Tools for working with the SPDX license list and validating licenses.



SPDX (Software Package Data Exchange) licenses list and validation library.

Originally written as part of composer/composer, now extracted and made available as a stand-alone library.

Continuous Integration


Install the latest version with:

$ composer require composer/spdx-licenses

Basic Usage


use Composer\Spdx\SpdxLicenses;

$licenses = new SpdxLicenses();

// get a license by identifier

// get a license exception by identifier

// get a license identifier by name
$licenses->getIdentifierByName('MIT License');

// check if a license is OSI approved by identifier

// check if a license identifier is deprecated

// check if input is a valid SPDX license expression

Read the specifications to find out more about valid license expressions.


  • PHP 5.3.2 is required but using the latest version of PHP is highly recommended.


composer/spdx-licenses is licensed under the MIT License, see the LICENSE file for details.


License information is curated by SPDX. The data is pulled from the License List Data repository.

  • Update to SPDX 3.0 license list

    Update to SPDX 3.0 license list

    Notably, the GNU licenses now have -only or -or-later suffixes.

    In addition, I covered the updater to the JSON data files instead of screen-scraping from the SPDX website.

    One question I had was whether we need to keep backwards-compatibility with the older license names, and include the deprecated license names?

    opened by legoktm 10
  • Make license ID comparisons case-insensitive

    Make license ID comparisons case-insensitive


    This patch needs review - there are a couple of things I'm not 100% sure about, see comments in diff.

    opened by DaveRandom 9
  • Please, make test available in github archive

    Please, make test available in github archive

    Please consider removing tests from .gitattributes. This make downstream CI easier. (really small)


    opened by remicollet 9
  • Retrieve list of license identifiers and names

    Retrieve list of license identifiers and names

    This PR implements getLicensesList() method and adds the corresponding test.

    The method allows us to retrieve a list of all loaded identifiers. The result of the method can be used for i.e. driving a select input field where end users pick a valid license.

    opened by mariuswilms 6
  • Private Package Option

    Private Package Option

    Is there a way to set a package licensing as "private" or "all rights reserved". We use this on a project that has a mix of public and private packages to validate the licenses but on the private packages, we would like to be able to specify that the package is unlicensed and cannot be distributed.

    NPM as added a similar option to their system and it would be really nice here.


    opened by valeryan 4
  • Updated to PHPUnit 5.7 and PHPUnit Mock Objects 3.4

    Updated to PHPUnit 5.7 and PHPUnit Mock Objects 3.4

    I updated PHPUnit to ^5.7 and PHPUnit Mock Objects to ^3.4, and dropped support to PHP versions 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5, as PHPUnit 5 requires PHP 5.6.

    Why dropped support for PHP versions 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5?

    These versions are no longer supported by PHP.

    Why PHPUnit 5.7 and not PHPUnit 6?

    Because PHPUnit 6 requires PHP 7, and we will need to work on that.

    I use PSR-1 while extending PHPUnit TestCase class. This will help us when to migrate to PHPUnit 6, that no longer support snake case namespaces.

    Also, added PHP 7.2 to Travis CI and PHP 5.6 as minimum version in Requirements section :rocket:

    opened by carusogabriel 4
  • Update to SPDX 3.7 & 3.8

    Update to SPDX 3.7 & 3.8

    See the following for a summary of the changes:

    opened by Yurunsoft 2
  • Update to SPDX 3.4

    Update to SPDX 3.4

    opened by legoktm 2
  • Update to SPDX 3.3

    Update to SPDX 3.3

    opened by legoktm 2
  • Use PSR-1 for PHPUnit TestCase

    Use PSR-1 for PHPUnit TestCase

    opened by carusogabriel 2
  • add SpdxLicenses::getResourcesDir method

    add SpdxLicenses::getResourcesDir method

    This method make resources path defined in a single place.

    This make "downstream" distribution easier (as "res" static files are outside the library tree). Shouldn't change anything for other usage.

    opened by remicollet 2
  • [RFC] add API to check license compatibility

    [RFC] add API to check license compatibility

    Ensuring that deps in vendor/ have a license compatible with the root project is a tough task.

    Other projects exist in js/Rust/Ruby/etc. I computed the following list of interest:


    Later on, we could build a composer plugin like this on top:


    This could be a great contribution if anyone is up to learn about the topic and contribute a PR here, if the maintainers agree?

    Help wanted.

    opened by nicolas-grekas 4
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