ViMbAdmin project provides a web based virtual mailbox administration system to allow mail administrators to easily manage domains, mailboxes and aliases.



Virtual Mailbox Administration

The ViMbAdmin project (vim-be-admin) provides a web based virtual mailbox administration system to allow mail administrators to easily manage domains, mailboxes and aliases.

ViMbAdmin was written in PHP using our own web application framework which includes the Zend Framework, the Doctrine ORM and the Smarty templating system with JQuery and Bootstrap.

  • Mailbox auto aliases

    Mailbox auto aliases

    A plugin that will create required aliases if a mailbox for a domain is created. Plugin is by default disabled and has to be enabled in application.ini. Also define default aliases that should be created, see application.ini.dist for an example.

    opened by mfechner 18
  • Feature: Allow setting of global domain aliases

    Feature: Allow setting of global domain aliases

    I'd like to be able to set a domain alias so that we don't need to setup a new alias for each individual address.

    [email protected] is forwarded to [email protected]

    I believe that this will require a new table or updates to the db schema and /etc/postfix/mysql/*.cf to reflect which are whole domain aliases and which are just single email aliases.

    opened by szlwzl 17
  • orm:schema-tool:create only creates domain_admins

    orm:schema-tool:create only creates domain_admins

    Hi, i run ./bin/doctrine2-cli.php orm:schema-tool:create, but only one table is created. The Webinterfaice failes with:

    An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT COUNT( AS sclr_0 FROM admin.admin a0_': SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1142 SELECT command denied to user 'vimbadmin'@'localhost' for table 'admin'

    I am using debian, with php PHP 5.4.36-0+deb7u3

    Validate seems to be ok:

    root@c4ba9180f503:/usr/local/vimbadmin# bin/doctrine2-cli.php orm:validate-schema
    [Mapping]  OK - The mapping files are correct.
    [Database] OK - The database schema is in sync with the mapping files.

    But this is my schema:

    mysql> show tables;
    | Tables_in_vimbadmin |
    | domain_admins       |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    How to install necessary tables?

    opened by petershaw 14
  • RoundCube Plugin

    RoundCube Plugin

    I'm wondering what this vimbadmin_plugins.RoundCube.disabled = true is about?

    Is there a RoundCube Plugin planned or somewhere available? What will be the features?

    opened by bschmitt 14
  • Hook rewrite return value

    Hook rewrite return value

    I required the functionality to implement checks in plugins. These checks must be able to forbid core to write values into the database. As this logic is part of the plugin the hook system must be able to handle return values.

    With these modifications the called hooks can return a false value and therefor are able to inform core to not execute the triggered action, but display an error message.

    Would be nice if this could be merged into the repository.

    opened by mfechner 12
  • 404 error new install

    404 error new install

    All installs fine, however receive 404 error, when trying to view it.

    Apache2 config:

    I followed the guide on the wiki. and ran chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/local/vimbadmin

    opened by smmalloy 12
  • Zend_Controller_Action_Exception on fresh installation

    Zend_Controller_Action_Exception on fresh installation

    Hello, I've faced such error on a fresh installation of ViMbAdmin:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Controller_Action_Exception' with message 'ViewRenderer initialization failed: retrieved view base path is empty' in /opt/vimbadmin/vendor/zendframework/zendframework1/library/Zend/Controller/Action/Helper/ViewRenderer.php:475 Stack trace: #0 /opt/vimbadmin/vendor/zendframework/zendframework1/library/Zend/Controller/Action/Helper/ViewRenderer.php(516): Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer->initView() #1 /opt/vimbadmin/vendor/zendframework/zendframework1/library/Zend/Controller/Action/HelperBroker.php(253): Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer->init() #2 /opt/vimbadmin/vendor/zendframework/zendframework1/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(132): Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker->__construct(Object(ErrorController)) #3 /opt/vimbadmin/vendor/opensolutions/oss-framework/src/OSS/Controller/Action.php(119): Zend_Controller_Action->__construct(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http), Array) #4 /opt/vimbadmin/library/ViMbAdmin/Controller/Actio in /opt/vimbadmin/vendor/zendframework/zendframework1/library/Zend/Controller/Plugin/Broker.php on line 336

    CentOS 6.6, fresh git-2.6.3, composer -1.0-dev, php-5.4.45, nginx. I've downloaded tarball vimbadmin-3.0.12, installed with composer (all ok), setup database (schema validation ok), set file permissions on var/, copy-edit application.ini from *.dist, copy .htaccess from *.dist, test it with php -S lo:8080 -t public/ and get an error... What have I missed?

    opened by dmitrydonskih 11
  • [Security Suggestion] Password field and initial password

    [Security Suggestion] Password field and initial password

    Currently, you can set a password and it will be displayed in clear-text instead of censored. Please change the input field to password instead of text and add a second one to validate the entered password.

    If needed, you may can add a "View password" button, which temporarly changes the password-field to a text-field.

    If the user uses the "create a random password" button, it should be automatically set to both input fields.

    Anyway: In my opinion it's a no go, to send out the set password in clear-text via email to the user.

    I would prefer, that the password isn't sent out, if at creation of the mailbox an individual password was set. If it's a random password, it should be send seperatly in a second email and/or the user has to change it immediately after the first login. This action needs to be forced at login.

    opened by Sebi94nbg 8
  • Autoconfig of mail clients?

    Autoconfig of mail clients?

    Would you be interested in adding autoconfiguration of mail to this project?

    I already did it in this project: so I could pull request?

    opened by pierreozoux 8
  • AliasRepository::loadWithMailbox() has wrong like-check

    AliasRepository::loadWithMailbox() has wrong like-check

    If you have a mailbox called [email protected] and an alias [email protected] -> [email protected], [email protected]

    AliasRepository::loadWithMailbox() will also include this alias although it is completely unrelated. This causes a problem when purging mailboxes, as they try to delete this alias too.

    The SQL like query should be replaced to something like find_in_set() or, if that is not doable due to other DBs not supporting it, one can choose a.goto like ',' & ?2 OR a.goto like ?2 & ','

    opened by liayn 8
  • vimbadmin 3.x - unable to create database tables

    vimbadmin 3.x - unable to create database tables

    Hi everybody,

    trying to set up latest version from git, stuck during creation of tables:

    root@mail:/var/www/vimbadmin# ./bin/doctrine2-cli.php orm:schema-tool:create PHP Notice: Undefined index: doctrine2 in /var/www/vimbadmin/bin/ on line 80 PHP Notice: Undefined index: doctrine2cache in /var/www/vimbadmin/vendor/opensolutions/oss-framework/src/OSS/Resource/Doctrine2.php on line 88 ERROR: Doctrine2 requires Doctrine2Cache to have been already bootstrapped

    Regards, Werner

    opened by wdetter 8
  • SmartyCompilerException on PHP 8.1

    SmartyCompilerException on PHP 8.1

    Having 6fc7b6a7be3eb9264b27caf4e48d8c90bafc3ce9 as base I'm getting this error on PHP 8.1

    Fatal error: Type of SmartyCompilerException::$line must be int (as in class Exception) in /srv/vimbadmin/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smartycompilerexception.php on line 8
    opened by frlan 0
  • Installation instructions from Wiki doesn't work with recent versions

    Installation instructions from Wiki doesn't work with recent versions

    Homepage links to ->

    When having -- like mentioned there -- some PHP <8 installed:

    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - Installation request for psr/cache 3.0.0 -> satisfiable by psr/cache[3.0.0].
        - psr/cache 3.0.0 requires php >=8.0.0 -> your PHP version (7.3.31) does not satisfy that requirement.
      Problem 2
        - Installation request for psr/container 2.0.2 -> satisfiable by psr/container[2.0.2].
        - psr/container 2.0.2 requires php >=7.4.0 -> your PHP version (7.3.31) does not satisfy that requirement.
      Problem 3
        - Installation request for symfony/console v6.0.5 -> satisfiable by symfony/console[v6.0.5].
        - symfony/console v6.0.5 requires php >=8.0.2 -> your PHP version (7.3.31) does not satisfy that requirement.
      Problem 4
        - Installation request for symfony/service-contracts v3.0.0 -> satisfiable by symfony/service-contracts[v3.0.0].
        - symfony/service-contracts v3.0.0 requires php >=8.0.2 -> your PHP version (7.3.31) does not satisfy that requirement.
      Problem 5
        - Installation request for symfony/string v6.0.3 -> satisfiable by symfony/string[v6.0.3].
        - symfony/string v6.0.3 requires php >=8.0.2 -> your PHP version (7.3.31) does not satisfy that requirement.
      Problem 6
        - psr/cache 3.0.0 requires php >=8.0.0 -> your PHP version (7.3.31) does not satisfy that requirement.
        - doctrine/persistence 2.4.1 requires psr/cache ^1.0 || ^2.0 || ^3.0 -> satisfiable by psr/cache[3.0.0].
        - Installation request for doctrine/persistence 2.4.1 -> satisfiable by doctrine/persistence[2.4.1].

    I think installation guide should get a small update.

    opened by frlan 0
  • Update UPDATING with recent changes needs to be done for 3.x branch

    Update UPDATING with recent changes needs to be done for 3.x branch

    Last content is

    Specific Update Notes
    Upgrading from 0.1.2 and below to 2.0 and above

    Grabbing these informations from release notes is … hard. It would be cool if there would be the needed information documented, too.

    opened by frlan 0
  • Ensure a checkout contains the version number of vimbadmin

    Ensure a checkout contains the version number of vimbadmin

    I was just on my way updating an elderish version of vimabadmin and trying to figure out which exact version there was installed. It would be easier to include the version in an obvious place inside the release tarball.

    opened by frlan 2
  • typo in: application/controllers/AliasController.php

    typo in: application/controllers/AliasController.php

    typo in: application/controllers/AliasController.php

    "Alias has bean removed successfully"

    should read

    "Alias has been removed successfully"

    opened by Whichcraft 0
  • 3.3.0(Apr 1, 2022)

  • 3.2.1(Jun 8, 2020)

  • 3.2.0(May 16, 2020)

    In this release, we merge in two small libraries and update the documentation for better composer handling.

    You will need to edit application/config/application.ini as follows (line numbers correspond to this version of the application.ini.dist file.

    1. Change line 595:
    - pluginPaths.OSS_Resource = APPLICATION_PATH "/../vendor/opensolutions/oss-framework/src/OSS/Resource"
    + pluginPaths.OSS_Resource = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library/OSS/Resource"
    1. Change line 673:
    - resources.smarty.plugins[] = APPLICATION_PATH "/../vendor/opensolutions/oss-framework/src/OSS/Smarty/functions"
    + resources.smarty.plugins[] = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library/OSS/Smarty/functions"

    From here on in, upgrades (and installs) that use the composer method should do it via:

    composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 3.1.1(May 16, 2020)

    • Fixes to automatic aliases (d94b00e - Barry O'Donovan - 2020-05-16)
    • Mailbox auto aliases (#179) (e021eef - Matthias Fechner - 2020-05-16)
    • Change redirection for changed password (#235) (4602ab0 - Pierre Ozoux - 2020-05-16)
    • [BF] some fields in Directory Entry plugin will not disappear - I think this should work - fixes #246 (90ac57c - Barry O'Donovan - 2020-05-16)
    • [NF] Hide Domain column from mailbox listing via @maysara - closes #248 (b121616 - Barry O'Donovan - 2020-05-16)
    • Default Quota not populated when mailbox is created via @maysara - fixes #249 (a1eb0e1 - Barry O'Donovan - 2020-05-16)
    • Update proxies (7c8d2e0 - Barry O'Donovan - 2020-05-16)
    • Update js bundle (6be6b7f - Barry O'Donovan - 2020-05-16)
    • [NF] Add archive logging - closes #251 (4e23643 - Barry O'Donovan - 2020-05-16)
    • [BF] Wrong mailbox count after restoring archive via @rfhsorna - fixes #231 (c9fb4b7 - Barry O'Donovan - 2020-05-16)
    • [BF] defaults.table.entries was ignored - fixes #216 (d6f1473 - Barry O'Donovan - 2020-05-16)
    • [BF] Better error handling for dup alias - fixes #260 (fedf85b - Barry O'Donovan - 2020-05-16)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 3.1.0(May 16, 2020)

    We are delighted to announce the immediate release and availability of ViMbAdmin v3.1.0.

    This release supports all versions of PHP up to and including 7.4 (latest at time of writing).

    This is a long awaited and requested update and we apologise for the delay.

    I'd like to give a special shoutout to @Shardj who's shardj/zf1-future fork of the long EOL'd Zend Framework v1 made this possible.

    Upgrade Instructions

    Generally, follow the official instructions.

    There are no schema or other changes so it should be pretty easy.

    If you're using Git, this worked without issue for me:

    cd /path/to/vimbadmin
    git fetch --all
    git checkout 3.1.0
    composer install --prefer-dist --no-dev 
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 3.0.15(Apr 11, 2016)

    In it was pointed out that a typo in the authentication code meant that the md5.salted and sha1.salted password schemes didn't actually use the requested salt string but a fixed salt of "md5.salted" and "sha1.salted" respectively.

    This has been corrected in this commit:

    A note to this effect has been added to ViMbAdmin is this commit:

    As a result of this, "md5.salted" and "sha1.salted" have been replaced with hyphenated versions: "md5-salted" and "sha1-salted" which will use the actual salt as requested.

    For all existing ViMbAdmin installations, "md5.salted" and "sha1.salted" will continue to work but with the static salts of "md5.salted" and "sha1.salted" respectively.

    One should always pick a hashing function as strong as your mail system allows. At time of writing, Dovecot ( ) recommends one of BLF-CRYPT, SHA512-CRYPT, SHA256-CRYPT in descending order of strength

    As such, the default version ViMbAdmin ships with in application.ini.dist is now:

    defaults.mailbox.password_scheme = "dovecot:BLF-CRYPT"

    While no code changes have occurred in ViMbAdmin, we've pushed a new release to mark this issue:

    NB: no code changes have actually occurred in ViMbAdmin but rather a library used by ViMbAdmin. To get the new version of the library, just run:

    composer update 
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 3.0.14(Apr 4, 2016)

    V Merge pull request #127 from Spiral23/dev (87bf5d8 - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-04-04)

    • Really really close #176 ;-) (ddf8963 - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-04-03)
    • Close #174 (06929c5 - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-04-02)
    • Really close #83 (19a5911 - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-04-02)
    • Really fix composer smarty reference (05e23fd - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-04-02)
    • Tidy up PR #134 (165fae8 - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-04-02)
    • Make sure the toggle function for the alias return the correct value to return error message to user why a alias could not be deactivated. (b65ac65 - Matthias Fechner - 2014-09-29)
    • A not existing hook function in a plugin will always cause a true return value to not break interrupt flow. (d4f2fd6 - Matthias Fechner - 2014-09-29)
    • If an alias is deleted, continue only, if all called hooks from all plugins give green light to continue with the deletion. (13120a8 - Matthias Fechner - 2014-09-27)
    • Added the possibility that a plugin function can stop the workflow if it return a false. (3a0e58e - Matthias Fechner - 2014-09-27)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 3.0.13(Apr 2, 2016)

    • Merge pull request #110 from ghost/patch-1 (3a626a3 - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-04-02)
    • Merge pull request #145 from reissmann/feature/103_autocomplete (4a951a2 - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-04-02)
    • Merge pull request #152 from kaechele/patch-1 (5380e97 - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-04-02)
    • [BF] fix min password length - fixes #158 (98084e8 - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-04-02)
    • [BF|IM] Allow new style domain names - fixes #165 (60a4026 - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-04-02)
    • Merge pull request #172 from troggy/fix-email-validation (de87d78 - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-04-02)
    • Allow TLDs longer then 4 chars (f048df9 - Kosta Korenkov - 2016-03-23)
    • Use Smarty from Packagist - fixes #168 #closes #169 (b78a4ce - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-03-16)
    • More securely parse the version - fixes #161 (27775f0 - Barry O'Donovan - 2016-01-07)
    • [NF] new mail/homedir substitution option (b644475 - Barry O'Donovan - 2015-08-28)
    • Fix mail config typo in sample config (235b206 - Felix Kaechele - 2015-08-28)
    • Update (dccd8b8 - Barry O'Donovan - 2015-07-20)
    • disable autocompletion on password formfields. fixes #103 and fixes #144. (3f70145 - Sven Reissmann - 2015-07-08)
    • Update vimbadmin (e2fce46 - Barry O'Donovan - 2015-06-02)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 3.0.12(May 31, 2015)

    • [BF] Fix #139 (4e07b1f - Barry O'Donovan - 2015-05-31)
    • Create (c24c04a - Barry O'Donovan - 2015-03-28)
    • Merge pull request #130 from Tribal-Dolphin/master (549882e - Barry O'Donovan - 2015-03-14)
    • Domain Form accepts plugins (86db6b4 - Tribal-Dolphin - 2015-03-14)
    • Merge pull request #129 from Tribal-Dolphin/master (002be21 - Barry O'Donovan - 2015-03-14)
    • Domain Hook (591cd3b - Tribal-Dolphin - 2015-03-14)
    • Domain Hooks (88783c2 - Tribal-Dolphin - 2015-03-14)

    ## Domain Hooks

    The following domain hooks have been added for plugins with thanks to @Tribal-Dolphin:

    • domain_add_formPostProcess
    • domain_add_addPrepare
    • domain_add_addPrevalidate
    • domain_add_addPostvalidate
    • domain_add_addFinish
    • domain_purge_preRemove
    • domain_purge_purgeFinish
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  • 3.0.11(Jan 20, 2015)

  • 3.0.10(Jun 10, 2014)

  • 2.2.4(Jun 10, 2014)

  • 3.0.9(Jun 7, 2014)

    Pop-ups stopped working in the latest release of Google Chrome. This is fixed by updating the throbber.js library.

    Smarty is now pushed to v3.1.18.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.8(May 20, 2014)

    Another minor version bump to fix issues caused by Smarty's releases. We now hardcode the required version of Smarty to 3.1.17. This is a temporary solution which we can hopefully remove with Smarty 3.1.19.

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 3.0.7(May 8, 2014)

    A small number of bug fixes. The main one is a break in composer/Smarty which the folks at Smarty say will be fixed in their next release.

    • [BF] Fix Smarty date_format issue (11a6466 - Barry O'Donovan - 2014-05-08)
    • [BF] Fix issue with Smarty at the moment (2) (a80abc5 - Barry O'Donovan - 2014-05-05)
    • [BF] Seems to be an issue with Smarty at the moment - this fixes it (d91b97f - Barry O'Donovan - 2014-05-03)
    • [BF] Fix mailing lists (234539c - Barry O'Donovan - 2014-04-07)

    Reminder: Upgrade instructions at

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 3.0.6(Mar 6, 2014)

    A large number of bug fixes - mostly thanks to @rozwell

    • Merge pull request #69 from rozwell/config (f657c43 - 2014-03-06)
    • Merge pull request #66 from rozwell/mailbox_add_fix (c9faadb - 2014-03-06)
    • Merge pull request #67 from rozwell/archive_fix (d072d0a - 2014-03-06)
    • Merge pull request #68 from rozwell/password (381f086 - 2014-03-06)
    • Merge pull request #70 from rozwell/wiki_urls (2958cd2 - 2014-03-06)
    • Merge pull request #71 from rozwell/config3 (bca8f95 - 2014-03-06)
    • Merge pull request #65 from rozwell/patch-2 (f00375d - 2014-03-06)
    • Set default connection charset to utf8 (609e382 - 2014-03-05)
    • Fix for wiki urls (42e6d30 - 2014-03-05)
    • Fixed misspelled config option: mailbox_deletion_fs_enabled (8668d99 - 2014-03-05)
    • Bugfix for viewing Archives with regular user (14f3d56 - 2014-03-05)
    • Changed password redirect url for regular user (10d2a57 - 2014-03-05)
    • Bugfix for saving mailboxes with regular account without domain filter (f82b7ad - 2014-03-05)
    • Changed version to 3.0.5 (d269095 - 2014-03-05)
    • Merge branch 'master' of (f80a61b - 2014-03-04)
    • [BF] Fix #63 - alias queries when using regular account (012b026 - 2014-03-04)
    • Merge pull request #64 from rozwell/captcha (5614cf9 - 2014-03-04)
    • Added missing tmp/captchas directory (65db7f6 - 2014-03-04)
    • Merge pull request #62 from rozwell/patch-1 (f01229c - 2014-03-03)
    • Bugfix for saving mailboxes with regular account (1ea6d4b - 2014-03-03)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 3.0.5(Mar 3, 2014)

    A new feature allowing the on disk deletion of mailboxes created an issue when purging mailboxes without deleting the file system in that the mailbox record was marked as soft-deleted rather than actually deleted. This prevented the same mailbox from being added again in the future. This is corrected in this release but it now requires that on disk deletion be explicitly enabled in application.ini by adding:

    mailbox_deletion_fs_enable = true

    Fix #61 - a Doctrine2 query issue which will affect all non-super administrators.

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 3.0.4(Feb 18, 2014)

    Verification of Dovecot based passwords was broken. This update fixes that. Ensure you also do a composer update as tweaks to OSS-Framework are also part of the fix.

    • [BF] Fix Dovecot password scheme. Fixes #20 and closes #53 (1b74a2d)
    • [HK] Ignore OSX DS_Store files (fcf6df5)
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  • 3.0.3(Feb 17, 2014)

    Please follow the generic update instructions here.

    Schema Update Required

    You will need to execute the following ViMbAdmin command:

    ./bin/doctrine2-cli.php orm:schema-tool:update --force

    The above command will execute the following SQL statements:

    DROP INDEX ix_aliaspreference_1 ON domain_pref;
    CREATE INDEX IX_DomainPreference_1 ON domain_pref (Domain_id, attribute, ix);


    • [BF] Fix #58 - Quickbutton to activate/deactivate a domain not working (823b087 - Barry O'Donovan - 2014-02-17)
    • [IM] Improve version check for admins (03776e9 - Barry O'Donovan - 2014-02-17)
    • [BF] Fix #60 - issues with PostgreSQL (2) (6520d1a - Barry O'Donovan - 2014-02-17)
    • [BF] Fix #60 - issues with PostgreSQL (5789a58 - Barry O'Donovan - 2014-02-17)
    • [BF] Fix #59 regarding duplicate index names causing issues for PostgreSQL (4759628 - Barry O'Donovan - 2014-02-17)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 3.0.2(Feb 15, 2014)

  • 3.0.1(Feb 15, 2014)

  • 3.0.0(Feb 14, 2014)

    February 2014 - Open Solutions are pleased to announce the immediate release of ViMbAdmin v3.0.0.

    The ViMbAdmin project (vim-be-admin) provides a web based virtual mailbox administration system allowing mail administrators to manage domains, mailboxes and aliases.

    ViMbAdmin v3 represents a root and branch upgrade from v2 and includes:

    • new minimum PHP requirement is 5.4 as we use traits;
    • Doctrine 1.2 has been replaced with Doctrine2;
    • all JS and CSS libraries have been upgraded;
    • many new features including:
      • new plugin architecture;
      • mailbox archiving;
      • improved quota support;
      • now using Composer for dependancy management;
      • ability to show mailbox sizes;
      • ability to delete mailboxes from the file system.

    We also have a new homepage with screenshots and a live demo:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.2.3(Feb 11, 2014)

    This is a small maintenance release with no functional changes that will effect existing users. It's just to close off the last few commits to the v2 train of ViMbAdmin and prepare the way for v3.0.0.

    As part of this process, v2 will be branched off and the master branch will become v3.

    NB: v3 is not backwards compatible with v2. The changes are extensive. A database migration script is in the works but it is some time away.

    All existing wiki pages for v2 will be renamed and preceded with V2- to indicate that they are deprecated.

    v3 will be announced in the next couple of days.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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null 44 Dec 30, 2022
MOFHY Lite is a free web hosting management system to manage MOFH hosting accounts and SSL certificates.

MOFHY Lite is a free of cost MOFH clientarea for account management and support services with free ssl service. It have easy to use feature

Mahtab Hassan 17 Dec 8, 2022
Open Source Voucher Management System is a web application for manage voucher. used PHP with Laravel Framework and use MySQL for Database.

Voucher Management System is a web application for manage voucher. You can create and manage your voucher. Voucher Management System is used PHP with Laravel Framework and use MySQL for Database.

Artha Nugraha Jonar 34 Sep 17, 2022
MOFHY Lite is a free web hosting management system to manage MOFH hosting accounts and SSL certificates.

MOFHY Lite MOFHY LITE is a priceless MyOwnFreeHost Client Area for account management, ticket support system and a free ssl service. It has easy to us

Santiago Rodríguez 6 Dec 28, 2021
Um modelo de loja virtual utilizando HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap e PHP, utilizando ferramentas de edição de texto (VS Code), Edição de imagens (Adobe photoshop) e de vetorização (Adobe Illustrator).

Loja virtual fictícia Um modelo de loja virtual utilizando HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap e PHP, utilizando ferramentas de edição de texto (VS Code), Edição

Emily Leme 2 Sep 8, 2021
ATOS is a locally hosted application that allows you to easily manage clients/projects, generate invoices against backlogs, and estimate taxes.

Built by freelancer ??‍♂️, for freelancer ?? ?? ???? - ATOS is a locally hosted application that allows you to easily manage clients/projects, generate invoices against backlogs, and estimate taxes.

Jon Belelieu 33 Dec 27, 2022
A PHP based web application to help manage your postmortems

morgue a safe place for all your postmortem data Overview This is a PHP based web application to help manage your postmortems. It has a pluggable feat

Etsy, Inc. 1k Dec 29, 2022
Easily manage your HP server's fans speeds, anywhere!

iLO Fans Controller See my comment on r/homelab to know the reason why I made this! How it works To get the current speeds of the fans, the PHP script

Matteo D. 30 Dec 3, 2022
DooTask is a lightweight open source online project task management tool that provides various document collaboration tools, online mind mapping, online flowcharting, project management, task distribution, instant IM, file management and other tools.

DooTask is a lightweight open source online project task management tool that provides various document collaboration tools, online mind mapping, online flowcharting, project management, task distribution, instant IM, file management and other tools.

kuaifan 3k Jan 5, 2023
Catches mail and serves it through a dream.

MailCatcher Catches mail and serves it through a dream. MailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to display in

Samuel Cochran 5.8k Jan 5, 2023
mini Project in Laravel and vue js. Real World Laravel 8x + vue js Dashboard.Task management and project management system

mini Project in Laravel and vue js. Real World Laravel 8x + vue js Dashboard.Task management and project management system. Dashboard features such as: Complete Dashboard, Custom Authentication, Email Verification, custom-login-register-forgot password (without jetstream).

Hasmukh Dharajiya 2 Sep 20, 2022
A great looking and easy-to-use photo-management-system you can run on your server, to manage and share photos.

Lychee A great looking and easy-to-use photo-management-system. Since the 1st of April 2018 this project has moved to it's own Organisation (https://g

Tobias Reich 6.2k Jan 5, 2023
Rafa Cake and Bakery is a web-based application project that aims to introduce Rafa Cake and Bakery, introduce what products are sold and can also order them via Whatsapp.

Rafa-cake-and-bakery Rafa Cake and Bakery is a web-based application project that aims to introduce Rafa Cake and Bakery, introduce what products are

Aan Evian Nanda 2 Jun 19, 2022
The objective of this project is to manage The Website Manga, this site permits to Client to show, read and download Manga with the possibility to react, vote, and save his data.

The objective of this project is to manage The Website Manga, this site permits to Client to show, read and download Manga with the possibility to react, vote, and save his data.

Reda Ennakouri 5 Nov 23, 2022
La Fattura is a system designed for companies and individuals of all sizes to manage invoices

La Fattura La Fattura is a system designed for companies and individuals of all sizes to manage invoices, it integrates with Stripe for payments and w

Sofia Vicedomini 5 Feb 25, 2022
Server manager is a open source project made for people so that they can add the servers to one single place irrespective of their provider and manage it through one location.

Server Manager Are you sick of having to log into hundreads of different website just to access your server? Well we got you, Server manager is a open

null 8 Aug 9, 2022