The Smart-ID PHP client can be used for easy integration of the Smart-ID solution to information systems or e-services


Build Status Latest Version License: LGPL v3

Smart-ID PHP client


The Smart-ID PHP client can be used for easy integration of the Smart-ID solution to information systems or e-services.


  • Simple interface for user authentication

Smart-ID PHP client works with PHP 7.4 and PHP 8+

This PHP client cannot be used to create digitally signed containers because PHP does not have a library like DigiDoc4J..


The recommended way to install Smart-ID PHP Client is through Composer:

composer require sk-id-solutions/smart-id-php-client "2.3"

See packagist for latest published version and changelog for details.

How to use it

Configure client details and https pinning

Used to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. More on man in the middle attacks in case of using smart id.

Setting the client to trust specific public keys. Production SSL certificates used can be found here and demo environment certificates are here.

The setPublicSslKeys method requires a string of sha256 hashes of the public keys used delimited with ";". You can extract hashes from certificates using next openssl command.

openssl x509 -inform PEM -in certificate.pem -noout -pubkey | openssl rsa -pubin -outform der 2>/dev/null | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl enc -base64

The supplied string should be of format sha256//sha256-hash-of-the-public-key;

$this->client = new Client();
    ->setRelyingPartyUUID( '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' ) // In production replace with your UUID
    ->setRelyingPartyName( 'DEMO' ) // In production replace with your name
    ->setHostUrl( '' ) // In production replace with production service URL
        // in production replace with correct server SSL key

Authenticating with semantics identifier

Following example also demonstrates how to validate authentication result and how to handle exceptions.

client->authentication() ->createAuthentication() ->withSemanticsIdentifier( $semanticsIdentifier ) ->withAuthenticationHash( $authenticationHash ) ->withCertificateLevel( CertificateLevelCode::QUALIFIED ) // Certificate level can either be "QUALIFIED" or "ADVANCED" ->withAllowedInteractionsOrder((array( Interaction::ofTypeVerificationCodeChoice("Enter awesome portal?"), Interaction::ofTypeDisplayTextAndPIN("Enter awesome portal?")))) ->authenticate(); // this blocks until user has responded } catch (UserRefusedException $e) { throw new RuntimeException("You pressed cancel in Smart-ID app."); } catch (UserSelectedWrongVerificationCodeException $e) { throw new RuntimeException("You selected wrong verification code in Smart-ID app. Please try again. "); } catch (SessionTimeoutException $e) { throw new RuntimeException("Session timed out (you didn't enter PIN1 in Smart-ID app)."); } catch (UserAccountNotFoundException $e) { throw new RuntimeException("User does not have a Smart-ID account"); } catch (UserAccountException $e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to authenticate due to a problem with your Smart-ID account."); } catch (EnduringSmartIdException $e) { throw new RuntimeException("Problem with connecting to Smart-ID service. Please try again later."); } catch (SmartIdException $e) { throw new RuntimeException("Smart-ID authentication process failed for uncertain reason.", $e); } // create a folder with name "trusted_certificates" and set path to that folder here: $pathToFolderWithTrustedCertificates = __DIR__ . '/../../../resources'; $authenticationResponseValidator = new AuthenticationResponseValidator($pathToFolderWithTrustedCertificates); $authenticationResult = $authenticationResponseValidator->validate( $authenticationResponse ); if ($authenticationResult->isValid()) { echo "Hooray! Authentication result is valid"; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Error! Response is not valid! Error(s): ". implode(",", $authenticationResult->getErrors())); } $authenticationIdentity = $authenticationResult->getAuthenticationIdentity(); echo "hello name: " . $authenticationIdentity->getGivenName() . ' ' . $authenticationIdentity->getSurName() . "\n"; echo "from " . $authenticationIdentity->getCountry() . "\n"; echo "born " . $authenticationIdentity->getDateOfBirth()->format("D d F o") . "\n"; // you might need this if you want to start authentication with document number echo "Authenticated user documentNumber is: ".$authenticationResponse->getDocumentNumber(). "\n";">
$semanticsIdentifier = SemanticsIdentifier::builder()

// For security reasons a new hash value must be created for each new authentication request
$authenticationHash = AuthenticationHash::generate();

$verificationCode = $authenticationHash->calculateVerificationCode();

// display verification code to the user
echo "Verification code: " . $verificationCode . "\n";

$authenticationResponse = null;
  $authenticationResponse = $this->client->authentication()
      ->withSemanticsIdentifier( $semanticsIdentifier ) 
      ->withAuthenticationHash( $authenticationHash )
      ->withCertificateLevel( CertificateLevelCode::QUALIFIED ) // Certificate level can either be "QUALIFIED" or "ADVANCED"
          Interaction::ofTypeVerificationCodeChoice("Enter awesome portal?"),
          Interaction::ofTypeDisplayTextAndPIN("Enter awesome portal?"))))
      ->authenticate(); // this blocks until user has responded
catch (UserRefusedException $e) {
  throw new RuntimeException("You pressed cancel in Smart-ID app.");
catch (UserSelectedWrongVerificationCodeException $e) {
  throw new RuntimeException("You selected wrong verification code in Smart-ID app. Please try again. ");
catch (SessionTimeoutException $e) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Session timed out (you didn't enter PIN1 in Smart-ID app).");
catch (UserAccountNotFoundException $e) {
  throw new RuntimeException("User does not have a Smart-ID account");
catch (UserAccountException $e) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Unable to authenticate due to a problem with your Smart-ID account.");
catch (EnduringSmartIdException $e) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Problem with connecting to Smart-ID service. Please try again later.");
catch (SmartIdException $e) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Smart-ID authentication process failed for uncertain reason.", $e);

// create a folder with name "trusted_certificates" and set path to that folder here:
$pathToFolderWithTrustedCertificates = __DIR__ . '/../../../resources';

$authenticationResponseValidator = new AuthenticationResponseValidator($pathToFolderWithTrustedCertificates);
$authenticationResult = $authenticationResponseValidator->validate( $authenticationResponse );

if ($authenticationResult->isValid()) {
  echo "Hooray! Authentication result is valid";
else {
   throw new RuntimeException("Error! Response is not valid! Error(s): ". implode(",", $authenticationResult->getErrors()));

$authenticationIdentity = $authenticationResult->getAuthenticationIdentity();

echo "hello name: " . $authenticationIdentity->getGivenName() . ' ' . $authenticationIdentity->getSurName() . "\n";
echo "from " . $authenticationIdentity->getCountry() . "\n";
echo "born " . $authenticationIdentity->getDateOfBirth()->format("D d F o") . "\n";

// you might need this if you want to start authentication with document number
echo "Authenticated user documentNumber is: ".$authenticationResponse->getDocumentNumber(). "\n";

Validate authentication result

To validate the authentication result (that it was signed by Smart-ID and not some man-in-the-middle or accidentally connecting to demo environment from production). You need to create directory trusted_certificates and place smart-id certificates in there. You can get the needed certificates from links that are described in the "https pinning" chapter above.

Example path to resource directory: $resourceLocation = '/path/to/resource'; where it will look for directory named trusted_certificates and read certs from there. If no path is specified it will take trusted certs, that are provided by client itself. They are located at src/resources/trusted_certificates.

Authenticating with document number

It might be needed to use document number instead of semantics identifier when you are (for some reason) re-authenticating the user in a short period of time and you want the user to use the same device as previously.

If user has several Smart-ID accounts (for example one in phone and one in tablet) then when authenticating with semantics identifier both of the devices initiate the flow (user can pick either one of the devices and type in PIN there). Since document number is device-specific then when you use document number only one of user devices starts the authentication flow.

You get the documentNumber of the user after successful authentication. See the example above where documentNumber is logged out in the end.

withAllowedInteractionsOrder((array( Interaction::ofTypeVerificationCodeChoice("Enter awesome portal?"), Interaction::ofTypeDisplayTextAndPIN("Enter awesome portal?")))) ->authenticate(); // this blocks until user has responded">
$authenticationResponse = $this->client->authentication()
  ->withDocumentNumber( 'PNOLV-329999-99901-AAAA-Q' )
  ->withAuthenticationHash( $authenticationHash )
  ->withCertificateLevel( CertificateLevelCode::QUALIFIED ) // Certificate level can either be "QUALIFIED" or "ADVANCED"
      Interaction::ofTypeVerificationCodeChoice("Enter awesome portal?"),
      Interaction::ofTypeDisplayTextAndPIN("Enter awesome portal?"))))
  ->authenticate(); // this blocks until user has responded

Authenticate with polling every 5 seconds

Previous examples block until the user has typed in PIN code or pressed cancel or authentication has failed for some other reason (like timeout). This example demonstrates polling the status every 5 seconds.

withAllowedInteractionsOrder((array( Interaction::ofTypeVerificationCodeChoice("Ready to poll?"), Interaction::ofTypeDisplayTextAndPIN("Ready to poll status repeatedly?")))) ->startAuthenticationAndReturnSessionId(); } catch (SmartIdException $e) { // Handle exception (more on exceptions in "Handling intentional exceptions") throw new RuntimeException("Authentication failed. NB! Use exception handling blocks from above example.". $e); } $authenticationResponse = null; try { for ( $i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++ ) { $authenticationResponse = $this->client->authentication() ->createSessionStatusFetcher() ->withSessionId( $sessionId ) ->withAuthenticationHash( $authenticationHash ) ->withSessionStatusResponseSocketTimeoutMs( 10000 ) ->getAuthenticationResponse(); if ( !$authenticationResponse->isRunningState() ) { break; } sleep( 5 ); } } catch (SmartIdException $e) { throw new RuntimeException("Authentication failed. NB! Use exception handling blocks from above example.". $e); } // validate authentication result, get authentication person details">
$sessionId = null;
  $sessionId = $this->client->authentication()
      ->withSemanticsIdentifier( $semanticsIdentifier ) // or with document number: ->withDocumentNumber( 'PNOEE-10101010005-Z1B2-Q' )
      ->withAuthenticationHash( $authenticationHash )
      ->withCertificateLevel( CertificateLevelCode::QUALIFIED ) // Certificate level can either be "QUALIFIED" or "ADVANCED"
          Interaction::ofTypeVerificationCodeChoice("Ready to poll?"),
          Interaction::ofTypeDisplayTextAndPIN("Ready to poll status repeatedly?"))))
catch (SmartIdException $e) {
  // Handle exception (more on exceptions in "Handling intentional exceptions")
  throw new RuntimeException("Authentication failed. NB! Use exception handling blocks from above example.". $e);

$authenticationResponse = null;
  for ( $i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++ )
    $authenticationResponse = $this->client->authentication()
        ->withSessionId( $sessionId )
        ->withAuthenticationHash( $authenticationHash )
        ->withSessionStatusResponseSocketTimeoutMs( 10000 )

    if ( !$authenticationResponse->isRunningState() )
    sleep( 5 );
catch (SmartIdException $e) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Authentication failed. NB! Use exception handling blocks from above example.". $e);

// validate authentication result, get authentication person details
  • Binding Smart-ID calls to a specific interface

    Binding Smart-ID calls to a specific interface

    Since SK uses IP whitelisting to authorize SmartID requests, it's important that in case of multiple IP addresses/interfaces on a server the request is made from the right IP.

    In PHP/curl, this can be achieved by setting: curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_INTERFACE,'');

    Would there be a possibility to add a setInterface() method to Sk\SmartId\Client that would then be passed on to the requests that set the correct interface?

    opened by indreksiitan 4
  • Error! Response is not valid! Error(s): Signature verification failed.

    Error! Response is not valid! Error(s): Signature verification failed.

    Hello there.

    So basically I use 2 calls to identify a customer

    1st I call session id with startAuthenticationAndReturnSessionId and semanticsIdentifier Then continuously i check for session with createSessionStatusFetcher but when i get response and i try to validate it with authenticationResponseValidator i get runtime exception

    An uncaught Exception was encountered Type: RuntimeException Message: Error! Response is not valid! Error(s): Signature verification failed.

    And $authenticationResponse->getDocumentNumber() is empty

    Path to trusted certificates is defined and when i use authenticate method everything is working correctly

    For me it seems strange when i try to validate the session no the user i get issue with this


    opened by fixedlv 2
  • getPublicSslKeys error fix

    getPublicSslKeys error fix

    In Curl.php line 357:

    [Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError] Type error: Argument 1 passed to Sk\SmartId\Util\Curl::setPublicSslKeys() must be of the type string, null given, called in /Users/Markas/Work/markid.application/vendor/sk-id-solutions/smart-id-php-client/src/Sk/SmartId/Api/SmartIdRe stConnector.php on line 177

    opened by markas 2
  • Update


    "RP API endpoint authentication" hashtag link changed in:

    opened by rkaalma 1
  • Fixed PSR-0 autoloading issue

    Fixed PSR-0 autoloading issue

    This PR fixes an composer CertificateAttributeUtilTest.php file warning where namespace doesn't comply with psr-0 standard.

    This warning triggers every time after running composer dump-autoload

    Class Sk\SmartId\Tests\Api\Util\CertificateAttributeUtilTest located in ./vendor/sk-id-solutions/smart-id-php-client/tests/Sk/SmartId/Tests/Util/CertificateAttributeUtilTest.php does not comply with psr-0 autoloading standard. Skipping.

    opened by edgarsn 1
  • SessionStatus - interactionFlowUsed is not set.

    SessionStatus - interactionFlowUsed is not set.


    I updated to version 2.2 and after some modifications I got stuck with following error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Return value of Sk\SmartId\Api\Data\SessionStatus::getInteractionFlowUsed() must be of the type string, null returned in ../sk-id-solutions/smart-id-php-client/src/Sk/SmartId/Api/Data/SessionStatus.php:154

    My authenticate code is as follows:

    $authenticationResponse = $client->authentication()
      ->withSemanticsIdentifier( $identity )
      ->withAuthenticationHash( $authenticationHash )
      ->withAllowedInteractionsOrder([Interaction::ofTypeDisplayTextAndPIN("Text and pin")])
      ->withCertificateLevel( CertificateLevelCode::QUALIFIED )

    If I add private $interactionFlowUsed = "displayTextAndPin"; as default to SessionStatus class, it works.

    opened by userrainlaansalu 1
  • PHP 8 - Method ReflectionParameter::getClass() is deprecated

    PHP 8 - Method ReflectionParameter::getClass() is deprecated

    PHP 8 throws an exception:

    Method ReflectionParameter::getClass() is deprecated vendor/sk-id-solutions/smart-id-php-client/src/Sk/SmartId/Api/Data/PropertyMapper.php(134)

    opened by kaidof 1
  • SID Demo SSL key pinning changes have not reached to ``

    SID Demo SSL key pinning changes have not reached to ``

    A new release to would be great. The SID Demo SSL key pinning changes after v1.5.1 release have not reached there. Saves the other potential integrators a lot of time. Took me few hours to find out that the packagist and github latest do not match.

    opened by vellotis 1
  • getPublicSslKeys error fix

    getPublicSslKeys error fix

    In Curl.php line 357:

    [Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError] Type error: Argument 1 passed to Sk\SmartId\Util\Curl::setPublicSslKeys() must be of the type string, null given, called in /Users/Markas/Work/markid.application/vendor/sk-id-solutions/smart-id-php-client/src/Sk/SmartId/Api/SmartIdRe stConnector.php on line 177

    opened by markas 1
  • Add HTTPS Pinning

    Add HTTPS Pinning

    Smart ID documentation coversHTTPS pinning. Unfortunately it is a little bit tricky and would be nice to have in this package.

    I see that @andrevka has created a pullrequest #18 to address the issue. It is create work but has one drawback. It breaks the backward compatibility. Currently package supports PHP >= 5.6 but with proposed pull request the new minimum requirement is >= 7.0.7

    I had an idea how to make it work even with PHP 5.6 and created a branch for this development:

    I have a question for maintainer. Is it important to keep backward compatibility? If yes, should I continue with the referred branch?

    My proposed package is not finished. I made this issue to share my thought with @andrevka and maintainer and see if we have mutual interests and can cooperate. What I have not done yet:

    • documentation with samples
    • simplified keys (currently uses PEM but I see @andrevka has used hases, it is shorter)
    • think through how to avoid conditional statements in end application when switching between production and demo environment
    • if detected PHP > 7.0.7 environment then use curl's native pinning functionality

    Will wait feedback from maintainer or @andrevka. If there is interest I/we can continue.

    opened by raigu 1
  • isCertificateTrusted fails

    isCertificateTrusted fails

    not sure if this is a bug or not but when using this library against the Demo environment @ the method \Sk\SmartId\Api\AuthenticationResponseValidator::isCertificateTrusted will fail

    when replacing this foreach loop

    foreach ( $this->trustedCACertificates as $trustedCACertificate )
          if ( $this->verifyTrustedCACertificate( $certificateAsResource, $trustedCACertificate ) === true )
            return true;

    with the following code, will work and return true

    if ( openssl_x509_checkpurpose( $certificateAsResource, X509_PURPOSE_ANY, $this->trustedCACertificates ) === true ) {
        return true;

    why is there a foreach loop anyway when the openssl_x509_checkpurpose can handle a path to certificates or an array of certificate paths

    the certificates in use are

    • TEST_of_EE_Certification_Centre_Root_CA.pem.crt
    • TEST_of_EID-SK_2016.pem.crt
    • TEST_of_NQ-SK_2016.pem.crt

    certificate returned from smart-id is

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    opened by viiter 1
  • v2.3.1(Aug 23, 2022)

  • v2.3(Jan 6, 2022)


    • If user picks wrong verification code then UserSelectedWrongVerificationCodeException is thrown (previously TechnicalErrorException was thrown)
    • Minimal PHP version lifted to 7.4


    • Added intermediate exceptions (UserAccountException if there is problem with user Smart-ID account, UserActionException if the exception is caused by user's actions, EnduringSmartIdException if something is wrong with Smart-ID service or the integration configuration is invalid) so there is no need to handle each case independently.
    • New method SmartIdAuthenticationResponse::getDocumentNumber()
    • Usage examples added to
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.2.2(Jan 5, 2022)

  • v2.2.1(Dec 7, 2021)

  • v2.2(Sep 27, 2021)

  • v2.1(Sep 24, 2021)


    • PHP version upgraded 7.2 -> 7.3
    • PhpUnit upgraded to 5.7 -> 9


    • New function AuthenticationIdentity->getDateOfBirth() that reads birthdate info from a separate field in certificate or detects it from national identity number. NB This function can return null for some Latvian certificates.
    • New function AuthenticationIdentity->getIdentityNumber() that returns personal identification number without a PNOEE-, IDXLV- etc prefix
    • Return types added to methods
    • Library and PHP version number added to User-Agent header of outgoing requests
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0(Apr 7, 2021)

    [2.0] - 2021-04-07


    • Support for Smart id api version 2.0
    • Authentication routes using semantics identifiers
    • Different Interaction types based on enduser device capabilities


    • Building request with national identity (Use semantics identifiiers (chapter 5.1.3))
    • Hard coded ssl public keys for demo and live smart id environments (Since this release, relying parties need to specify the public keys used when setting up the client)


    • php version >= 7.2
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.2(Feb 8, 2021)

  • v1.5.1(Nov 28, 2019)

  • v1.5(Nov 25, 2019)

    [1.5] - 2019-11-25


    • Http public key pinning #18


    • Poller did not use specified network interface #4
    • Add exception message when user is not found #16


    • php version 5.6 to 7.0.7
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3(Oct 30, 2018)

    Merge pull request #6 from DonRico/master Merge pull request #7 from jeserkin/dds-2500 Merge pull request #8 from jeserkin/dds-2499 Merge pull request #9 from jeserkin/dds-2413

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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