Livewire component to show records according to their current status


Livewire Status Board

Livewire component to show records/data according to their current status




You can install the package via composer:

composer require asantibanez/livewire-status-board


This package uses livewire/livewire ( under the hood.

It also uses TailwindCSS ( for base styling.

Please make sure you include both of this dependencies before using this component.


In order to use this component, you must create a new Livewire component that extends from LivewireStatusBoard

You can use make:livewire to create a new component. For example.

php artisan make:livewire SalesOrdersStatusBoard

In the SalesOrdersStatusBoard class, instead of extending from the base Livewire Component class, extend from LivewireStatusBoard. Also, remove the render method. You'll have a class similar to this snippet.

class SalesOrdersStatusBoard extends LivewireStatusBoard

In this class, you must override the following methods to display data

public function statuses() : Collection 

public function records() : Collection 

As you may have noticed, both methods return a collection. statuses() refers to all the different status values your data may have in different points of time. records() on the other hand, stand for the data you want to show that could be in any of those previously defined statuses() collection.

To show how these two methods work together, let's discuss an example of Sales Orders and their different status along the sales process: Registered, Awaiting Confirmation, Confirmed, Delivered. Each Sales Order might be in a different status at specific times. For this example, we might define the following collection for statuses()

public function statuses() : Collection
    return collect([
            'id' => 'registered',
            'title' => 'Registered',
            'id' => 'awaiting_confirmation',
            'title' => 'Awaiting Confirmation',
            'id' => 'confirmed',
            'title' => 'Confirmed',
            'id' => 'delivered',
            'title' => 'Delivered',

For each status we define, we must return an array with at least 2 keys: id and title.

Now, for records() we may define a list of Sales Orders that come from an Eloquent model in our project

public function records() : Collection
    return SalesOrder::query()
        ->map(function (SalesOrder $salesOrder) {
            return [
                'id' => $salesOrder->id,
                'title' => $salesOrder->client,
                'status' => $salesOrder->status,

As you might see in the above snippet, we must return a collection of array items where each item must have at least 3 keys: id, title and status. The last one is of most importance since it is going to be used to match to which status the record belongs to. For this matter, the component matches status and records with the following comparison

$status['id'] == $record['status'];

To render the component in a view, just use the Livewire tag or include syntax

<livewire:sales-orders-status-board />

Populate the Sales Order model and you should have something similar to the following screenshot


You can render any render and statuses of your project using this approach 👍

Sorting and Dragging

By default, sorting and dragging between statuses is disabled. To enable it, you must include the following props when using the view: sortable and sortable-between-statuses


sortable enables sorting withing each status and sortable-between-statuses allow drag and drop from one status to the other. Adding these two properties, allow you to have drag and drop in place.

You must also install the following JS dependencies in your project to enable sorting and dragging.

npm install sortablejs

Once installed, make them available globally in the window object. This can be done in the bootstrap.js file that ships with your Laravel app.

window.Sortable = require('sortablejs').default;

Behavior and Interactions

When sorting and dragging is enabled, your component can be notified when any of these events occur. The callbacks triggered by these two events are onStatusSorted and onStatusChanged

On onStatusSorted you are notified about which record has changed position within it's status. You are also given a $orderedIds array which holds the ids of the records after being sorted. You must override the following method to get notified on this change.

public function onStatusSorted($recordId, $statusId, $orderedIds)

On onStatusChanged gets triggered when a record is moved to another status. In this scenario, you get notified about the record that was changed, the new status, the ordered ids from the previous status and the ordered ids of the new status the record in entering. To be notified about this event, you must override the following method:

public function onStatusChanged($recordId, $statusId, $fromOrderedIds, $toOrderedIds)

onStatusSorted and onStatusChanged are never triggered simultaneously. You'll get notified of one or the other when an interaction occurs.

You can also get notified when a record in the status board is clicked via the onRecordClick event

public function onRecordClick($recordId)

To enable onRecordClick you must specify this behavior when rendering the component through the record-click-enabled parameter



To modify the look and feel of the component, you can override the styles method and modify the base styles returned by this method to the view. styles() returns a keyed array with Tailwind CSS classes used to render each one of the components. These base keys and styles are:

return [
    'wrapper' => 'w-full h-full flex space-x-4 overflow-x-auto', // component wrapper
    'statusWrapper' => 'h-full flex-1', // statuses wrapper
    'status' => 'bg-blue-200 rounded px-2 flex flex-col h-full', // status column wrapper 
    'statusHeader' => 'p-2 text-sm text-gray-700', // status header
    'statusFooter' => '', // status footer
    'statusRecords' => 'space-y-2 p-2 flex-1 overflow-y-auto', // status records wrapper 
    'record' => 'shadow bg-white p-2 rounded border', // record wrapper
    'recordContent' => '', // record content

An example of overriding the styles() method can be seen below

public function styles()
    $baseStyles = parent::styles();

    $baseStyles['wrapper'] = 'w-full flex space-x-4 overflow-x-auto bg-blue-500 px-4 py-8';

    $baseStyles['statusWrapper'] = 'flex-1';

    $baseStyles['status'] = 'bg-gray-200 rounded px-2 flex flex-col flex-1';

    $baseStyles['statusHeader'] = 'text-sm font-medium py-2 text-gray-700';

    $baseStyles['statusRecords'] = 'space-y-2 px-1 pt-2 pb-2';

    $baseStyles['record'] = 'shadow bg-white p-2 rounded border text-sm text-gray-800';

    return $baseStyles;

With these new styles, your component should look like the screenshot below


Looks like Trello, right? 😅

Advanced Styling and Behavior

Base views of the component can be customized as needed by exporting them to your project. To do this, run the php artisan vendor:publish command and export the livewire-status-board-views tag. The command will publish the base views under /resources/views/vendor/livewire-status-board. You can modify these base components as needed keeping in mind to maintain the data attributes and ids along the way.

Another approach is copying the base view files into your own view files and pass them directly to your component


Note: Using this approach also let's you add extra behavior to your component like click events on header, footers, such as filters or any other actions

Adding Extra Views

The component let's you add a view before and/or after the status board has been rendered. These two placeholders can be used to add extra functionality to your component like a search input or toolbar of actions. To use them, just pass along the views you want to use in the before-status-board-view and after-status-board-view props when displaying the component.


Note: These views are optional.

In the following example, a before-status-board-view has been specified to add a search text box and a button



composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • getting issue while installation

    getting issue while installation

    Hello sir getting this issue while installation Problem 1 - Can only install one of: livewire/livewire[1.x-dev, v2.2.7]. - Can only install one of: livewire/livewire[v2.2.7, 1.x-dev]. - Can only install one of: livewire/livewire[1.x-dev, v2.2.7]. - asantibanez/livewire-status-board 1.0.0 requires livewire/livewire ^1.1 -> satisfiable by livewire/livewire[1.x-dev]. - Installation request for asantibanez/livewire-status-board ^1.0 -> satisfiable by asantibanez/livewire-status-board[1.0.0]. - Installation request for livewire/livewire (locked at v2.2.7, required as ^2.0) -> satisfiable by livewire/livewire[v2.2.7].

    Laravel version 8.6.0 Livewire version 2.2.7

    opened by RohitRD31 8
  • Remove jQuery dependency

    Remove jQuery dependency

    I noticed the only place jQuery is being used is resources/views/sortable.blade.php

    const fromOrderedIds = $(evt.from).children().map((index, child) =>;
    const toOrderedIds = $(, child) =>;

    I updated this locally to make it work without jQuery:

    const fromOrderedIds = [], i) =>;

    I can make a PR if you'd like

    opened by messerli90 3
  • Get model instead of id in callbacks

    Get model instead of id in callbacks

    Hey there, thanks for a great package!

    Would it be possible to have model binding in the callsbacks? Livewire supports this, but I'm not sure if this is possible when overwriting methods from LivewireStatusBoard in our own custom implementations.

    I need to do a redirect that requires some data from a related model, and right now I have to first load that model with a findOrFail. It would be nice if I could just do this

    class CustomStatusBoard extends LivewireStatusBoard
        public function onRecordClick(MyModel $model)
            $this->redirect(route('', ['parent' => $model->parent, 'model' => $model]));
    opened by Ahrengot 2
  • Add back support for Livewire v1

    Add back support for Livewire v1

    Is there a reason Livewire v1 support was dropped? This package seems to work just fine with Livewire v1.

    Would be great to keep support for Livewire v1 until something only available in v2 needs to be used.

    Would also make upgrading our app to Laravel v8 a lot easier.



    opened by wilburpowery 0
  • Layout component?

    Layout component?

    Great package. My question is around using my layout components and sharing data.

    In my case, for most of my pages I use Livewire's layoutData() when rendering the component's view, a la:

    return view('')
      'section' => $this->section

    I know the package bypasses Livewire's native render. Aside from being able to publish the views themselves, is there a way I'm missing to override the render so I can push additional data?

    Thanks for any help!

    opened by dambridge 0
  • Changes to the records data set are not updating when in component

    Changes to the records data set are not updating when in component

    I have implemented your status board library and have it working as documented. It is exactly what I needed to help maintain a large set of tasks and what status they are in. The problem I have is that I have a list of "filters" that change the records that are being mapped in the records() function, and they are not updating. I have a simple log call in the records function that I am using to even test if there is activity when I am changing the filter. I can confirm that the change is happening as the other list views and pagination is changing.

    Here is my records function:

    public function records(): Collection
            ray("records called");
            return $this->tasks
            ->map(function (Task $task) {
                return [
                    'id' => $task->id,
                    'title' => $task->task_title,
                    'status' => $task->status,
                    'task' => $task

    I am getting tasks (records for this) from a property function in a trait (however I can confirm this also doesn't work if it isn't in a trait).

    public function getTasksProperty()
            ray("getting tasks...");
            // Compose Query
            // Base Queries
            $query = Task::query();
            $query = $query->where('organization_id', Auth::user()->organization_id);
            $query = $query->where('task_title', 'like', '%' . $this->search . '%');
            // Variables for Query
            switch ($this->filter) {
                case ('open'):
                    $query = $query->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id);
                    $query = $query->where('complete', '0');
                case ('assigned'):
                    $query = $query->where('assigned_to', Auth::user()->id);
                    $query = $query->where('complete', '0');
                case ('completed'):
                    $query = $query->where('assigned_to', Auth::user()->id);
                    $query = $query->where('complete', '1');
            switch ($this->section) {
                case ('meetings'):
                    $query = $query->where('meeting_id', $this->sectionItem);
                case ('projects'):
                    $query = $query->where('project_id', $this->sectionItem);
                case ('people'):
                    $query = $query->where('assigned_to', $this->sectionItem);
            // Base Order/Paginate Queries
            $query = $query->with('user');
            $query = $query->with('subtasks');
            $query = $query->with('updates');
            $query = $query->orderBy('pin', 'desc');
            $query = $query->orderBy('priority', 'desc');
            $query = $query->orderBy('due', 'asc');
            if($this->component == 'board') {
                $results = $query->get();
            } else {
                $results = $query->paginate($this->tasksPerPage);
            return $results;

    When a change happens to a filter should I also refresh the component? Any help here would be appreciated.

    opened by awizemann 0
  • Fix typos

    Fix typos

    This PR is aimed at fixing different kinds of typo and grammar in the readme file. I have also added an @include('sales-orders-status-board') method to render livewire component

    opened by Williamug 0
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