268 Repositories
PHP file-list Libraries
A library that makes the management of WordPress file headers easier.
Pronamic WordPress File Header Many WordPress plugins contain bash scripts with sed and awk commands to update WordPress file headers. Because sed and
Let users pick a color from a fixed list of options.
Let users pick a color from a fixed list of options. This packages implements a new ColorPalette field as described in the mini-series on my blog. It
Renamify is a package for Laravel used to rename a file before uploaded to prevent replacing exists file which has the same name to this new uploaded file.
Renamify Laravel package for renaming file before uploaded on server. Renamify is a package for Laravel used to rename a file before uploaded to preve
Tools for working with the SPDX license list and validating licenses.
composer/spdx-licenses SPDX (Software Package Data Exchange) licenses list and validation library. Originally written as part of composer/composer, no
PHP Unoconv - An Object Oriented library which allow easy to use file conversion with Unoconv.
An Object Oriented library which allow easy to use file conversion with Unoconv. Install The recommended way to install PHP-Unoconv is thr
Laravel Larex lets you translate your whole Laravel application with a single CSV file.
Laravel Larex Laravel Larex lets you translate your whole Laravel application with a single CSV file. You can import translation entries from lang fol
File manager module for the Lumen PHP framework.
Lumen File Manager File manager module for the Lumen PHP framework. Please note that this module is still under active development. NOTE: Branch 5.1 i
File Storage Api
flux-file-storage-api File Storage Api Installation Native Download RUN (mkdir -p /%path%/libs/flux-file-storage-api && cd /%path%/libs/flux-file-stor
Column sorting with Laravel 8 & 9 - Eloquent sortable
Column sorting for Laravel - Sortable - Sort by Larasort : Column sorting for Laravel - Sort easily Introduction - Larasort package This package allow
A simple pure PHP RADIUS client supporting Standard and Vendor-Specific Attributes in single file
BlockBox-Radius A simple pure PHP RADIUS client supporting Standard and Vendor-Specific Attributes in single file Author: Daren Yeh dhy901224@gmail.co
Create a simple todo-list application with the basic PHP programming language implemented in the terminal
PHP-DASAR---simple-todo-list-app-with-terminal create a simple todo-list application with the basic PHP programming language implemented in the termin
FIle Uploader is a php package to aid fast , easy and safe file upload
FILE UPLOADER FIle Uploader is a php package to aid fast , easy and safe file upload installation composer require codad5/file-helper Features Fast an
Dnsmasq GUI is a simple Web GUI for editing the /etc/hosts file on a computer
dnsmasq GUI is a simple Web GUI for editing the /etc/hosts file on a computer, with the intention of using it for easily setting up results for dnsmasq use.
Berisikan tentang list alquran termasuk dengan terjemahan, tafsir dan murotalnya
Quran Cindy Quran Cindy adalah merupakan sebuah alquran berbasis web. Web application ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan framework Laravel
Simple, single-file and dependency-free AWS S3 client.
Simple, single-file and dependency-free AWS S3 client. Why? In some scenarios we want the simplest and lightest S3 client possible. For example in Bre
Main ABRouter product repository that contains docker-compose file and orchestrates the project containers.
ABRouter-Compose 📟 ABRouter is the open-source tool to perform and track A/B tests which is also known as the experiments. Additionally, feature flag
File & Folders & Media Browser With Code Editor
Filament Browser File & Folders & Media Browser With Code Editor Features File Browser Code Editor with highlights Media Viewer .Env Editor Screenshot
yxorP is a PHP-based proxy application that is very lightweight and easily customizable per user needs.
Web Proxy Guzzler + SAAS(y) Cockpit (GUI Dashboard incl.). Feature Rich, Multi-tenancy, Headless, Plug & Play, Augmentation & Content Spinning Web Proxy with Caching - PHP CURL+Composer are Optional. Leveraging SAAS architecture to provide multi-tenancy, multiple threads, caching, and an article spinner service.
Here is the top 100 PHP functions: it is the list of the most often used PHP native functions
Here is the top 100 PHP functions: it is the list of the most often used PHP native functions. If you are a PHP developer, you must know the Top 100 PHP Functions deeply.
TODO List is a task management system
TODO List is a task management system. It allows you to create tasks, change their statuses and put labels. Registration and authentication are required to work with the system.
Removes final keywords from source code on-the-fly and allows mocking of final methods and classes
Removes final keywords from source code on-the-fly and allows mocking of final methods and classes. It can be used together with any test tool such as PHPUnit or Mockery.
True Multisite, Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS powered by PHP, Markdown, Twig, and Symfony
True Multisite, Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS powered by PHP, Markdown, Twig, and Symfony
Cecil is a CLI application that merges plain text files (written in Markdown), images and Twig templates to generate a static website.
Cecil is a CLI application that merges plain text files (written in Markdown), images and Twig templates to generate a static website.
Applies a patch from a local or remote file to any package that is part of a given composer project.
Applies a patch from a local or remote file to any package that is part of a given composer project. Patches can be defined both on project and on package level in package config or separate JSON file. Declaration-free mode (using embedded info within patch files) is available as well.
Apliquei os conceitos de Generators e Fibers separadamente para ler um arquivo de 120MB sem consumir toda a memória
Big File Challenge Este desafio foi proposto pelo Zanfranceschi Você pode ver a proposta do desafio aqui ou então pelo Twitter Para a implementação da
Laravel Model File Uploader package
Laravel Model File Uploader package Easy way to upload laravel model related file from the requset. Install (Via Composer) composer require plusemon/u
A simple class that provides access to country & state list.
GeoData A simple class that provides access to country & state list. Installation composer require ahmard/geodata Usage Fetch country list ?php use
Laravel Package - Files to S3 Like Cloud Storage
This is a Laravel package that handles and make easy the upload, overwrite, delete, cdn purge of files and directories on AWS S3 like cloud storages. It supports a form uploaded file (UploadedFile) or a base64 file string
This plugin help us to remove the unused file or directories in vendor
Composer Ignore Plugin This plugin help us to remove the unused file or directories in vendor. Installation Both global or local install can work well
An auto software that collects, scans and sends automatic instagram users
Instagram Advanced User Finder V1.0.0 With this PHP script, you can find users on Instagram and message them. Feedback Türkçe Get Key every week, you
Plug & Play [CURL + Composer Optional], Proxy as a Service, Multi-tenant, Multi-Threaded, with Cache & Article Spinner
🦄 .yxorP The SAAS(y), Multitenancy & Augmenting Web Proxy Guzzler is a 100% SAAS(y) plug-and-play (PHP CURL+Composer are Optional) solution that leverages SAAS architecture to provide multi-tenancy, multiple threads, caching, and an article spinner service.
Mega list of 1 on 1 meeting questions compiled from a variety to sources
Mega list of 1 on 1 meeting questions compiled from a variety to sources
Glob-like file and pattern matching utility.
Glob-like file and pattern matching utility.
Tools for checking malware, permission of file php and any on website
webtools Tools for checking malware, permission of file php and any on website You can use the webtools.php file directly. All features can be accesse
Wordpress/Elementor Plugin to list files from any folder
File List - Wordpress/Elementor Plugin Elementor plugin to generate a file list from an existing folder and rendering .index.html files as headers. Ge
Official repository for Find A PR. Find A PR is a platform that curates a list of issues around Laravel based project.
About Find A PR This is the official repository for Find A PR. Find A PR is a platform that curates a list of issues around Laravel based project. Req
SleekwareDB is a NoSQL database storage service. A database storage service that can be used for various platforms and is easy to integrate.
SleekwareDB is a NoSQL database storage service. A database storage service that can be used for various platforms and is easy to integrate. NoSQL API
The Barista explores every Latte (file) for strict quality, helps with Latte 2 to 3 upgrade
The Barista makes Your Perfectly Tasty Latte Do you drink Latte with your templates? Get it from Barista that knows his job: explore Latte via node vi
Basic class library to read, write and view files using PHP.
File Basic class library to read, write and view files using PHP. Supported PHP Versions Build Status (dev) Main Aim of The Library The main aim of th
World Currency list in PHP constants and in array (Currency::USD)
World Currency list in PHP constants and in array (Currency::USD) If you need to work with currencies in the code and describe each time "USD", "EUR"
A list of documentation and example code to access the University of Florida's public (undocumented) API
uf_api A list of documentation and example code to access the University of Florida's public (undocumented) API Courses Gym Common Data (admissions an
ORM-based file upload package for php.
#Stapler Note: If you've previously been using this package, then you've been using it with Laravel. This package is no longer directly coupled to the
FileNamingResolver - A lightweight library which helps to resolve a file/directory naming of uploaded files using various naming strategies
FileNamingResolver - A lightweight library which helps to resolve a file/directory naming of uploaded files using various naming strategies
Herbie is a simple Flat-File CMS- und Blogsystem based on human readable text files
Herbie is a simple Flat-File CMS- und Blogsystem based on human readable text files
A dockerized PHP application containing some file upload vulnerability challenges (scenarios)
File Upload Vulnerability Scenarios (Challenges) This repository is a dockerized PHP application containing some file upload vulnerability challenges
Create a downloads list - quick and easy. With categories and mobile friendly design
Simple downloads list plugin for wordpress Create a downloads list - quick and easy. With categories and mobile friendly design What is Simple downloa
Parse your humble choice / monthly data and compile a CSV list for better overview
humbleparser Parse your humble choice / monthly data and compile a CSV list for better overview Requirements PHP CLI (= 7.4)) php-curl Note I have ne
Feindura - Flat File Content Management System
feindura - Flat File Content Management System Copyright (C) Fabian Vogelsteller [frozeman.de] published under the GNU General Public License version
FileGator - a free, open-source, self-hosted web application for managing files and folders.
FileGator - Powerful Multi-User File Manager FileGator is a free, open-source, self-hosted web application for managing files and folders. You can man
GetSimple CMS - a flatfile CMS that works fast and efficient and has the best UI around, it is written in PHP
GetSimple CMS is a flatfile CMS that works fast and efficient and has the best UI around, it is written in PHP.
File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery
File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.
Stapler-based file upload package for the Laravel framework.
laravel-stapler Laravel-Stapler is a Stapler-based file upload package for the Laravel framework. It provides a full set of Laravel commands, a migrat
Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
Mecha is a flat-file content management system for minimalists.
Mecha CMS Mecha is a flat-file content management system for minimalists. Front-End The default layout uses only Serif and Mono fonts. Different opera
Minimal HTML login page that uses a json file as a database
JSONlogin Minimal HTML login page that uses a json file as a database Minimal login system that requires a new user to input username, password and th
Smart File System - Use SmartFileInfo with useful methods that you need everyday
Smart File System - Use SmartFileInfo with useful methods that you need everyday
Generates a vue-i18n compatible include file from your Laravel translations
This is fork of martinlindhe/laravel-vue-i18n-generator to give Laravel 8+ support for this excellent package.
Merge of staudenmeir/eloquent-eager-limit and staudenmeir/laravel-adjacency-list
This Laravel package merges staudenmeir/eloquent-eager-limit and staudenmeir/laravel-adjacency-list to allow them being used in the same model.
Magento commands to find translations that are present in one CSV file but not in another, and to translate CSV dicts with DeepL
Hyvä Themes - Magento translation CSV comparison command hyva-themes/magento2-i18n-csv-diff This module adds the bin/magento i18n:diff-csv and i18n:tr
Import data from and export data to a range of different file formats and media
Ddeboer Data Import library This library has been renamed to PortPHP and will be deprecated. Please use PortPHP instead. Introduction This PHP library
A compact command line utility for checking YAML file syntax
A compact command line utility for checking YAML file syntax. Uses the parsing facility of the Symfony Yaml Component.
An enhanced FileInput widget for Bootstrap 4.x/3.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features (sub repo split from yii2-widgets)
yii2-widget-fileinput The FileInput widget is a customized file input widget based on Krajee's Bootstrap FileInput JQuery Plugin. The widget enhances
A truly single-file, no-database, drop-in PHP media gallery.
Media Hut When I went looking, in early 2022, the options for a truly single-file, no-database drop-in PHP media gallery were shockingly small. Well,
This Laravel package merges staudenmeir/eloquent-param-limit-fix and staudenmeir/laravel-adjacency-list to allow them being used in the same model.
This Laravel package merges staudenmeir/eloquent-param-limit-fix and staudenmeir/laravel-adjacency-list to allow them being used in the same model.
List of France cities with zip codes, department codes, region codes, districts for former cities, GPS latitude longitude coordinates, and INSEE reference code.
List of France cities with zip codes, department codes, region codes, districts for former cities, GPS latitude longitude coordinates, and INSEE reference code.
reMarkable File Sync API
reMarkable File Sync API Goal of this project is to figure out and document the API which is used by the reMarkable Paper Tablet for syncing documents
Single file PHP that can serve as a JWT based authentication provider to the PHP-CRUD-API project
Single file PHP that can serve as a JWT based authentication provider to the PHP-CRUD-API project
A self-hosted, drag-and-drop, & nosql file conversion server that supports 62x file formats
A self-hosted, drag-and-drop, & nosql file conversion server that supports 62x file formats
A PHP library that can be used manually as well as a CLI script that you can just run on your file
Run phpcs on files and only report new warnings/errors compared to the previous version. This is both a PHP library that can be used manually as well
An abstraction layer to get data from array or a file with dot-notation
Alex Unruh - Config This library is based on the Laravel config concept. It values performance and was built on top of the library Dflydev Dot Access
Bludit - a web application to build your own website or blog in seconds
Bludit is a web application to build your own website or blog in seconds, it's completely free and open source. Bludit uses files in JSON format to store the content, you don't need to install or configure a database. You only need a web server with PHP support.
Pomf is a simple lightweight file host with support for drop, paste, click and API uploading.
Pomf Pomf is a simple file uploading and sharing platform. Features One click uploading, no registration required A minimal, modern web interface Drag
A full-featured home hosted Cloud Drive, Personal Assistant, App Launcher, File Converter, Streamer, Share Tool & More!
A Fully Featured home-hosted Cloud Storage platform and Personal Assistant that Converts files, OCR's images & documents, Creates archives, Scans for viruses, Protects your server, Keeps itself up-to-date, and Runs your own AppLauncher!
Pico disk, Not need any database, support html5, support mp3, mp4, support streaming media, support AriaNg
Nano netdisk, Now changed to pico disk. Pico disk,does not need any database, support html5, support mp3, mp4, support streaming media, support AriaNg.
SendPortal - Open-source self-hosted email marketing, subscriber and list management, email campaigns and more
SendPortal includes subscriber and list management, email campaigns, message tracking, reports and multiple workspaces/domains in a modern, flexible and scalable application.
PhpSpreadsheet - a library written in pure PHP and offers a set of classes that allow you to read and write various spreadsheet file formats such as Excel and LibreOffice Calc
PhpSpreadsheet PhpSpreadsheet is a library written in pure PHP and offers a set of classes that allow you to read and write various spreadsheet file f
A simple laravel state machine to handle model transitions, based on a pre-defined list of rules
A simple state machine that allows transitioning model states based on pre-defined rules. Installation You can install the package via composer: compo
Store your Laravel application settings in an on-disk JSON file
Store your Laravel application settings in an on-disk JSON file. This package provides a simple SettingsRepository class that can be used to store you
How to use indirect download file with multi-server on PHP
indirect-download-with-multi-server how to use indirect download file with multi-server on PHP Server 1 (main) Create A folder in Server 1 (folder nam
KodExplorer is a file manager for web. It is also a web code editor, which allows you to develop websites directly within the web browser.
KodExplorer is a file manager for web. It is also a web code editor, which allows you to develop websites directly within the web browser.
PHPProject is a library written in pure PHP that provides a set of classes to write to different project management file formats
PHPProject PHPProject is a library written in pure PHP that provides a set of classes to write to different project management file formats, i.e. Micr
🧬 Nano is a zero-config, no skeleton, minimal Hyperf distribution that allows you to quickly build a Hyperf application with just a single PHP file.
Nano is a zero-config, no skeleton, minimal Hyperf distribution that allows you to quickly build a Hyperf application with just a single PHP file.
This component simplifies file validation and uploading.
This component simplifies file validation and uploading.
Keep your .env.example file up to date
Envy Automate keeping your environment files in sync. How many times have you onboarded a new dev onto your team, only to have to spend ages debugging
Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
File manager for Laravel
Laravel File Manager DEMO: Laravel File Manager Vue.js Frontend: alexusmai/vue-laravel-file-manager Documentation Laravel File Manager Docs Installati
HTMLy is an open source Databaseless Blogging Platform or Flat-File Blog prioritizes simplicity and speed written in PHP
HTMLy is an open source Databaseless Blogging Platform or Flat-File Blog prioritizes simplicity and speed written in PHP. HTMLy can be referred to as Flat-File CMS either since it will also manage your content.
Simple PHP Logger. Composer package
Basic PHP Logger 📝 Simple logger. Composer package.
This is a simple Slim 3 application that manages a list of books
Slim Bookshelf This is a simple Slim 3 application that manages a list of books Composer This project uses Composer. Run composer install to install t
Config is a file configuration loader that supports PHP, INI, XML, JSON, YML, Properties and serialized files and string
Config Config is a file configuration loader that supports PHP, INI, XML, JSON, YML, Properties and serialized files and strings. Requirements Config
A curated list of awesome tutorials and other resources for the Slim micro framework
Awesome Slim A curated list of awesome tutorials and other resources for the Slim micro framework Table of Contents Essentials Tutorials Packages and
The FileLocator library was created to provide file locating capabilities to a larger project
File Locator A simple file locator library. Summary The FileLocator library was created to provide file locating capabilities to a larger project. It
This library can be used, among other things, to retrieve the classes, interfaces, traits, enums, functions and constants declared in a file
marijnvanwezel/reflection-file Library that allows reflection of files. This library can be used, among other things, to retrieve the classes, interfa
VFS (Virtual File System)
VFS (Virtual File System) VFS is a virtual file system for PHP built using the stream wrapper API. Streams are exposed just as typical file:// or http
Ani Cast - Anime List & Trending App. (Powered by Jikan API)
(Under Development) Ani Cast - Anime Shows App.
A better YAML configuration file management virion for PocketMine-MP 4
BetterConfig WARNING: This virion is under development and haven't been tested. Do not use this virion unless you know what you're doing. Contribution
Magento 2 Product PDF/File Attachment FREE Extension
Overview: Magento 2 Product Attachment extension allows attaching additional information such as manuals, warranty, recipes, etc. in different formats
A simple way to know if you are on the list of major security breaches like "HIBP", but it is specific for Iran.
Leakfa.com A simple way to know if you are on the list of major security breaches like "HIBP", but it is specific for Iran. Service content This produ
Proxy validation or Proxy checker. Command line version
Proxy Checker Proxy validation or Proxy checker Install on desktop : Install XAMPP Added environment variable system path = C:\xampp\php download the