SPFtoolbox is a Javascript and PHP app to look up DNS records such as SPF, MX, Whois, and more



CDNJS Chrome Web Store Website

SPFtoolbox is an Application to check simple information such as SPF, DNS records, and more



There are many ways to contribute to SPFtoolbox.


big screenshot

How to install SPFToolBox

  • You have a Yunohost Server

Install SPFToolBox with YunoHost

  • Heroku


  • Install manually
  1. Dowload the latest release of SPFtoolbox
  2. Upload the contents to your webserver enabled with PHP 5.3+
  3. Extract the contents of the zip file on your server to your desired directory.
  4. Navigate to index.html
  5. Enter in your domain and submit!

Questions, Concerns, and Feature Request

  • Please create an issue or send me an email if you have feedback to give

This also comes as an extension!

Created by Charles Barnes

  • getPort.php


    I tried something, surely unfinished. I don't know how to manipulate the .out of the function. You use "$response" but can you explain how I can manipulate the echo of the function ?

    fixes #20

    opened by frju365 19
  • phpwhois error running php version 7.1.14

    phpwhois error running php version 7.1.14

    Appears to be an issue with phpwhois

    <br />
    <b>Warning</b>:  Illegal string offset 'domain' in <b>/Volumes/MyMagicDrive/SuperSecret/Directory/Apache/SPFtoolbox/phpwhois/whois.parser.php(370) : eval()'d code</b> on line <b>1</b><br />
    <br />
    <b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught Error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /Volumes/MyMagicDrive/SuperSecret/Directory/Apache/SPFtoolbox/phpwhois/whois.parser.php(370) : eval()'d code:1
    Stack trace:
    #0 /Volumes/MyMagicDrive/SuperSecret/Directory/Apache/SPFtoolbox/phpwhois/whois.parser.php(370): eval()
    #1 /Volumes/MyMagicDrive/SuperSecret/Directory/Apache/SPFtoolbox/phpwhois/whois.au.php(54): generic_parser_b(Array, Array)
    #2 /Volumes/MyMagicDrive/SuperSecret/Directory/Apache/SPFtoolbox/phpwhois/whois.client.php(472): au_handler-&gt;parse(Array, 'abc.net.au')
    #3 /Volumes/MyMagicDrive/SuperSecret/Directory/Apache/SPFtoolbox/phpwhois/whois.client.php(257): WhoisClient-&gt;Process(Array, true)
    #4 /Volumes/MyMagicDrive/SuperSecret/Directory/Apache/SPFtoolbox/phpwhois/whois.main.php(259): WhoisClient-&gt;GetData('abc.net.au', true)
    #5 /Volumes/MyMagicDrive/SuperSecret/Directory/Apache/SPFtoolbox/getWhois.php(15): Whois-&gt;Lookup('abc.net.au')
    #6 {main}
      thrown in <b>/Volumes/MyMagicDrive/SuperSecret/Directory/Apache/SPFtoolbox/phpwhois/whois.parser.php(370) : eval()'d code</b> on line <b>1</b><br />

    Client Side: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

    opened by adamchilcott 7
  • Why the tracking?

    Why the tracking?

    https://spftoolbox.com/ my adblocker and tracker blocker are blocking a bunch of stuff. Like:


    Why are they needed?

    opened by tio-trom 6
  • ERROR with all request

    ERROR with all request

    2019/01/08 13:31:00 [error] 293#293: *1 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning: dns_get_record(): Unable to parse DNS data received in /config/www/SPFtoolbox/getAll.php on line 12" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: spf.redacted, request: "GET /getAll.php?domain=onr.com HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "spf.redacted", referrer: "https://spf.redacted/"

    i dont know if its because of the current whois error

    opened by dirtycajunrice 4
  • Addition of DMARC functionality

    Addition of DMARC functionality

    Hi there,

    This is my first proper attempt at a pull request, so forgive me if I'm making a mistake.

    I thought adding DMARC functionality would be really useful. While it's possible to lookup DMARC by looking up a TXT record for _dmarc.domain.com, adding this as a separate functionality will make it more user-friendly and give it more parity with other websites and services.

    I'm by no means a pro at PHP or JavaScript, so let me know if there's something wrong in the code.

    Thanks for reading, Erik Lentz

    opened by ErikLentz 3
  • Question about meta tags.

    Question about meta tags.

    I have a long question : Can we get rid of useless meta tags ? I wanted to know what are the goal of these meta tag "http-equiv" and "pragma" because, even if I know what are the goal of this header, I don't find the reason of no using php header. :-)

    I did a test and these tags are simply not working with my browser for example. I did a test :

    • with meta tags : test1

    • using php header : test2

    Perhaps there is something I don't understand, but I checked on w3c website about this meta tags and I found that they doesn't recommend to use it (cf. W3C validator).

    opened by frju365 2
  • New feature : check open/close ports.

    New feature : check open/close ports.

    Hello, Thanks for this amazing tools which is very useful for me. I did a package for Yunohost to integrate it to our software (free software too) : https://yunohost.org

    I was thinking of another feature : could it be possible to check open/close port from an host ?

    Thanks in advance for your answer, frju365

    opened by frju365 2
  • Errors returned from getWhois.php

    Errors returned from getWhois.php

    Upon calling the getWhois.php file some error messages are returned in the response:

    1. ( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: out in C:\wamp64\www\spf\getWhois.php on line 7

    2. ( ! ) Warning: Illegal string offset 'handler' in C:\wamp64\www\spf\phpwhois\whois.gtld.php on line 57

    • Seems to happen regardless of the domain called
    • Easy to repro


    opened by MichaelDill 2
  • Add Dockerfile and GitHub workflow

    Add Dockerfile and GitHub workflow

    What is this change?

    Adds a Dockerfile and a GitHub workflow to publish the docker image to the GitHub repository.

    Why is this being done?

    Enable users to run SPFtoolbox as a docker container.

    How was it tested?

    Committed changes and the workflow was run successfully resulting in a working docker image: https://github.com/jamesmoore/SPFtoolbox/pkgs/container/spftoolbox

    opened by jamesmoore 1
  • Feature request: DMARC record

    Feature request: DMARC record

    A common record type that SPFtoolbox doesn't yet easily retrieve is DMARC. While it's easy enough to look up the TXT record for _dmarc.domain.com, having DMARC as an explicit option would make it easier not to forget to add _dmarc to the front of the query.


    opened by ErikLentz 1
  • If an array has a to-many association [{object number}[object Object]] is returned

    If an array has a to-many association [{object number}[object Object]] is returned

    I updated how data is returns so it matches JSON standard. This change affected the function that returns data. Do you think this will require a big refactor @MikeDpicks?

    opened by charlesabarnes 1
  • Update dependency versions

    Update dependency versions

    • Use latest php-apache image
    • Use latest sigstore/cosign-installer

    Tested successfully in the latest workflow run on my fork: https://github.com/jamesmoore/SPFtoolbox/actions/runs/3758330825/jobs/6386540993

    opened by jamesmoore 0
  • Include docker registry info.

    Include docker registry info.

    Hi, this is a very helpful tool, thanks for making it!

    I saw that you're using GitHub Workflows to publish to ghcr.io, which is great, but I had to piece together the registry url as I usually use docker hub.

    After a bit of trial and error, I can see that this works:

    ghcr.io/charlesabarnes/spftoolbox:master - great!

    It would be helpful if:

    1. You did a tagged release to v2.1.2 (or whatever), so that there's a stable version in ghcr.
    2. You added a note that this can be pulled from ghcr within the README.

    Again, thanks for making this, it's great!

    opened by atheken 0
  • Ping And traceroute support

    Ping And traceroute support

    Created #50 to add ping and traceroute but it will require it to be active on the machine. Need help finding an approach without this as a necessity.

    help wanted 
    opened by charlesabarnes 0
  • Ping and Traceroute: Review wanted

    Ping and Traceroute: Review wanted

    Ping and Traceroute has to be installed on the associated machine. I am thinking about hitting a fallback server. any complaints with getting the response from https://spftoolbox.com as a fallback?

    opened by charlesabarnes 0
  • API Documentation Request

    API Documentation Request

    Digging the code I found access to the API which I found is not documented although easily accesible and usable.

    GET @ /operations? Params: domain=***** (the domain or url to check) request=blacklist (the desired test to make) port=### (Depending on the request type)

    And getting a simple JSON response well formatted. I used it with Postman Monitors to check every week if my domain has gone to any blacklist.

    I find this API very useful and a handy application overall to host alongside a webmail on a mail server.

    opened by R0dri 2
Charles Barnes
Developer happy to help with anything Typescript
Charles Barnes
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