299 Repositories
PHP magento2-extension Libraries
Magento extension which makes it impossible for a customer to log in until the account has been activated by the administrator.
This Magento 1 extension is orphaned, unsupported and no longer maintained. If you use it, you are effectively adopting the code for your own project.
Algolia Search integration for Magento 1 - compatible with versions from 1.6.x to 1.9.x
Algolia Search for Magento 1.6+ End of Support 🚨 The Algolia Magento 1 extension has reached End of Life regarding support and maintenance. We do not
Smile ElasticSuite - Magento 2 merchandising and search engine built on ElasticSearch
News ⚠️ Magento versions compatibility : Due to several changes in Magento 2.4.0, we cannot ensure compatibility between ElasticSuite 2.10 and Magent
A Varnish extension for Magento.
Nexcess.net Turpentine Extension for Magento Turpentine is a full page cache extension for Magento that works with Varnish, a very fast caching revers
This Magento extension provides a Real Full Page Caching for Magento powered by Varnish with support of Session-Based information caching (Cart, Customer Accounts, ...) via ESI includes
This Magento extension provides a Real Full Page Caching (FPC) for Magento powered by Varnish with support of Session-Based information caching (Cart, Customer Accounts, ...) via ESI includes
Default Nginx config for Magento
Default Nginx config for Magento DEMO: https://www.magenx.com Get cloud server: at DigitalOcean magento Magento upto 1.9.x default magento configurati
Docker-magento2 - 🐳 Docker containers with all required Magento 2 dependencies installed available as FPM through Nginx and CLI
Magento 2 Docker A collection of Docker images for running Magento 2 through nginx and on the command line. Quick Start cp composer.env.sample compose
Vagrant Box for Magento 2 Developers
Vagrant project for Magento 2 developers (optimized for Mac, Windows and *nix hosts) ⚠️ Current project is not supported anymore. Please check out htt
DDEV-Local: a local PHP development environment system
ddev ddev is an open source tool that makes it simple to get local PHP development environments up and running in minutes. It's powerful and flexible
Textpattern-plugin-template - A template for building plugins for Textpattern CMS.
Plugin template for Textpattern CMS Developer documentation Refer to the Textpattern plugin development documentation, and notably the Plugin template
Yii2-symfonymailer - Yii 2 Symfony mailer extension.
Yii Mailer Library - Symfony Mailer Extension This extension provides a Symfony Mailer mail solution for Yii framework 2.0. For license information ch
Phpstan-dba - database handling related class reflection extension for PHPStan & framework-specific rules
database handling class reflection extension for PHPStan This extension provides following features: PDO-query knows the array shape of the returned
This component provides a collection of functions/classes using the symfony/intl package when the Intl extension is not installed.
Symfony Polyfill / Intl: ICU This package provides fallback implementations when the Intl extension is not installed. It is limited to the "en" locale
Extension for the Laravel validation class
Intervention Validation Intervention Validation is an extension library for Laravel's own validation system. The package adds rules to validate data l
Chrome extension to generate Laravel integration tests while using your app.
Laravel TestTools Check out the introduction post about the chrome extension. Installation git clone git@github.com:mpociot/laravel-testtools.git # i
A list of useful Magento technical resources
Magento 2 Resources A curated list of useful Magento 2 resources. Resources are listed alphabetically within each category. This file is automatically
An automated library management system developed in Laravel 4.2 PHP MVC Framework
An automated system to manage a public library. Admin panel for librarians to control and manage the system easily through an interactive interface.
Easily install PHP extension in Docker containers
Easy installation of PHP extensions in official PHP Docker images This repository contains a script that can be used to easily install a PHP extension
PHPUnit extension for database interaction testing.
This extension is no longer maintained DbUnit PHPUnit extension for database interaction testing. Installation Composer If you use Composer to manage
PHP extension for V8 JavaScript engine
php-v8 PHP extension for V8 JavaScript engine This extension requires PHP = 7.2. Last version that supports PHP 7.1 is v0.2.2 and for PHP 7.0 is v0.1
With this extension you can share data from your web pages to any social network!
Extension for sharing on social networks With this extension you can share data from your web pages to any social network! Features: SEO support, defa
Extract and evolution of the magento2-currency-precision module from the magento2-jp project from @Magento
Currency Precision Module for Magento 2 This module aims to help merchants to manage easily their currency precision in Magento 2. DISCLAIMER Initiall
OctoLinker — Links together, what belongs together
What is OctoLinker? OctoLinker is a browser extension for GitHub, that turns language-specific statements like include require or import into links. I
Restart a CLI process without loading the xdebug extension.
composer/xdebug-handler Restart a CLI process without loading the Xdebug extension, unless xdebug.mode=off. Originally written as part of composer/com
PHP Extension installer
pickle - PHP Extension installer Pickle installs PHP extensions easily on all platforms. Installation Grab the latest phar at https://github.com/Frien
Is an Extension of Laravel View Class which compiles String Template on the fly. It automatically detects changes on your string template and recompiles it if needed.
Laravel-fly-view Is an Extension of Laravel View Class which compiles String Template on the fly. It automatically detects changes on your string temp
Users Management for extension user.
Template for Yii Packages Installation composer require vendor/your-packages Unit testing The package is tested with PHPUnit. To run tests: ./vendor
This is an extension to my datacode interview questions.
This is an extension to my datacode interview questions. This is a fully working response form with email functionality as well as database manipulation.The form can be translated from French, English and Pirate based on the browser language.
Doctrine extension to persist spatial data objects.
doctrine-Spatial Doctrine-spatial is a doctrine extension. It implements spatial types and functions. As exemple, this extension can help you to know
Test essentials for writing testable code that interacts with Magento core modules
Essentials for testing Magento 2 modules Using mocking frameworks for testing Magento 2 modules is counterproductive as you replicate line by line you
Allow SVG images to be used in Magento CMS blocks and pages via the TinyMCE Wysiwyg Editor.
Hyvä Themes - SVG support for the Magento CMS Wysiwyg Editor Allow SVG images to be used in CMS blocks and pages via the TinyMCE Wysiwyg Editor. hyva-
This extension expands WSOAuth extension and provide a EveOnline SSO login method
This extension expands WSOAuth extension and provide a EveOnline SSO login method
TYPO3 Extension for on-the-fly evaluation hints in FormEngine
OTF - A TYPO3 extension to display on-the-fly evaluation hints in FormEngine This TYPO3 extension allows to add a FormEngine FieldWizard to specific T
TYPO3 CMS extension which checks used CSS selectors in HTML output of the current page and removes CSS declarations which are unused.
EXT:css_coverage TYPO3 CMS extension which checks used CSS selectors in HTML output of the current page and removes CSS declarations which are unused.
Content Fuzzyfyr Module for Magento® 2
Content Fuzzyfyr Module for Magento® 2 The Content Fuzzyfyr module for Magento® 2 fills up empty content fields - and if needed - switches real conten
A Flarum extension. A MEME BBCode.
Meme A Flarum extension. A MEME BBCode. [meme url=image.jpg text-position=top, center, bottom]This is meme text.[/meme] Installation Install with comp
Ten Theme From Youtube Videos
Webverse_ten This is the main branch of the Ten Theme from Youtube Videos, to view the progress of a specific video switch to the corresponding branch
Laravel Enqueue message queue extension. Supports AMQP, Amazon SQS, Kafka, Google PubSub, Redis, STOMP, Gearman, Beanstalk and others
Laravel queue package You can use all transports built on top of queue-interop including all supported by Enqueue. It also supports extended AMQP feat
Laravel router extension to easily use Laravel's paginator without the query string
🚨 THIS PACKAGE HAS BEEN ABANDONED 🚨 We don't use this package anymore in our own projects and cannot justify the time needed to maintain it anymore.
Generate form validators for Laravel: an extension of way/generators
Laravel Form Validator Contents Introduction Installation Usage Example Tests Introduction After using Jeffrey Way's Generator and his Validator packa
Powerful framework for designers and developers to create responsive, fast & robust Joomla based websites and templates.
Astroid Framework Powerful Frontend Template Framework for Joomla CMS Powerful framework for designers and developers to create responsive, fast & rob
Laravel Mysql Spatial Builder Extension
magutti-spatial V2 Laravel Builder Mysql Spatial Extension Laravel Builder extensions to calculate distances between two Spatial points using Mysql na
Easily add logs anywhere in your Magento 2 code
Magento 2 Simple Log Easily add logs anywhere in the code (like Magento 1). Requirements Requires Magento 2 in any version. Installation Add the Log.p
Simple user settings facade for Hyperf. Settings are stored as JSON in a single database column, so you can easily add it to an existing table.
hyperf-user-settings Simple user settings util for hyperf Settings are stored as JSON in a single database column, so you can easily add it to an exis
Library for Open Swoole extension
Open Swoole Library This library works with Open Swoole since release version v4.7.1. WIP Table of Contents How to Contribute Code Requirements Develo
A collection of extensions for Laravel development in Visual Studio Code
Laravel Extension Pack for Visual Studio Code Includes the basic extensions to get started with Laravel development in Visual Studio Code. Laravel Ext
A Laravel extension for using a laravel application on a multi domain setting
Laravel Multi Domain An extension for using Laravel in a multi domain setting Description This package allows a single Laravel installation to work wi
This Magento 2 extension integrates EasyTranslate into Magento 2.
EasyTranslate Magento 2 Connector This Magento 2 extension integrates EasyTranslate into Magento 2. Mind that you need to have an account with EasyTra
PHP library to easily edit image with GD extension. Resize, crop, merge, draw, and many more options !
PHP Image Editor PHP library to easily edit image with GD extension. Resize, crop, merge, draw, and many more options ! ✨ Supporting ⭐ Star this repos
Generate stubs for any PHP extension.
php-ext-stubs-generator Installation Run $ composer require --dev lctrs/php-ext-stubs-generator Usage $ php vendor/bin/generate-stubs-for-ext extensio
MediaWiki extension that allows embedding external content
MediaWiki extension that allows embedding external content, specified by URL, into your wiki pages.
A PHP extension for Redis
PhpRedis The phpredis extension provides an API for communicating with the Redis key-value store. It is released under the PHP License, version 3.01.
Magento specific extension for phpstan
bitexpert/phpstan-magento This package provides some additional features for PHPStan to make it work for Magento 2 projects. Installation The preferre
This is an extension to the WPGraphQL plugin for Yoast SEO
WPGraphQl Yoast SEO Plugin Please note version 14 of the Yoast Plugin is a major update. If you are stuck on version of Yoast before V14 then use v3 o
WPGraphQL Polylang Extension for WordPress
WPGraphQL Polylang Extension Extend WPGraphQL schema with language data from the Polylang plugin. Features For posts and terms (custom ones too!) Adds
An WPGraphQL extension that adds SearchWP's query functionality to the GraphQL server
QL Search What is QL Search? An extension that integrates SearchWP into WPGraphQL. Quick Install Install & activate SearchWP v3.1.9+ Install & activat
WPGraphQL Extension: Adds "meta_query" support to postObject connection queries using WP_Query
WPGraphQL Meta Query This plugin adds Meta_Query support to the WP GraphQL Plugin for postObject query args. Why is this an extension and not part of
Okex API Like the official document interface, Support for arbitrary extension.
It is recommended that you read the official document first Okex docs https://www.okex.com/docs/en Okex Simulation Test API https://www.okex.com/docs/
Zephir is a compiled high level language aimed to the creation of C-extensions for PHP.
Zephir - is a high level programming language that eases the creation and maintainability of extensions for PHP. Zephir extensions are exported to C c
Helper to automatically load various Kirby extensions in a plugin
Autoloader for Kirby Helper to automatically load various Kirby extensions in a plugin Commerical Usage This package is free but if you use it in a co
Contao extension to provide content templates for pages.
Contao Content Templates In Contao, the regular content of a page can be made up of different articles, each assigned to different sections of a page
Upload SVG images in Magento 2.x
Upload SVG images in Magento 2.x This extension for Magento 2 allows uploading SVG images in the following sections: wysiwyg editor in static blocks a
QR Code Generator
QR Code By endroid If you like my work you can show appreciation by sponsoring via Github Sponsors or send me some ADA at DdzFFzCqrhszSwiFWMBQomfv6mkD
Simple and lightweight OOP wrapper for PHP's low-level sockets extension (ext-sockets)
clue/socket-raw Simple and lightweight OOP wrapper for PHP's low-level sockets extension (ext-sockets). PHP offers two networking APIs, the newer stre
Magento 2 Facebook Pixel Extension
Magento 2 Facebook Pixel Extension Enable Facebook Pixel on Magento 2 website Requirements Magento Community 2.3.0-2.4.x (CE, EE, ECE, B2B) Magefan Co
dcat admin login captcha. - dcat admin 登录验证码。
dcat-login-captcha 简体中文 | ENGLISH dact admin login captcha. - dcat admin 登录验证码。 环境要求 dcat-admin = 2.0 安装 Composer 安装 $ composer require guanguans/dca
Yii 2 Bootstrap 5 Extension
Twitter Bootstrap 5 Extension for Yii 2 This is the Twitter Bootstrap extension for Yii framework 2.0. It encapsulates Bootstrap 5 components and plug
Tensor is a library and extension that provides objects for scientific computing in PHP.
Tensor is a library and extension that provides objects for scientific computing in PHP. The multithreaded extension is especially suited for computing large sets of numbers. In some cases, the extension is 230X faster than the same operation in PHPland. Tensor is used by libraries such as Rubix ML to build and accelerate machine learning algorithms such as linear regression, dimensionality reduction, and neural networks.
The swiss army knife for Magento developers, sysadmins and devops. The tool provides a huge set of well tested command line commands which save hours of work time. All commands are extendable by a module API.
netz98 magerun CLI tools for Magento 2 The n98 magerun cli tools provides some handy tools to work with Magento from command line. Build Status Latest
Magento 2 Code Generator
Magento 2 Code Generator Created by Orba Inspired by https://github.com/staempfli/magento2-code-generator Purpose In day-to-day Magento 2 development
Collection of the Laravel/Eloquent Model classes that allows you to get data directly from a Magento 2 database.
Laragento LAravel MAgento Micro services Magento 2 has legacy code based on abandoned Zend Framework 1 with really ugly ORM on top of outdated Zend_DB
Performance fixes for magento 2 core.
magento2-performance-fixes Performance fixes for magento 2 core. Problem and solution's concept - briefly PHP / Magento doesn't support concurency req
Adds a service worker to Magento2 to enable PWA features
Monsoon PWA Adds icons, a web manifest file and a service-worker file to make magento 2 a PWA. Main Features Supports Magento Blank and Luma as well a
PHPStan extension to support #[Readonly] constructor properties
icanhazstring/phpstan-readonly-property Support #[Readonly] promoted constructor properties for PHPStan. This library is used to have a full transitio
Yii2 Annotations Generate API Document Extension
Generate online api document by code annotation for yii2 easily
A TYPO3 extension that integrates the Apache Solr search server with TYPO3 CMS. dkd Internet Service GmbH is developing the extension. Community contributions are welcome. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
Apache Solr for TYPO3 CMS A TYPO3 extension that integrates the Apache Solr enterprise search server with TYPO3 CMS. The extension has initially been
Libraries and scripts for crawling the TYPO3 page tree. Used for re-caching, re-indexing, publishing applications etc.
Libraries and scripts for crawling the TYPO3 page tree. Used for re-caching, re-indexing, publishing applications etc.
Composer Plugin for simpler registration of Rector extension configs
Rector Extension Installer Composer plugin for automatic installation of Rector extensions. Usage composer require --dev rector/extension-installer In
Apollo-compatible automatic persisted queries, to improve GraphQL network performance.
Automatic Persisted Queries for Magento 2 Apollo-compatible automatic persisted queries, to improve GraphQL network performance.
Envbar allows you to differentiate between environments by adding a custom colored bar above the top navigation.
Envbar Envbar allows you to differentiate between environments by adding a custom colored bar above the top navigation. This should help backend users
dcat laravel-admin extension for china distpicker
dcat-admin extension Distpicker是一个中国省市区三级联动选择组件,这个包是基于Distpicker的dcat-admin扩展,用来将Distpicker集成进dcat-admin的表单中. 此扩展参考与引用: dcat-admin-extensions-distpick
Magento 2 module to only allow checkout when the number of items in the cart are a multiple of X.
Cart Quantity Multiple - Magento 2 Module Introduction This module allows to limit checkout only when the contents of the cart are a multiple of X
Sliding captcha for dcat-admin auth / dcat-admin登陆 滑动验证插件 多平台支持
dcat-admin登陆 滑动验证插件 多平台支持 dcat-admin登陆 滑动验证插件 多平台支持 另有 laravel-admin版 Demo演示 演示站点(暂时无,目前地址为laravel-admin版的演示地址) 支持(按照字母顺序) 顶象 ✔️ 极验 ✔️ hCaptcha(和谷歌Rec
Magento 2.4.x module Sort Out Of Stock Product At last the product list
Magento 2.4.x module Sort Out Of Stock Product At last the product list composer require ghoster/module-outofstockatlast Extension on GitHub Direct d
Allow multiple options for Magento 2 checkout layout. Provides capabilities to AB test checkout changes and more.
Aimes_CheckoutDesigns Features Please note: This module is currently still considered a proof of concept. This module provides the ability to change c
🔌 A Doctrine DBAL Driver implementation on top of Swoole Coroutine PostgreSQL extension
Swoole Coroutine PostgreSQL Doctrine DBAL Driver A Doctrine\DBAL\Driver implementation on top of Swoole\Coroutine\PostgreSQL. Getting started Install
Caching extension for the Intervention Image Class
Intervention Image Cache Intervention Image Cache extends the Intervention Image Class package to be capable of image caching functionality. The libra
MySQL Spatial Data Extension integration with Laravel.
Laravel MySQL Spatial extension Laravel package to easily work with MySQL Spatial Data Types and MySQL Spatial Functions. Please check the documentati
A drop-in Doctrine ORM 2 implementation for Laravel 5+ and Lumen
Laravel Doctrine ORM A drop-in Doctrine ORM 2 implementation for Laravel 5+ $scientist = new Scientist( 'Albert', 'Einstein' ); $scientist-a
Converts a string to a slug. Includes integrations for Symfony, Silex, Laravel, Zend Framework 2, Twig, Nette and Latte.
cocur/slugify Converts a string into a slug. Developed by Florian Eckerstorfer in Vienna, Europe with the help of many great contributors. Features Re
Fast php framework written in c, built in php extension
Yaf - Yet Another Framework PHP framework written in c and built as a PHP extension. Requirement PHP 7.0+ (master branch)) PHP 5.2+ (php5 branch) Inst
Zephir is a compiled high level language aimed to the creation of C-extensions for PHP.
Zephir - is a high level programming language that eases the creation and maintainability of extensions for PHP. Zephir extensions are exported to C c
高效稳定、安全易用、线上实时验证的全异步高性能网络库,通过PHP扩展方式提供。 遵循Apache协议,基于Swoole 1.8.5版本分支重构研发。 在此特别鸣谢Swoole开发组为PHP开源社区付出的努力和汗水。 Zan做了哪些事儿 大量模块解耦拆分 修复大量Bug、逻辑缺陷(内存泄露、释放逻辑)
High performance, full-stack PHP framework delivered as a C extension.
Phalcon Framework Phalcon is an open source web framework delivered as a C extension for the PHP language providing high performance and lower resourc
A fluent extension to PHPs DateTime class.
Expressive Date A fluent extension to PHPs DateTime class. Table of Contents Installation Composer Manually Laravel 4 Usage Getting Instances Quick He
A simple PHP API extension for DateTime.
Carbon An international PHP extension for DateTime. http://carbon.nesbot.com ?php use Carbon\Carbon; printf("Right now is %s", Carbon::now()-toDat
PHP Extension to handle common geospatial functions.
geospatial - PHP Geospatial Extension PHP Extension to handle common geospatial functions. The extension currently has implementations of the Haversin
PHP extension for geospatial rendering with Mapnik
PHP7 Mapnik Introduction This project is an extension for PHP 7 that enables geospatial rendering with Mapnik. Create tile generation scripts, dynamic
Behat extension for those who want to write acceptances tests for apis
Behapi Behat extension to help write describe features related to HTTP APIs. PHP 7.3, Behat 3.7 and a discoverable php-http client are required to mak