SISP php
This is implementation of a library to process SISP vinti4 payment in a easy way.
Download the project folder on your project. Or install it using composer:
composer require faxi-online/sisp-php:dev-main
Include in your project
Import the library file;
Or include the composer autoload
include "vendor/autoload.php" ;
Create Transaction Object
Create the transaction object from the Sisp class. You can pass three parameters:
Your POS Id/Identifier
The respective POS authentication code
The VBV api URL, and it is set by default as " ", remember to define it value in production, without the path "/CardPayment" because it will be added automatically according the transaction code
use Faxi \Sisp ;
$ payment = new Sisp (
"90000045" ,
Generate Transaction id
Generate your transaction id, it can be max of 15 characters, after a successful payment you should not reuse that id for new transaction.
// sample to generate id from timestamp
$ transaction_id = "T" . date ('YmdHms' );
Generate the HTML buy form
You can generate the HTML form by calling the buyForm method. It receives three parameters:
The transaction Id, you will receive it in the transaction callback
The amount of the transaction
The callback url, the transaction result will be sent to here
$ buyForm = $ payment ->buyForm (
$ transaction_id ,
1000 ,
Put the form on your HTML page
Just put that form in your HTML page and submit it by calling document.forms[0].submit();
Start Transaction
< html >
< head >
< title > Do paymenttitle >
head >
< body >
< div >
< h5 > Do paymenth5 >
< ?= $buyForm ?>
< button onclick ="startTransaction() ">
Start Transaction
button >
div >
< script >
function startTransaction ( )
document . forms [ 0 ] . submit ( ) ;
script >
body >
html >
After submitted the form, you should be redirect to a page like the below.
Transaction result callback
To process callback result we should use the method onTransactionResult , it receive three parameters:
The success callback function
The error callback function
The cancellation callback function
// success callback
function ($transaction_id){
echo "
Payment sucessfully for $transaction_id
// error callback
function ($transaction_id, $errorDescription, $errorDetail, $errorAdditionalMessage){
echo "
Error on transaction $transaction_id
echo "
Error: description $errorDescription
echo "
Error: detail $errorDetail
echo "
Error: additional $errorAdditionalMessage
// cancellation callback
function (){
echo "
Transaction cancelled
$ payment = new Sisp (
"90000045" ,
$ payment ->onTransactionResult (
// success callback
function ($ transaction_id ){
echo "Payment sucessfully for $transaction_id
" ;
// error callback
function ($ transaction_id , $ errorDescription , $ errorDetail , $ errorAdditionalMessage ){
echo "Error on transaction $transaction_id
" ;
echo "Error: description $errorDescription
" ;
echo "Error: detail $errorDetail
" ;
echo "Error: additional $errorAdditionalMessage
" ;
// cancellation callback
function (){
echo "Transaction cancelled
" ;
Generate phone recharge HTML form
You can generate the HTML form by calling the phoneRechargeForm method. It receives five parameters:
The transaction Id, you will receive it in the transaction callback, it can be max of 15 characters
The amount of the transaction
The phone number you want to recharge
The operator id (it will be provided by SISP)
The callback url, the transaction result will be sent to here
$ buyForm = $ payment ->phoneRechargeForm (
$ transaction_id ,
1000 ,
9112233 ,
2 ,
Generate service payment HTML form
You can generate the HTML form by calling the servicePaymentForm method. It receives five parameters:
The transaction Id, you will receive it in the transaction callback, it can be max of 15 characters
The amount of the transaction
The reference number of the bill you want to pay
The enity id (it will be provided by SISP)
The callback url, the transaction result will be sent to here
$ buyForm = $ payment ->servicePaymentForm (
$ transaction_id ,
1000 ,
"123456789" ,
"6" ,
If you want you can change the language of payment form presented to user, it supports en and pt.