79 Repositories
PHP mailing-list Libraries
Let users pick a color from a fixed list of options.
Let users pick a color from a fixed list of options. This packages implements a new ColorPalette field as described in the mini-series on my blog. It
Tools for working with the SPDX license list and validating licenses.
composer/spdx-licenses SPDX (Software Package Data Exchange) licenses list and validation library. Originally written as part of composer/composer, no
Column sorting with Laravel 8 & 9 - Eloquent sortable
Column sorting for Laravel - Sortable - Sort by Larasort : Column sorting for Laravel - Sort easily Introduction - Larasort package This package allow
Create a simple todo-list application with the basic PHP programming language implemented in the terminal
PHP-DASAR---simple-todo-list-app-with-terminal create a simple todo-list application with the basic PHP programming language implemented in the termin
Berisikan tentang list alquran termasuk dengan terjemahan, tafsir dan murotalnya
Quran Cindy Quran Cindy adalah merupakan sebuah alquran berbasis web. Web application ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan framework Laravel
Mailing platform with templates and logs included.
MailCarrier User-friendly, API-ready mail platform with templates and logs. Design global layouts, compose your template, preview your emails and send
Here is the top 100 PHP functions: it is the list of the most often used PHP native functions
Here is the top 100 PHP functions: it is the list of the most often used PHP native functions. If you are a PHP developer, you must know the Top 100 PHP Functions deeply.
TODO List is a task management system
TODO List is a task management system. It allows you to create tasks, change their statuses and put labels. Registration and authentication are required to work with the system.
A simple class that provides access to country & state list.
GeoData A simple class that provides access to country & state list. Installation composer require ahmard/geodata Usage Fetch country list ?php use
An auto software that collects, scans and sends automatic instagram users
Instagram Advanced User Finder V1.0.0 With this PHP script, you can find users on Instagram and message them. Feedback Türkçe Get Key every week, you
Mega list of 1 on 1 meeting questions compiled from a variety to sources
Mega list of 1 on 1 meeting questions compiled from a variety to sources
Wordpress/Elementor Plugin to list files from any folder
File List - Wordpress/Elementor Plugin Elementor plugin to generate a file list from an existing folder and rendering .index.html files as headers. Ge
Official repository for Find A PR. Find A PR is a platform that curates a list of issues around Laravel based project.
About Find A PR This is the official repository for Find A PR. Find A PR is a platform that curates a list of issues around Laravel based project. Req
World Currency list in PHP constants and in array (Currency::USD)
World Currency list in PHP constants and in array (Currency::USD) If you need to work with currencies in the code and describe each time "USD", "EUR"
A list of documentation and example code to access the University of Florida's public (undocumented) API
uf_api A list of documentation and example code to access the University of Florida's public (undocumented) API Courses Gym Common Data (admissions an
Create a downloads list - quick and easy. With categories and mobile friendly design
Simple downloads list plugin for wordpress Create a downloads list - quick and easy. With categories and mobile friendly design What is Simple downloa
Parse your humble choice / monthly data and compile a CSV list for better overview
humbleparser Parse your humble choice / monthly data and compile a CSV list for better overview Requirements PHP CLI (= 7.4)) php-curl Note I have ne
Merge of staudenmeir/eloquent-eager-limit and staudenmeir/laravel-adjacency-list
This Laravel package merges staudenmeir/eloquent-eager-limit and staudenmeir/laravel-adjacency-list to allow them being used in the same model.
This Laravel package merges staudenmeir/eloquent-param-limit-fix and staudenmeir/laravel-adjacency-list to allow them being used in the same model.
This Laravel package merges staudenmeir/eloquent-param-limit-fix and staudenmeir/laravel-adjacency-list to allow them being used in the same model.
List of France cities with zip codes, department codes, region codes, districts for former cities, GPS latitude longitude coordinates, and INSEE reference code.
List of France cities with zip codes, department codes, region codes, districts for former cities, GPS latitude longitude coordinates, and INSEE reference code.
Pico disk, Not need any database, support html5, support mp3, mp4, support streaming media, support AriaNg
Nano netdisk, Now changed to pico disk. Pico disk,does not need any database, support html5, support mp3, mp4, support streaming media, support AriaNg.
SendPortal - Open-source self-hosted email marketing, subscriber and list management, email campaigns and more
SendPortal includes subscriber and list management, email campaigns, message tracking, reports and multiple workspaces/domains in a modern, flexible and scalable application.
A simple laravel state machine to handle model transitions, based on a pre-defined list of rules
A simple state machine that allows transitioning model states based on pre-defined rules. Installation You can install the package via composer: compo
Mailing Microservice - My solution for Moroccan PHPers's February 2022 Challenge
Mailing Microservice Solution for Moroccan PHPers's February 2022 Challenge by Rabyâ Raghib (rabraghib@gmail.com). It mainly consists of: a php app th
This is a simple Slim 3 application that manages a list of books
Slim Bookshelf This is a simple Slim 3 application that manages a list of books Composer This project uses Composer. Run composer install to install t
A curated list of awesome tutorials and other resources for the Slim micro framework
Awesome Slim A curated list of awesome tutorials and other resources for the Slim micro framework Table of Contents Essentials Tutorials Packages and
Ani Cast - Anime List & Trending App. (Powered by Jikan API)
(Under Development) Ani Cast - Anime Shows App.
A simple way to know if you are on the list of major security breaches like "HIBP", but it is specific for Iran.
Leakfa.com A simple way to know if you are on the list of major security breaches like "HIBP", but it is specific for Iran. Service content This produ
Proxy validation or Proxy checker. Command line version
Proxy Checker Proxy validation or Proxy checker Install on desktop : Install XAMPP Added environment variable system path = C:\xampp\php download the
📦 "PHP type names" contains the list of constants for the available PHP data types.
PHP type names PHP type names 📄 Description Simple library containing the list of constants for the available PHP data types. Use those constant type
List of Magento extensions with known security issues.
Magento Vulnerability Database List of Magento 1 and 2 integrations with known security issues. Objective: easily identify insecure 3rd party software
A web app for the resolution of a mobile game in wich you have 4 images and a list of letters, then a few boxes to fill with the word connecting the four images.
4images_1mot_solutions A web app for the resolution of a mobile game in wich you have 4 images and a list of letters, then a few boxes to fill with th
Rah comments - Paginated article comments list for Textpattern CMS
rah_comments Download | Packagist | Issues | Support forum | Donate Rah_comments lets you to paginate Textpattern CMS’ comment lists, splitting the lo
Php-file-iterator - FilterIterator implementation that filters files based on a list of suffixes, prefixes, and other exclusion criteria.
php-file-iterator Installation You can add this library as a local, per-project dependency to your project using Composer: composer require phpunit/ph
A curated list of resources for learning about application security
Awesome AppSec A curated list of resources for learning about application security. Contains books, websites, blog posts, and self-assessment quizzes.
Laravel FREE E-Commerce Software
Get discount on Digital Ocean Sign-up with Digital Ocean and get $10 discount! Laravel FREE E-Commerce Software Features Provided Products Cart Checko
A list of ICs and IPs for AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
AI Chip (ICs and IPs) Editor S.T.(Linkedin) Welcome to My Wechat Blog StarryHeavensAbove for more AI chip related articles Latest updates Add news of
A list of useful Magento technical resources
Magento 2 Resources A curated list of useful Magento 2 resources. Resources are listed alphabetically within each category. This file is automatically
This application gives you the ability to send a newsletter to multiple subscribers with use of SMTP or an external driver like Mailgun
Laravel Newsletter Laravel Newsletter is an open source project that can be used for sending newsletters to multiple subscribers, mailing lists, ... a
A Web Artisan list of categorized OPEN SOURCE PROJECTS built with Laravel PHP Framework.
Laravel-Open-Source-Projects A Web Artisan list of categorized OPEN SOURCE PROJECTS built with Laravel PHP Framework. This repository includes a compr
590+ usernames in this dictionary! A list of reserved usernames to prevent url collision with resource paths.
590+ usernames in this dictionary! A list of reserved usernames to prevent url collision with resource paths. This repository hosts the list in multiple formats like JSON, CSV, SQL and plain text. You can use its just download its by wget.
The list of all Algerian provinces and cities according to the official division in different formats: csv, xlsx, php, json, etc.
algeria-cities This repository contains the list of all the administrative provinces and cities in Algeria. The data is up-to-date according to the of
Generates a list of WordPress actions and filters from code and outputs them as JSON
wp-hooks-generator Generates a JSON representation of the WordPress actions and filters in your code. Can be used with WordPress plugins, themes, and
Returns a list of Craft/Vue/React route rules and element URLs for ServiceWorkers from Craft entries
Route Map plugin for Craft CMS 3.x Returns a list of Craft/Vue/React route rules and element URLs for ServiceWorkers from Craft entries Related: Route
A list of all the Belgian stations and their properties used within the iRail project
All stations in Belgium We try to maintain a list of all the stations in Belgium using CSV so everyone can help to maintain it on github. Furthermore,
Make db:seed interactive
Make db:seed interactive Often forget what your seeder classes are called? This package can make db:seed interactive so you can see a list and choose
Security advisories as a simple composer exclusion list, updated daily
Roave Security Advisories This package ensures that your application doesn't have installed dependencies with known security vulnerabilities. Installa
This app remembers todo list in every specified time (e. every minute, hour, day etc) through telegram bot
remember_todo_list This app remembers todo list in every specified time (e. every minute, hour, day etc) through telegram bot This project includes tw
Self Hosted Movie, Series and Anime Watch List
Flox Flox is a self hosted Movie, Series and Animes watch list. It's build on top of Laravel and Vue.js and uses The Movie Database API. The rating ba
Updated project with extra Features like WISHLIST, List Orders, add Reviews, updated routing, resolved search bug is available for Premium
Updated project with extra Features like WISHLIST, List Orders, add Reviews, updated routing, resolved search bug is available for Premium Projects We
For beginner programmers, a list of exercises.
Hacktoberfest 2021 Junte-se ao Hacktoberfest - Aqui! Support open source throughout October! Hacktoberfest incentiva a participação na comunidade de c
A Laravel package providing a list of the countries, states, cities, currencies and timezones
A Laravel package to provide a list of the countries, cities, timezones, currencies and phone numbers formatting/validation helpers. The package can b
DiscordLookup | Get more out of Discord with Discord Lookup! Snowflake Decoder, Guild List with Stats, Invite Info and more...
DiscordLookup Get more out of Discord with Discord Lookup! Snowflake Decoder, Guild List with Stats, Invite Info and more... Website Getting Help Tool
Test a method against a list of XSS known.
php-xss-tests Test a method against a list of XSS known. How to run Just execute "run.sh", it will start a docker container to do all stuff. How I kno
A curated list of awesome Laravel bookmarks, packages, tools, articles, tutorials and related resources.
ATTENTION: This list is obsolete and discontinued. Please find a much more comprehensive, much more well-maintained awesome-laravel list at chiraggude
Mailcoach is a self-hosted email list manager - in a modern jacket.
Welcome to Mailcoach Mailcoach is a self-hosted email list manager - in a modern jacket. It features: Subscribers and lists management Subscribe, doub
TO DO LIST WITH LOGIN AND SIGN UP and LOGOUT using PHP and MySQL please do edit the _dbconnect.php before viewing the website.
TO-DO-LIST-WITH-LOGIN-AND-SIGN-UP TO DO LIST WITH LOGIN AND SIGN UP and LOGOUT using PHP and MySQL please do edit the _dbconnect.php before viewing th
List of 77 languages for HTTP statuses
Laravel Lang: HTTP Statuses List of 77 languages for HTTP statuses Installation To get the latest version of Laravel Lang: HTTP Statuses library, simp
This API provides functionality for creating and maintaining users to control a simple To-Do-List application. The following shows the API structure for users and tasks resources.
PHP API TO-DO-LIST v.2.0 This API aims to present a brief to consume a API resources, mainly for students in the early years of Computer Science cours
List of high-ranking websites powered by WordPress (everything but news and blogs)
Powered By WordPress About 25% of the web is powered by WordPress. A big majority of these sites are private blogs but also heavy-weights such as Sony
Curated list that contain code, snippets or examples without libraries or external packages for developers.
Awesome WordPress Developer Tips Curated list that contain very awesome and ready code, snippets or examples without libraries or external packages ma
A curated list of Awesome WordPress Theme, Plugins and Framework development Resources and WordPress Communities.
Awesome WordPress A curated list of Awesome WordPress Theme, Plugins and Framework development Resources and WordPress Communities. Inspired by bayand
List of 77 languages for Laravel Framework 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Laravel Jetstream , Laravel Fortify, Laravel Breeze, Laravel Cashier, Laravel Nova and Laravel Spark.
Laravel Lang In this repository, you can find the lang files for the Laravel Framework 4/5/6/7/8, Laravel Jetstream , Laravel Fortify, Laravel Cashier
A collective list of free APIs
Public APIs A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development Status The Project Contributing Guide • API for this project • Issu
List of Laravel topics to learn, step-by-step, with related links.
List of Laravel topics to learn, step-by-step, with related links.
route:menu gives you a beautiful route list which is friendly on smaller terminals and brings a few new features in.
Laravel Route Menu Your route:list, sir. route:menu gives you a beautiful route list which is friendly on smaller terminals and brings a few new featu
A PHP class for querying the Twitter API and rendering tweets as an HTML list
TweetPHP A PHP class for querying the Twitter API and rendering tweets as an HTML list. Features Works with Twitter API v1.1 Tweets are cached to avoi
Laravel FREE E-Commerce Software
Laravel FREE E-Commerce Software
Start a new Laravel 8 project with the AdminLTE template installed.
AdminLTE template Laravel 8 package Start a new Laravel 8 project with the AdminLTE template installed. Installation Create database. Clone repository
Magento 2.4.x module Sort Out Of Stock Product At last the product list
Magento 2.4.x module Sort Out Of Stock Product At last the product list composer require ghoster/module-outofstockatlast Extension on GitHub Direct d
List of 77 languages for Laravel Framework 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Laravel Jetstream , Laravel Fortify, Laravel Cashier and Laravel Nova.
Laravel Lang In this repository, you can find the lang files for the Laravel Framework 4/5/6/7/8, Laravel Jetstream , Laravel Fortify, Laravel Cashier
Adjacency List’ed Closure Table database design pattern implementation for the Laravel framework.
ClosureTable This is a database manipulation package for the Laravel 5.4+ framework. You may want to use it when you need to store and operate hierarc
Turn any Eloquent model into a list!
Listify Turn any Eloquent model into a list! Description Listify provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list. T
Declarative style of authorization and validation in laravel.
Laravel Hey Man Readability Counts. In fact, Readability is the primary value of your code !!! 🎀 Heyman continues where the other role-permission pac
SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data patterns, fuzzing payloads, web shells, and many more.
About SecLists SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected i
[DEPRECATED] Library for extraction of domain parts e.g. TLD. Domain parser that uses Public Suffix List
DEPRECATED Consider to use https://github.com/jeremykendall/php-domain-parser as maintained alternative. TLDExtract TLDExtract accurately separates th
Public Suffix List based domain parsing implemented in PHP
PHP Domain Parser PHP Domain Parser is a resource based domain parser implemented in PHP. Motivation While there are plenty of excellent URL parsers a
:globe_with_meridians: List of all countries with names and ISO 3166-1 codes in all languages and data formats.
symfony upgrade fixer • twig gettext extractor • wisdom • centipede • permissions handler • extraload • gravatar • locurro • country list • transliter
Comprehensive mailing tools for PHP
Swift Mailer Swift Mailer is a component based mailing solution for PHP. It is released under the MIT license. Swift Mailer is highly object-oriented