The list of all Algerian provinces and cities according to the official division in different formats: csv, xlsx, php, json, etc.



This repository contains the list of all the administrative provinces and cities in Algeria.

The data is up-to-date according to the official source of the Algerian Interior Ministry, including the 10 new Wilayas.


The list is available in:

  • Arabic language
  • ASCII, French language
  • Both


There are:

  • 58 Wilayas (Provinces)
  • 546 Dairas (Administrations)
  • 1541 Communes (City, Municipality)
  • 3940 Post Codes


The list is available in different formats:

  • CSV
  • JSON
  • SQL
  • PHP
  • XLSX aka. Microsoft Excel
  • Dart

Each format contains 3 versions of the data: in ASCII characters, in Arabic characters, and in both.

Each folder is structured as the following

%format%/%file_name%       -- contains data in both Arabic and ASCII characters
%format%/ar/%file_name%    -- contains data only in Arabic characters
%format%/ascii/%file_name% -- contains data only in ASCII (French) characters


To contribute with a specific format to the repository, please open a pull request.

Desired formats:

  • Java array
  • Swift array

Desired data:

  • Latitude and Longitude of each city
  • Return data instead of storing it inside variables

    Return data instead of storing it inside variables

    changed the array holding the data. instead of storing it into a variable, now it is returned. i also corrected a mistake in JSON files. you can't use PHP-like comments inside a JSON file. besides, the JSON files needed a beautify to be usable a bit more.

    How to use ?

    include the file like this:

    $communes = include('communes.php');

    Why assigning data when including and not in the original file ?

    simply because it enhances code readability.

    List of changed files:

    5 files see : Files changed

    opened by celyes 3
  • Traduction en Arabe

    Traduction en Arabe

    Merci pour ces informations très utiles et pratiques. Mais en tant qu'arabe ne devrait-il pas avoir les noms en arabe? Je sais que c'est beaucoup de travail; mais comme c'est déjà fait en latin, l'arabe devrait être faisable aussi

    opened by hiddeneyes02 3
  • Non Correspondance (nom commune <-> wilaya)

    Non Correspondance (nom commune <-> wilaya)

    On sait bien que chaque nom de wilaya est un nom de comune (Sauf Alger et Alger Centre) Alors la requetes

    doit retourner Alger seulement
    Mais quand on l'exécute comme ça, elle retoune aussi M'sila et Tamanrasset car

    • La wilaya est écrite "Tamanrasset" et la commune "Tamanghasset"
    • La wilaya est écrite "M'sila" et la commune "Msila"

    C'est deux (02) cas doit être unifiés (selon la nomonclature officielle)

    opened by selmo47 3
  • Update wilayate

    Update wilayate

    Time to update the provinces :-)

    تقرر خلال إجتماع مجلس الوزراء اليوم الثلاثاء ترقية 10 ولايات منتدبة بالجنوب الكبير إلى ولايات جديدة و يتعلق الأمر بكل من ولايات: برج باجي مختار ، جانت ، عين صالح ، المنيعة ، عين قزام ،المغير ، تقرت ، بني عباس، تيميمون، اولاد جلال.

    الصفحة 13 إلى 16 من الجريدة الرسمية

    opened by aminalgeria 2
  • Code postaux incorrects

    Code postaux incorrects

    bonjour, merci pour les effors frère, mais presque toutes les codes sont incorrects meme au niveau de wilaya d'alger :/ en effet je trouve que tu as pris les codes ONS et non pas postal.

    opened by AbdelhamidLarachi 2
  • Are commune_code right postal/zip codes?

    Are commune_code right postal/zip codes?

    Does municipality (commune) codes (commune_code) corresponding to real postal/zip codes? If the "commune" codes which are in the repository are just identifiers for technical purposes, in this case it is better to rename the name of the column "commune_code" in "commune_id" to avoid confusion between technical identifier and commune code (zip code) .

    Example 1 : for El Biar, the "commune" code (postal code / zip code) that can be found on the post office site is: 16003. And on the data of this repository we find 580.

    Example 2 : For the "commune" Béjaia which is located in the Wilaya of Béjaia (the wilaya and the municipality have the same name. Ok.), The postal code is really 06000. But on this deposit, I find 187 as code_commune.

    opened by BeliliFahem 1
  • 48 wilayas with their lat and lng

    48 wilayas with their lat and lng

    this file contain wilayas with their lat and lng picked from an official website, and respecting same names included in this folder

    the source of lat and lng of each wilaya :

    opened by BennaceurHichem 1
  • Correspendance de noms entre communes et wilaya

    Correspendance de noms entre communes et wilaya

    répendant à l'issue #2 Dans communes (csv, excell, json, mysql, php) Correction de "Tamanghasset" vers "Tamanrasset" Correction de "Msila" vers "Msila"

    opened by selmo47 1
  • v3.x: Upgrade wilayas list and add post codes

    v3.x: Upgrade wilayas list and add post codes

    In this PR:

    1. Add 10 missing communes as described in #16
    2. Add 10 new Wilayas as described in
    3. Add all the post codes extracted from the official Post website
    opened by othmanus 0
  • Wilaya 32 - El Bayadh: Missing Cities

    Wilaya 32 - El Bayadh: Missing Cities


    I'm working on two major upgrades to the repository:

    1. Add postal codes for all the cities and villages of Algeria
    2. Update the list of Wilayas to 58

    The expected result is to have:

    1. 3961 Postal Codes as per the latest update (January 2021)
    2. 1541 Cities (unchanged) as per the latest update (Mars 2021)


    It got into my attention that I am missing 6 cities from the Wilaya 32 (El Bayadh). I got the list of the all the cities from the official website of the Interior Ministry of Algeria. When I double checked multiple sources, unfortunately, the official source is missing those 6 cities:

    • Lbiodh Sidi Cheikh
    • Ain El Orak
    • Boussemghoun
    • Sidi Ameur
    • Sidi Slimane
    • Tousmouline

    In addition, the Dairas assigned to some cities from the Wilaya 32 - El Bayadh were wrong.


    Follow the same structure from the source ONIL:

    opened by othmanus 0
  • Algeria Cities v2.0

    Algeria Cities v2.0

    This PR contains the list of all the administrative provinces and cities in Algeria.


    The list is available in two languages:

    • Arabic
    • French


    Each file contains the following data:

    • Wilaya
      • code: is the wilaya ID, between 1 and 48
      • name: in latin characters in French language
      • name_ar: in Arabic characters in Arabic language
    • Daira
      • code: is the official administrative code for the daira, prefixed by the wilaya's code
      • name: in latin characters in French language
      • name_ar: in Arabic characters in Arabic language
    • Commune
      • code: is the official administrative code for the city. IMPORTANT: this is NOT the postal code.
      • name: in latin characters in French language
      • name_ar: in Arabic characters in Arabic language


    The list is available in different formats:

    • CSV comma separated
    • JSON
    • MySQL schema
    • PHP
    • XML
    • XLSX aka. Microsoft Excel


    To contribute with a specific format to the repository, please open a pull request.

    Desired formats:

    • Java array
    • Flutter array
    • Swift array

    Desired data:

    • List of the postal codes per city: each city can have one or many post offices, and each post office has a postal code.
    • Latitude and Longitude of each city
    opened by dhramtani 0
  • I need to use this in a blood donation app, am I permitted to

    I need to use this in a blood donation app, am I permitted to

    Hello, I could not find another way to contact you in order to ask for permission to use this in my Flutter Blood donation app, can I ? thanks in advance.

    opened by noureddine1 2
  • Fix escape single quote bug

    Fix escape single quote bug

    When executing the SQL query(s), there will be a problem with the municipality or regions (commune_name_ascii, daira_name_ascii) whose name contains a quotation mark, but now this problem is solved, also the Arabic name of Ain Defla is fixed.

    opened by haceneouserir 0
  • Single quotes in sql files are not escaped

    Single quotes in sql files are not escaped

    Single quotes are not escaped in sql files, which results in errors when running the scripts.

    For example: 'Hassi R'mel ' should be 'Hassi R''mel'

    Tested on Postgres and oracle.

    opened by abdelhakim94 6
  • v3.0.0(Apr 5, 2021)

    Release Notes

    This release is breaking backwards compatibility.

    In this release:

    1. Add 10 missing cities in Wilaya 32 - El Bayadh (see issue #16)
    2. Add 10 new Wilayas according to
    3. Add 3940 Post Codes according to the official source


    This repository contains the list of all the administrative provinces and cities in Algeria.

    The data is up-to-date according to the official source of the Algerian Interior Ministry, including the 10 new Wilayas.


    The list is available in:

    • Arabic language
    • ASCII, French language
    • Both


    There are:

    • 58 Wilayas (Provinces)
    • 546 Dairas (Administrations)
    • 1541 Communes (City, Municipality)
    • 3940 Post Codes


    The list is available in different formats:

    • CSV
    • JSON
    • SQL
    • PHP
    • XLSX aka. Microsoft Excel
    • Dart

    Each format contains 3 versions of the data: in ASCII characters, in Arabic characters, and in both.

    Each folder is structured as the following

    %format%/%file_name%       -- contains data in both Arabic and ASCII characters
    %format%/ar/%file_name%    -- contains data only in Arabic characters
    %format%/ascii/%file_name% -- contains data only in ASCII (French) characters


    To contribute with a specific format to the repository, please open a pull request.

    Desired formats:

    • Java array
    • Swift array

    Desired data:

    • Latitude and Longitude of each city
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.0(Nov 27, 2020)

  • v2.0.0(Sep 26, 2020)

    Release Notes

    This version contains the list of all the administrative provinces and cities in Algeria.

    The data is up-to-date according to the official source of the Algerian state.


    The list is available in two languages:

    • Arabic
    • French


    Each file contains the following data:

    • Wilaya
      • code: is the wilaya ID, between 1 and 48
      • name: in latin characters in French language
      • name_ar: in Arabic characters in Arabic language
    • Daira
      • code: is the official administrative code for the daira, prefixed by the wilaya's code
      • name: in latin characters in French language
      • name_ar: in Arabic characters in Arabic language
    • Commune
      • code: is the official administrative code for the city. IMPORTANT: this is NOT the postal code.
      • name: in latin characters in French language
      • name_ar: in Arabic characters in Arabic language


    The list is available in different formats:

    • CSV comma separated
    • JSON
    • MySQL schema
    • PHP
    • XML
    • XLSX aka. Microsoft Excel
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0(Sep 26, 2020)

    Initial version of all the cities (with their provinces) of Algeria based on an unofficial database.

    It contains different formats such as JSON, XLSX, SQL, etc.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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