139 Repositories
PHP order-confirmation-email-status Libraries
This package tracks if products exist in Magento by storing the status locally in the DB.
Magento Products This package tracks if products exist in Magento by storing the status locally in the DB. We developed this to prevent multiple calls
Food delivery app :fries: that allows users to order food from different restaurants. The project is built using a microservice architecture. :boom:
Food Delivery App Description 👋 This is a food delivery app 🍟 that allows users to order food from different restaurants. The project is built using
How to get cookies from users' browser and send the information to your email address and telegram bot
Simple, stylish Email Verification for Symfony
VerifyEmailBundle: Love Confirming Emails Don't know if your users have a valid email address? The VerifyEmailBundle can help! VerifyEmailBundle gener
A ready-to-use PHP script for sending Emails with an HTML Template will use a Gmail account as the sender and you will not need any email server. Powered by PHPMailer.
Gmail Email Sender by PHP A ready-to-use PHP script for sending Emails with an HTML Template will use a Gmail account as the sender and you will not n
The Ravioli WooCommerce plugin helps you ship your order with Ravioli.
=== Ravioli for WooCommerce === Contributors: canolcer Tags: ravioli, ecommerce, shipping Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.0.1 Stable tag: trunk
It's Pimcore Bundle to send notifications to Google Chat, Slack or Email from admin panel inside Pimcore
Send notifications to Discord, Google Chat, Slack and more from Pimcore It's Pimcore Bundle to send notifications to Discord, Google Chat, Slack, Tele
User authentication REST API with Laravel (Register, Email verification, Login, Logout, Logged user data, Change password, Reset password)
User Authentication API with Laravel This project is a user authentication REST API application that I developed by using Laravel and MySql. Setup Fir
Supermeteor is PHP SDK use to create cloud message: whatsapp, sms and email etc
Supermeteor Supermeteor is PHP SDK use to create cloud message: whatsapp, sms and email etc How to use install using composer composer require superme
Mailing platform with templates and logs included.
MailCarrier User-friendly, API-ready mail platform with templates and logs. Design global layouts, compose your template, preview your emails and send
Laravel & MySQL, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap. Also, it's include email send function without any API.
Rewards-Dacor Laravel & MySQL, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap. Also, it's include email send function without any API. [Live site link] ( https://rewardsdaco
Laravel package for Mailjet API V3 and Laravel Mailjet Mail Transport
Laravel Mailjet Laravel package for handling Mailjet API v3 using this wrapper: https://github.com/mailjet/mailjet-apiv3-php It also provides a mailje
Check modules in app/code and vendor for PHP 8 compatibility status - PHP_CodeSniffer & php-compatibility standard
M2 PHP version compatibility check How To use Requires PHP 7.3+ | PHP 8 This app will run PHP_CodeSniffer with phpcompatibility/php-compatibility on t
The Library for HTTP Status Codes, Messages and Exception
This is a PHP library for HTTP status codes, messages and error exception. Within the library, HTTP status codes are available in classes based on the section they belong to. Click this link for more information.
Turkpin API With this package, you can create an epin order and deliver it to your customers
Turkpin API Package Turkpin API With this package, you can create an epin order and deliver it to your customers. Official Documentation Installation
Rafa Cake and Bakery is a web-based application project that aims to introduce Rafa Cake and Bakery, introduce what products are sold and can also order them via Whatsapp.
Rafa-cake-and-bakery Rafa Cake and Bakery is a web-based application project that aims to introduce Rafa Cake and Bakery, introduce what products are
PHP Email address validator - A library for validating emails against several RFC.
EmailValidator A library for validating emails against several RFC. Supported RFCs This library aims to support RFCs: 5321, 5322, 6530, 6531, 6532, 10
MailChimp for Magento 2. Syncs all data (subscriber, customers, orders, products) and enables marketing automation with email campaigns, automations, ads, postcards and more.
MailChimp for Magento 2. Syncs all data (subscriber, customers, orders, products) and enables marketing automation with email campaigns, automations, ads, postcards and more.
Symfony Bundle to create HTML tables with bootstrap-table for Doctrine Entities.
HelloBootstrapTableBundle This Bundle provides simple bootstrap-table configuration for your Doctrine Entities. Used bootstrap-table version 1.18.3. I
Easy to install email tracker with gui and telegram api bot with date device & ip tracking,
mail-php-tracking-with-gui 📧 Simple mail tracking program that uses php, html, telegram bot, and a gui The gui The gui lets you create specific links
Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking SATEON field network device status
check_sateon Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking SATEON field network device status Max.Fischer dev@monologic.ru Tested on CentOS GNU/Linux 6.5 with Ici
Livewire component to show records according to their current status
Livewire Status Board Livewire component to show records/data according to their current status Preview Installation You can install the package via c
WordPress Notification plugin
Notification This is the public repository for Notification - the WordPress plugin. This plugin allow you to send custom notifications about various e
Cross-language email validation. Backed by a database of over 38 000 throwable email domains.
Cross-language temporary (disposable/throwaway) email detection library. Covers 38038+ fake email providers.
A simple Lumen web app to send basic commands and fetch the current status to your Ford vehicle with Sync 3 enabled
FordPass Access This is a simple Lumen web app to send basic commands and fetch the current status to your Ford vehicle with Sync 3 enabled. Local dev
ViMbAdmin project provides a web based virtual mailbox administration system to allow mail administrators to easily manage domains, mailboxes and aliases.
ViMbAdmin project (vim-be-admin) provides a web based virtual mailbox administration system to allow mail administrators to easily manage domains, mailboxes and aliases.
A Laravel artisan based package to create the AWS (SES + SNS) infrastructure to receive email event notifications with Http/Https endpoint.
Laravel SES Tracking Setup the AWS infrastructure to handle email events using SES/SNS and http/s endpoints with a single Laravel artisan command. Thi
LERN is a Laravel package that will record exceptions into a database and will notify you via Email, Pushover or Slack.
LERN is a Laravel package that will record exceptions into a database and will notify you via Email, Pushover or Slack.
Magento 2 custom extension to add custom attributes(longitude, latitude) to customer address
Magento 2 custom extension to add custom attributes(longitude, latitude) to customer address. Then save them to quote model and copy them from quote address to order address on bakend, frontend, rest api
Provides the ability to notify developers of error logs via email or SMS.
🔔 Dev Notify Plugin 🚨 Requires OctoberCMS 2.0 ✨ What does this plugin do? Provides the ability to notify developers of error logs via email or SMS.
SendPortal - Open-source self-hosted email marketing, subscriber and list management, email campaigns and more
SendPortal includes subscriber and list management, email campaigns, message tracking, reports and multiple workspaces/domains in a modern, flexible and scalable application.
Laravel Email Audit Log
This service provider will monitor all emails that has been sent out of your system. Sent emails will be stored in email_audit_log table
EmailReplyParser is a PHP library for parsing plain text email content, based on GitHub's email_reply_parser library written in Ruby
EmailReplyParser EmailReplyParser is a PHP library for parsing plain text email content, based on GitHub's email_reply_parser library written in Ruby.
SlmMail is a module that integrates with various third-parties API to send mails. Integration is provided with the API of those services
SlmMail is a module that integrates with various third-parties API to send mails. Integration is provided with the API of those services
PHPMailer – A full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP
PHPMailer – A full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP Features Probably the world's most popular code for sending email from PHP! Used
This library allows you to quickly and easily use the Twilio SendGrid Web API v3 via PHP
This library allows you to quickly and easily use the Twilio SendGrid Web API v3 via PHP
Magento 2 SMTP Extension helps the owner of store simply install SMTP server
Magento 2 SMTP Extension helps the owner of store simply install SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server which transmits the messages into codes or numbers.
Email address value object.
Email address value object Installation Via Composer: $ composer require nepada/email-address Usage This package provides two implementations of email
The classic email sending library for PHP - this is my personal fork, please post issues on the upstream project
PHPMailer - A full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP Build status: Class Features Probably the world's most popular code for sending
Magento 2 Email Catcher or Email Logger Module.
Magento 2 Module Experius email catcher / - logger
Stampie is a simple API Wrapper for different email providers such as Postmark and SendGrid.
Stampie Stampie is a simple API Wrapper for different email providers such as Postmark and SendGrid. It is very easy to use and to integrate into your
MySQL replication status checker daemon in docker image with Slack notification.
MySQL replication checker - Docker MySQL replication status checker daemon in docker image with Slack notification. Envs Name Description MYSQL_HOST M
Magento 2 SMTP - AVADA Email Marketing Integration
SMTP Extension for Magento 2 allows the owner offer a Magento 2 store to custom SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server which transmits email messages. Through the SMTP server, messages will be delivered directly and automatically to the chosen customers. It offers flexible configurations with 21 different SMTP servers such as Gmail, Hotmail, O2 Mail, Office365, Mail.com, Send In Blue, AOL Mail Orange, GMX, Outlook, Yahoo, Comcast, or Custom SMTP - for your own SMTP server, etc.
🥳🔐 This package is a Laravel package that checks if an email address is a spammer
This package is a Laravel package that checks if an email address is a spammer. It verifies your signups and form submissions to confirm that they are legitimate.
📧 Handy email creation and transfer library for PHP with both text and MIME-compliant support.
📧 Handy email creation and transfer library for PHP with both text and MIME-compliant support.
Fetch is a library for reading email and attachments, primarily using the POP and IMAP protocols
Fetch Fetch is a library for reading email and attachments, primarily using the POP and IMAP protocols. Installing N.b. A note on Ubuntu 14.04 (probab
Magento 2 Module: OrderConfirmationEmailStatus
Magento 2 Module: OrderConfirmationEmailStatus Main Functionalities Installation Main Functionalities This module adds a column in the sales order gri
Laravel eCommerce Pre Order Extension allows the customers and guest users to pre-order the upcoming product and out of stock products.
Introduction Bagisto Pre-order add-on allows the customer to pre-order products which are not yet available at the online store. With the help of Bagi
Magento Quickorder module, enables bulk order creation by inputting SKUs & quantities.
Extension User Guide This extension was developed to enable merchants to allow customers to place multiple orders of various quanities quickly, in an
Email-Generator EMAIL, PASSWORD AND USERNAME GENERATOR Install on desktop : Install XAMPP Added environment variable system path = C:\xampp\php downl
In order to use the Korean Language on your Magento 2 store, it is time to start with Magento 2 Korean Language Pack in the set of informative documentations by Mageplaza. Magento 2 Korean Language Package is published by Magento 2 Translation Project at Crowdin, so all phrases will be replaced by the Korean language according to the contribution to that project. Please following up the guides in this post to convert the language with ease!
Magento 2 Korean Language Pack In order to use the Korean Language on your Magento 2 store, it is time to start with Magento 2 Korean Language Pack in
FULL, FREE and SUPPORTED integration with MailChimp Email Marketing for Magento 2.
MageMonkey has been deprecated, please use MailChimp for Magento instead MailChimp official Magento extension Support MageMonkey, Subscribe for a free
Quickly and easily preview and test your Magento 2 order confirmation page, without hacks or spending time placing new order each time
Preview Order Confirmation Page for Magento 2 For Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x and 2.3.x Styling and testing Magento's order confirmation page can be a
Magento 2 Email Catcher or Email Logger Module. Available At Packagist.
Magento 2 Module Experius email catcher / - logger ``experius/module-emailcatcher`` Main Functionalities Installation Versions Enable email catcher C
Configure Magento 2 to send email using Google App, Gmail, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Microsoft Office365 and many other SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) servers
Magento 2 SMTP Extension - Gmail, G Suite, Amazon SES, Office 365, Mailgun, SendGrid, Mandrill and other SMTP servers. For Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x
Magento 2 Product Allocation extension allows the to admin manage all products in an order
Magento 2 Product Allocation extension allows the to admin manage all products in an order, making sure that products can only be moved to cart if sufficient allocation is available.
Magento 2 Magetrend PdfTemplates extension override pdf tempate in order,invoice,credit-memo
Magento 2 Magetrend PdfTemplates extension override pdf tempate in order,invoice,credit-memo
Sharkpay is a system to provide a full order/payment eco-system for your project.
sharkpay sharkpay is a PHP library which aims to provide a full order/payment eco-system for your projects. A form of plug-in & ready to go for E-Comm
Zem contact reborn - An extensible HTML form mailer plugin for Textpattern CMS.
com_connect Contents Introduction Installing and upgrading Migrating from zem_contact_reborn Usage Tags com_connect tag com_connect_text tag com_conne
Pat article social - Create social links and share counters for articles with Open Graph Meta tags. Embedded status into article's body (Twitter, facebook, G+, Instagram or Gist), blocks of text (quotes) followed by share links below it. Google AMP capable.
pat_article_social Textpattern CMS plugin. Create social links and share counters for articles with Open Graph meta tags. Support for major services:
EmailValidator - PHP Email address validator
EmailValidator A library for validating emails against several RFC. Supported RFCs This library aims to support RFCs: 5321, 5322, 6530, 6531, 6532, 10
Yii2-symfonymailer - Yii 2 Symfony mailer extension.
Yii Mailer Library - Symfony Mailer Extension This extension provides a Symfony Mailer mail solution for Yii framework 2.0. For license information ch
Email-flooder - A CLI flooder e-mail tool, made in PHP.
E-mail flooder (PHP 8.0.13) You can send emails to any server, however the request must come from Gmail. (Remember to enable less secure apps to be ab
This package adds support for verifying new email addresses: when a user updates its email address, it won't replace the old one until the new one is verified.
Laravel Verify New Email Laravel supports verifying email addresses out of the box. This package adds support for verifying new email addresses. When
Anonymous email forwarding
Anonymous Email Forwarding This is the source code for self-hosting AnonAddy. FAQ Why is it called AnonAddy? Why did you make this site? Why should I
This plugin allows you to display code from a repository, such as Github, Gitlab or others in order to use it as a resource in the courses.
Fetch Code This plugin allows you to display code from a repository, such as Github, Gitlab or others in order to use it as a resource in the courses.
Simple, modern looking server status page with administration and some nice features, that can run even on shared webhosting
Simple, modern looking server status page with administration and some nice features, that can run even on shared webhosting
Symfony bundle to publish status updates on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Upgrading? Check the upgrade guide. What's this? This is a Symfony bundle written in PHP 7.1 that wraps martin-georgiev/social-post - an easy way for
A Laravel package to monitor the status and history of jobs on the queue.
Monitored Jobs for Laravel Overview This package tracks the status and history of your queued jobs by hooking into the events that Laravel fires for i
Provides email verification on the go.
Email Checker Email Checker was created and maintained by Aman Nurani. It provides a powerful email validating system for both development and product
📛 An open source status page system for everyone.
Cachet is a beautiful and powerful open source status page system. Overview List your service components Report incidents Customise the look of your s
A robust and flexible way to add double-opt-in (DOI) to any form in Mautic
Mautic double-opt-in (DOI) plugin Adds a robust and flexible way to add a double-opt-in process (DOI) to any form in Mautic. What is the plugin for? I
A bring-your-own-email-first newsletter service. ✨
Typewrite Typewrite a hosted bring-your-own-email newsletter service for people who need a simplistic and privacy-first newsletter service. The core a
Microservice for sending emails with Lumen
Microservice for send email Microservice developed in Lumen for sending emails in real time or by queue. Current Features Send email in real time Send
Cachet is a beautiful and powerful open source status page system.
Cachet is a beautiful and powerful open source status page system. Overview List your service components Report incidents Customise the look of your s
Laravel 8, Javascript, ajax
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A payment gateway plugin for WooCommerce to see if your checkout works.
=== Order Test For All for WooCommerce === Contributors: ikamal Donate link: https://kamal.pw/ Tags: wc order test, wc order, woocommerce, woocommerce
mini Project in Laravel and vue js. Real World Laravel 8x + vue js Dashboard.Task management and project management system
mini Project in Laravel and vue js. Real World Laravel 8x + vue js Dashboard.Task management and project management system. Dashboard features such as: Complete Dashboard, Custom Authentication, Email Verification, custom-login-register-forgot password (without jetstream).
Admin Order Product Links
JBrada/AdminOrderProductLinks A simple module adds a navigation link between order, shipment, invoice and credit memo items and its related products.
Send beautiful HTML emails with Laravel
Beautymail for Laravel Beautymail makes it super easy to send beautiful responsive HTML emails. It's made for things like: Welcome emails Password rem
Laravel package for giving admin-created accounts to users via 'set-password' email.
Invytr When making a website where users are created instead of registering themselves, you are faced with the challenge of safely giving users the ac
Laravel Auth is a Complete Build of Laravel 8 with Email Registration Verification, Social Authentication, User Roles and Permissions, User Profiles, and Admin restricted user management system.
Laravel Auth is a Complete Build of Laravel 8 with Email Registration Verification, Social Authentication, User Roles and Permissions, User Profiles, and Admin restricted user management system. Built on Bootstrap 4.
Simple mail sending by PHPMailer and Create your local system.
Simple mail sending by PHPMailer and Create your local system. Send mail zero of cost and also send Attachment like Photo, pdf and multiple files. You should be create a login and verify two steps authentication like OTP, verifications 🔗 link. PHPMailer make your dreams project eassy and simple also free of cost.
A package to validate email domains in a user registration form
Laravel Email Domain Rule This package allows to define a subset of allowed email domains and validate any user registration form with a custom rule.
Fausse page de connexion faite en PHP, inclu: blacklist IP, redirection au choix, webhook discord, logs. Pour les informations: IP, mdp, email, géolocalisation, navigateur et bien d'autre
Scam page PayPal v2 1. Tutoriel explicatif [striked] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_gggGhVZlY [not striked] https://mega.nz/file/8Idw0BgR#4g3Q0
A package to simplify automating future notifications and reminders in Laravel
Laravel Snooze Schedule future notifications and reminders in Laravel Why use this package? Ever wanted to schedule a future notification to go out at
Laravel package to periodically monitor the health of your server and application.
Laravel package to periodically monitor the health of your server and application. It ships with common checks out of the box and allows you to add your own custom checks too. The packages comes with both console and web interfaces.
Trigger email failures to assert what happens on your Laravel Application when an email fails to send
Laravel Email Failer composer require --dev rogervila/laravel-email-failer About Trigger email failures to assert what happens on your Laravel Applica
Disposable email address validator for Laravel
Laravel Disposable Email Adds a validator to Laravel for checking whether a given email address isn't originating from disposable email services such
This package adds support for verifying new email addresses: when a user updates its email address, it won't replace the old one until the new one is verified.
Laravel Verify New Email Laravel supports verifying email addresses out of the box. This package adds support for verifying new email addresses. When
Files Course Laravel Microservice E-mail
Curso Laravel Microservices com RabbitMQ (micro e-mail) Saiba Mais Sobre o Curso Requisitos Este micro e-mail depende do microservice 01, portanto, pr
Laravel app boilerplate with email verification process on registration
The default master branch is for Laravel 5.4 , for Laravel 5.3 boilerplate switch to the v5.3 branch Laravel app boilerplate with email verification o
Schedule your OLX searches and get notified by email when something new is published 📆
Olx.ba search scheduler Missing scheduler for Olx.ba searches. Production-ready small web application which notifies you by email when something new i
AvoRed an Open Source Laravel Shopping Cart
AvoRed is commin up as a headless graphql version. AvoRed is a free open-source e-commerce platform written in PHP based on Laravel. Its an ingenuous
AvoRed an Open Source Laravel Shopping Cart
AvoRed is commin up as a headless graphql version. AvoRed is a free open-source e-commerce platform written in PHP based on Laravel. Its an ingenuous
Email validation service in PHP
Email validation service Email validation service in PHP using Laravel 8. Validation features Domain Regular Expression Smtp Txt records Installing de
Laravel Disposable Email Validator
Laravel Disposable Email Validator Prevent users from registrering with a disposable email addresses! Table of Contents Installation Usage Translation
A simple database logger for all outgoing emails sent by Laravel website.
Laravel Email Database Log A simple database logger for all outgoing emails sent by Laravel website.
Simple transactional email classes/templates for Laravel 5 mailables
Tuxedo Tuxedo is an easy way to send transactional emails with Laravel's Mail classes, with the templates already done for you. Contents Installation