fengxiang, Fero, FiGO, FiiO, FinePower, Finlux, FireFly Mobile, FISE, Fly, FLYCAT, FMT, FNB, FNF, Fondi, Fonos, FORME, Formuler, Forstar, Fortis, Fourel, Four Mobile, Foxconn, Freetel, Fuego, Fujitsu, G-TiDE, G-Touch, Galaxy Innovations, Garmin-Asus, Gateway, Gemini, General Mobile, Genesis, GEOFOX, Geotel, Geotex, GFive, Ghia, Ghong, Ghost, Gigabyte, Gigaset, Gini, Ginzzu, Gionee, Globex, Glofiish, GLX, GOCLEVER, Gocomma, GoGEN, Gol Mobile, Goly, Gome, GoMobile, Google, Goophone, Gooweel, Gradiente, Grape, Gree, Greentel, Gresso, Gretel, Grundig, Hafury, Haier, HannSpree, Hardkernel, Hasee, Helio, Hezire, Hi, Hi-Level, High Q, Highscreen, HiMax, Hipstreet, Hisense, Hitachi, Hitech, Hoffmann, Hometech, Homtom, Honeywell, Hoozo, Horizon, Hosin, Hotel, Hotwav, How, HP, HTC, Huadoo, Huawei, Humax, Hurricane, Huskee, Hyrican, Hyundai, Hyve, i-Cherry, i-Joy, i-mate, i-mobile, iBall, iBerry, iBrit, IconBIT, iDroid, iGet, iHunt, Ikea, IKI Mobile, iKoMo, IKU Mobile, iLA, iLife, iMan, iMars, IMO Mobile, Impression, INCAR, Inch, Inco, iNew, Infinix, InFocus, InfoKit, Inkti, InnJoo, Innos, Innostream, Inoi, INQ, Insignia, Intek, Intex, Invens, Inverto, Invin, iOcean, iOutdoor, iPro, iQ&T, IQM, Irbis, Iris, iRola, iRulu, iSWAG, IT, iTel, iTruck, IUNI, iVA, iView, iVooMi, ivvi, iZotron, JAY-Tech, Jeka, Jesy, JFone, Jiake, Jiayu, Jinga, Jivi, JKL, Jolla, Juniper Systems, Just5, JVC, K-Touch, Kaan, Kaiomy, Kalley, Kanji, Karbonn, Kata, KATV1, Kazam, Kazuna, KDDI, Kempler & Strauss, Keneksi, Kenxinda, Kiano, Kingsun, KINGZONE, Kiowa, Kivi, Klipad, Kocaso, Kodak, Kogan, Komu, Konka, Konrow, Koobee, Koolnee, Kooper, KOPO, Koridy, KREZ, KRIP, KRONO, Krüger&Matz, KT-Tech, KUBO, Kuliao, Kult, Kumai, Kurio, Kvant, Kyocera, Kyowon, Kzen, L-Max, LAIQ, Land Rover, Landvo, Lanix, Lark, Laurus, Lava, LCT, Leader Phone, Leagoo, Leben, Ledstar, LeEco, Leff, LEMFO, Lemhoov, Lenco, Lenovo, Leotec, Le Pan, Lephone, Lesia, Lexand, Lexibook, LG, Lifemaxx, Lingwin, Linnex, Linsar, Loewe, Logic, Logicom, Loview, LT Mobile, Lumigon, Lumus, Luna, Luxor, LYF, M-Horse, M-Tech, M.T.T., M4tel, MAC AUDIO, Macoox, Magnus, Majestic, Malata, Manhattan, Mann, Manta Multimedia, Mantra, Mara, Masstel, Matrix, Maxcom, Maximus, Maxtron, MAXVI, Maxwest, Maze, Maze Speed, MDC Store, meanIT, Mecer, Mecool, Mediacom, MediaTek, Medion, MEEG, MegaFon, Meitu, Meizu, Melrose, Memup, Metz, MEU, MicroMax, Microsoft, Minix, Mintt, Mio, Miray, Mito, Mitsubishi, Mitsui, MIVO, MIXC, MiXzo, MLLED, MLS, Mobicel, Mobiistar, Mobiola, Mobistel, MobiWire, Mobo, Modecom, Mofut, Motorola, Movic, mPhone, Mpman, MSI, MStar, MTC, MTN, Multilaser, MYFON, MyGica, Mymaga, MyPhone, Myria, Myros, Mystery, MyTab, MyWigo, Nabi, Naomi Phone, National, Navcity, Navitech, Navitel, Navon, NEC, Necnot, Neffos, Neomi, Neon IQ, Netgear, NeuImage, New Balance, Newgen, Newland, Newman, Newsday, NewsMy, NEXBOX, Nexian, NEXON, Nextbit, NextBook, NextTab, NGM, NG Optics, Nikon, Nintendo, NOA, Noain, Nobby, Noblex, NOBUX, Nokia, Nomi, Nomu, Nordmende, NorthTech, Nos, Nous, Novex, NuAns, Nubia, NUU Mobile, Nuvo, Nvidia, NYX Mobile, O+, O2, Oale, OASYS, Obi, Oculus, Odys, OINOM, Ok, Okapia, OKSI, OKWU, Onda, OnePlus, Onix, ONN, ONYX BOOX, OpelMobile, Openbox, OPPO, Opsson, Orange, Orbic, Ordissimo, Ouki, Oukitel, OUYA, Overmax, Ovvi, Owwo, Oysters, Oyyu, OzoneHD, P-UP, Packard Bell, Paladin, Palm, Panacom, Panasonic, Pantech, PCBOX, PCD, PCD Argentina, PEAQ, Pendoo, Pentagram, Perfeo, Phicomm, Philco, Philips, Phonemax, phoneOne, Pico, Pioneer, PiPO, Pixela, Pixelphone, Pixus, Planet Computers, Ployer, Plum, Pluzz, PocketBook, POCO, Point of View, Polar, PolarLine, Polaroid, PolyPad, Polytron, Pomp, Poppox, Positivo, Positivo BGH, PPTV, Premio, Prestigio, Primepad, Primux, Prixton, PROFiLO, Proline, ProScan, Protruly, ProVision, PULID, Q-Touch, Q.Bell, Qilive, QMobile, Qnet Mobile, Qtek, Quantum, Qubo, Quechua, Qumo, R-TV, Rakuten, Ramos, Raspberry, Ravoz, Razer, RCA Tablets, Reach, Readboy, Realme, RED, Reeder, REGAL, Revo, Rikomagic, RIM, Rinno, Ritmix, Ritzviva, Riviera, Rivo, Roadrover, Rokit, Roku, Rombica, Ross&Moor, Rover, RoverPad, RoyQueen, RT Project, RugGear, Ruio, Runbo, Ryte, S-TELL, Saba, Safaricom, Sagem, Salora, Samsung, Sanei, Sansui, Santin, Sanyo, Savio, SCBC, Schneider, Seatel, Seeken, SEG, Sega, Selenga, Selevision, Selfix, SEMP TCL, Sencor, Sendo, Senkatel, Senseit, Senwa, Seuic, SFR, Sharp, Shift Phones, Shtrikh-M, Shuttle, Sico, Siemens, Sigma, Silelis, Silent Circle, Simbans, Simply, Singtech, Siragon, Sirin labs, SKG, Sky, Skyworth, Smadl, Smailo, Smart, Smartab, SmartBook, SMARTEC, Smart Electronic, Smartfren, Smartisan, Smotreshka, Softbank, SOLE, SOLO, Solone, Sonim, SONOS, Sony, Sony Ericsson, Soundmax, Soyes, Spark, SPC, Spectralink, Spectrum, Spice, Sprint, SQOOL, Star, Starlight, Starmobile, Starway, Starwind, STF Mobile, STG Telecom, STK, Stonex, Storex, StrawBerry, STRONG, Stylo, Subor, Sugar, Sumvision, Sunny, Sunstech, SunVan, Sunvell, SUNWIND, SuperSonic, SuperTab, Supra, Suzuki, Swipe, SWISSMOBILITY, Swisstone, SWTV, Symphony, Syrox, T-Mobile, Taiga System, Takara, Tambo, Tanix, TB Touch, TCL, TD Systems, Technicolor, Technika, TechniSat, TechnoTrend, TechPad, Techwood, Teclast, Tecno Mobile, TEENO, Teknosa, Tele2, Telefunken, Telego, Telenor, Telia, Telit, Telpo, Tesco, Tesla, Tetratab, teXet, ThL, Thomson, Thuraya, TIANYU, Time2, Timovi, Tinai, Tinmo, TiPhone, TOKYO, Tolino, Tone, Tooky, Topelotek, Top House, Toplux, Topway, Torex, Toshiba, Touchmate, Transpeed, TrekStor, Trevi, Trident, Trifone, Trio, Tronsmart, True, True Slim, TTEC, Tunisie Telecom, Turbo, Turbo-X, TurboKids, TurboPad, TVC, TWM, Twoe, TWZ, Tymes, U.S. Cellular, Ugoos, Uhans, Uhappy, Ulefone, Umax, UMIDIGI, Unihertz, Unimax, Uniscope, UNIWA, Unknown, Unnecto, Unonu, Unowhy, Urovo, UTime, UTOK, UTStarcom, UZ Mobile, v-mobile, VAIO, Vargo, Vastking, VAVA, VC, Vega, Venso, Verico, Verizon, Vernee, Vertex, Vertu, Verykool, Vesta, Vestel, Vexia, VGO TEL, Videocon, Videoweb, ViewSonic, Vinga, Vinsoc, Vipro, Vision Touch, Vitelcom, Viumee, Vivax, Vivo, VIWA, Vizio, VK Mobile, VKworld, Vodacom, Vodafone, Vonino, Vontar, Vorago, Vorke, Voto, VOX, Voxtel, Voyo, Vsmart, Vsun, Vulcan, VVETIME, Walton, WE, Web TV, Weimei, WellcoM, WELLINGTON, Western Digital, Westpoint, Wexler, Wieppo, Wigor, Wiko, Wileyfox, Winds, Wink, Winmax, Winnovo, Wintouch, Wiseasy, WIWA, Wizz, Wolder, Wolfgang, Wolki, Wonu, Woo, Wortmann, Woxter, X-BO, X-TIGI, X-View, X.Vision, XGIMI, Xgody, Xiaolajiao, Xiaomi, Xion, Xolo, Xoro, Xshitou, Xtouch, Xtratech, Yandex, Yarvik, YASIN, Yes, Yezz, Yoka TV, Yota, Ytone, Yu, Yuandao, YUHO, Yuno, Yusun, Yxtel, Zaith, Zatec, Zebra, Zeemi, Zen, Zenek, Zentality, Zfiner, ZH&K, Zidoo, ZIFRO, Ziox, Zonda, Zopo, ZTE, Zuum, Zync, ZYQ, öwn

List of detected bots:

360Spider, Aboundexbot, Acoon, Adbeat,, ADMantX, ADmantX Service Fetcher, Adsbot, aHrefs Bot, Alexa Crawler, Alexa Site Audit, Amazon Bot, Amazon Route53 Health Check, Amorank Spider, Analytics SEO Crawler, ApacheBench, Applebot, AppSignalBot, Arachni, bot, ArchiveBox, Ask Jeeves, AspiegelBot, Awario, Awario,, BacklinkCrawler, Baidu Spider, Barkrowler, BazQux Reader, BDCbot, Better Uptime Bot, BingBot, BitlyBot, Blekkobot, BLEXBot Crawler, Bloglovin, Blogtrottr, BoardReader, BoardReader Blog Indexer, Bountii Bot, BrandVerity, Browsershots, BUbiNG, Buck, BuiltWith, Butterfly Robot, Bytespider, CareerBot, Castro 2, Catchpoint, CATExplorador, ccBot crawler, CensysInspect, Charlotte, Choosito, Cliqzbot, CloudFlare Always Online, CloudFlare AMP Fetcher, Cloudflare Diagnostics, Cocolyzebot, Collectd, colly, CommaFeed, Comscore, ContentKing, Cookiebot, CSS Certificate Spider, Cốc Cốc Bot, Datadog Agent, DataForSeoBot, datagnionbot, Datanyze, Dataprovider, DataXu, Daum, Dazoobot, Discobot, Discord Bot, Domain Re-Animator Bot, Domains Project, DotBot, Dotcom Monitor, DuckDuckGo Bot, Easou Spider, eCairn-Grabber, EMail Exractor, EmailWolf, Embedly, evc-batch, ExaBot, ExactSeek Crawler, Expanse, Ezooms, eZ Publish Link Validator, Facebook External Hit, Feedbin, FeedBurner, Feedly, Feedspot, Feed Wrangler, Fever, Findxbot, Flipboard, FreshRSS, GDNP, Generic Bot, Generic Bot, Genieo Web filter, Gigablast, Gigabot, Gluten Free Crawler, Gmail Image Proxy, Gobuster, Goo, Googlebot, Google Cloud Scheduler, Google Favicon, Google PageSpeed Insights, Google Partner Monitoring, Google Search Console, Google Stackdriver Monitoring, Google StoreBot, Google Structured Data Testing Tool, Gowikibot, Grammarly, Grapeshot, GTmetrix, Hatena Favicon, Heart Rails Capture, Heritrix, Heureka Feed, HTTPMon, httpx, HuaweiWebCatBot, HubPages, HubSpot, ICC-Crawler, ichiro, IDG/IT, IIS Site Analysis, Inktomi Slurp, inoreader, IP-Guide Crawler, IPS Agent, JungleKeyThumbnail, K6, Kaspersky, KomodiaBot, Kouio, l9tcpid, Larbin web crawler, LCC, Let's Encrypt Validation, Lighthouse, Linkdex Bot, LinkedIn Bot, LinkpadBot, LinkPreview, LTX71, LumtelBot, Lycos, Magpie-Crawler, MagpieRSS, Mail.Ru Bot, masscan, Mastodon Bot, Meanpath Bot, Mediatoolkit Bot, MegaIndex, MetaInspector, MetaJobBot, MicroAdBot, Mixrank Bot, MJ12 Bot, Mnogosearch, MojeekBot, Monitor.Us, MTRobot, Munin, MuscatFerret, Nagios check_http, NalezenCzBot, nbertaupete95, Neevabot, Netcraft Survey Bot, netEstate, NetLyzer FastProbe, NetResearchServer, NetSystemsResearch, Netvibes, NewsBlur, NewsGator, Nimbostratus Bot, NLCrawler, Nmap, Notify Ninja, Nutch-based Bot, Nuzzel, oBot, Octopus, Odnoklassniki Bot, Omgili bot, Openindex Spider, OpenLinkProfiler, OpenWebSpider, Orange Bot, Outbrain, PagePeeker, PageThing, PaperLiBot,, Petal Bot, Phantomas, PHP Server Monitor, Picsearch bot, PingAdmin.Ru, Pingdom Bot, Pinterest, PiplBot, Plukkie, PocketParser, Pompos, PritTorrent, Project Resonance, PRTG Network Monitor, QuerySeekerSpider, Quora Bot, Quora Link Preview, Qwantify, Rainmeter, RamblerMail Image Proxy, Reddit Bot, Riddler, Robozilla, RocketMonitorBot, Rogerbot, ROI Hunter, RSSRadio Bot, Ryowl, SabsimBot, SafeDNSBot, Scooter, ScoutJet, Scrapy, Screaming Frog SEO Spider, ScreenerBot, Seekport, Semantic Scholar Bot, Semrush Bot, Sensika Bot, Sentry Bot, Seobility, SEOENGBot, SEOkicks, SEOkicks-Robot, seolyt,, Serendeputy Bot, serpstatbot, Server Density, Seznam Bot, Seznam Email Proxy, Seznam, ShopAlike, Shopify Partner, ShopWiki, SilverReader, SimplePie, SISTRIX Crawler, SISTRIX Optimizer, Site24x7 Website Monitoring, Siteimprove, SitemapParser-VIPnytt, SiteSucker,, Skype URI Preview, Slackbot, SMTBot, Snapchat Proxy, Sogou Spider, Soso Spider, Sparkler, Speedy, Spinn3r, Spotify, Sprinklr, Sputnik Bot, Sputnik Favicon Bot, Sputnik Image Bot, sqlmap, SSL Labs, Startpagina Linkchecker, StatusCake, Superfeedr Bot, SurdotlyBot, Survey Bot, Tarmot Gezgin, TelegramBot, The Knowledge AI, theoldreader, ThinkChaos, TinEye Crawler, Tiny Tiny RSS, TLSProbe, TraceMyFile, Trendiction Bot, Turnitin, TurnitinBot, TweetedTimes Bot, Tweetmeme Bot, Twingly Recon, Twitterbot, UkrNet Mail Proxy, UniversalFeedParser, Uptimebot, Uptime Robot, URLAppendBot, Vagabondo, Velen Public Web Crawler, Vercel Bot, VeryHip, Visual Site Mapper Crawler, VK Share Button, W3C CSS Validator, W3C I18N Checker, W3C Link Checker, W3C Markup Validation Service, W3C MobileOK Checker, W3C Unified Validator, Wappalyzer, WebbCrawler, WebDataStats, Weborama, WebPageTest, WebSitePulse, WebThumbnail, WellKnownBot, WeSEE:Search, WeViKaBot, WhatCMS, WikiDo, Willow Internet Crawler, WooRank, WooRank, WordPress, Wotbox, XenForo, YaCy, Yahoo! Cache System, Yahoo! Japan BRW, Yahoo! Link Preview, Yahoo! Mail Proxy, Yahoo! Slurp, Yahoo Gemini, YaK, Yandex Bot, Yeti/Naverbot, Yottaa Site Monitor, Youdao Bot, Yourls, Yunyun Bot, Zao, Ze List, zgrab, Zookabot, ZoominfoBot, ZumBot

  • Introduce browser client hint detection

    Introduce browser client hint detection


    As discussed in some other issues it might happen in the near future that some devices or clients might freeze the useragents in favor of client hints.

    This is a proposal on how we could possibly implement a client hint detection in device detector It's not yet finished and there are still a couple of things that might need to be discussed and improved.

    I did not yet had much time to think about this or implement it, so if someone has a suggestion for a better solution feel free to suggest it here.

    @sanchezzzhak Any feedback on that one?

    detection improvements 
    opened by sgiehl 82
  • an alternative to

    an alternative to "composer"

    Hello Stefan this is not exactly an "issue" but rather a request to add installation details for the use of the library without being obliged to use "composer". One could have reasons (or issues) in not using it

    I have found the following post

    but I'm not sure it's correct (also, there is not a spyc.php file in my folder)

    and I would love some "official" advice on your part

    thank you and kind regards Thomas

    opened by tommasotwain 22
  • TV UserAgents

    TV UserAgents

    I would like to see TVs and SetTopBoxes in the piwik stats seperated from "mobile and desktop". So far most of them are just "unknown" in the stats...

    What is needed for that? "Only" a list of UserAgents? Keywords: TV

    P: normal enhancement 
    opened by anonymous-matomo-user 18
  • List of all possible returned values?

    List of all possible returned values?

    Say I would like to record the detections in a database for analytical purposes. I would like to see all available returned values and their lengths, so I can plan the database structure. Is this listed somewhere?

    opened by sv3t0sl4v 15
  • Missing Device Brand icons

    Missing Device Brand icons

    Icon for OPPO is missing.

    Icons for Sharp, Siemens, ZTE, NEC, Fly, ETouch, Ezze and Spice all have an empty icon; they are all the same as the Unknown icon. Keywords: Icons

    bug P: major 
    opened by anonymous-matomo-user 15
  • Win10-IE11 on desktop is recognized as tablet

    Win10-IE11 on desktop is recognized as tablet

    The device type of Win10, IE11 (desktop) is recognized as tablet instead of desktop. User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0) like Gecko

    opened by edibusl 14
  • PSR-6 & PSR-16 compliant cache bridges

    PSR-6 & PSR-16 compliant cache bridges

    Hello there,

    PHP-Fig recommends 2 standards of caching:

    • PSR-6 which covers the usage of a Cache Pool
    • PSR-16 which provides a more simple caching contract.

    There are already lots of implementations of these new standards, but none of them is currently compatible with DeviceDetector because it relies on a home-made Cache and allows a commonly used, but non standard, Doctrine Cache.

    This PR creates a bridge for these types of caching, and allow any implementation of PSR-6 and PSR-16 with this library, and features like:

    • Cache prefixing to avoid key collisions
    • Dozens of adapters such as:
      • Array
      • Apcu
      • Memcached
      • Redis
      • Doctrine
      • Filesystem
      • Pdo
      • NullCache (null pattern)
      • Chain (multiple cache handlers)
      • ...

    Example use with the Symfony PSR-6 implementation:

    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    use DeviceDetector\Cache\PSR6Bridge;
    use DeviceDetector\DeviceDetector;
    use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisAdapter;
    $redis = new Redis();
    $cache = new RedisAdapter($redis, 'device_detector');
    $deviceDetector = new DeviceDetector();
        new PSR6Bridge($cache)

    Example use with the Symfony PSR-16 implementation:

    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    use DeviceDetector\Cache\PSR16Bridge;
    use DeviceDetector\DeviceDetector;
    use Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple\FilesystemCache;
    $cache = new FilesystemCache('device_detector', $ttl = 20);
    $deviceDetector = new DeviceDetector();
        new PSR16Bridge($cache)


    opened by bpolaszek 12
  • Adds various new device & brand detections

    Adds various new device & brand detections

    new part detect devices add new brand Wileyfox; add detect Alcatel 4013M & new file fxiteres tests Blade A460 new brand blackview & detector model BV2000, BV5000, BV600, omega RIM add detect STV100-4 ZTE Nubia Z5S LG V20 (VS995)

    detection improvements 
    opened by sanchezzzhak 12
  • How to find unknown user agents?

    How to find unknown user agents?

    I'm looking to reduce the UNKNOWN count in Piwiks device column.

    I'm collecting a huge log file of user agents and would like to filter out those that are unknown to device-detector.

    Assume that we've got a text file containing one user agent per line. How would I best do that? Maybe some bash magic?

    opened by d4rken 12
  • Piwik doesn't make the difference between Internet Explorer and project spartan

    Piwik doesn't make the difference between Internet Explorer and project spartan

    Microsoft publicly released a new browser yesterday. After trying it out it seems that Piwik doesn't make the difference between Spartan and IE users. It'd be great to have this information. IE11 on w10 (10049): Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.71 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.0 Spartan (same system): Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.71 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.0 Note: previously opened here but moved over

    detection improvements 
    opened by baywet 12
  • Improved dectection of Wiko smartphones

    Improved dectection of Wiko smartphones

    I modified the regexes somewhat, added some models, and substituted a generic naming rule instead of the model-by-model rules. Unfortunately that means that the resulting model names are often in CAPITALS, so the tests have to be changed accordingly. If this not ok, specific rules for each model have to be reintroduced, and tests have to be written for each new model.

    opened by matt-kv 11
  • Added support for detecting bots through client-hints

    Added support for detecting bots through client-hints

    for matomo, you will need to add a new HTTP_X_CLIENT key

    opened by sanchezzzhak 0
  • Laravel cache

    Laravel cache


    This PR adds support for Laravel cache to the library.

    Laravel provides Cache facade to easily operate with any configured cache engine (Redis, Memcached,...). Laravel cache engine is configuring using Laravel config files, so we don't need any configuration at this level.


    opened by vpominchuk 0
  • ClientHints plan upgrade

    ClientHints plan upgrade

    according to this information, the user-agent will be depersonalized at maximum for browsers: Chromium, Opera, YandexBrowser, Brave etc

    we will need to adjust all regular expressions and abandon the pattern BrandName ([^;)]+)(?: Build|[;)]) or set like this BrandName ([^;)]+)(?: Build|[;)]|$)

    more details

    opened by sanchezzzhak 4
  • Icons


    Not an issue, but suggestion: I've bothered enough to create a collection of icons here based on names of OSs and apps from regex yaml files in the library. I plan to use it for an audit page so that it won't be just text. Since it may be useful for others doing something similar, perhaps there is a point in adding link to the collection to README of the Device Detector? Or is it too niche?

    opened by Simbiat 4
Matomo Analytics
Our mission is « To create, as a community, the leading open digital analytics platform, that gives every user full control of their data. »
Matomo Analytics

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