API client for ThePay - payment gate API


PHP SDK for ThePay.cz

This is the official highly compatible public package of The Pay SDK which interacts with The Pay's REST API. To get started see examples below.


  • PHP 5.3+
  • curl extension
  • json extension


To install the SDK we recommend to use Composer:

composer require thepay/api-client


Make sure that you have all required credentials and that you've set up the API access in administration:

  • merchant ID
  • project ID
  • password for API access
  • enabled your IP address in project settings (you have to add IP address or IP address range of your server)

To test the integration you can create simplified "ready-to-go" DEMO account in our DEMO environment.

You can find all the necessary credentials in "Implementation" section under your merchant profile:


You will work with only two classes when using this SDK.

  • TheConfig - for setting up the library
  • TheClient - for main functionality (calling the API, rendering helpers)


All constructor parameters are described in php doc

$config = new ThePay\ApiClient\TheConfig(


Usual workflow

There are three steps when creating a payment:

  • creating a link through which the customer will realize the payment
  • hadling the return of customer to your website
  • handling server to server notification, which are sent by us everytime the payment state is changed

All of these steps will need to be implemented by yourself, but fear not, we have prepared examples that you can take on your journey through our SDK.

1. Payment creation

The payment (link) can be created via two methods:

  • Redirection

No matter what method you choose, you have two more options, based on preselection of payment method:

  • Payment method preselected in e-shop
  • Payment method NOT preselected - the customer will select payment method at ThePay gate

Even if you (or your customer) preselect the payment method, it can still be changed after redirection, unless specifically forbidden.


You can create payment (link) via REST API and redirect user to that link. The payment itself is created through an API call. This is the preferred way for custom forms and if you want to redirect user after the whole cart process is finished.

The payment method can be preselected on your side and simply added as payment parameter to the API. Otherwise, the customer will be presented with payment method selection on visiting ThePay gate through generated link.

The payment link is returned to you in a response, upon calling the API endpoint for payment creation.

Redirection of customer

The second (simpler) method is to redirect customer to payment gate with payment parameters. The payment itself will be created as soon as customer is redirected. This SDK will generate payment buttons which will do all the work.

The payment method can be preselected in your e-shop and simply added as payment parameter to the correct method. Otherwise, the customer will be presented with payment method selection on visiting ThePay gate through generated link.

The payment link is generated by the SDK, upon using the method for generating the payment button/s. The payment on our side is created at the moment the customer visits the link.

Payment amount is unchangeable

In case your order amount changes, a new payment needs to be created.

Payment flow and changes

You should always create only one payment (with its unique UID) for each order in your e-shop. You should never create new payments, except when changing the payment amount.

TL;DR - summary

These are the usual ways for payment creation:

  • API - creating the payment through API call (selection of payment method either in e-shop or ThePay gate)
  • Redirection with selection of payment method in ThePay gateway
  • Redirection with selection of payment method in the e-shop

Always create only one payment for your order for all payment creation options, unless you need to change the payment amount. In that case, consider it a whole new payment.

For more examples see create-payment.md

use ThePay\ApiClient\TheConfig;
use ThePay\ApiClient\TheClient;
use ThePay\ApiClient\Model\CreatePaymentParams;

$merchantId = '86a3eed0-95a4-11ea-ac9f-371f3488e0fa';
$projectId = 3;
$apiPassword = 'secret';
$apiUrl = 'https://demo.api.thepay.cz/'; // production: 'https://api.thepay.cz/'
$gateUrl = 'https://demo.gate.thepay.cz/'; // production: 'https://gate.thepay.cz/'

$config = new TheConfig($merchantId, $projectId, $apiPassword, $apiUrl, $gateUrl);
$thePay = new TheClient($config);

// Render payment methods for payment (100,- Kč)
$paymentParams = new CreatePaymentParams(10000, 'CZK', 'uid124');

// display button, user will choose payment method at the payment gate
echo $thePay->getPaymentButton($paymentParams);

// or buttons with available payment methods, payment method will be preselected
// echo $thePay->getPaymentButtons($paymentParams);

// or just get payment link and redirect customer whenever you want
// $payment = $thePay->createPayment($createPayment);
// $redirectLink = $payment->getPayUrl();

2. Customer return

The customer is returned from ThePay gate to the return url address.

Return url is set in administration and customer gets redirected there with two query parameters added - payment_uid and project_id (needed if you have one endpoint for multiple projects).

The state of payment must be checked at the time of customer return, since the payment may not always be in the paid state at this time. For example the customer simply returns to the e-shop without paying.

General example of handling the customer return

getPayment($uid); // check if the payment is paid if ($payment->wasPaid()) { // Check if the order isn't labeled as paid yet. If not, do so. // ... }">
use ThePay\ApiClient\TheConfig;
use ThePay\ApiClient\TheClient;
use ThePay\ApiClient\Model\CreatePaymentParams;

$uid = $_GET["payment_uid"];
$projectId = $_GET["project_id"];

$merchantId = '86a3eed0-95a4-11ea-ac9f-371f3488e0fa';
$apiPassword = 'secret';
$apiUrl = 'https://demo.api.thepay.cz/'; // production: 'https://api.thepay.cz/'
$gateUrl = 'https://demo.gate.thepay.cz/'; // production: 'https://gate.thepay.cz/'

$config = new TheConfig($merchantId, $projectId, $apiPassword, $apiUrl, $gateUrl);
$thePay = new TheClient($config);

$payment = $thePay->getPayment($uid);

// check if the payment is paid
if ($payment->wasPaid()) {
    // Check if the order isn't labeled as paid yet. If not, do so.
    // ...

3. Server to server notification

It's basically the same as second step (customer return), it's triggered everytime the payment has changed, for example when the state of payment has been changed.

wasPaid()) { // Check if the order isn't labeled as paid yet. If not, do so. // ... }">
use ThePay\ApiClient\TheConfig;
use ThePay\ApiClient\TheClient;
use ThePay\ApiClient\Model\CreatePaymentParams;

$uid = $_GET["payment_uid"];
$projectId = $_GET["project_id"];

$merchantId = '86a3eed0-95a4-11ea-ac9f-371f3488e0fa';
$apiPassword = 'secret';
$apiUrl = 'https://demo.api.thepay.cz/'; // production: 'https://api.thepay.cz/'
$gateUrl = 'https://demo.gate.thepay.cz/'; // production: 'https://gate.thepay.cz/'

$config = new TheConfig($merchantId, $projectId, $apiPassword, $apiUrl, $gateUrl);
$thePay = new TheClient($config);

// check if the payment is paid
if ($payment->wasPaid()) {
    // Check if the order isn't labeled as paid yet. If not, do so.
    // ...

More and detailed usage examples

You can find more usage examples at folder /doc.

Money calculations

For safe money calculations we recommend to use moneyphp/money package. Please, do not use float to save information about prices because of its inaccuracy.

composer require moneyphp/money

Support & Contributions

If you find any bug, please submit the issue in Github directly or contact us on email: it@thepay.cz

Feel free to contribute via Github issues and pull requests. We will response as soon as possible. Please have on mind the backwards compatibility and do not change requirements without previous admin agreement.

  • github issue templates added

    github issue templates added

    http://redmine.havelholding.cz/issues/1951 https://docs.github.com/en/communities/using-templates-to-encourage-useful-issues-and-pull-requests/syntax-for-issue-forms

    opened by Triplkrypl 3
  • Neexistující ValueObject apple_pay a google_pay

    Neexistující ValueObject apple_pay a google_pay


    Do formuláře doplňujeme povolené metody pomocí TheClient->getActivePaymentMethods()->all().
    Tam jsou apple_pay a google_pay dostupné.
    Při vytvoření platby ale skončí chybou InvalidArgumentException:
    "apple_pay in not valid value" a "google_pay in not valid value"
    TheClient->createPayment($params, 'apple_pay');
    "L269: $paymentMethod = $methodCode === null ? null : new PaymentMethodCode($methodCode);"
    V https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/blob/v1.x/src/ValueObject/PaymentMethodCode.php chybí dvě hodnoty apple_pay a google_pay.



    PHP version


    SDK version

    1.3.3, 1.5.1


    No response

    bug good first issue PHP SDK 
    opened by RadH-CZ 1
  • Hotfix/2281 return type change

    Hotfix/2281 return type change

    ReturnTypeWillChange added for better php8 support.

    Tracking for ThePay internal development process: https://redmine.havelholding.cz/issues/2281

    https://sentry.io/organizations/thepay/issues/3521136095 https://sentry.io/organizations/thepay/issues/3508867704 https://sentry.io/organizations/thepay/issues/3508867570 https://sentry.io/organizations/thepay/issues/3508866816

    opened by Triplkrypl 1
  • php 8.1 in checks

    php 8.1 in checks

    http://redmine.havelholding.cz/issues/1951 Finally we have at least partial PHP 8.1 checks, in unit tests are disabled deprecated errors, because we use old phpunit.

    opened by Triplkrypl 1
  • new better example for setting of allowed ip addresses

    new better example for setting of allowed ip addresses


    We helped one developer with problems in implementation, and we notice than he setup localhost IP in allowed IPs for communication with API , of course does not work. It look than we adviced it to him 😂.

    documentation PHP SDK 
    opened by Triplkrypl 0
  • payment urls

    payment urls


    rendered buttons are identical, they do not look great but maybe I am missing some config, but they looks same so it should be ok


    documentation enhancement feature 
    opened by AlexKratky 0
  • Hotfix 2281 return type change

    Hotfix 2281 return type change

    ReturnTypeWillChange added for better php8 support.

    Tracking for ThePay internal development process: https://redmine.havelholding.cz/issues/2281

    https://sentry.io/organizations/thepay/issues/3521136095 https://sentry.io/organizations/thepay/issues/3508867704 https://sentry.io/organizations/thepay/issues/3508867570 https://sentry.io/organizations/thepay/issues/3508866816

    opened by Triplkrypl 0
  • v1.5.1(Oct 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • 4282 - Fix node-sass certificate issue by @joseftraxler in https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/pull/32
    • Mark old php versions as deprecated by @Triplkrypl in https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/pull/33
    • v1.5.1 by @joseftraxler in https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/pull/34

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/compare/v1.5.0...v1.5.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.0(Oct 6, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • added description_for_merchant by @AlexKratky in https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/pull/10
    • added support for shipping address by @AlexKratky in https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/pull/17
    • added currency code to filter by @AlexKratky in https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/pull/16
    • new better example for setting of allowed ip addresses by @Triplkrypl in https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/pull/29
    • V1.x summer by @tymajiri in https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/pull/30
    • Update TheClient.php by @tymajiri in https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/pull/31

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/compare/v1.4.3...v1.5.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.3(Sep 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • unnecessary condition removed by @Triplkrypl in https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/pull/26
    • Hotfix 4213 header case sensitivity by @Triplkrypl in https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/pull/27

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/compare/v1.4.2...v1.4.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.2(Aug 31, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Hotfix 2281 return type change by @Triplkrypl in https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/pull/24

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/ThePay/api-client/compare/v1.4.1...v1.4.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.1(Aug 29, 2022)

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