PHP Extension to handle common geospatial functions.


geospatial - PHP Geospatial Extension

PHP Extension to handle common geospatial functions. The extension currently has implementations of the Haversine and Vincenty's formulas for calculating distances, an initial bearing calculation function, a Helmert transformation function to transfer between different supported datums, conversions between polar and Cartesian coordinates, conversions between Degree/Minute/Seconds and decimal degrees, a method to simplify linear geometries, as well as a method to calculate intermediate points on a LineString.


git clone
cd geospatial
./configure --enable-geospatial
sudo make install

Then add the extension to an ini file e.g. /etc/php.ini:

extension =


The extension makes use of the GeoJSON standard format for specifying points as co-ordinates. One important thing to note about this format is that points are specified longitude first i.e. longitude, latitude.


$greenwichObservatory = array(
    'type' => 'Point',
    'coordinates' => array( -0.001483 , 51.477917);


$from = array(
    'type' => 'Point',
    'coordinates' => array( -104.88544, 39.06546 )
$to = array(
    'type' => 'Point',
    'coordinates' => array( -104.80, 39.06546 )
var_dump(haversine($to, $from));

Vincenty's Formula

Vincenty's formula attempts to provide a more accurate distance between two points than the Haversine formula. Whereas the Haversine formula assumes a spherical earth the Vincenty method models the earth as an ellipsoid:

$flinders = array(
    'type' => 'Point',
    'coordinates' => array(144.42486788889, -37.951033416667 )
$buninyong = array(
    'type' => 'Point',
    'coordinates' => array(143.92649552778, -37.652821138889 )
var_dump(vincenty($flinders, $buninyong));

Helmert Transformation

The Helmert transformation allows for the transformation of points between different datums. It can for instance be used to convert between the WGS84 ellipsoid (GEO_WGS84) used by GPS systems and OSGB36 (GEO_AIRY_1830) used by Ordnance Survey in the UK:

$greenwichObservatory = array(
    'type' => 'Point',
    'coordinates' => array(-0.0014833333333333 , 51.477916666667)

$greenwichObservatoryWGS84 = transform_datum($greenwichObservatory, GEO_WGS84, GEO_AIRY_1830);


Calculating Initial Bearing

The initial_bearing function calculates the initial bearing to go from the first to the second point, as expressed in a GeoJSON wrapper:

$from = array(
        'type' => 'Point',
        'coordinates' => array( 2.351, 48.857 )
$to = array(
        'type' => 'Point',
        'coordinates' => array( 0.119, 52.205 )
var_dump(initial_bearing($from, $to));

The range of the resulting heading is 0° to +360°.

Converting between polar and Cartesian Coordinates

These two functions calculate between Polar and Cartesian Coordinates, with results depending on which ellipsoid you use.

From Polar to Cartesian:

$lat = 53.38361111111;
$long = 1.4669444444;

var_dump(polar_to_cartesian($lat, $long, GEO_AIRY_1830));

And back:

$x = 3810891.6734396;
$y = 97591.624686311;
$z = 5095766.3939034;

$polar = cartesian_to_polar($x, $y, $z, GEO_AIRY_1830);
echo round($polar['lat'], 6), PHP_EOL;
echo round($polar['long'], 6), PHP_EOL;
echo round($polar['height'], 3), PHP_EOL;

Converting between Degree/Min/Sec and Decimal coordinates

From decimal to dms. The second argument is either "longitude" or "latitude":

$dms = decimal_to_dms(-1.034291666667, 'longitude');

Which outputs:

array(4) {
  ["degrees"]=> int(1)
  ["minutes"]=> int(2)
  ["seconds"]=> float(3.4500000011994)
  ["direction"]=> string(1) "W"

And back from DMS to decimal, where the fourth argument is either "N", "S", "E", or "W":

$decimal = dms_to_decimal(0, 6, 9, 'S');

Which outputs:


Simplifying LineStrings

The rdp_simplify method implements RDP to simplify a LineString according to a certain accuracy (epsilon). As first argument it takes a GeoJSON LineString (in PHP variable format), and it outputs a similar structure but then simplified

Interpolation along a Greater Circle Line

The fraction_along_gc_line function can be used to calculate intermediate points along a Greater Circle Line. For example if you need to draw lines with more accuracy with for example Leaflet. The function takes the start and end coordinates (as GeoJson Point), and calculates the intermediate point along those line. To calculate the point 25% from the start point to the end point, you would use:

$point1 = [ 'type' => 'Point', 'coordinates' => [  5, 10 ] ];
$point2 = [ 'type' => 'Point', 'coordinates' => [ 15, 10 ] ];

var_dump(fraction_along_gc_line($point1, $point2, 0.25));


The geohash_encode function can be used to convert GeoJSON Point to a geohash of a specific length (in this case, 12):

$point = [ 'type' => 'Point', 'coordinates' => [ 16.4, 48.2 ] ];
echo geohash_encode( $point, 12 );

Which outputs:


Similarly, a hashed coordinates pair can be decoded using geohash_decode function:

array(2) {
  string(5) "Point"
  array(2) {
  • Add geohashing capabilities

    Add geohashing capabilities

    I'd like to propose two new functionalities to be added to geospatial extension:

    • geohash_encode
    • geohash_decode

    Geohash is a geocoding system invented by Gustavo Niemeyer.

    There is a significant performance gain from using this extension compared to user-land libraries.

    Source code is available at Rather than creating a standalone extension for the sole purpose of dealing with geohashes, a mutual agreement has been met concerning merging it to the existing geospatial PHP extension.

    opened by emirb 5
  • Add functions to convert between WGS-84 and OSGB36

    Add functions to convert between WGS-84 and OSGB36

    Using my rudimentary knowledge of C I have implemented the helmert transformation and some other functions to make it useful.

    This may be completely the wrong way to do it and I am happy to change any of it but just thought it would be good to get the functions in there.

    I based the calculations on the spreadsheet which seemed to be a pretty accurate source.

    opened by natmchugh 5
  • Travis tests

    Travis tests

    • Added Travis tests (including upcoming PHP 7.2) so we can have matrix-based tests for all PHP versions.
    • Added codecov integration for generating code coverage
    opened by emirb 3
  • Helmert transformation

    Helmert transformation

    Using my rudimentary knowledge of C I have implemented the helmert transformation and some other functions to make it useful.

    This may be completely the wrong way to do it and I am happy to change any of it but just thought it would be good to get the functions in there.

    I based the calculations on the spreadsheet which seemed to be a pretty accurate source.

    opened by natmchugh 3
  • make test errors

    make test errors

     make test
    /bin/bash /tmp/geospatial/libtool --mode=install cp ./ /tmp/geospatial/modules
    libtool: install: cp ./.libs/ /tmp/geospatial/modules/
    libtool: install: cp ./.libs/geospatial.lai /tmp/geospatial/modules/
    libtool: finish: PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/sbin" ldconfig -n /tmp/geospatial/modules
    Libraries have been installed in:
    If you ever happen to want to link against installed libraries
    in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use libtool, and
    specify the full pathname of the library, or use the '-LLIBDIR'
    flag during linking and do at least one of the following:
       - add LIBDIR to the 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable
         during execution
       - add LIBDIR to the 'LD_RUN_PATH' environment variable
         during linking
       - use the '-Wl,-rpath -Wl,LIBDIR' linker flag
       - have your system administrator add LIBDIR to '/etc/'
    See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for
    more information, such as the ld(1) and manual pages.
    Build complete.
    Don't forget to run 'make test'.
    PHP         : /usr/bin/php7.2 
    PHP_SAPI    : cli
    PHP_VERSION : 7.2.3-1ubuntu1
    ZEND_VERSION: 3.2.0
    PHP_OS      : Linux - Linux 746209f08f68 4.15.0-13-generic #14-Ubuntu SMP Sat Mar 17 13:44:27 UTC 2018 x86_64
    INI actual  : /tmp/geospatial/tmp-php.ini
    More .INIs  :   
    PHP         : /usr/bin/phpdbg7.2 
    PHP_SAPI    : phpdbg
    PHP_VERSION : 7.2.3-1ubuntu1
    ZEND_VERSION: 3.2.0
    PHP_OS      : Linux - Linux 746209f08f68 4.15.0-13-generic #14-Ubuntu SMP Sat Mar 17 13:44:27 UTC 2018 x86_64
    INI actual  : /tmp/geospatial/tmp-php.ini
    More .INIs  : 
    CWD         : /tmp/geospatial
    Extra dirs  : 
    VALGRIND    : Not used
    TIME START 2018-04-07 10:13:43
    PASS WGS84 to OSGB36 for Greenwich Observertory [tests/Greenwich.phpt] 
    PASS WGS84 to OSGB36 [tests/JodrellBank.phpt] 
    PASS OSGB36 to WGS84 [tests/OSGB36_to_WGS84.phpt] 
    PASS WGS84 to OSGB36 [tests/WGS84_to_OSGB36.phpt] 
    FAIL Test for issue #16: Segfault on rdp_simplify for GeoJSON [tests/bug0016.phpt] 
    PASS Test cartesian to polar [tests/cartesian_to_polar.phpt] 
    PASS degrees minutes seconds [tests/decimal_to_dms.phpt] 
    PASS dms_to_decimal() [tests/dms_to_decimal.phpt] 
    PASS Test for "fraction_along_gc_line" #1 [tests/fraction_along-001.phpt] 
    PASS Test for "fraction_along_gc_line" #2 [tests/fraction_along-002.phpt] 
    PASS Test for "fraction_along_gc_line" #3 [tests/fraction_along-003.phpt] 
    PASS Test geohash_decode [tests/geohash_decode.phpt] 
    PASS Test geohash_encode [tests/geohash_encode.phpt] 
    PASS Check the haversine function returns the correct distance between London and Edinburgh. [tests/geospatial_haversine_london_edinburgh.phpt] 
    PASS Check the haversine function returns the correct distance between the North and South poles, using a custom radius. [tests/geospatial_haversine_polar_distance.phpt] 
    PASS haversine() function - basic test for haversine forumla [tests/haversine.phpt] 
    PASS helmert() function - basic test for helmert formula [tests/helmert.phpt] 
    PASS initial_bearing() function - basic test for initial_bearing forumla [tests/initial_bearing.phpt] 
    PASS Test polar to cartesian [tests/polar_to_cartesian.phpt] 
    PASS Test for "Vincenty" distance between FlindersPeak and Buninyong [tests/vincenty.phpt] 
    TIME END 2018-04-07 10:13:43
    Exts skipped    :    0
    Exts tested     :   15
    Number of tests :   20                20
    Tests skipped   :    0 (  0.0%) --------
    Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
    Tests failed    :    1 (  5.0%) (  5.0%)
    Expected fail   :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
    Tests passed    :   19 ( 95.0%) ( 95.0%)
    Time taken      :    0 seconds
    Test for issue #16: Segfault on rdp_simplify for GeoJSON [tests/bug0016.phpt]
    opened by mhf-ir 2
  • Segfault on rdp_simplify for GeoJSON

    Segfault on rdp_simplify for GeoJSON

    rdp_simplify method segfaults when passing GeoJSON data as an array (returns NULL if object or a string). This works if you just pass the coordinate array, but this isn't as described in the documentation.

    To recreate:

    $geojson = json_decode('{"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[2,1],[2,2],[1,2],[0,2],[0,1],[0,0]]}', true);
    var_dump(rdp_simplify($geojson, 1)); //segfault
    var_dump(rdp_simplify($geojson['coordinates'], 1)); //works
    opened by rickogden 2
  • PHP 8 support

    PHP 8 support

    Is there any plan or timeline for supporting PHP 8? The current version fails to compile.

    I see there's a PR for adding support with the release candidate.

    opened by jaikdean 1
  • fixed the initial_bearing test

    fixed the initial_bearing test

    This test was failing, but the expected result was not matching other implementations of this algorithm. This has been updated with the correct result.

    opened by rickogden 1
  • Compile failure with PHP 5.6 on Windows (using VC11)

    Compile failure with PHP 5.6 on Windows (using VC11)

    The compilation fails on Windows with VC11 due to a mix of declarations and assignments in the code. VC11 does not support that (and neither does C!).

    opened by derickr 0
  • Vincenty


    Been meaning to send in this for a while. Implemented vincenty inverse problem. Based it on's_formulae and Test case from

    opened by natmchugh 0
  • Add Spherical Law Of Cosines method

    Add Spherical Law Of Cosines method

    Spherical Law Of Cosines is commonly used instead of Haversine due to better performance and very close results. Generally, if you need higher accuracy than SLOC, Haversine is probably too inaccurate as well.

    See here for an explaination of the quality aspect:

    See here for documentation:

    If you want, I have PHP code for it, but it's pretty trivial to implement yourself.

    opened by vanderlee 3
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