A simple Object Oriented PHP Client for Termii SMS API


Termii Client

A simple Object Oriented PHP Client for Termii SMS API.

Uses Termii API.


  • PHP >= 7.2
  • Guzzlehttp ~6|~7


Via Composer.

PHP 7.2+:

composer require mane-olawale/termii

You now have Termii Client installed in vendor/mane-olawale/termii

And an handy autoload file to include in your project in vendor/autoload.php

Basic usage of Termii client

10, "time_to_live" => 30, "length" => 6, "placeholder" => '{token}', 'pin_type' => 'ALPHANUMERIC', 'message_type' => 'ALPHANUMERIC', 'type' => 'plain', ]); $client->sms->send('2347041945964', 'Hello World!'); // You can change any option later $client->fillOptions([ "attempts" => 5, "time_to_live" => 20, "length" => 4, "placeholder" => '{pin}', ]); ">

// This file is generated by Composer
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

// Create a new Client instance
$client = new Client('{api_key}');

// Create a new Client instance and set options
$client = new Client('{api_key}', [
            'sender_id' => 'Olawale',
            'channel' => 'generic',
            "attempts" => 10,
            "time_to_live" => 30,
            "length" => 6,
            "placeholder" => '{token}',
            'pin_type' => 'ALPHANUMERIC',
            'message_type' => 'ALPHANUMERIC',
            'type' => 'plain',

$client->sms->send('2347041945964', 'Hello World!');

// You can change any option later

            "attempts" => 5,
            "time_to_live" => 20,
            "length" => 4,
            "placeholder" => '{pin}',


Getting Sender ID list

Uses Sender ID.

// This file is generated by Composer
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

$client = new Client('{api_key}');


Note: We didn`t add the Sender id and channel becuase they are optional and they can always be passed later on the client object or the SMS API handler.

Request Sender ID

Uses Request Sender ID.

// This file is generated by Composer
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

$client = new Client('{api_key}');

$client->sender->request('Olawale', 'Friendship based Notifications', 'Mane Olawale');


Send Message

Uses Switch - Messaging.

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}', [
            'sender_id' => '{sender_id}',
            'channel' => '{channel}',

    return $client->sms->send('2347041945964', 'Testing');

Custom Sender ID or Channel

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}', [
            'sender_id' => '{sender_id}',
            'channel' => '{channel}',

    return $client->sms->send('2347041945964', 'Hello World', 'Olawale', 'generic');

    // OR probably omit sender id or channel

    return $client->sms->send('2347041945964', 'Hello World', null, 'generic');

Send Number

Uses Switch - Number.

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}');

    return $client->sms->number('2347041945964', 'Hello World');


Uses Switch - Template.

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}');

    return $client->sms->template('2347041945964', '{template_id}', [
            'product_name' => 'Termii',
            'otp' => '120435',
            'expiry_time' => '10 minutes'
    ], '{device_id}');


Send Token

Uses Send Token.

10, "time_to_live" => 30, "length" => 6, "placeholder" => '{token}', 'type' => 'NUMERIC', ]); ">

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}', [
            'sender_id' => '{sender_id}',
            'channel' => '{channel}',

    // You can choose to omit the pin options if you have set them when creating the client instance
    return $client->token->sendToken('2347041945964', '{token} is your friendship verification token', [
        "attempts" => 10,
        "time_to_live" => 30,
        "length" => 6,
        "placeholder" => '{token}',
        'type' => 'NUMERIC',

Custom Sender ID or Channel

10, "time_to_live" => 30, "length" => 6, "placeholder" => '{token}', 'type' => 'NUMERIC', ], 'Olawale', 'generic'); // OR probably omit sender id or channel return $client->token->sendToken('2347041945964', '{token} is your friendship verification token', [ "attempts" => 10, "time_to_live" => 30, "length" => 6, "placeholder" => '{token}', 'type' => 'NUMERIC', ], null, 'generic'); ">

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}', [
            'sender_id' => '{sender_id}',
            'channel' => '{channel}',

    return $client->token->sendToken('2347041945964', '{token} is your friendship verification token', [
        "attempts" => 10,
        "time_to_live" => 30,
        "length" => 6,
        "placeholder" => '{token}',
        'type' => 'NUMERIC',
    ], 'Olawale', 'generic');

    // OR probably omit sender id or channel

    return $client->token->sendToken('2347041945964', '{token} is your friendship verification token', [
        "attempts" => 10,
        "time_to_live" => 30,
        "length" => 6,
        "placeholder" => '{token}',
        'type' => 'NUMERIC',
    ], null, 'generic');

Verify Token

Uses Verify Token.

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}');

    return $client->token->verify('a2d671d7-e4fd-41d5-9b13-30c192309306', '123456');

For men and women of few words

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}');

    // Returns True if token is verified else returns false
    return $client->token->verified('a2d671d7-e4fd-41d5-9b13-30c192309306', '123456');

    // Returns True if token fails to verify else returns false
    return $client->token->failed('a2d671d7-e4fd-41d5-9b13-30c192309306', '123456');

    // Returns True if token exists but has expired else returns false
    return $client->token->expired('a2d671d7-e4fd-41d5-9b13-30c192309306', '123456');

Send In App Token

Uses Send In App Token.

10, "time_to_live" => 30, "length" => 6, ]); ">

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}');

    return $client->token->sendInAppToken('2347041945964', [
        "attempts" => 10,
        "time_to_live" => 30,
        "length" => 6,

Account insights


Uses Balance.

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}');

    return $client->insights->balance();


Uses Inbox.

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}');

    return $client->insights->inbox();

     * Get only the data of a specific message by passing its message_id
    return $client->insights->inbox('43224343447041945964');


Uses Search.

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}');

    return $client->insights->search('2347041945964');

The search Api is used majorly for checking if a number is DND active, so there are two helper functions to ease the check

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}');

    return $client->insights->isDnd('2347041945964');

    // OR

    return $client->insights->isNotDnd('2347041945964');


Uses Status.

    // This file is generated by Composer
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

    use ManeOlawale\Termii\Client;

    $client = new Client('{api_key}');

    return $client->insights->number('2347041945964');
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  • fix: persists base url after changing it

    fix: persists base url after changing it

    No one have create issues for this yet but this is a bug... i found out that the base url on guzzle wont be updated after you change the url using the Client::fillOptions() method.

    Since termii now have multiple base urls, this can be a very serious issue.

    opened by Mane-Olawale 0
  • [ADDITION: Docs, Client]

    [ADDITION: Docs, Client]

    • Added dynamic property to Client for getting the Api handler
    • Added doc block to files, methods and properties
    • Documented the new changes to the README.md
    opened by Mane-Olawale 0
  • v1.2.3(Aug 1, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add header to docs by @Mane-Olawale in https://github.com/Mane-Olawale/termii/pull/17
    • Enhanced response for API handlers by @Mane-Olawale in https://github.com/Mane-Olawale/termii/pull/18

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/Mane-Olawale/termii/compare/v1.2.1...v1.2.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.1(Feb 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update issue templates by @Mane-Olawale in https://github.com/Mane-Olawale/termii/pull/15
    • Create CONTRIBUTING.md by @Mane-Olawale in https://github.com/Mane-Olawale/termii/pull/16

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/Mane-Olawale/termii/compare/v1.2...v1.2.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2(Feb 10, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Http manager by @Mane-Olawale in https://github.com/Mane-Olawale/termii/pull/9
    • Default base url corrected by @drchibs in https://github.com/Mane-Olawale/termii/pull/10
    • New setHttpManager method by @Mane-Olawale in https://github.com/Mane-Olawale/termii/pull/12
    • fix: persists base url after changing it by @Mane-Olawale in https://github.com/Mane-Olawale/termii/pull/13
    • chore: update docs by @Mane-Olawale in https://github.com/Mane-Olawale/termii/pull/14

    New Contributors

    • @drchibs made their first contribution in https://github.com/Mane-Olawale/termii/pull/10

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/Mane-Olawale/termii/compare/v1.1...v1.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1(Jul 1, 2021)

    This version involves refactoring and code style.


    #7 [CHORE: composer.json] updated php requirement #8 conform to psr-12 standards ~ Olawale

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0(May 23, 2021)

    This is the frist Release of the library. Compatible with:

    • PHP 7.3
    • PHP 7.4
    • PHP 8.0


    #3 Added tests and Fixes

    • Optimized Client objects
    • Corrected misplaced Api parameter
    • And it is Ready for production.

    ~ Olawale

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1(May 21, 2021)

    The Embryo

    This is a pre-release and it`s not ready for production. We are still currently working towards making it safe and better to use. We will advice you to use this release only for development.

    ~ Olawale

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Ilesanmi Olawale Adedotun
An Engineer++ and a PHP developer, love backends, I am from Ekiti state, Nigeria. National Deploma in Civil engineering.
Ilesanmi Olawale Adedotun
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