Krayin CRM is a hand tailored CRM framework built on Laravel and Vue.js


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  1. Introduction
  2. Documentation
  3. Requirements
  4. Installation & Configuration
  5. License
  6. Security Vulnerabilities


Krayin CRM is a hand tailored CRM framework built on some of the hottest opensource technologies such as Laravel (a PHP framework) and Vue.js a progressive Javascript framework.

Free & Opensource Laravel CRM solution for SMEs and Enterprises for complete customer lifecycle management.

Read our documentation: Krayin CRM Docs

We also have a forum for any type of concerns, feature requests, or discussions. Please visit: Krayin CRM Forums

Visit our live Demo

It packs in lots of features that will allow your E-Commerce business to scale in no time:

  • Descriptive and Simple Admin Panel.
  • Admin Dashboard.
  • Custom Attributes.
  • Built on Modular Approach.
  • Email parsing via Sendgrid.
  • Check out these features and more.

For Developers: Take advantage of two of the hottest frameworks used in this project -- Laravel and Vue.js -- both of which have been used in Krayin CRM.


Krayin Documentation


  • SERVER: Apache 2 or NGINX.
  • RAM: 3 GB or higher.
  • PHP: 7.3 or higher.
  • For MySQL users: 5.7.23 or higher.
  • For MariaDB users: 10.2.7 or Higher.
  • Node: 8.11.3 LTS or higher.
  • Composer: 1.6.5 or higher.

Installation and Configuration

1. You can install Krayin CRM by using the GUI installer.

a. Download zip from the link below:

Download the latest release

b. Extract the contents of zip and execute the project in your browser:

2. Or you can install Krayin CRM from your console.

Execute these commands below, in order
1. composer create-project krayin/laravel-crm
2. php artisan krayin-crm:install

To execute Krayin:

On server:

Warning: Before going into production mode we recommend you uninstall developer dependencies. In order to do that, run the command below:

composer install --no-dev

Open the specified entry point in your hosts file in your browser or make an entry in hosts file if not done.
On local:
php artisan serve

How to log in as admin:


email:[email protected]


Krayin CRM is a truly opensource CRM framework which will always be free under the MIT License.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please don't disclose security vulnerabilities publicly. If you find any security vulnerability in Krayin CRM then please email us: mailto:[email protected].

  • Errors in installation.

    Errors in installation.


    When i try to install

    whit this: composer create-project krayin/laravel-crm

    at the end when i run php artisan krayin-crm:install.

    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to a member function make() on null in D:\WebServer8\htdocs\laravel-crm\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler.php:242
    Stack trace:
    #0 D:\WebServer8\htdocs\laravel-crm\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions.php(88): Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler->report(Object(Error))
    #1 [internal function]: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions->handleException(Object(Error))
    #2 {main}
      thrown in D:\WebServer8\htdocs\laravel-crm\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler.php on line 242
    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to a member function make() on null in D:\WebServer8\htdocs\laravel-crm\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler.php:242
    Stack trace:
    #0 D:\WebServer8\htdocs\laravel-crm\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions.php(88): Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler->report(Object(Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError))
    #1 D:\WebServer8\htdocs\laravel-crm\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions.php(130): Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions->handleException(Object(Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError))
    #2 [internal function]: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions->handleShutdown()
    #3 {main}
      thrown in D:\WebServer8\htdocs\laravel-crm\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler.php on line 242

    when i download the zip... run php artisan composer install and php artisan krayin-crm:install.. this install correctly... but when try to enter to http://localhost/admin/dashboard

    Required parameter $id follows optional parameter $participants
     public function isDurationOverlapping($startFrom, $endFrom, $participants = [], $id)    {        $queryBuilder = $this->model            ->leftJoin('activity_participants', '', '=', 'activity_participants.activity_id')            ->where(function ($query) use ($startFrom, $endFrom) {                $query->where([
    Help Wanted Done 
    opened by KatiaSishost 23
  • [BUG] Add Lead Buttons Do Nothing

    [BUG] Add Lead Buttons Do Nothing

    Bug report

    Kanban Add Leads Button Has No Effect

    Issue Description

    In the Leads package, each Kanban board has an href button that says Add Lead. Clicking them has no effect.


    PHP 8.0.7 on Laravel Valet Krayin v1.1.2

    Steps to reproduce

    Go to Leads page, see kanban board stages, click on outline button with text Add Lead.

    Expected result

    Clicking on the Add Lead button should ideally produce a modal to add the lead to the specific stage, or at minimum redirect to the leads/create page.

    Screen Shot 2021-09-22 at 4 07 32 AM

    Actual result

    Nothing happens, no modal opens or redirect occurs, just an empty pointless click.

    Bug Fixed 
    opened by ghost 22
  • Create WorkFlow Query Way Too Much!

    Create WorkFlow Query Way Too Much!

    Bug report

    Creaate workflow function query way to much TIME and data.

    Issue Description

    I have an server when I manage out since now 350 leads. When I tried to get setting an workflow, when I hit create it start loading and stops like this. I had also take an local installation of the last version of krayin and is looks like working fine with almost empty dataset, beut when I upload some contact is start going significantly slower, from 1s to 2 minutes with 300 contact. Then I start seeing that I didn't broke my live version is just not builded well. So I have rise my time limit on my server to 3600 second wich means one hour fro my math and about 20 minutes later the page pop-up.

    After all that 20 minutes of waiting is look like the workflow was created, this time taking just one second to compile the new workflow into the database and getting back on all workflow screen.

    And funny things it also work instantly after I tested.

    so in conclusion if we don't find a way to fix this I will have to be happy that now is just 20 minutes and sett-up all things because maybe when I reach 20k leads gestionated in the crm I will have to wait an entire week.


    Please provide as detailed information about your environment as possible.

    1. framework Version.
    2. Commit id.

    Steps to reproduce

    It is important to provide a set of clear steps to reproduce this bug.If relevant please include code samples.

    1. populate the crm with real data
    2. break  things out when try to create an new workflow

    Expected result

    expected to show this page in under an minute

    Screenshot from 2022-02-22 03-25-14

    Actual result

    Tell us what happens instead.

    • [points....]
    Bug Fixed critical 
    opened by ideacatlab 21
  • Problems with Spanish translation of the calendar and form alerts

    Problems with Spanish translation of the calendar and form alerts

    I have problems translating the calendar into Spanish. I also cannot find the file of the alerts of the forms to be able to translate them into Spanish.[](url bugsSpanish-TranslateSpanish )

    Bug Fixed 
    opened by ViajesIkea 16
  • Roles tab not working

    Roles tab not working

    Bug report


    Roles tab not working

    Issue Description

    I can't edit, I can't access, it doesn't load the Roles option. I have found a possible solution on Github, but it doesn't work either.

    Steps to reproduce

    step1- admin -> settings -> roles ->

    Expected result

    It should allow to open the role option and allow to edit them

    Actual result

    roleEdit cargarRoles

    Help Wanted 
    opened by ViajesIkea 11
  • Add `htmlspecialchars` function for nameTag

    Add `htmlspecialchars` function for nameTag


    Fix bug stored XSS in Tags Disclosure:

    The nameTag value is retrieved and used without any filter to prevent XSS execution. PHP provides a built-in htmlspecialchars function to do just that.

    Before Fix :


    After Fix :

    opened by noobpk 11
  • Intermittent 500 error when admin is adding an activity

    Intermittent 500 error when admin is adding an activity

    Bug report


    When adding an activity to a Lead, a 500 error can be seen in the console.

    Issue Description

    Description helps the developers to understand the bug. It describes the problem encountered or some after effect of some kind.


    • there are no products associated with the lead (may be irrelevant)

    • there are no other activities, notes, emails, files or quotes associated to the lead

      1. 8
      2. ? installed via composer on 17/6/22

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Create a Lead
    2. Add required fields
    3. Add participant names
    4. Click Save

    Expected result

    The lead should be updated

    Actual result

    A 500 error is seen in the console


    • If you don't add participants, the activity is created successfully
    • You can the add participants to the activity later from the activities UI
    Bug Fixed v1.2.2 critical 
    opened by promanapeople 10
  • Problems with Installation from composer vs from Github

    Problems with Installation from composer vs from Github

    Bug report

    Problems with Installation from composer vs from Github

    Issue Description

    When installing Krayin CRM from composer in the terminal, all the buttons work, it allows me to create, delete, edit, etc. But the change language option doesn't work and doesn't allow new languages ​​to be added.

    And when installing with repository of Github resources, the language change option works, but the Roles tab stops working.


    ** Installation from Composer**


    ** Installation from Github**



    Steps to reproduce

    1. Install Krayin from the terminal with:
    composer create-project krayin/laravel-crm
    1. Install Krayin from From the repository Github:

    Download repository of Github


    Expected result

    All tabs should work regardless of whether the installation is done from composer or from Github.

    Help Wanted 
    opened by ViajesIkea 10
  • Crash error - no details

    Crash error - no details

    Hi ! Krayin : v1.2.2 PHP : 7.4 Composer version 2.4.1

    As soon as there is an error in the app, it goes back :

    ` 13:16:51 > StartPHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function make() on null in /laravel-crm/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Exceptions/Handler.php:242 Stack trace:

    #0 /laravel-crm/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Bootstrap/HandleExceptions.php(165): Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler->report(Object(Error)) #1 [internal function]: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions->handleException(Object(Error)) #2 {main} thrown in /laravel-crm/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Exceptions/Handler.php on line 242 PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function make() on null in /laravel-crm/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Exceptions/Handler.php:242 Stack trace:

    #0 /laravel-crm/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Bootstrap/HandleExceptions.php(165): Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler->report(Object(Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError))

    #1 /laravel-crm/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Bootstrap/HandleExceptions.php(209): Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions->handleException(Object(Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError))

    #2 [internal function]: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions->handleShutdown()

    #3 {main} thrown in /laravel-crm/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Exceptions/Handler.php on line 242 `

    there are no more details and this for a function or variable not found or a simple code error

    In a navigator i have got : 500 Internal Server Error whith no details

    Thank in advance Great Job

    Help Wanted 
    opened by FlashPapa 8
  • WebForm check unique email and phone number from users instead of contacts.

    WebForm check unique email and phone number from users instead of contacts.

    Bug report

    WebForm check unique email and phone number from users instead of contacts.

    Issue Description

    Embedded web form check if number or email was already used, but it verify the users email and phone instead of contacts. The logic for this will be any clients can submit multiple times but no employes of the crm can submit the form.

    Steps to reproduce

    ** I use webform function to get leads from an external website using the embedded form. When new leads fill up the form it's work pretty cool, I got the lead instant into my crm. The problem appears when I start receive duplicate entries from the web form. When I tested first time it seems that worked because I check with my email that was register as an user of the crm. But when I test with any other email or phone I can submit how many times I wish. **

    Expected result

    I expect to see the messages tell me I'm already register/submitted for a client not an employee.

    Bug Fixed critical 
    opened by ideacatlab 8
  • 18 July 2022: DataGrids Issue

    18 July 2022: DataGrids Issue

    This repository is only for reporting bugs or issues. If you need support, please use:

    1. I have created custom migration, repo, models, services, and data grids based on the Krayin documentation, but seems my new custom data grids do not recognize my new table. Do I need to add some codes to the other files system?

    DataGrid code not recognize the database


    Loading page take ages


    File System Flow


    Custom Controller


    1. Also your helpdesk link does not work to submit any ticket


    Help Wanted 
    opened by fiqahalim 7
  • Add new language (Spanish) | Traducción a Español

    Add new language (Spanish) | Traducción a Español

    Good morning friends. I would like to know if you have enabled the Spanish language. I would like to contribute by adding the language.

    Buenos dias amigos. Quisiera conocer si tiene habilitado el idioma español. Me gustaria contribuir agregando el idioma.

    opened by intelnexoec 5
  • If the admin is trying to filter the mails then the filter labels are not translating in Arabic locale.

    If the admin is trying to filter the mails then the filter labels are not translating in Arabic locale.

    Bagisto Version: Master

    Steps To reproduce--

    1. Log in as an admin. 2. Change the app locale into Arabic. 3. Click on e-mails in the sidebar. 4. Try to filter the email by name and subject.

    Expected result: The applied filter's label should be translated if the admin is changing the APP_LOCALE.

    Actual result: If the admin is trying to filter the mails then the filter labels are not translating in Arabic locale. Please find the below screenshot.


    Bug In Progress Major 
    opened by Sanjaybhattwebkul 0
  • issue #1123 fixed

    issue #1123 fixed

    We have fixed the issue when the admin is clicking on the web form inside the settings, then the app locale is automatically changing to English. path: packages/Webkul/WebForm/src/Http/routes.php line no. 2

    Getting Fixed 
    opened by vijaysingh143 1
  • The APP_LOCALE should not be changed automatically.

    The APP_LOCALE should not be changed automatically.

    CRM Version: Master

    Steps To reproduce--

    1. Log in as an admin. 2. Change app locale to Arabic. 3. Click on web form inside the settings.

    Expected result: The APP_LOCALE should not be changed automatically.

    Actual result: When the admin is clicking on the web form inside the settings, then the app locale is automatically changing to English.

    Bug Fix Proposed 
    opened by Sanjaybhattwebkul 0
  • v1.2.4(Sep 21, 2022)

    :sparkles: Features

    • #816 - There should be an option to filter the expired quotes

    • #374 - Add Drag and Drop functionality to attach files.

    :sparkles: Enhancement

    • #1073 - The section should be removed from the dashboard for which the user has no permission.

    • #1013 - Add support to php 8.1

    • #974 - There should be an option for copy the Embed in web form

    • #947 - There is no option for update leads stages using workflow

    • #847 - There should be a loader before success message when the user is trying to submit the web-form

    • #821 - There is no option to filter the system/custom attributes..

    • #802 - Only the filtered data should be exported if the user is trying to export data after applying the filter.

    • #764 - There should be an option to filter all rotten leads

    • #663 - There should be an option to print quotes in the quote table if the user is trying to print multiple quotes at a time.

    • #435 - There should be an option for a "move to trash" when a customer trying to delete the inbox mail.

    :bug: Bug Fixes

    • #1091 - The date filter is not working if the admin is selecting the same date on from and to fields.

    • #1088 - The user should not be able to view the leads by link leads option, if the user has no permission, to view leads.

    • #1087 - The filter label should be visible if the admin is trying to filter the attributes.

    • #1085 - There should be a astricts icon for the required field when the admin is creating the roles.

    • #1071 - The user should be login with a message screen if the user has no permission to access any tab

    • #1063 - The date filter's should be on the left side of the calendar. if the admin is trying to filter the dashboard data.

    • #1008 - The admin is not able to send the email by using the compose option.

    • #885 - There should not be any translation issue on the person table.

    • #792 - The custom tab should be active when the user is trying to filter activity by custom date.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.3(Aug 25, 2022)

    :sparkles: Features

    • #991 - Export option for Leads Table

    • Webform Feature Added

    :sparkles: Enhancement

    • #951 - The Web form should be open in the next tab

    • #924 - by default the cursor should remain on the email textbox

    • #895 - There should be a dropdown instead of inputbox in the lead source filter.

    • #893 - There should be an option to view the web form in the webform table.

    • #840 - There is no option if the admin is trying to filter the leads from the web form.

    • #830 - There should be the logo of krayin CRM in the web form

    • #826 - There should be a logo for the webform

    • #799 - The page should be redirected to the organization page if the user is clicking on the organization name.

    :bug: Bug Fixes

    • #900 - There is a translation issue on the compose section inside the mails.

    • #885 - There should not be any translation issue on the person table

    • #867 - There should not be any translation issue on the mails.

    • #950 - WebForm check unique email and phone number from users instead of contacts.

    • #852 - There should not be any translation issue in the dashboard

    • #801 - The user should not be able to view the leads in the dashboard without permisson.

    • #732 - The user should not be able to view the admin's leads if the user has individual permission.

    • #1055 - The admin should be able to change the app locale from the configuration.

    • #1036 - The required functionality is not working if the admin is creating an attribute with required property

    • #1032 - Issue with action attribute input field in workflow form

    • #1021 - The admin is not able to create and edit any role.

    • #1020 - Intermittent 500 error when admin is adding an activity

    • #1014 -Problems with Spanish translation of the calendar and form alerts.

    • #1008 - The admin is not able to send the email by using the compose option.

    • #984 - There is a translation issue in the header section.

    • #979 - There is an exception. if the admin is trying to edit the user's account.

    • #965 - There is a translation issue when the user is trying to delete the mail.

    • #943 - There is a UI issue on side bar.

    • #942 - There should be an option of give permission for view web form.

    • #936 - The warning message also should should be translate.

    • #931 - If a user is changing the locale of his panel, then the locale is being changed for all the users.

    • #928 - Translation is missing for Web form package

    • #926 - sidebar must be scrollable

    • #919 - There is a translation issue if user is trying to delete any quote from lead.

    • #918 - The placeholder value is not showing, when the user is trying to edit the web form.

    • #916 - There should not translation issue in the pipeline.

    • #911 - The user should not be able to update the lead if there is any warning in input field

    • #910 - There should be a asterisk icon for required field in web form.

    • #909 - All lead related tabs are missing inside lead view page.

    • #908 - There should not translation issue in the leads section.

    • #899 - The downloaded data is not in a proper format if the user is trying to download the persons table

    • #896 - There is an UI issue in the Activity table

    • #887 - There is a translation issue on the Attributes table.

    • #884 - There is a translation issue on the leads filter

    • #883 - There should not any UI issue on Users list

    • #878 - There should not be any Translation issue on quotes

    • #877 - There is a UI issue inside the quote

    • #874 - The user should be able to update the Customize Web Form.

    • #868 - The warning message should be correct in the web form.

    • #866 - There should not be any translation issue on the leads page.

    • #865 - There should not be any UI issue on the leads page.

    • #859 - The warning message should be in the correct format

    • #858 - There is a translation issue in the user profile section.

    • #856 - There should not be any translation issue in the leads

    • #855 - There is a UI issue on the leads table.

    • #853 - here should not be any translation issue in the webform.

    • #848 - There should be a placeholder in the web form if the placeholder is provided by the admin.

    • #846 - Translation issue on Dashboard

    • #845 - Translation issue on activity

    • #844 - There is a UI issue on the leads table

    • #843 - UI issue on the activity table

    • #842 - There should be a 404 error page if the user is trying to open the deleted web form.

    • #841 - The Sales Person should be shown in the leads table.

    • #834 - The webform page should also be translated according to the selected language.

    • #825 - The checkbox should not be disabled for the custom attributes

    • #824 - The success message is not correct if the user is updating the webform

    • #823 - There is not a good UI if the user is trying to preview the webform.

    • #822 - There is an exception when the user is trying to create a new webform

    • #817 - missing translation for Image upload section

    • #815 -The Person image should be uploaded.

    • #810 - There is not proper translation on the contact tab.

    • #809 - There is no success/warning message on any operation when the user changing locale into Arabic fixedpage should be redirected to the organization page if the user is clicking on the organization name.

    • #797 - There should not any exception when the user is creating a new person.

    • #794 - There should not be an exception when the user is trying to edit the person.

    • #788 - The Expected Close Date can not be less than the created date.

    • #787 - The success and warning message should be clickable.

    • #785 - The user should be able to edit the Activity.

    • #777 - The page should not be crash. if the user is trying to enter the blade value into the input field.

    • #774 - There should not be an exception If the user is trying to delete the person's image.

    • #170 - If admin Inactive any user who is logged in on CRM then the user should automatically logged out

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.2(Dec 3, 2021)

    :bug: Bug Fixes

    • #435 - There should be an option for a "move to trash" when a customer trying to delete the inbox mail.

    • #692 - The page should be redirected to the leads of the same pipeline for which the user is creating/editing the lead.

    • #698 - There should be an option to remove the profile picture.

    • #699 - The color of rotten leads should be the same on the kanban view and list view.

    • #700 - There should be an option for lead id on the leads table.

    • #701 - There should be a warning message if the user is trying to create a new person with the same details.

    • #704 - The top leads and the top customers should be visible in the dashboard.

    • #709 - The user should not be able to update activity without permission.

    • #710 - There is no option for the lead when the user is trying to edit any activity.

    • #712 - The success message is showing repeatedly.

    • #714 - The probability of new stage should not disabled for any pipeline

    • #719 - Dashboard data is not showing according to login use

    • #720 - Option for location is not present inside Activity placeholder

    • #722 - There should be a warning message if the user is typing the wrong number format.

    • #723 - The warning message should not be visible if the user is trying to edit the attribute.

    • #724 - There is no option to view the lost reason for the lost lead

    • #727 - Sales pipeline not showing properly

    • #735 - Input validation's dropdown should be according to attribute type.

    • #737 - The UI design of the contact person. the section should be correct.

    • #741 - The format of the Activity table should be correct.

    • #742 - The model box should be closed automatically after exporting the data.

    • #748 - The format of a person's data should be correct after exporting to excel

    • #761 - There should not be an error if the user is trying to edit the attributes.

    • #762 - There is no option to give permission to download data

    • #763 - The page should be redirected to the leads when the user is clicking on any lead

    • #721 - Link mails are not showing inside the mail tab.

    • #755 - There is no option to apply validation for image attributes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.1(Nov 12, 2021)

    :sparkles: Features

    • Calendar view added for activities

    • Admin profile picture feature implemented

    :bug: Bug Fixes

    • #308 - There should be a warning message if the user creating multiple persons with the same details.

    • #315 - The participants should not be added to multiple activities at the same time.

    • #323 - There should be an option to upload user profile picture

    • #343 - There should be an option to view lead on dashboard.

    • #373 - The color of quote should be red which is expired.

    • #453 - The warning message should be removed after fill data in the Reply section.

    • #463 - When SKU was made not compulsory, and when we add the product, it shows a junk code in the screen

    • #496 - There should be a dropdown according to the default pipeline instead of an input box when the user trying to filter leads by stage.

    • #501 - There should be an option to change activity status in activity table.

    • #504 - There should be a warning message if the user is adding the same email and contact number multiple time

    • #511 - There should not be print the JSON data when the user clicking on the back arrow.

    • #535 - There should be an option of created date, when user trying to view the lead.

    • #572 - There should be an option for searching the "Tag" in global search bar and in Filter also.

    • #582 - There should be a loader before the success message When the user trying to mark as done any activity.

    • #596 - There should be an option to give permission to download a quote

    • #634 - The color of Won lead should be green in the dashboard.

    • #635 - The filters should work properly when the user is trying to filter the lead by the contact person.

    • #636 - The number of activities should be correct in the dashboard.

    • #637 - There should not be any warning message when the user is trying to filter organization by Person count

    • #638 - The attached file should be visible in the reply section if any.

    • #639 - The name of the filter should be correct.

    • #647 - The Expected close date should be correct when the user is selecting the current date for the expected closed date.

    • #648 - The name of the leads filter should be correct.

    • #653 - There should be a warning message when the user is trying to add multiple "Types" with the same name.

    • #661 - There should be a loader before the success message When the user trying to update activity status.

    • #668 - The name of the filter should be correct when the user is trying to filter activity by the type.

    • #671 - There should be one more option of 'select status' when the user is trying to filter activity by 'Is Done' filter.

    • #672 - The 'Expired At' time should be correct when the user is selecting the current date for 'Expired At'.

    • #679 - When the user is clicking on 'Sales Person', then the page should be redirected to the person's page.

    • #678 - The stage we are deleting from the pipeline, the leads of that stage should not be deleted.

    • #685 - There should not be any warning when the user is trying to delete that lead for which the workflow was created

    • #692 - The page should be redirected to the leads of the same pipeline for which the user is creating the lead.

    • #691 - There should not be an exception when the user is trying to create a new lead.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.0(Nov 1, 2021)

    :sparkles: Features

    • Pipeline feature implemented

    • Quick create option implemented

    • Brand new setting page implemented

    :bug: Bug Fixes

    • #138 - fix column spacing in quotes inside the respective leads

    • #170 - If admin Inactive any user who is logged in on CRM then the user should automatically logged out

    • #171 - When admin/user logged in to their panel then the name of logged in user should be mention to the top right corner

    • #192 - When we appying the filters to search leads . then the end date input should not take the date which is less then start date.

    • #196 - When we creating Attributes after choosing select from type dropdown and options from options dropdown . Then Input Validation field should be disabled.

    • #204 - When we creating activity and selecting date in 'To' input box which is less then 'From' date. Inside schedule label. then it should give an error.

    • #255 - When the user trying to create/edit Activity. then there should be a suggestion in placeholder of Participants input field for search Participants.

    • #265 - The user or person should not be add into participants which is already added as a participants.

    • #277 - When we trying to delete any lead. then There should be a confirm box before delete lead.

    • #280 - Filters should be visible to filter the leads.

    • #281 - When we are creating Note. Then ' Note created successfully ' should be show in message box.

    • #282 - There should be a scrollbar to scroll the leads inside lead tab.

    • #283 - The date filter should work properly in leads section

    • #285 - When we are deleting any Note. then there should be a confirm box before delete Note

    • #286 - When we are removing the search keyword from the search box inside lead. then there should be visible all leads

    • #287 - When we are adding a person, then there should be a suggestion in organization input field

    • #288 - When we are trying to delete multiple persons at a time, then there should be a confirm box before delete person

    • #289 - When we are trying to delete multiple Leads at a time, then there should be a confirm box before delete the Lead.

    • #296 - When we are deleting any Note. Then ' Note deleted successfully ' should be show in message box

    • #297 - Search box should be work properly. when we are searching any attribute

    • #298 - The status is not updating of login user and showing 'User updated successfully'.

    • #299 - Search box should be work properly. when we are searching any user

    • #300 - When we are creating the lead then The color should be change of the tab after filled all the required fields

    • #301 - Search box should be work properly. when we are searching any Quote

    • #305 - The Warning message should be show, if the user adding same product again and again in quote items.

    • #306 - There should be a option to select date in created at' input field, if user want to filter activities.

    • #309 - When we applying filters to search activities . then filters should be work properly to search activities

    • #313 - There should be a option to delete multiple activites at a time

    • #318 - There should be a option to select date in created date input field, if user want to filter the inbox mails.

    • #319 - There should be a warning message, if user creating activities for less then current schedule time

    • #321 - The filter should be work properly, when user filter activity by lead name.

    • #324 - Popup box should not show until we select any action

    • #325 - The inbox mail detail should be visible, if we want to view any inbox mail.

    • #334 - Page should be redirect to inbox. after delete mail with success message.

    • #337 - Page should be redirect to inbox. after send mail

    • #338 - HTML code should not be visible in attachment place.

    • #341 - Search box should be work properly. when we are searching any Lead

    • #351 - Fix column spacing in Inbox inside the mail tab

    • #352 - There should not be any exception. if user want to filter inbox mail.

    • #354 - The date filter should be work properly in Activity tab.

    • #361 - There should be a submit button if we want to filter dashboard data using date

    • #363 - Search box should be work properly. when we are searching any Organizations

    • #364 - There should not be any error if we are adding new organization.

    • #367 - The filter should be work properly, when user trying to filter Attributes by type

    • #368 - There should be a option to edit the tag

    • #369 - The filters should be work properly, if user trying to filter tags.

    • #372 - There should be a option to delete the multiple tags at a time.

    • #377 - Date input fields should be cleared, after click on cross icon.

    • #378 - The details of contact person should be fill automatically.

    • #380 - The person should be received mail , after delete person. if we have create a workflow for the same.

    • #381 - The Created by field should be visible only one time in activity table.

    • #384 - The default image should be show in product section.

    • #386 - There should be asterisk icon in Quote item.

    • #396 - The contact number field should not take the blank value.

    • #397 - The input fields should be shown to add product

    • #398 - Filters should be work properly in quote.

    • #399 - There should not be an exception when we are trying to view inbox mail.

    • #400 - The mails should be deleted when the user trying to delete multiple emails at a time.

    • #402 - The user should have the option to compose mail.

    • #403 - The person attributes should be shown inside the placeholder.

    • #404 - The filters should be work properly in the activity section.

    • #407 - The filters should work properly in the activity section.

    • #410 - Filters should be work properly in the activity section

    • #411 - There should not be an exception when the user trying to edit any role.

    • #412 - The page should not be asked to choose file when we are trying to view draft mails

    • #413 - There should not be an exception when user trying to create a lead.

    • #415 - There should not be a blank option in the activity type dropdown when the user is trying to create an activity.

    • #416 - There should be a dropdown instead of an input box when the user trying to filter activities by type.

    • #419 - There should be a suggestion for users to search for products.

    • #420 - There should be a warning message if the user trying to delete the leads when the user has no permission to delete the leads.

    • #422 - There should be an option to create tags if the user has permission to create a tag.

    • #426 - The mails should be visible in the inbox.

    • #427 - The ' To ' field should not take a blank value when the user trying to compose a mail.

    • #432 - The search box should not take the blank value.

    • #433 - There should be a dropdown instead of the input box when the user trying to filter the pipeline by " is Default" .

    • #434 - The person id should be visible in the person table.

    • #436 - Filters should work properly in the Attributes section.

    • #441 - The calculation should be correct when the user trying to create the quote.

    • #447 - The delete icon should not be visible when the user is adding only one product in the quote item.

    • #448 - The Leads should be visible in the lead's table.

    • #452 - There should be a field of created date in the quote table.

    • #459 - At least one pipeline should be the default pipeline.

    • #460 - When we are trying to create a new user, then it should not give a warning message.

    • #465 - There should be ' Select user ' instead of 'User' in the Leads filter.

    • #471 - There should be an error if the user trying to create multiple sources with the same name.

    • #479 - There should a warning message when the user trying to enter the character in the quantity input field

    • #481 - There should a warning message when the user trying to enter the character in the Price and discount input field.

    • #482 - Date inputs should be blank when the user is removing the date filters.

    • #484 - When the user trying to see Leads Over Time leads from the dashboard, then only Leads Over Time leads should be visible on the leads table.

    • #485 - When the user trying to add multiple-stage with the same name in the pipeline, then there should a warning message instead of an exception.

    • #488 - When the user trying to click on submit button without selecting any action, then there should be a warning for select any action to perform.

    • #489 - There should be a warning message if the user trying to add the same tag multiple times in a lead.

    • #492 - There should be a warning message if the user trying to edit leads [by drag and drop] without permission.

    • #495 - The user should not be able to edit leads without permission.

    • #498 - There should be a success message after reply on mail.

    • #499 - There should be an option to give permissions-related quotes to a role.

    • #500 - The user should log out automatically if the user has no permission for any tab.

    • #504 - There should be a warning message if the user is adding the same email and contact number multiple time

    • #505 - The user should be redirected to the login page after deleting the self account.

    • #512 - There should not be any exception when the user trying to view the lead.

    • #514 - The user should not be able to select the date greater than today in the created date input field.

    • #530 - The user should not be able to delete tags if the user has no permission for the same.

    • #531 - The Add stage and Save as pipeline buttons should not be disabled when the user removing the duplicate stage

    • #534 - The user should not be able to add a tag on a lead if the user has no permission for edit the lead.

    • #541 - 'Expected Close Date' should not be less than Created date

    • #542 - There should not be any exception when the user tries to filter quotes by created date.

    • #543 - The numerator should not be greater than the denominator in the dashboard.

    • #544 - There should be Yes or No' in 'Is Done dropdown' when the user trying to filter activity by 'is done' filter.

    • #545 - There should be an option to select date instead of input type text.

    • #568 - When the admin trying to delete self account the message should be correct

    • #569 - There should be a success message, When the admin tries to delete any other user.

    • #571 - The user should not be able to edit another user without permission.

    • #577 - The user should not be able to access the 'sent, trash, inbox' pages without permission.

    • #585 - The Setting option should be visible if the user has permission for the same.

    • #586 - There should not be any exception when the user is trying to compose mail.

    • #589 - When the user is trying to delete default attributes, then the message should be correct.

    • #590 - The user should not be able to view the quotes if the user has no permission for the same.

    • #592 - The user should not be able to view the leads if the user has no permission for the same.

    • #599 - There should be an option to filter quotes 'by is expired'

    • #600 - The date filter should work properly when the user is trying to filter the leads.

    • #601 - The rotting date should be correct when the user is trying to view any lead.

    • #606 - Filters should work properly. when the user is trying to filter the activity.

    • #607 - There should a warning message if the user is trying to add the same stage multiple times.

    • #619 - The user should not be able to view the admin's data if the user has group permission.

    • #620 - The Link Lead option should work properly on mail section.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.3(Sep 23, 2021)

    :sparkles: Features

    • Refactored data grid code

    • Add app version in admin ui

    :bug: Bug Fixes

    • #244 - The modal box should be open if we click on add lead button of the leads page.

    • #251 - While Adding a new attribute Entity Type field should be come only one time.

    • #255 - When we creating Activity. then there should be a suggestion in placeholder of Participants input field for search Participants.

    • #257 - [BUG] SKU Validation Bug

    • #260 - When we changing the lead stage to Won/Lost. then date icon should be visible in Closed Date input field.

    • #263 - When we are creating a activity and selecting persons for participants. then persons name should be visible below Participants input box.

    • #269 - [BUG] Add Lead Buttons Do Nothing

    • #270 - When we are creating multiple group with the same details. then there should be a warning message

    • #272 - When we are creating multiple Organizations with the same details. then there should be a warning message

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.2(Sep 17, 2021)

    :bug: Bug Fixes

    • #217 - When we adding a new organization then it should not give an exception.

    • #221 - if the user has no permission to add a role and the user is trying to add a role. then it should be shown a warning

    • #225 - When we creating a person then after creating person it is not redirecting to persons list page

    • #226 - When we creating a user then the the 'asterisk icon' should visible on Confirm password label

    • #218 - When we creating a new lead, Then after create lead it should be redirect to leads page

    • #230 - Automatic publish should be done at the time of installation

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.0(Sep 16, 2021)

    :sparkles: Features

    • Workflow (CRM Automation) feature implemented

    :bug: Bug Fixes

    • #132 - filter option for mails are not working

    • #162 - Issue with seeder during installation

    • #163 - Lookup field is showing 2 times while creating the attribute

    • #164 - No option is coming to update lead status in grid view

    • #165 - Image type Attribute is not working

    • #166 - Getting exception when new user Login

    • #172 - If user have not Permission to delete the Roles and the user is trying to delete the Roles then the warning message should be present inside the error box

    • #174 - If the user Applying multiple filter to search sources then data should be searched.

    • #175 - After Added a new product the page should be redirect to product list page.

    • #177 - result: When admin/user adding new Person after deleting email input field. then required validation of email should be work

    • #178 - Getting Error " Class "Webklex\PHPIMAP\IMAP" not found" while integration of Google calender in Krayin

    • #180 - admin/user adding new Lead after deleting email input field inside Contact Person tab. then required validation of email should be work.

    • #181 - When admin/user run the php artisan krayin-crm:version command on root directory to check their Krayin version. then krayin version is there in the place of V

    • #182 - While Adding a new attribute Lookup field should be come only one time

    • #184 - When Customer running " composer create-project krayin/laravel-crm " and " php artisan krayin-crm:install ". command to install the laravel-crm. Then the project should be setup successfully .

    • #186 - When we creating person and selecting the value from the Attributes dropdown which is unique then the it should be give warning to user/admin

    • #189 - When we creating Lead and selecting the value from the Attributes dropdown which is unique then the it should be give warning to user/admin

    • #193 - When we clicking on locale dropdown inside configuration tab. there should be multiple options of languages

    • #197 - When we creating Quote. then the Quote should be show in dashboard

    • #199 - When we changing timezone from timezone dropdown inside Configuration tab . then time should be convert according to timezone

    • #202 - When we creating an activity, then the date icon should be shown in the schedule input box.

    • #203 - When we creating an activity, the schedule input box should not take date before today

    • #204 - When we creating activity and selecting date in 'To' input box which is less then 'From' date. Inside schedule label. then it should give an error.

    • #208 - When we applying filters to search activities . then filters should be work properly to search activities

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.1(Sep 2, 2021)

    :sparkles: Features

    • Activity participants

    :bug: Bug Fixes

    • #117 - Implement Pest PHP For Testing

    • #120 - getting error when run migrate and seed database

    • #122 - missing translation for alert message when deleting types and sources

    • #123 - add more option is not working while edit person details

    • #134 - update alert when delete groups

    • #133 - exception when save new user roles

    • #135 - default placeholder should be selected in quotes billing address

    • #136 - buying leads stages are not assigned on mass action

    • #137 - show names instead of id for search term at activities section

    • #139 - filter is not working in quotes

    • #147 - Getting exception while creating product with same sku

    • #148 - Description field not visible while adding the products

    • #152 - Automatically curly bracket is getting added in description while editing Role

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v1.0.0(Jul 21, 2021)

    :sparkles: Features

    • Descriptive and Simple Admin Panel.

    • Admin Dashboard.

    • Custom Attributes.

    • Built on Modular Approach.

    • Email parsing via Sendgrid.

    :bug: Bug Fixes

    • #26 - VAT number is missing for organization

    • #28 - Organization is not found while adding person to organization

    • #29 - Users to teams

    • #31 - Add Phone to source & type to the new lead form

    • #32 - Error on installation

    • #33 - update favicon

    • #34 - product is not listed even success alert is visible

    • #35 - Dashboard widgets are not draggable

    • #38 - Lead stages

    • #39 - unable to save the lead

    • #40 - Move icon is missing

    • #41 - unable to open the lead in kanban view

    • #42 - Lead without product

    • #43 - dashboard move icon is not working

    • #54 - Compose email is not working

    • #55 - Filter at kanban view does not work

    • #56 - Unable to back from single view to outbox or any email grid

    • #57 - wrong button name

    • #60 - date picker gets removed while selecting date on activity section

    • #61 - No validation on product SKU field

    • #62 - Getting exception when filter organization/products/admin roles

    • #63 - missing translation for compose mail

    • #65 - can't enter Email & Contact details for person

    • #71 - Menus are not visible

    • #72 - Alignment problem

    • #79 - Reset Password Mail is not sent and error is shown

    • #81 - Issue with Leads Filter in Layout

    • #82 - Exception issue in Organisation

    • #83 - Issue with Actions Alignment on Organisation page

    • #84 - Issue with user access

    • #111 - Fetch custom attribute types from config file

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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