162 Repositories
PHP docker-container Libraries
Spin up a working Statamic instance quickly & easily with Docker
Spin Up Statamic Allows you to create your own self-contained Statamic project complete site config, Antlers/Blade/Twig template files, assets, and de
Template Laravel 9.x
Laravel Template Passo a passo Clone Repositório criado a partir do template, entre na pasta e execute os comandos abaixo: Crie o Arquivo .env cp .env
Food delivery app :fries: that allows users to order food from different restaurants. The project is built using a microservice architecture. :boom:
Food Delivery App Description 👋 This is a food delivery app 🍟 that allows users to order food from different restaurants. The project is built using
Kit is a lightweight, high-performance and event-driven web services framework that provides core components such as config, container, http, log and route.
Kit What is it Kit is a lightweight, high-performance and event-driven web services framework that provides core components such as config, container,
Running Laravel and React stacks together using Vite and InertiaJS on Docker.
Laravel-Vite-Docker Running Laravel and React stacks together using Vite and InertiaJS on Docker. Explore project's blog » Report Bug · Request Featur
Fully covered with tests, documented by Swagger and dockerized API based on enterprise-level framework with optional queue worker.
symfony-api Fully covered with tests, documented by Swagger and dockerized API based on enterprise-level framework with optional queue worker. ⚙️ Depl
Perform static analysis of Drupal PHP code with phpstan-drupal.
Perform static analysis of Drupal PHP code with PHPStan and PHPStan-Drupal on Drupal using PHP 8. For example: docker run --rm \ -v $(pwd)/example01
A preconfigured Laravel, React, Typescript, Docker boilerplate to save you time!
Laravel - React - Docker - Boilerplate This repo is built with the following: Laravel 9 React 17 Vite 3 ESLint 8 TypeScript 4.7 Husky/Commit lint PHP
Docker with Apache, MySql, PhpMyAdmin and Php
docker-lamp Docker example with Apache, MySql 8.0, PhpMyAdmin and Php You can use MariaDB 10.1 if you checkout to the tag mariadb-10.1 - contribution
CherryStar is a compilation of technologies that you must know to work as back-end or front-end developer.
CherryStar - Study case, starting with recent technologies CherryStar is a compilation of technologies that you must know to work as back-end or front
Quick start Symfony 5 project via docker-compose
Quick Docker Symfony This repository will allow you to start a Symfony project very quickly with PostgreSQL 14, pgAdmin 4 and one of three php version
Main ABRouter product repository that contains docker-compose file and orchestrates the project containers.
ABRouter-Compose 📟 ABRouter is the open-source tool to perform and track A/B tests which is also known as the experiments. Additionally, feature flag
yxorP is a PHP-based proxy application that is very lightweight and easily customizable per user needs.
Web Proxy Guzzler + SAAS(y) Cockpit (GUI Dashboard incl.). Feature Rich, Multi-tenancy, Headless, Plug & Play, Augmentation & Content Spinning Web Proxy with Caching - PHP CURL+Composer are Optional. Leveraging SAAS architecture to provide multi-tenancy, multiple threads, caching, and an article spinner service.
⚡ Php snippets, random stuff, demos, functions, fast message system, agnostic and framework free - 100% compactible ;) ⚡
⚡ Php8 FPM Nginx Fast, Scripts, Pearls & Treasures 🚀 Want to run and test asap ? docker-compose up -d phpgit_php8;ip=$(docker-machine ip default);ech
Clean Architecture, DDD and CQRS using Symfony 6
Task manager system using Clean Architecture, DDD and CQRS. Environment setup Install Docker Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/k0t9i/Tas
Modello base con tutto il docker configurato per php7.4, mariadb, vue3, apache...con esempi di component e chiamate rest interne
Applicazione base per utilizzare laravel con docker, php7.4, apache, mariadb10, vue3 Semplice installazione corredate di rotte web e api di base, 3 co
Hachkathon DevOps - Deploy application with docker container
Hackathon-Semesta-DevOps Nama : Islam Nurul Yakin Mail : nurulyakin79@gmail.com Sebuah Web Server menggunakan Nginx, PHP, dan MySQl di tambah dengan p
Magento 2.4.4 CE docker compose
REQUIREMENTS Docker https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/windows-install/ Git https://git-scm.com/download/win STOP LOCAL SERVERS (XAMPP, OPENSERVE
QuestionApp - a platform where users can ask questions and discuss about the subject they are curious about
QuestionApp About The Project It can be a trend according to the number of likes and comments that members can ask questions. ![Alt Text] Ask your any
Container Open Inventory ID send bug fix PocketMine-MP plugin
ContainerOpenFixed Container Open Inventory ID send bug fix PocketMine-MP plugin Example use skh6075\containeropenfixed\IWindowType; use pocketmine\ne
Audit your PHP version for known CVEs and patches
PHP Version Audit PHP Version Audit is a convenience tool to easily check a given PHP version against a regularly updated list of CVE exploits, new re
Dockerise Symfony Application (Symfony 6 + Clean Architecture+ DDD+ CQRS + Docker + Xdebug + PHPUnit + Doctrine ORM + JWT Auth + Static analysis)
Symfony Dockerise Symfony Application Install Docker Install Docker Compose Docker PHP & Nginx Create Symfony Application Debugging Install Xdebug Con
ServD - a Docker PHP development environment heavily inspired by Laravel Valet and Laradock
ServD ServD is a Docker PHP development environment heavily inspired by Laravel Valet and Laradock, it supports multiple projects within a working dir
Lamp Docker skeleton PHP + Nginx + Mysql + Redis
Stop installing the entire development stack on your local machine. This project will allow you to quickly start working with php. To install, you need to install docker locally.
Fully documented & tested Laravel 9 RESTful books API scraped from Gramedia.
Laravel Books API Introduction This app provides a list of books in a RESTful API. Source of data obtained from Gramedia by using the web scraping tec
A plain-language, step-by-step guide for the computer novice to build their own cloud.
This is a plain-language, step-by-step guide for the computer novice wanting to build their own cloud, looking to declare independence from Google and its ilk, to save on monthly hosting fees, or just learn a new skill.
Docker Shortie, simplifying calls to CLI commands inside docker containers.
What is DockTie Is a simple wrapper script for commands inside docker container(s). So for instance, what you would normally run as: docker-compo
This extensions makes it possible to modify the TCA of container children elements
This extensions makes it possible to modify the TCA of container children elements
Setup Docker Para Projetos Laravel 9 com PHP 8
Setup Docker Para Projetos Laravel 9 com PHP 8
Elastic Beanstalk Multi Container PHP-FPM + Nginx Demo App
Elastic Beanstalk Multi Container PHP-FPM + Nginx Demo App This demo app shows you how to run a simple PHP application using the PHP-FPM and Nginx Doc
Runs a PHP-based startpage in Docker
docker-php-startpage Runs a PHP-based startpage in Docker Source code: GitHub Docker container: Docker Hub Image base: PHP Init system: N/A Applicatio
Bludit - a web application to build your own website or blog in seconds
Bludit is a web application to build your own website or blog in seconds, it's completely free and open source. Bludit uses files in JSON format to store the content, you don't need to install or configure a database. You only need a web server with PHP support.
Northwoods Lazy Middleware
Northwoods Lazy Middleware Lazy loading for PSR-15 middleware and request handlers that supports "just in time" instantiation using a PSR-11 container
Jump is yet another self-hosted startpage for your server designed to be simple, stylish, fast and secure.
Jump Jump is yet another self-hosted startpage for your server designed to be simple, stylish, fast and secure. Features Fast, easy to deploy, secure
Laravel Boilerplate / Starter Kit with Gentelella Admin Theme
Laravel Boilerplate Project Laravel Boilerplate provides a very flexible and extensible way of building your custom Laravel applications. Table of Con
This package provides a set of factories to be used with containers using the PSR-11 standard for an easy Doctrine integration in a project
psr-container-doctrine: Doctrine Factories for PSR-11 Containers Doctrine factories for PSR-11 containers. This package provides a set of factories to
Preferences are configuration variables that are user-managed for which we cannot rely upon container parameters or environment variables.
Preferences Preferences are configuration variables that are meant to be user managed for which we cannot rely upon container parameters or environmen
Extensible DI container for Symfony2
This package contains an implementation of the Symfony 2 DI container that can be extended using other DI containers (from other frameworks).
Adapters for PHP framework containers to an interoperable interface
Get Acclimated! Use any third-party dependency injection containers and service locators in your code by adapting them to a common container interface.
🐘 🎯 Hexagonal Architecture, DDD & CQRS in PHP
🐘 🎯 Hexagonal Architecture, DDD & CQRS in PHP Example of a PHP application using Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Command Query Responsibility Segrega
Official docker container of Fusio an open source API management system
Fusio docker container Official docker container of Fusio. More information about Fusio at: https://www.fusio-project.org Usage The most simple usage
Shortener URL is simple web application to short your URL
Shortener URL is simple web application to short your URL. It will generate unique key, with the unique key it will redirect to the original URL.
MySQL replication status checker daemon in docker image with Slack notification.
MySQL replication checker - Docker MySQL replication status checker daemon in docker image with Slack notification. Envs Name Description MYSQL_HOST M
🐋 This project aims to broaden knowledge of system administration by using Docker: virtualizing several Docker images, creating them in a new personal virtual machine.
🐋 This project aims to broaden knowledge of system administration by using Docker: virtualizing several Docker images, creating them in a new personal virtual machine.
Yaconf - Yet Another Configurations Container
Yaconf - Yet Another Configurations Container A PHP Persistent Configurations Container Requirement PHP 7+ Introduction Yaconf is a configurations con
Twittee is the smallest, and still useful, Dependency Injection Container in PHP
What is Twittee? Twittee is the smallest, and still useful, Dependency Injection Container in PHP; it is also probably one of the first public softwar
Yii Dependency Injection PSR-11 compatible
Yii Dependency Injection PSR-11 compatible dependency injection container that is able to instantiate and configure classes resolving dependencies. Fe
Create a docker container where various tasks are performed with different frequencies
🚢 Docker with task scheduler Introduction The goal is to create a docker container where various tasks are performed with different frequencies. For
Dockerizado para Laravel 8.X // Nginx + PHP 8.1.1 + NodeJS + MariaDB
Información Este es un Dockerizado de Laravel + NginX + MariaDB , el cual esta listo para poder lanzar un proyecto iniciar en Laravel 8.80 El Stack es
OSX/Linux Docker containers installer for Magento 2
Magento 2 OSX/Linux Docker Requirements MacOS: Docker, docker-sync, Git Linux: Docker, Docker-compose, Git on Debian based OS (Example: Ubuntu, Linux
Mark Shust's Docker Configuration for Magento
markshust/docker-magento Mark Shust's Docker Configuration for Magento Table of contents Docker Hub Free Course Usage Prerequisites Setup Updates Cust
Warden is a CLI utility for orchestrating Docker based developer environments
Warden Warden is a CLI utility for orchestrating Docker based developer environments, and enables multiple local environments to run simultaneously wi
Mage2click toolset to create and manage the Magento Docker development environment with mutagen.io file-sync for macOS and native filesystem mounts on Linux.
Mage2click - Magento Docker Toolset Mage2click toolset is a system-wide command-line tool for creating and managing simultaneously running Magento Doc
A dockerized magento 2 community environment ready for development or production.
Painless Magento 2 & 1 A dockerized magento 2 community environment ready for development or production. It supports magento 1.9.x for development Ins
Polonium is a world class old school ✍️ blog website made with Php and Tailwind 🌀
Polonium Polonium is a world class old school ✍️ blog website made with Php and Tailwind 🌀 to write dump articles about... Yeah I know, you should pr
All about docker projects either from dockerfile or compose. Anyway, here the project is in the form of a service, for the programming language I will make it later
Docker Project by ItsArul Hey, yo guys okay, this time I made some projects from Docker. Anyway, this project is open source, for example, if you want
Magento2 + Varnish + PHP7 + Redis + SSL (cluster ready)
Docker Magento2: Varnish + PHP7 + Redis + SSL cluster ready docker-compose infrastructure Infrastructure overview Container 1: MariaDB Container 2: Re
Magento 2 module for ngrok.io service support
Magento 2 ngrok Magento 2 module for ngrok service support. Automatically updates Magento base url based on domain used in the request. Modifies full-
Docker-based workflow management system for Laravel
DevOption Workflows Workflows is a Docker-based workflow management system for Laravel applications. Installation You can install the package via comp
Laravel 8 boilerplate in docker-compose with Treafik and SSL setup and github workflow ready for CI/CD pipeline
Laravel8 boilerplate Laravel 8 boilerplate in docker-compose with Treafik and SSL setup with .github workflow ready To start the containers in prod en
Docker-magento - Docker image for Magento 1.6 to 1.9
Docker image for Magento 1.x This repo creates a Docker image for Magento 1.x. Please note The primary goal of this repo is to create Docker images fo
A Magento Development Environment Made of Docker Containers
Docker for Magento 1 Extension Development Tl;dr How do I use this? Clone it. Type docker-compose up -d. Install a Magento Mount your file share. Deve
Production ready scalable Magento setup utilizing the docker
Magento docker image Requirements This docker image expects 2 other linked containers to work . Mysqldb or Mariadb linked as 'db' Memcached linked as
Docker-magento2 - 🐳 Docker containers with all required Magento 2 dependencies installed available as FPM through Nginx and CLI
Magento 2 Docker A collection of Docker images for running Magento 2 through nginx and on the command line. Quick Start cp composer.env.sample compose
DDEV-Local: a local PHP development environment system
ddev ddev is an open source tool that makes it simple to get local PHP development environments up and running in minutes. It's powerful and flexible
This repository holds all interfaces related to PSR-11 (Container Interface).
Container interface This repository holds all interfaces related to PSR-11 (Container Interface). Note that this is not a Container implementation of
Php-gamer - A repo with PHP 8.1, Swoole and Laminas. And of course, Docker in the front.
PHP-Gamer Instructions for run this app: First time $ git clone git@github.com:fatorx/php-gamer.git $ cd php-gamer $ chmod +x docker-build.sh $ chmod
Docker image that provides static analysis tools for PHP
Static Analysis Tools for PHP Docker image providing static analysis tools for PHP. The list of available tools and the installer are actually managed
Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP 7, React, and Go
Pterodactyl Panel Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP 7, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodac
💝The Plus (ThinkSNS+) is a powerful, easy-to-develop social system built with Laravel.
Plus (ThinkSNS+) Plus (ThinkSNS+) 是使用 Laravel 框架开发;一个功能强大、易于开发和动态拓展的社交系统。Plus 是遵循 PSR 规范 代码统一,并功能块松耦合。你安装完成 Plus 并不意味着已经成功安装了所有功能,因为 Plus 使用 模块化 的 原则,
Your self-hosted bookmark archive. Free and open source.
Your self-hosted bookmark archive. Free and open source. Contents About LinkAce Support Setup Contribution About LinkAce LinkAce is a self-hosted arch
Very simple mock HTTP Server for testing Restful API, running via Docker.
httpdock Very simple mock HTTP Server for testing Restful API, running via Docker. Start Server Starting this server via command: docker run -ti -d -p
Easily install PHP extension in Docker containers
Easy installation of PHP extensions in official PHP Docker images This repository contains a script that can be used to easily install a PHP extension
Takeout is a CLI tool for spinning up tiny Docker containers, one for each of your development environment dependencies.
Takeout Takeout is a CLI tool for spinning up tiny Docker containers, one for each of your development environment dependencies. It's meant to be pair
PictShare is an open source image, mp4, pastebin hosting service with a simple resizing and upload API that you can host yourself.
PictShare is an open source image, mp4, pastebin hosting service with a simple resizing and upload API that you can host yourself.
eLabFTW is the most popular open source electronic lab notebook for research labs.
A free, modern, versatile, secure electronic lab notebook for researchers Official website | Live demo | Documentation | Dedicated hosting Description
Tutorial for computer vision and machine learning in PHP 7/8 by opencv (installation + examples + documentation)
Examples detect face by cascade classifier detect face by pretrained caffe model res10_300x300_ssd by ddn module detect facemarks by LBF algorithm rec
An open source tool that lets you create a SaaS website from docker images in 10 minutes.
简体中文 Screenshots for members ( who subscribe the plan ) for admin ⚠️ This document was translated into English by deepl and can be improved by PR An o
1000+ micro code pieces with clear explanation @ onelinerhub.com
Onelinerhub Lib of micro code pieces, well explained and mostly single-line solutions @ onelinerhub.com. Why we do it and where we go We're building n
Phalcon 3, PHP7, Docker sample starter application
Phalcon Docker Nginx starter app Docker image based on: Ubuntu 16.04 Phalcon 3 PHP 7 Nginx + PHP FPM Supervisord Dependencies Docker. For installation
🐋📦✂️📋📦 Docker image of packagist mirror
Docker for Packagist Mirror This project allows you to easily create and update a mirror of the packagist having as dependency only the docker. It is
Private, self-hosted Composer/Satis repository with unlimited private and open-source packages and support for Git, Mercurial, and Subversion.
Private, self-hosted Composer/Satis repository with unlimited private and open-source packages and support for Git, Mercurial, and Subversion. HTTP API, HTTPs support, webhook handler, scheduled builds, Slack and HipChat integration.
Packeton - Private PHP package repository for vendors
Packeton - Private PHP package repository for vendors Fork of Packagist. The Open Source alternative of Private Packagist for vendors, that based on S
Paperwork - OpenSource note-taking & archiving alternative to Evernote, Microsoft OneNote & Google Keep
Paperwork Paperwork is an open-source, self-hosted alternative to services like Evernote®, Microsoft OneNote® or Google Keep® iframe src="https://pla
Apache OpenWhisk is an open source serverless cloud platform
OpenWhisk OpenWhisk is a serverless functions platform for building cloud applications. OpenWhisk offers a rich programming model for creating serverl
Setting up the a docker + building a simple project on Mac-book using laravel sail
Sailing on mac-book Setting up the a docker + building a simple project on Mac-book with Laravel sail Installing Docker Well, installing docker is the
Docker images for Cyber_Security hakathon 2021.
This repository contains a set of vulnerable Docker images for attacking the container environment compiled for Cyber_Security hackathon 2021. Require
PlayZ is an esport event organization and management website allowing the creation of tournaments on the most popular video games of the esport scene.
PlayZ the playz to play Table of Contents Description "What is Playz?" In one sentence PlayZ is "an esport event organization and management website a
Learn how to run WordPress with Docker. Read about our experiences and start off with an easy boilerplate.
Hi! We're Dan and Jay. We're a two person team with a passion for open source products. We created Server Side Up to help share what we learn. Find us
PHP-Xdebug Useage 修改/ConfigurationFile/php/php.ini
Lumen on Docker - Skeleton project with Nginx, MySQL & PHP 8 | Aws ECS, Google Kubernates, Azure Container Engine
Docker infrastructure for Lumen Description Microservice Lumen is a starting skeleton based on Docker and Lumen Framework. This project helps to devel
Reverse proxy skeleton built for docker with traefik, showcasing a Symfony + React application
Decoupled Backend(Symfony) + Frontend(React ts) built with Traefik & Docker Reverse proxy skeleton built for docker with traefik, showcasing a decoupl
A package that allows you to generate simple and fast Docker configurations for your Laravel application!
A package that allows you to generate simple and fast Docker configurations for your Laravel application!
jojo, another http server written in PHP 8.0
جوجو | jojo جوجو، وبسروری در ابعاد جوجه برای کارهای کوچک داستان نوشتن جوجو وبسروری که تنظیمات مودم TP-link TD-8811 توی اتاقم رو serve میکنه اسمش mic
Setup Docker Para Projetos Laravel
Setup Docker Para Projetos Laravel
Raspberry Pi Self Hosted Server Based on Docker / Portainer.io
Pi-Hosted Portainer Template V2 This repository is a collection of tutorials for hosting a variety of server applications using Docker and Portainer.
Auto register services aliases in the Symfony container.
Service Alias Auto Register A bundle for Symfony 5. Description The S.O.L.I.D. principles are a set of five design principles intended to make softwar
Laravel Boilerplate provides a very flexible and extensible way of building your custom Laravel applications.
Laravel Boilerplate Project Laravel Boilerplate provides a very flexible and extensible way of building your custom Laravel applications. Table of Con
Run your WP site on github pages, php innovation award winner https://www.phpclasses.org/package/12091-PHP-Make-a-WordPress-site-run-on-GitHub-pages.html
Gitpress Run wordpress directly on github pages Gitpress won the innovation award for may 2021 Read more about this https://naveen17797.github.io/gitp
Um container colaborativo de inteligência artificial para análise de ativos da b3
B3 Analyser Um container colaborativo de inteligência artificial para análise de ativos da b3 Como colaborar? Faça um FORK do projeto, isto é, copiar