Public Suffix List based domain parsing implemented in PHP


PHP Domain Parser

PHP Domain Parser is a resource based domain parser implemented in PHP.

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While there are plenty of excellent URL parsers and builders available, there are very few projects that can accurately parse a domain into its component subdomain, registrable domain, second level domain and public suffix parts.

Consider the domain In this domain, the public suffix portion is, the registrable domain is, the subdomain is www and the second level domain is pref.
You can't regex that.

PHP Domain Parser is compliant around:

  • accurate Public Suffix List based parsing.
  • accurate IANA Top Level Domain List parsing.



$ composer require jeremykendall/php-domain-parser

System Requirements

You need:

  • PHP >= 7.4 but the latest stable version of PHP is recommended
  • the intl extension


If you are upgrading from version 5 please check the upgrading guide for known issues.

Resolving Domains

This library can resolve a domain against:

In both cases this is done using the resolve method implemented on the resource instance. The method returns a Pdp\ResolvedDomain object which represents the result of that process.

For the Public Suffix List you need to use the Pdp\Rules class as shown below:

use Pdp\Rules;
use Pdp\Domain;

$publicSuffixList = Rules::fromPath('/path/to/cache/public-suffix-list.dat');
$domain = Domain::fromIDNA2008('www.PreF.OkiNawA.jP');

$result = $publicSuffixList->resolve($domain);
echo $result->domain()->toString();            //display '';
echo $result->subDomain()->toString();         //display 'www';
echo $result->secondLevelDomain()->toString(); //display 'pref';
echo $result->registrableDomain()->toString(); //display '';
echo $result->suffix()->toString();            //display '';
$result->suffix()->isICANN();                  //return true;

For the IANA Top Level Domain List, the Pdp\TopLevelDomains class is use instead:


use Pdp\Domain;
use Pdp\TopLevelDomains;

$topLevelDomains = TopLevelDomains::fromPath('/path/to/cache/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt');
$domain = Domain::fromIDNA2008('www.PreF.OkiNawA.jP');

$result = $topLevelDomains->resolve($domain);
echo $result->domain()->toString();            //display '';
echo $result->suffix()->toString();            //display 'jp';
echo $result->secondLevelDomain()->toString(); //display 'okinawa';
echo $result->registrableDomain()->toString(); //display '';
echo $result->subDomain()->toString();         //display 'www.pref';
echo $result->suffix()->isIANA();              //return true

In case of an error an exception which extends Pdp\CannotProcessHost is thrown.

The resolve method will always return a ResolvedDomain even if the domain syntax is invalid or if there is no match found in the resource data. To work around this limitation, the library exposes more strict methods, namely:

  • Rules::getCookieDomain
  • Rules::getICANNDomain
  • Rules::getPrivateDomain

for the Public Suffix List and the following method for the Top Level Domain List:

  • TopLevelDomains::getIANADomain

These methods resolve the domain against their respective data source using the same rules as the resolve method but will instead throw an exception if no valid effective TLD is found or if the submitted domain is invalid.

All these methods expect as their sole argument a Pdp\Host implementing object, but other types (ie: string, null and stringable objects) are supported with predefined conditions as explained in the remaining document.


use Pdp\Domain;
use Pdp\Rules;
use Pdp\TopLevelDomains;

$publicSuffixList = Rules::fromPath('/path/to/cache/public-suffix-list.dat');
$domain = Domain::fromIDNA2008('qfdsf.unknownTLD');

// will throw because `.unknownTLD` is not part of the ICANN section

$result = $publicSuffixList->getCookieDomain($domain);
$result->suffix()->value();   // returns 'unknownTLD'
$result->suffix()->isKnown(); // returns false
// will not throw because the domain syntax is correct.

// will not throw because the domain syntax is invalid (ie: does not support public suffix)

$result = $publicSuffixList->resolve(Domain::fromIDNA2008('com'));
$result->suffix()->value();   // returns null
$result->suffix()->isKnown(); // returns false
// will not throw but its public suffix value equal to NULL

$topLevelDomains = TopLevelDomains::fromPath('/path/to/cache/public-suffix-list.dat');
// will not throw because the domain syntax is invalid (ie: does not support public suffix)

To instantiate each domain resolver you can use the following named constructor:

  • fromString: instantiate the resolver from a inline string representing the data source;
  • fromPath: instantiate the resolver from a local path or online URL by relying on fopen;

If the instantiation does not work an exception will be thrown.


You should never resolve domain name this way in production, without, at least, a caching mechanism to reduce PSL downloads.

Using the Public Suffix List to determine what is a valid domain name and what isn't is dangerous, particularly in these days when new gTLDs are arriving at a rapid pace.

If you are looking to know the validity of a Top Level Domain, the IANA Top Level Domain List is the proper source for this information or alternatively consider using directly the DNS.

If you must use this library for any of the above purposes, please consider integrating an updating mechanism into your software.

For more information go to the Managing external data source section

Resolved domain information.

Whichever methods chosen to resolve the domain on success, the package will return a Pdp\ResolvedDomain instance.

The Pdp\ResolvedDomain decorates the Pdp\Domain class resolved but also gives access as separate methods to the domain different components.

use Pdp\Domain;
use Pdp\TopLevelDomains;

$domain = Domain::fromIDNA2008('www.PreF.OkiNawA.jP');
/** @var TopLevelDomains $topLevelDomains */
$result = $topLevelDomains->resolve($domain);
echo $result->domain()->toString();            //display '';
echo $result->suffix()->toString();            //display 'jp';
echo $result->secondLevelDomain()->toString(); //display 'okinawa';
echo $result->registrableDomain()->toString(); //display '';
echo $result->subDomain()->toString();         //display 'www.pref';
echo $result->suffix()->isIANA();              //return true

You can modify the returned Pdp\ResolvedDomain instance using the following methods:


use Pdp\Domain;
use Pdp\Rules;

/** @var Rules $publicSuffixList */
$result = $publicSuffixList->resolve(Domain::fromIDNA2008(''));
$altResult = $result

echo $result->domain()->toString(); //display '';
$result->suffix()->isKnown();       //return true;

echo $altResult->domain()->toString(); //display '';
$altResult->suffix()->isKnown();       //return false;

TIP: Always favor submitting a Pdp\Suffix object rather that any other supported type to avoid unexpected results. By default, if the input is not a Pdp\Suffix instance, the resulting public suffix will be labelled as being unknown. For more information go to the Public Suffix section

Domain Suffix

The domain effective TLD is represented using the Pdp\Suffix. Depending on the data source the object exposes different information regarding its origin.

use Pdp\Domain;
use Pdp\Rules;

/** @var Rules $publicSuffixList */
$suffix = $publicSuffixList->resolve(Domain::fromIDNA2008(''))->suffix();

echo $suffix->domain()->toString(); //display '';
$suffix->isICANN();                 //will return false
$suffix->isPrivate();               //will return true
$suffix->isPublicSuffix();          //will return true
$suffix->isIANA();                  //will return false
$suffix->isKnown();                 //will return true

The public suffix state depends on its origin:

  • isKnown returns true if the value is present in the data resource.
  • isIANA returns true if the value is present in the IANA Top Level Domain List.
  • isPublicSuffix returns true if the value is present in the Public Suffix List.
  • isICANN returns true if the value is present in the Public Suffix List ICANN section.
  • isPrivate returns true if the value is present in the Public Suffix List private section.

The same information is used when Pdp\Suffix object is instantiate via its named constructors:

use Pdp\Suffix;

$iana = Suffix::fromIANA('');
$icann = Suffix::fromICANN('');
$private = Suffix::fromPrivate('');
$unknown = Suffix::fromUnknown('');

Using a Suffix object instead of a string or null with ResolvedDomain::withSuffix will ensure that the returned value will always contain the correct information regarding the public suffix resolution.

Using a Domain object instead of a string or null with the named constructor ensure a better instantiation of the Public Suffix object for more information go to the ASCII and Unicode format section

Accessing and processing Domain labels

If you are interested into manipulating the domain labels without taking into account the Effective TLD, the library provides a Domain object tailored for manipulating domain labels. You can access the object using the following methods:

  • the ResolvedDomain::domain method
  • the ResolvedDomain::subDomain method
  • the ResolvedDomain::registrableDomain method
  • the ResolvedDomain::secondLevelDomain method
  • the Suffix::domain method

Domain objects usage are explain in the next section.

use Pdp\Domain;
use Pdp\Rules;

/** @var Rules $publicSuffixList */
$result = $publicSuffixList->resolve(Domain::from2008(''));
$domain = $result->domain();
echo $domain->toString(); // display ''
count($domain);           // returns 4
$domain->labels();        // returns ['uk', 'co', 'bbc', 'www'];
$domain->label(-1);       // returns 'www'
$domain->label(0);        // returns 'uk'
foreach ($domain as $label) {
   echo $label, PHP_EOL;
// display 
// uk
// co
// bbc
// www

$publicSuffixDomain = $result->suffix()->domain();
$publicSuffixDomain->labels(); // returns ['uk', 'co']

You can also add or remove labels according to their key index using the following methods:

use Pdp\Domain;
use Pdp\Rules;

/** @var Rules $publicSuffixList */
$domain = $publicSuffixList->resolve(Domain::from2008('www.ExAmpLE.cOM'))->domain();

$newDomain = $domain
    ->withLabel(1, 'com')  //replace 'example' by 'com'
    ->withoutLabel(0, -1)  //remove the first and last labels

echo $domain->toString();           //display ''
echo $newDomain->toString();        //display ''
$newDomain->clear()->labels();      //return []
echo $domain->slice(2)->toString(); //display 'www'

WARNING: Because of its definition, a domain name can be null or a string.

To distinguish this possibility the object exposes two (2) formatting methods Domain::value which can be null or a string and Domain::toString which will always cast the domain value to a string.

use Pdp\Domain;

$nullDomain = Domain::fromIDNA2008(null);
$nullDomain->value();    // returns null;
$nullDomain->toString(); // returns '';

$emptyDomain = Domain::fromIDNA2008('');
$emptyDomain->value();    // returns '';
$emptyDomain->toString(); // returns '';

ASCII and Unicode formats.

Domain names originally only supported ASCII characters. Nowadays, they can also be presented under a UNICODE representation. The conversion between both formats is done using the compliant implementation of UTS#46, otherwise known as Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing. Domain objects expose a toAscii and a toUnicode methods which returns a new instance in the converted format.

use Pdp\Rules;

/** @var Rules $publicSuffixList */
$unicodeDomain = $publicSuffixList->resolve('bébé.be')->domain();
echo $unicodeDomain->toString(); // returns 'bébé.be'

$asciiDomain = $publicSuffixList->resolve('')->domain();
echo $asciiDomain->toString();  // returns ''

$asciiDomain->toUnicode()->toString() === $unicodeDomain->toString(); //returns true
$unicodeDomain->toAscii()->toString() === $asciiDomain->toString();   //returns true

By default, the library uses IDNA2008 algorithm to convert domain name between both formats. It is still possible to use the legacy conversion algorithm known as IDNA2003.

Since direct conversion between both algorithms is not possible you need to explicitly specific on construction which algorithm you will use when creating a new domain instance via the Pdp\Domain object. This is done via two (2) named constructors:

  • Pdp\Domain::fromIDNA2008
  • Pdp\Domain::fromIDNA2003

At any given moment the Pdp\Domain instance can tell you whether it is in ASCII mode or not.

Once instantiated there's no way to tell which algorithm is used to convert the object from ascii to unicode and vice-versa

use Pdp\Domain;

$domain = Domain::fromIDNA2008('faß.de');
echo $domain->value(); // display 'faß.de'
$domain->isAscii();    // return false

$asciiDomain = $domain->toAscii(); 
echo $asciiDomain->value(); // display ''
$asciiDomain->isAscii();    // returns true

$domain = Domain::fromIDNA2003('faß.de');
echo $domain->value(); // display ''
$domain->isAscii();    // returns true

$asciiDomain = $domain->toAscii();
echo $asciiDomain->value(); // display ''
$asciiDomain->isAscii();    // returns true

TIP: Always favor submitting a Pdp\Domain object for resolution rather that a string or an object that can be cast to a string to avoid unexpected format conversion errors/results. By default, and with lack of information conversion is done using IDNA 2008 rules.

Managing the package external resources

Depending on your application, the mechanism to store your resources may differ, nevertheless, the library comes bundle with a optional service which enables resolving domain name without the constant network overhead of continuously downloading the remote databases.

The interfaces and classes defined under the Pdp\Storage namespace enable integrating a resource managing system and provide an implementation example using PHP-FIG PSR interfaces.

Using PHP-FIG interfaces

The Pdp\Storage\PsrStorageFactory enables returning storage instances that retrieve, convert and cache the Public Suffix List and the IANA Top Level Domain List using standard interfaces published by the PHP-FIG.

To work as intended, the Pdp\Storage\PsrStorageFactory constructor requires:

  • a PSR-16 Simple Cache implementing library.
  • a PSR-17 HTTP Factory implementing library.
  • a PSR-18 HTTP Client implementing library.

When creating a new storage instance you will require:

  • a $cachePrefix argument to optionally add a prefix to your cache index, default to the empty string;
  • a $ttl argument if you need to set the default $ttl, default to null to use the underlying caching default TTL;

The $ttl argument can be:

  • an int representing time in second (see PSR-16);
  • a DateInterval object (see PSR-16);
  • a DateTimeInterface object representing the date and time when the item will expire;

The package does not provide any implementation of such interfaces as you can find robust and battle tested implementations on packagist.

Refreshing the resource using the provided factories


For the purpose of this example we will use our PSR powered solution with:

  • Guzzle HTTP Client as our PSR-18 HTTP client;
  • Guzzle PSR-7 package which provide factories to create a PSR-7 objects using PSR-17 interfaces;
  • Symfony Cache Component as our PSR-16 cache implementation provider;

We will cache both external sources for 24 hours in a PostgreSQL database.

You are free to use other libraries/solutions/settings as long as they implement the required PSR interfaces.


use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use Pdp\Storage\PsrStorageFactory;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\PdoAdapter;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Psr16Cache;

$pdo = new PDO(
$cache = new Psr16Cache(new PdoAdapter($pdo, 'pdp', 43200));
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$requestFactory = new class implements RequestFactoryInterface {
    public function createRequest(string $method, $uri): RequestInterface
        return new Request($method, $uri);

$cachePrefix = 'pdp_';
$cacheTtl = new DateInterval('P1D');
$factory = new PsrStorageFactory($cache, $client, $requestFactory);
$pslStorage = $factory->createPublicSuffixListStorage($cachePrefix, $cacheTtl);
$rzdStorage = $factory->createTopLevelDomainListStorage($cachePrefix, $cacheTtl);

// if you need to force refreshing the rules 
// before calling them (to use in a refresh script)
// uncomment this part or adapt it to you script logic
// $pslStorage->delete(PsrStorageFactory::PUBLIC_SUFFIX_LIST_URI);
$publicSuffixList = $pslStorage->get(PsrStorageFactory::PUBLIC_SUFFIX_LIST_URI);

// if you need to force refreshing the rules 
// before calling them (to use in a refresh script)
// uncomment this part or adapt it to you script logic
// $rzdStorage->delete(PsrStorageFactory::TOP_LEVEL_DOMAIN_LIST_URI);
$topLevelDomains = $rzdStorage->get(PsrStorageFactory::TOP_LEVEL_DOMAIN_LIST_URI);

Be sure to adapt the following code to your own application. The following code is an example given without warranty of it working out of the box.

You should use your dependency injection container to avoid repeating this code in your application.

Automatic Updates

It is important to always have an up to date Public Suffix List and Top Level Domain List.
This library no longer provide an out of the box script to do so as implementing such a job heavily depends on your application setup. You can use the above example script as a starting point to implement such a job.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information about what has been changed since version 5.0.0 was released.


Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited. Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


pdp-domain-parser has:

  • a PHPUnit test suite
  • a code analysis compliance test suite using PHPStan.
  • a code analysis compliance test suite using Psalm.
  • a coding style compliance test suite using PHP CS Fixer.

To run the tests, run the following command from the project folder.

$ composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Portions of the Pdp\Rules class are derivative works of the PHP registered-domain-libs. I've included a copy of the Apache Software Foundation License 2.0 in this project.

  • Allows an optional path parameter in the cache update script

    Allows an optional path parameter in the cache update script

    The cache class allows for you to use a custom path which is very helpful, but the installer currently doesn't support this. So now you can use an optional parameter path when calling the bin/update-psl to specify the cache location. This seems like a preferable alternative to having people copy and edit the installer file as it's an optional improvement getting the installer up to date with the cache's already existing functionality.

    enhancement version 5 
    opened by Shardj 15
  • Overall modification prompted by magic functions breaking phpspec tests.

    Overall modification prompted by magic functions breaking phpspec tests.

    Thanks for being open-minded about this one, really appreciate it.

    Mainly replaced magic FNs, and corrected some typos along the way. Tests all fixed. Recommend a major version increment since this'll be a BC if folks are using versions with typos or pseudo-public access.

    • Fixed typo in 'isMultiLabelDomain' (was isMutliLabelDomain).
    • Standardized use of Registrable vs. Registerable (registrable is proper spelling)
    • Removed magic getters, substituted with proper accessors
    • Made private members previous accessed by accessors, protected to permit inheritance
    • Changed all tests and docs to reflect changes
    opened by Saeven 15
  • Websites which use valid tlds for their domain don't seem to be treated correctly

    Websites which use valid tlds for their domain don't seem to be treated correctly

    "", "", ""

    I wasn't able to get the parts for domains such as the above, where the whole domain is a valid tld, but so is a subpart of the domain which in reality is the tld that the domain is using.

    question wontfix 
    opened by Shardj 14
  • Type missmatch

    Type missmatch

    Hello, I think there is something wrong with the typing:

    Issue summary

    It might not be a big deal, but when we use the PsRStorageFactory:

    public function createPublicSuffixListStorage(string $cachePrefix = '', $cacheTtl = null): PublicSuffixListStorage

    and PublicSuffixListStorage:

    public function get(string $uri): PublicSuffixList;

    So, since we don't use Rules directly but an interfaces, there are an error when calling with a string as stated in the README.

    System informations

    | Information | Description | |--------------|---------| | Pdp version | 6|

    question version 6 
    opened by lyrixx 13
  • The host `องค๜กร` is invalid : a label or domain name contains disallowed characters.

    The host `องค๜กร` is invalid : a label or domain name contains disallowed characters.

    I have this errors with symfony any suggestions pls?

    ` use Pdp\Manager; use Pdp\Cache;

    		$guzzleAdapter = new GuzzleHttpClientAdapter(new GuzzleClient());
    		$cache = new Cache();
    		$manager = new Manager($cache, $guzzleAdapter);
    		$rules = $manager->getRules();
    		$domain = $rules->resolve('');


    [Pdp\Exception] The host องค๜กร is invalid : a label or domain name contains disallowed characters.

    question version 5 
    opened by tuxado 12
  • Some questions, confusions

    Some questions, confusions

    First of all, please pardon my ignorance. I wanted to post this in Rewrite the documentation #275 as comment but thought to create a new post / issue.

    Some suggestions.

    1. Kindly do briefly explain in documentation

    • what functions / properties of objects do. E.g. Like isResolvable() and isKnown() (common between Pdp\Domain and Pdp\PublicSuffix Objects).
    • and what their return or values means. E.g. What is meant by isResolvable or isKnown of Pdp\Domain if their value is true.

    2. If I search some domain with TLD that does not exists in PSL, the parser still parse the domain and even publicSuffix index / key is populated. Is there a way to tell the parser to throw exception or return a null Pdp\Domain if TLD is not part of PSL (both ICANN and PRIVATE) in given domain.

    • Code sample
    $res = $rules->resolve('paki.appri');
    • Result
    // Pdp\Domain Object
    // (
    //     [domain] => paki.appri
    //     [registrableDomain] => paki.appri
    //     [subDomain] => 
    //     [publicSuffix] => appri
    //     [isKnown] => 
    //     [isICANN] => 
    //     [isPrivate] => 
    // )
    // /var/www/html/tests.php:10:
    // object(Pdp\Domain)[104]
    //   private 'domain' => string 'paki.appri' (length=10)
    //   private 'labels' => 
    //     array (size=2)
    //       0 => string 'appri' (length=5)
    //       1 => string 'paki' (length=4)
    //   private 'publicSuffix' => 
    //     object(Pdp\PublicSuffix)[109]
    //       private 'publicSuffix' => string 'appri' (length=5)
    //       private 'section' => string '' (length=0)
    //       private 'labels' => 
    //         array (size=1)
    //           0 => string 'appri' (length=5)
    //       private 'asciiIDNAOption' => int 0
    //       private 'unicodeIDNAOption' => int 0
    //       private 'isTransitionalDifferent' => boolean false
    //   private 'registrableDomain' => string 'paki.appri' (length=10)
    //   private 'subDomain' => null
    //   private 'asciiIDNAOption' => int 0
    //   private 'unicodeIDNAOption' => int 0
    //   private 'isTransitionalDifferent' => boolean false

    3. Please provide a single concise full example consisting of major parts of this parser. Like you insists upon setting some scenario to update PSL (or RZD) cache. Here is an example of my test usage.

    require_once(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor/autoload.php');
    try {
        $manager = new \Pdp\Manager(new \Pdp\Cache(), new \Pdp\CurlHttpClient(), new DateInterval('P1D')); // Using Manager to make, refresh, update cache. new DateInterval('P1D') defines that cache is updated daily day.
        $rules = $manager->getRules(); //  Rules are fetched from cache and cache files are updated if needed as per DateInterval provide in Manager object creation.
        $domain = $rules->resolve(''); // Resolve provided domain and returns Pdp\Domain object.
        var_dump($domain->getPublicSuffix()); // Returns PublicSuffix part of provided domain as string.
        // $ps = \Pdp\PublicSuffix::createFromDomain($domain); // Make and return Pdp\PublicSuffix object in reference to Pdp\Domain object.
        $ps = $rules->getPublicSuffix($domain); // Make and return Pdp\PublicSuffix object in reference to Pdp\Domain object.
    } catch (Exception $e) {


    1. Ubuntu 18.04.
    2. LAMP with PHP 7.4
    3. jeremykendall/php-domain-parser 5.7.0 through Composer

    I hope that I am able to explain my points properly.

    Also I have a question that is not related to this Parser but as you have more knowledge of PSL and TLDs. Is there a way I can check which TLD is available for public registration and which are not? E.g. A normal person can register a .com domain but not .google because .google does not allow public registration. Some kind of list like PSL defining which TLDs are available for public registration.

    enhancement version 5 documentation version 6 
    opened by umairkhan-dev 11
  • Implement file locking within PublicSuffixListManager class

    Implement file locking within PublicSuffixListManager class

    Addresses issue #78

    To test concurrency, I inserted the following at line 249:

    echo "lock obtained for '$filepath'\n\n";

    Then ran the following commands within 5 seconds of eachother:

    $ time bin/update-psl 
    Updating Public Suffix List.
    lock obtained for /Users/mike/Projects/php-domain-parser/data/public-suffix-list.txt
    lock obtained for /Users/mike/Projects/php-domain-parser/data/public-suffix-list.php
    Update complete.
    real    0m11.799s
    user    0m0.388s
    sys 0m0.028s
    $ time bin/parse
        [scheme] => http
        [user] => user
        [pass] => pass
        [host] =>
        [subdomain] => www
        [registrableDomain] =>
        [publicSuffix] =>
        [port] => 8080
        [path] => /path/to/page.html
        [query] => query=string
        [fragment] => fragment
    '' IS a valid public suffix.
    real    0m4.535s
    user    0m0.071s
    sys 0m0.013s

    The blocking appears to be effective.

    PHPUnit passes, but I did not achieve complete code coverage as I am not sure how to simulate a file which opens but cannot be written, a file which opens which cannot be read, or a file which opens but cannot be locked. I also do not know how to properly test asynchronous I/O within PHPUnit, so these file locking tests were performed manually as above. If you have a solution, please let me know.

    version 3 
    opened by mikegreiling 10
  • Incorrectly parses long suffixes with missing levels

    Incorrectly parses long suffixes with missing levels

    Issue summary

    There are a few long suffixes defined by which do not list smaller suffixes. Specifically:


    As an example, but is not. So the suffix for it should be parsed as just

    It looks like to me (per my brief look at the cached data) that the data is parsed as a simple label map where each array contains a nested array of labels at a deeper level.

    If things should work the way I expect, then I think the way to approach this is temporarily hold a flat array of values from PSL, and for each suffix look for it's parent level suffix via shifting off each label; the resulting array for the above case would look something like:

    [ 'com' => [ 'br' => [ 'users.scale.virtualcloud' ]]]

    Although that might complicate the actual comparison logic, so it might be better to map the entire suffix rather than just the labels which would result in something like this:

    [ 'com' => [ '' => [ '' ]]]

    System informations

    | Information | Description | |-------------------|-----------------| | Pdp version | 6.1 | | PHP version | 8.1 | | OS Platform | Alpine |

    Standalone code, or other way to reproduce the problem

    (Please complete the text below to help us fix the issue)

    Expected result

    Actual result

    bug documentation version 6 
    opened by ash-m 9
  • Return value of Pdp\Converter::idnToAscii() must be of the type string, boolean returned

    Return value of Pdp\Converter::idnToAscii() must be of the type string, boolean returned

    Issue summary

    does not work

    System informations

    (In case of a bug report Please complete the table below)

    | Information | Description | |--------------|---------| | Pdp version | 5.3.0 | | PHP version | 7.2 | | OS Platform | BSD |

    Standalone code, or other way to reproduce the problem

    $manager = new Manager(new Cache(), new CurlHttpClient()); $rules = $manager->getRules();

    Expected result

    no error

    Actual result

    Type: TypeError Message: Return value of Pdp\Converter::idnToAscii() must be of the type string, boolean returned File: /project/vendor/jeremykendall/php-domain-parser/src/IDNAConverterTrait.php Line: 88

    bug question version 5 
    opened by spagu 9
  • Add a way to validate TLDs

    Add a way to validate TLDs

    Add a new function Pdp\Parser::getRawPublicSuffix() that can be used to check a host’s TLD for validity. The method returns false for invalid TLDs. Move most logic from Pdp\Parser::getPublicSuffix() into this new method. Ensure existing unit tests pass. Add unit tests for validating the one new logic rule introduced by the new method.

    opened by SmellyFish 9
  • cannot get info for

    cannot get info for

    Issue summary

    We use pdp to determine whether a given url uses a valid domain name.

    As per issue #251 the library does not allow to determine whether or not is a valid hostname, when it is actually. Please visit it at

    Standalone code, or other way to reproduce the problem

    $manager = new Manager(new Cache(), new CurlHttpClient());

    Expected result

    anything that helps to tell that is a valid hostname

    Actual result

    object(Pdp\Domain)#66 (7) {
      string(9) ""

    Happy to give contributions if required.


    question wontfix version 5 version 6 
    opened by gsouf 8
  • 6.2.0(Nov 5, 2022)


    • None


    • Internal code to make services readonly

    • Internal code to make VO properties readonly

    • Internal code improved typehinting

    • Deprecated

    • None


    • PHP7 and PHP8.0 support
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 6.1.2(Sep 29, 2022)

  • 6.1.1(Feb 18, 2022)


    • None


    • #321 improve resolving private domain suffix. Rules::getPrivateDomain is more restrictive It will throw if the domain name does not contain a valid "private" TLD.


    • None


    • None
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 6.1.0(Jun 19, 2021)


    • TimeToLive::until
    • TimeToLive::fromDurationString


    • .gitattributes files to be filter out.
    • TimeToLive marked as internal
    • Host::toUnicode method MUST never throw exceptions on conversion according to RFC3490.
    • UnableToResolveDomain typo in the exception message


    • TimeToLive::fromDateTimeInterface use TimeToLive::fromNow
    • TimeToLive::fromScalar use TimeToLive::convert


    • None
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 6.0.0(Dec 13, 2020)


    • Adding proper Interfaces
    • Added Domain::clear to easily initialize an empty domain object
    • Added Domain::slice to easily slice a domain object
    • Added ResolvedDomain object to normalize Resolver results.
    • Added Suffix object to replace the PublicSuffix object from v5.
    • Public Suffix List and IANA Top Level Domain List are fully decoupled
    • Added Idna, IDN support has been completely revamped
    • Added internal Stream class, to improve path/stream resolution
    • Resolver uses by default UTS#46 IDNA2008 algorithm to convert domain names
    • Storage capability is now optional and can be based on PHP-FIG related interfaces to improve interoperability
    • Pdp\TopLevelDomains::getIANADomain which throws on syntax error and if no effective TLD is found (behave like Pdp\TopLevelDomains::resolve in v5).


    • The Pdp\Domain class not longer directly exposes Effective TLD status.
    • Effective TLD resolver (Pdp\Rules::resolve and Pdp\TopLevelDomains::resolve) no longer accept IDNA options.
    • Rules::getICANNDomain, Rules::getPrivateDomain will throw even if a PublicSuffix is found but does not belong to the correct PSL section.
    • Pdp\TopLevelDomains::resolve acts like Pdp\Rules::resolve and only throw on TypeError


    • None


    • __toString and __debugInfo usage
    • Support for PHP7.4-
    • Composer script for automatic updates of the remote databases
    • CLI command bin/update-psl
    • Pdp\Cache, Pdp\CacheException: The package PSR-16 Cache implementation using the underlying filesystem.
    • Pdp\HttpClient, Pdp\CurlHttpClient and Pdp\HttpClientException: The package Http Client.
    • Pdp\Installer, Pdp\Manager: The package source manager and installer
    • Pdp\Logger, The package logger implementation
    • Pdp\Rules::ALL_DOMAINS constant deprecated in version 5.3
    • Pdp\Domain::getDomain deprecated in version 5.3
    • Pdp\Domain::resolve
    • Pdp\Domain::getPublicSuffix replaced by Pdp\ResolvedDomain::suffix
    • Pdp\Domain::getRegistrableDomain replaced by Pdp\ResolvedDomain::registrableDomain
    • Pdp\Domain::getSubDomain replaced by Pdp\ResolvedDomain::subDomain
    • Pdp\Domain::withPublicSuffix replaced by Pdp\ResolvedDomain::withSuffix
    • Pdp\Domain::getLabel replaced by Pdp\Domain::label
    • Pdp\Domain::isTransitionalDifferent replaced by Pdp\IdnaInfo::isTransitionalDifferent
    • Pdp\PublicSuffix replaced by Pdp\Suffix
    • Accessing suffix information from the Pdp\Domain object is no longer possible you need to do it from Pdp\Suffix
    • Pdp\TopLevelDomains::contains without replacement
    • Internal Converter classes (implementation details are no longer exposed).
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 5.7.2(Oct 26, 2020)

  • 5.7.1(Aug 24, 2020)

  • 5.7.0(Aug 3, 2020)


    • Rules::getCookieDomain
    • Rules::getICANNDomain
    • Rules::getPrivateDomain
    • CouldNotResolvePublicSuffix::dueToUnresolvableDomain


    • Improve type hinting and return type by dropping EOL PHP versions support.
    • Improve development environment by dropping EOL PHP versions support.
    • Fix composer script


    • None


    • Support for PHP7.0 and PHP7.1
    • The external data from IANA and mozilla is no longer part of the package and will be downloaded only on demand on composer update/install.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.6.0(Dec 29, 2019)


    • A simple Psr3 compatible logger class which output the logs to you cli console.


    • composer.json updated to be composer 2.0 ready
    • package bundle installer is rewritten to improve its usage see #249 and #250


    • None


    • None
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 5.5.0(Apr 14, 2019)


    • Support for IDNA options see #236 thanks to Insolita.
    • PublicSuffix::labels and Domain::labels to return the VO labels see #241
    • IDNAConverterTrait::parse (internal)


    • Don't swallow cache errors #232
    • Update travis settings to allow testing against future version of PHP.


    • IDNAConverterTrait::setLabels replaced by IDNAConverterTrait::parse (internal)


    • None
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.4.0(Nov 22, 2018)


    • Pdp\TopLevelDomains to allow resolving domain againts IANA Root zone database
    • Pdp\TLDConverter converts the IANA Root Zones database into an associative array
    • Pdp\Manager::getTLDs a service to return a cache version of the IANA Root zone database
    • Pdp\Manager::refreshTLDs a service to refresh the cache version of the IANA Root zone database
    • added a new $ttl parameter to improve PSR-16 supports to
      • Pdp\Manager::__construct
      • Pdp\Manager::getRules
      • Pdp\Manager::refreshRules
    • Pdp\Exception\CouldNotLoadTLDs exception


    • Pdp\IDNAConverterTrait::setLabels improve IDN domain handling
    • Pdp\IDNAConverterTrait throws a UnexpectedValueException if the Intl extension is misconfigured see #230


    • None


    • None
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 5.3.0(May 22, 2018)


    • Pdp\PublicSuffixListSection interface implemented by Pdp\Rules and Pdp\PublicSuffix
    • Pdp\DomainInterface interface implemented by Pdp\Domain and Pdp\PublicSuffix
    • Pdp\Domain::getContent replaces Pdp\Domain::getDomain
    • Pdp\Domain::withLabel adds a new label to the Pdp\Domain.
    • Pdp\Domain::withoutLabel removes labels from the Pdp\Domain.
    • Pdp\Domain::withPublicSuffix updates the Pdp\Domain public suffix part.
    • Pdp\Domain::withSubDomain updates the Pdp\Domain sub domain part.
    • Pdp\Domain::append appends a label to Pdp\Domain.
    • Pdp\Domain::prepend prepends a label to Pdp\Domain.
    • Pdp\Domain::resolve attach a public suffix to the Pdp\Domain.
    • Pdp\Domain::isResolvable tells whether the current Pdp\Domain can have a public suffix attached to it or not.
    • Pdp\PublicSuffix::createFromDomain returns a new Pdp\PublicSuffix object from a Pdp\Domainobject
    • Pdp\Exception sub namespace to organize exception. All exception extends the Pdp\Exception class to prevent BC break.


    • Pdp\Domain domain part computation (public suffix, registrable domain and sub domain)
    • Pdp\Domain and Pdp\PublicSuffix host validation compliance to RFC improved
    • Improve Pdp\Converter and Pdp\Manager class to better report error on IDN conversion.
    • Improve Pdp\Installer vendor directory resolution see PR #222
    • Pdp\Exception nows extends InvalidArgumentException instead of RuntimeException


    • Pdp\Domain::getDomain use instead Pdp\Domain::getContent
    • Pdp\Rules::ALL_DOMAINS use the empty string instead


    • None
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.2.0(Feb 23, 2018)


    • Pdp\Rules::getPublicSuffix returns a Pdp\PublicSuffix value object
    • Pdp\Rules::__set_state is implemented
    • Pdp\Domain::toUnicode returns a Pdp\Domain with its value converted to its Unicode form
    • Pdp\Domain::toAscii returns a Pdp\Domain with its value converted to its AScii form
    • Pdp\PublicSuffix::toUnicode returns a Pdp\PublicSuffix with its value converted to its Unicode form
    • Pdp\PublicSuffix::toAscii returns a Pdp\PublicSuffix with its value converted to its AScii form


    • Pdp\Domain::getDomain returns the normalized form of the domain name
    • Pdp\PublicSuffix is no longer internal.
    • Normalizes IDN conversion using a internal IDNConverterTrait
    • Internal code improved by requiring PHPStan for development


    • None


    • None
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.1.0(Dec 18, 2017)


    • Pdp\Rules::createFromPath named constructor to returns a new instance from a path
    • Pdp\Rules::createFromString named constructor to returns a new instance from a string


    • Pdp\CurlHttpClient default curl options improved


    • None


    • None
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.0.0(Dec 13, 2017)


    • Pdp\Exception a base exception for the library
    • Pdp\Rules a class to resolve domain name against the public suffix list
    • Pdp\Domain an immutable value object to represents a parsed domain name
    • Pdp\Installer a class to enable improve PSL maintenance
    • Pdp\Cache a PSR-16 file cache implementation to cache a local copy of the PSL
    • Pdp\Manager a class to enable managing PSL sources and Rules objects creation
    • Pdp\Converter a class to convert the PSL into a PHP array


    • invalid domain names improved supported
    • idn_* conversion error better handled
    • domain name with RFC3986 encoded string improved supported


    • None


    • PHP5 support
    • URL Parsing capabilities and domain name validation
    • Pdp\PublicSuffixList class replaced by the Pdp\Rules class
    • Pdp\PublicSuffixManager class replaced by the Pdp\Manager class
    • Pdp\HttpAdapter\HttpAdapterInterface interface replaced by the Pdp\HttpClient interface
    • Pdp\HttpAdapter\CurlHttpAdapter class replaced by the Pdp\CurlHttpClient class
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.0.3-alpha(Sep 28, 2017)

  • 4.0.2-alpha(Sep 28, 2017)

  • 4.0.1-alpha(Sep 27, 2017)

    Release to include all commits to master before new-new version (BC breaking v5). Totally pooched semantic versioning so v4 will be kind of an interim version. Apologies ☹️

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.0.0-alpha(Feb 12, 2016)

    Many Improvements, Many BC Breaks

    The Most Significant BC Breaks

    • All misspellings of registrable have been corrected (registerable -> registrable) (see #61)
    • All magic methods have been replaced with getters.

    Other Updates and BC Breaks

    • #63: Ensure scheme returns null rather than an empty string
    • #64 and #65: Cleans up Exception message
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 3.0.0(Mar 30, 2015)

    New Features and BC Breaks

    IMPORTANT: These are all BC breaking changes (some more significant than others).

    • Adds RFC 3986 scheme support
      • http(s) and ftp(s) are no longer the only supported schemes
      • All RFC 3986 valid schemes are parsed
      • All schemes are lowercased on output regardless of the case passed to the parser
    • The http scheme is no longer prepended to URLs which do not include schemes
    • Renames Public Suffix List update script from ./bin/pdp-psl. to ./bin/update-psl
    • Adds a post-install script to composer.json to update the Public Suffix list when calling composer install
    • Backports PHP 5.4.7 parse_url() fix to pdp_parse_url() and supported PHP 5.3 versions: "Fixed host recognition when scheme is omitted and a leading component separator is present."
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 2.0.3(Feb 16, 2015)

  • 2.0.2(Feb 12, 2015)

  • 2.0.1(Jan 27, 2015)

  • 2.0.0(Jan 2, 2015)


    • Adds IDNA support
    • Removes Parser::mbParseUrl, a UTF-8 compatible version of PHP's parse_url
    • Adds global function pdp_parse_url, a UTF-8 compatible version of PHP's parse_url
    • Adds Parser:: isSuffixValid to test validity of domain suffix (thanks to @SmellyFish)

    See for detailed version diff

    BC Breaks

    Library now requires ext-intl and ext-mbstring.

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 1.4.6(Jul 28, 2014)

  • 1.4.5(Jul 22, 2014)

  • 1.4.4(Jul 21, 2014)

  • 1.4.3(Jul 21, 2014)

  • 1.4.2(Jul 21, 2014)

    • Deprecates Parser::mbParseUrl, a UTF-8 compatible version of PHP's parse_url
    • Adds global function mb_parse_url, a UTF-8 compatible version of PHP's parse_url
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.4.1(Jul 21, 2014)

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