A curated list of awesome tutorials and other resources for the Slim micro framework
Table of Contents
- Slim Homepage
- Documentation - Slim 3
- Documentation - Slim 2
- Support
- Slim Blog
- GitHub Repository
- Set up Slim With Your Webserver
- Slim Twitter
Creating a REST Web Service With Slim[2.x]
Set Up Slim on Ubuntu 14.04 - Outdated[2.x]
Set Up Slim With Twig Templating[3.x]
Slim CSRF with Slim 3[3.x]
Using Abstract Factories With Slim 3[3.x]
Improved Error Handling in Slim 3[3.x]
Accessing Services in Slim 3[2.x]
Using Zend\Config With a Slim App[3.x]
Logging Errors in Slim 3[2.x]
Removing the Pain of User Authorization with Sentinel (and Slim)[2.x]
Routing to a Controller With Slim 2[2.x]
Dependency Injection in Slim 2[2.x]
Redirecting in Slim 2 Middleware[3.x]
Hello World on Slim 3[2.x]
Creating a Flat-File Blog Engine Using Slim[2.x]
How to Use Multiple View Parsers[2.x]
Using Laravel Config Package in Slim[2.x]
OAuth Middleware for Slim[2.x]
Taming Slim 2.0[2.x]
Working With Slim Middleware[3.x]
Hello World With Slim 3.x[3.x]
Middleware Concepts[3.x]
Slimming down: An introduction to Slim[3.x]
Install Slim Framework 3[3.x]
Slim 3 Tutorial[2.x]
Paging with Slim Framework and Laravel Eloquent - Portugese/Brasil
Authentication Playlist Using Slim 3 - Code download is paywalled[2.x]
Setting Up A Slim 2 Project Structure[2.x]
Simple Blog with Slim 2[2.x]
Slim Framework Simple Demo[2.x]
Multiple HTTP Methods Using Slim[2.x]
Logging Messages Using Slim Framework[2.x]
PHP Authentication Playlist Using Slim 2 - Code download is paywalled[2.x]
Using Eloquent With Slim 2[2.x]
URL Shortener API With Slim 2 Playlist[2.x]
Slim PHP Microframework - Jeremy Kendall[2.x]
Slim Framework Tutorial Playlist (Spanish)[2.x]
Treehouse Slim Framework Tutorials - Paywalled[3.x]
Beautiful Slim 3 CSRF Protection[2.x]
Intro to Slim Framework - Ed Finkler
Packages and Middleware
Slim Logger - A stand-alone logger class[2.x]
Slim Services - A service manager that lets you use many Laravel packages in Slim[2.x]
Slim JSON API - Slim extension to implement fast JSON API's[3.x]
Slim Auth - Authentication for Slim[3.x]
Slim JWT Auth - PSR-7 JWT Authentication Middleware[2.x]
Slim Monolog - Monolog support for Slim[2.x]
Slim Facades - A collection of facades for Slim[3.x]
Slim CSRF - CSRF protection middleware for Slim 3- Slim PDO - PDO database library for Slim
Slim Multilanguage - Easy routes for different languages in Slim 2[2.x]
Slim Minify - HTML minifier for Slim[2.x]
Slim Image Resize - Middleware for resizing images[2.x]
CORS Slim - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) middleware[3.x]
Slim HTTP Cache - HTTP cache middleware and service provider[3.x]
PHP View - PHP renderer for Slim 3[3.x]
Slim Flash - Flash messages service provider for Slim 3[3.x]
Twig View - View layer built on top of Twig for Slim 3[2.x]
Slim Views - Custom views for Slim[2.x]
Slim Middleware - Optional middleware[2.x]
Lassi - Boilerplate for projects using Slim and Eloquent[3.x]
Slim Test Helpers - Integration testing helpers[2.x]
Shady - A set of middlewares for Slim 2[3.x]
Slim Whoops - Whoops errors on Slim[3.x]
Slim OAuth2 - OAuth2 routes, middleware and utilities[2.x]
Slim Blade - Laravel's Blade template engine for Slim[2.x]
Slim Eloquent - Laravels's Eloquent for Slim[2.x]
Slim Jade - Jade template engine for Slim[2.x]
Slim Redis Cache - Redis cache middleware[2.x]
Slim Config YAML - Slim configuration using YAML files[2.x]
Slim Access - Access control middleware[3.x]
Session Redis Middleware - Middleware to use Redis as a Session store[2.x]
LESS CSS Middleware - Middleware to compile LESS files on-the-fly[3.x]
Slim Doctrine Middleware - Doctrine handler middleware[3.x]
FigDice Slim Views - FigDice Templating library for Slim 3[3.x]
Slim 3 Plates - Plates templating for Slim 3.x[3.x]
Aimeos e-commerce - E-commerce package to create online shops with Slim 3 (feature rich, high performance)[3.x]
Slim Debugger Bar - Tracy Debugger bar in Slim 3[3.x]
Slim Event Dispatcher - Event dispatcher package using League\Event for Slim 3
Slim Skeleton - A skeleton for starting a Slim 3 app fast[2.x]
PHP Rocker - A Slim boilerplate[3.x]
Slim 3 MVC Skeleton With Swoole - Slim with swoole[3.x]
Slim 3 Boilerplate MVC - Boilerplate MVC for Slim 3[3.x]
Gracili - Slim Application Template
Made With Slim
- Slim Jim - A simple auto update script utilizing Slim
- Slim Blog - A Simple blog made with Slim
- User Frosting - A secure, modern user management system for PHP
- gifbase - A GIF database that is tag searchable
- Slim Image Archive - Simple, fast and secure archive for images
- Nesbot.com - A personal blog
- Restful Bookmarks - Web App to bookmark links
- Slim Bookshelf - Keep a list of books
- Slim Show And Tell - list of projects, Discourse
- Slim Show And Tell - list of projects, Tender™, frozen
- More Made With Slim - Slim show and tell
- Leafpub - Simple, beautiful, open source publishing. - a modern PHP blogging platform.
- devRant - A community plattform where developers can complain about their work
- typemill - A simple flat file cms build with slim and twig.
Cheat Sheet- Slim Framework Swag
What's New in Slim 3?- More Awesome PHP Stuff
Slim MVC App Boilerplate - A Slim 3 MVC app starter that includes a SQLite database[3.x]
Slim 3 App + PagSeguro Payment Gateway - A Slim 3 App with PagSeguro Payment Gateway
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- Make sure what you are adding is not already on the list
- Make a separate pull request for each addition
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- Check your spelling and grammar
- Feel free to create or improve a category
- Make sure there is no trailing whitespace
- Last, Make sure it is awesome!
This work (Awesome Slim) is free of known copyright restrictions.