Now you can share your Coordinates and Item with Prefix
if you type [i] in message, later it will be automatically replaced into the name of the item in your hand
Example: hello pvp with me but using [i] Result: If in your hand Iron Sword Will Be, hello pvp with me but using Iron Sword
if you type [coor] in message, later it will be automatically replaced into the Your coordinates
Example: hello to coordinate [coor], let's go Result: hello to coordinate X: 178, Y: 90, Z: 167, let's go
Format and prefix can your change in Config
# use {name} to player name
# use {item} to item name
item-msg: "Name: {item} "
#use {name} to player name
#use {x} to get player X
#use {y} to get player Y
#use {z} to get player Z
coor-msg: "X: {x} Y: {y} Z: {z}"
#this is [i] message can be repace to item-msg
#orginal is [i]
# You can add Your custom
- "[i]"
#this is [coor] message can be replace to coor-msg
#original is [coor]
# You can add Your Custom
- "[coor]"
Additional Notes
- If you find bugs or want to give suggestions, please visit here