49 Repositories
PHP container-interop Libraries
Kit is a lightweight, high-performance and event-driven web services framework that provides core components such as config, container, http, log and route.
Kit What is it Kit is a lightweight, high-performance and event-driven web services framework that provides core components such as config, container,
Hachkathon DevOps - Deploy application with docker container
Hackathon-Semesta-DevOps Nama : Islam Nurul Yakin Mail : nurulyakin79@gmail.com Sebuah Web Server menggunakan Nginx, PHP, dan MySQl di tambah dengan p
Container Open Inventory ID send bug fix PocketMine-MP plugin
ContainerOpenFixed Container Open Inventory ID send bug fix PocketMine-MP plugin Example use skh6075\containeropenfixed\IWindowType; use pocketmine\ne
Lamp Docker skeleton PHP + Nginx + Mysql + Redis
Stop installing the entire development stack on your local machine. This project will allow you to quickly start working with php. To install, you need to install docker locally.
This extensions makes it possible to modify the TCA of container children elements
This extensions makes it possible to modify the TCA of container children elements
Elastic Beanstalk Multi Container PHP-FPM + Nginx Demo App
Elastic Beanstalk Multi Container PHP-FPM + Nginx Demo App This demo app shows you how to run a simple PHP application using the PHP-FPM and Nginx Doc
Northwoods Lazy Middleware
Northwoods Lazy Middleware Lazy loading for PSR-15 middleware and request handlers that supports "just in time" instantiation using a PSR-11 container
An HTTP Interop compatible middleware dispatcher in Equip
An HTTP Interop compatible middleware dispatcher in Equip. Attempts to be PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4, PSR-7, and PSR-15 compliant.
This package provides a set of factories to be used with containers using the PSR-11 standard for an easy Doctrine integration in a project
psr-container-doctrine: Doctrine Factories for PSR-11 Containers Doctrine factories for PSR-11 containers. This package provides a set of factories to
Preferences are configuration variables that are user-managed for which we cannot rely upon container parameters or environment variables.
Preferences Preferences are configuration variables that are meant to be user managed for which we cannot rely upon container parameters or environmen
Extensible DI container for Symfony2
This package contains an implementation of the Symfony 2 DI container that can be extended using other DI containers (from other frameworks).
Adapters for PHP framework containers to an interoperable interface
Get Acclimated! Use any third-party dependency injection containers and service locators in your code by adapting them to a common container interface.
Official docker container of Fusio an open source API management system
Fusio docker container Official docker container of Fusio. More information about Fusio at: https://www.fusio-project.org Usage The most simple usage
WordPress Interop Bundle
WordPress Interop Bundle Introduction This bundle integrates williarin/wordpress-interop with Symfony. Installation composer require williarin/wordpre
Yaconf - Yet Another Configurations Container
Yaconf - Yet Another Configurations Container A PHP Persistent Configurations Container Requirement PHP 7+ Introduction Yaconf is a configurations con
Twittee is the smallest, and still useful, Dependency Injection Container in PHP
What is Twittee? Twittee is the smallest, and still useful, Dependency Injection Container in PHP; it is also probably one of the first public softwar
Yii Dependency Injection PSR-11 compatible
Yii Dependency Injection PSR-11 compatible dependency injection container that is able to instantiate and configure classes resolving dependencies. Fe
Create a docker container where various tasks are performed with different frequencies
🚢 Docker with task scheduler Introduction The goal is to create a docker container where various tasks are performed with different frequencies. For
The Kafka Enqueue transport - This is an implementation of Queue Interop specification
Supporting Enqueue Enqueue is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support of community and
OSX/Linux Docker containers installer for Magento 2
Magento 2 OSX/Linux Docker Requirements MacOS: Docker, docker-sync, Git Linux: Docker, Docker-compose, Git on Debian based OS (Example: Ubuntu, Linux
This repository holds all interfaces related to PSR-11 (Container Interface).
Container interface This repository holds all interfaces related to PSR-11 (Container Interface). Note that this is not a Container implementation of
Standards either proposed or approved by the Framework Interop Group
PHP Framework Interoperability Group The idea behind the group is for project representatives to talk about the commonalities between our projects and
Lumen on Docker - Skeleton project with Nginx, MySQL & PHP 8 | Aws ECS, Google Kubernates, Azure Container Engine
Docker infrastructure for Lumen Description Microservice Lumen is a starting skeleton based on Docker and Lumen Framework. This project helps to devel
Auto register services aliases in the Symfony container.
Service Alias Auto Register A bundle for Symfony 5. Description The S.O.L.I.D. principles are a set of five design principles intended to make softwar
Um container colaborativo de inteligência artificial para análise de ativos da b3
B3 Analyser Um container colaborativo de inteligência artificial para análise de ativos da b3 Como colaborar? Faça um FORK do projeto, isto é, copiar
Dockerized Laravel project with authentication and car brand crud functionalities.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A Docker container for Laravel web apps
Ubuntu Docker container for Laravel web applications Docker-laravel is a LEMP image for running Laravel web applications. It extends docker-base, whic
An enhanced version of the Laravel container.
Laravel Enhanced Container This package provides syntax sugar for the Laravel container calls and bindings, automatic resolution of bound implementati
DI Container (PSR-11)
My DI Container It's my own implementation PSR-11 Container Interface. Installation composer require scruwi/container Init $container = new Container(
The package provides definition syntax. Definition is describing a way to create and configure a service or an object.
Yii Definitions The package ... Requirements PHP 7.4 or higher. Installation The package could be installed with composer: composer require yiisoft/de
Multipurpose VIP Docker container images
VIP Container Images This repository is used to build Docker container images used, among others, by the VIP Local Development Environment. Images are
Full PHP development environment for Docker.
Full PHP development environment based on Docker. Use Docker First - Learn About It Later! Join Us Awesome People Laradock is an MIT-licensed open sou
CDK patterns for serverless container with AWS Fargate
cdk-fargate-patterns CDK patterns for serverless container with AWS Fargate DualAlbFargateService Inspired by Vijay Menon from the AWS blog post intro
Nuber is an open source container management platform it provides a front end to manage your own cloud infrastructure, using Linux Containers virtualization technology
Nuber is an open source container management platform it provides a front end to manage your own cloud infrastructure, using Linux Containers virtualization technology
Symfony 5.2 + api platform project with ELK stack + elastic FileBeats for the log management. All running in 7 docker containers: nginx, php 8, mysql, elastic search, logstash, kibana, fileBeats.
Symfony with ELK and Elastic FileBeats Stack Prerequisites: Make sure that docker and docker-compose are installed in your machine and available for y
An example of Laravel app that runs in a docker container with RoadRunner
This repository contains an example of Laravel (PHP Framework) application that runs in a docker container with RoadRunner (high-performance PHP appli
Stacker - The environment for local web development, ready for use.
Introduction English 简体ä¸æ–‡ Why stacker? Stacker - This is a local environment for web development with everything you need. What is its benefit? You do
Full PHP development environment for Docker.
Full PHP development environment based on Docker. Use Docker First - Learn About It Later! Join Us Awesome People Laradock is an MIT-licensed open sou
Dependency Injection System
Aura.Di A serializable dependency injection container with constructor and setter injection, interface and trait awareness, configuration inheritance,
A multithreaded application server for PHP, written in PHP.
appserver.io, a PHP application server This is the main repository for the appserver.io project. What is appserver.io appserver.io is a multithreaded
A multithreaded application server for PHP, written in PHP.
appserver.io, a PHP application server This is the main repository for the appserver.io project. What is appserver.io appserver.io is a multithreaded
Dependency Injection System
Aura.Di A serializable dependency injection container with constructor and setter injection, interface and trait awareness, configuration inheritance,
🚀 PHP Service Container with fast and cachable dependency injection.
ClanCats Container A PHP Service Container featuring a simple meta-language with fast and compilable dependency injection. Requires PHP = 7.0 Pros: M
PSR-11 compatible Dependency Injection Container for PHP.
bitexpert/disco This package provides a PSR-11 compatible, annotation-based dependency injection container. Have a look at the disco-demos project to
Adapters for PHP framework containers to an interoperable interface
Acclimate - Container Adapters Get Acclimated! Use any third-party dependency injection containers and service locators in your code by adapting them
💎 Flexible, compiled and full-featured Dependency Injection Container with perfectly usable autowiring and support for all new PHP 7 features.
Nette Dependency Injection (DI) Introduction Purpose of the Dependecy Injection (DI) is to free classes from the responsibility for obtaining objects
Small but powerful dependency injection container
Container (Dependency Injection) This package is compliant with PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4 and PSR-11. If you notice compliance oversights, please send a pat
The dependency injection container for humans
layout home PHP-DI is a dependency injection container meant to be practical, powerful, and framework-agnostic. Read more on the website: php-di.org G
A small PHP dependency injection container
Pimple Caution! Pimple is now closed for changes. No new features will be added and no cosmetic changes will be accepted either. The only accepted cha