PHP library to easily get static image from French Cadastral Government map with markers and lines.


PHP French Cadastral Map Static API

PHP library to easily get static image from French Cadastral Government map with markers and lines.

Map source :

API PHP de Carte Statique du Cadastre Français

Librairie PHP permettant d'extraire facilement des images de la carte du cadastre Français avec des markers et des tracés.

Source de la carte :


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Install this library easily with composer :

composer require dantsu/french-cadastral-map-static-api

How to use

Generate French Cadastral map static image with marker and line :

use \DantSu\FrenchCadastralMapStaticAPI\FrenchCadastralMap;
use \DantSu\FrenchCadastralMapStaticAPI\LatLng;
use \DantSu\FrenchCadastralMapStaticAPI\Line;
use \DantSu\FrenchCadastralMapStaticAPI\Markers;

\header('Content-type: image/png');
(new FrenchCadastralMap(12202, new LatLng(44.351933, 2.568113), 17, 600, 400))
        // FrenchCadastralMap::LAYER_CLOTURE,
        // FrenchCadastralMap::LAYER_VOIE_COMMUNICATION,
        // FrenchCadastralMap::LAYER_LIEUDIT
        (new Markers(__DIR__ . '/resources/marker.png'))
            ->setAnchor(Markers::ANCHOR_CENTER, Markers::ANCHOR_BOTTOM)
            ->addMarker(new LatLng(44.351933, 2.568113))
            ->addMarker(new LatLng(44.351510, 2.570020))
            ->addMarker(new LatLng(44.351873, 2.566250))
        (new Line('FF0000', 2))
            ->addPoint(new LatLng(44.351172, 2.571092))
            ->addPoint(new LatLng(44.352097, 2.570045))
            ->addPoint(new LatLng(44.352665, 2.568107))
            ->addPoint(new LatLng(44.352887, 2.566503))
            ->addPoint(new LatLng(44.352806, 2.565972))
            ->addPoint(new LatLng(44.351517, 2.565672))
            ->addPoint(new LatLng(44.351172, 2.571092))

Exported French Cadastral image


Class Description
FrenchCadastralMap DantSu\FrenchCadastralMapStaticAPI\FrenchCadastralMap is a PHP library created for easily get static image from French Cadastral Government map with markers and lines.
LatLng DantSu\FrenchCadastralMapStaticAPI\LatLng define latitude and longitude for map, lines, markers.
Line DantSu\FrenchCadastralMapStaticAPI\Line draw line on the map.
Markers DantSu\FrenchCadastralMapStaticAPI\Markers display markers on the map.
XY DantSu\FrenchCadastralMapStaticAPI\XY define X and Y pixel position for map, lines, markers.


Please fork this repository and contribute back using pull requests.

Any contributions, large or small, major features, bug fixes, are welcomed and appreciated but will be thoroughly reviewed.

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