Twitter API V2 for PHP
Twitter API V2 is a PHP package that provides an easy and fast access to Twitter REST API for Version 2 endpoints.
First you need to add the component to your composer.json
composer require noweh/twitter-api-v2-php
Update your packages with composer update or install with composer install.
How to use
Active your developer account
In first, you need to follow this tutorial.
- Request an approved account;
- Once you have an approved developer account, you will need to first create a Project;
- Enable read/write access for your Twitter app;
- Generate Consumer Keys and Authentication Tokens;
- Grab your Keys and Tokens from the twitter developer site.
Prepare settings
Settings are expected in this form:
To search specific tweets
use Noweh\TwitterApi\TweetSearch;
$settings = ['...', '...']; // Previously retrieved from Twitter app
$return = (new TweetSearch($settings))
], TweetSearch::OPERATORS['OR'])
], TweetSearch::OPERATORS['AND'])
->addFilterOnLocales(['fr', 'en'])
To find Twitter Users
use Noweh\TwitterApi\UserSearch;
expects either an array, or a string.
You can specify the search mode as a second parameter (UserSearch::MODES['USERNAME']
OR UserSearch::MODES['ID']
$settings = ['...', '...']; // Previously retrieved from Twitter app
$return = (new UserSearch($settings))
->findByIdOrUsername('twitterdev', UserSearch::MODES['USERNAME'])
To Retweet
use Noweh\TwitterApi\Retweet;
You have to add your account ID in settings for Oauth1.0a
$settings = ['...', '...']; // Previously retrieved from Twitter app
$retweeter = new Retweet($this->settings);
$return = $retweeter->performRequest('POST', ['tweet_id' => $tweet->id]);