Laravue is a beautiful dashboard combination of Laravel, Vue.js and the UI Toolkit Element.


vue vue element-ui license


Laravue (pronounced /ˈlarəvjuː/) is a beautiful dashboard combination of Laravel, Vue.js and the UI Toolkit Element. The work is inspired by vue-element-admin with our love on top of that. With the powerful Laravel framework as the backend, Vue.js as the high performance on the frontend, Laravue appears to be a full-stack solution for an enterprise application level.



Getting started


  • Laravue is positioned as an enterprise management solution, and it is highly recommended to use it to start from scratch.
  • For existing Laravel project, you should check Laravue Core for integration.
  • Your machine needs to be ready for the latest Laravel and Node.js.



# Clone the project and run composer
composer create-project tuandm/laravue
cd laravue

# Migration and DB seeder (after changing your DB settings in .env)
php artisan migrate --seed

# Install dependency with NPM
npm install

# develop
npm run dev # or npm run watch

# Build on production
npm run production


docker-compose up -d

Build static files within Laravel container with npm

# Get laravel docker container ID from containers list
docker ps

docker exec -it <container ID> npm run dev # or npm run watch
# Where 
     is the "laravel" container name, ex: src_laravel_1

Open http://localhost:8000 (laravel container port declared in docker-compose.yml) to access Laravue

Running the tests

  • Tests system is under development

Deployment and/or CI/CD

This project uses Envoy for deployment, and GitLab CI/CD. Please check Envoy.blade.php and .gitlab-ci.yml for more detail.

Built with

  • Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans
  • Laravel Sanctum - Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs and simple APIs.
  • spatie/laravel-permission - Associate users with permissions and roles.
  • VueJS - The Progressive JavaScript Framework
  • Element - A Vue 2.0 based component library for developers, designers and product managers
  • Vue Admin Template - A minimal vue admin template with Element UI


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, please look at the release tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.

Related projects

  • Laravue-core - Laravel package which provides core functionalities of Laravue.


  • vue-element-admin A magical vue admin which insprited Laravue project.
  • tui.editor - Markdown WYSIWYG Editor.
  • Echarts - A powerful, interactive charting and visualization library for browser.


If you find this project useful, you can buy me a coffee

  •  There are no commands defined in the

    There are no commands defined in the "jwt" namespace

    Following the install steps, I'm stuck at

    php artisan jwt:secret

    It gives the error above. Googling, I came across this fix but it results in more errors.

    How can I fix?

    opened by c-myers1 17
  • Login error after installation - Request failed with status code 401

    Login error after installation - Request failed with status code 401

    I am working on Homestead after installing and trying to login i got this error "Request failed with status code 401"

    Here is the network error

    Request URL: localhost/api/user
    Request Method: GET
    Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
    Remote Address:
    Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade

    Although the "/api/auth/login" request returned with success 200

    opened by salmaomario 15
  • Help explain deploy script

    Help explain deploy script

    I see in Envoy.blade.php file have

    echo 'Running deployment scripts' cd {{ $new_release_dir }} php artisan cache:clear php artisan config:clear php artisan view:clear php artisan storage:link php artisan migrate --force

    and after

    @task('update_symlinks') echo 'Linking storage directory' rm -rf {{ $new_release_dir }}/storage ln -nfs {{ $app_dir }}/storage {{ $new_release_dir }}/storage

    Can you explain why we run artisan config:clear, view:clear, ... on new release dir and then delete storage folder.

    opened by vanthao03596 10
  • it is very slow first time

    it is very slow first time

    when customer try to open system first time the page is vey slow because the huge size of Js files , all js files size is 46MB (vendor,manifestapp) any solutaion for this.?

    opened by omaralalwi 9
  • Laravue project in subfolder?

    Laravue project in subfolder?

    Hi, @tuandm. First off: thanks from heart for this great work. It looks very promising. I'm planning to integrate your framework in existing projects so it would be vital for me to have the possibility of serving a laravue project from a subfolder (e.g.: along with While browsing for related info, I found this: As I can see, at the moment, there's no possibility for running a Laravue project other then to have it in the main root folder/domain. This is obviously more of a feature request than a bug. Do you have plans about that? Are there at the moment any work-arounds? I'm sure that many other people would be interested in such an improvement.

    Thanks again for this great piece of work

    opened by caraffa 9
  • Console warning

    Console warning

    Hi, great Job, tuandm!

    I following the guide: to create new route on menu and view (I create model, resource, controller, view, etc following the guide exactly). All seems be ok, only a couple of warning on console (for every new route): [vue-i18n] Value of key 'route.Journal' is not a string! [vue-i18n] Cannot translate the value of keypath 'route.Journal'. Use the value of keypath as default. ... This is my router module: import Layout from '@/layout'; const journalRoutes = { path: '/journal', component: Layout, redirect: 'noredirect', name: 'Journal', meta: { title: 'Journal', icon: 'education', permissions: ['view menu journal'], }, children: [ { path: 'source', component: () => import('@/views/journal/Source'), name: 'Source', meta: { title: 'Source', icon: 'dollar' }, }, {path: 'code', component: () => import('@/views/journal/Code'), name: 'Code', meta: { title: 'Code', icon: 'password' }, }, ],}; export default journalRoutes;

    I can translate the routes? How?

    opened by leonpug 8
  • API Call not hitting controller

    API Call not hitting controller

    I have created an api route to get a list of items. I have added the route to the routes/api file. I added a method to my api/projects.js file. I then created a method on my index.vue file to get the data. However, it doesn't appear to be hitting my controller method at all. I keep getting this in response, "No query results for model [App\Laravue\Models\Product\Product] manufacturers". I have tested the query that is being used in the method and it returns data. I tried a dd() inside the method and nothing happened. It seems like it isn't hitting the method at all. Below is the code I have used.

    index.vue async getManufacturers() { const { data } = await productResource.manufacturers(); this.manufacturers = data; }

    projects.js manufacturers() { return request({ url: '/' + this.uri + '/manufacturers', method: 'get', }); }

    api.php Route::get('products/manufacturers', 'ProductController@manufacturers');

    ProductController.php public function manufacturers() { dd('Hello'); }

    Am I missing something?

    opened by paragonsoftwaresolutions 8
  • New Install - 405 on Login

    New Install - 405 on Login

    On first install (after key gen and config:cache):

    php artisan:serve

    Attempting to login via default credentials results in a 405 error.

    message: "The POST method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: GET, HEAD."

    Route: /auth/login

    opened by BtotheT 8
  • blank screen

    blank screen

    someone, please help me. just finished uploading my application but it is showing a blank screen. my link to the codes is please i need help urgently

    opened by sirjp1 7
  • Files are not being found / Blank page

    Files are not being found / Blank page

    Hello everyone,

    So I've just followed the steps to create a new project over and my page is fully blank, the files are not being found.


    I am using the command docker-compose up to start a local server that runs the database server, the php server and nginx, may this have something to do with the problems I am having?

    Appreciate the help.

    opened by andrevenlibretrend 7
  • Laravel 6.0 LTS support

    Laravel 6.0 LTS support


    First, thanks a lot, is a great work you did here. I'm still doing some things to adapt to my needs but that is another matter.

    Laravel 6.0 is out, and i would like to do things on that version, there is a near plan to support it?


    opened by fetova 7
  • Gives 404 error in login

    Gives 404 error in login

    I have cloned project and it run in my localhost without any errors. But I tried to put the project to Docker container in production,it gives error in login page. I entered login and passwords correctly. Please help me with this situation.

    GET https://ip:port/sanctum/csrf-cookie 404 (Not Found)

    Thank you in advance.

    opened by akijura 1
  • Redirect 404 for all url not match

    Redirect 404 for all url not match

    How can I always redirect to 404 page if is not Logged and does not have a match of all URLs router const? I'm trying edit file router/index.js as:

        path: '/error/404',
        name: 'Page404',
        component: () => import('@/views/error-page/404'),
        hidden: true,
    { path: '*', redirect: '/error/404', hidden: true }

    And in file permission.js as:

    if (whiteList.indexOf(to.matched[0] ? to.matched[0].path : '') !== -1) {
          // in the free login whitelist, go directly
        } else {
          console.log(from, to, next);
          // other pages that do not have permission to access are redirected to the login page.
          // next(`/login?redirect=${to.path}`);
          next({ path: '/error/404' });

    I always receive a message error in chrome console as: Uncaught (in promise) RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

    If not have matched all URLs for router const, I want to redirect to the 404 page. How can I fix it?

    opened by holdon1996 0
  • need help with old project based on laravue

    need help with old project based on laravue

    hello all i hope all is good i have an old project backup without nood_modules and i need to restore it i tryed but im failed what is the steps to restor the project

    opened by mostafaabozied 1
  • error Couldn't find the binary git

    error Couldn't find the binary git

    Hello Dears,

    I am very new on coding and just trying to launch my NFT project by watching youtube tutorials.

    I have done previous things and now faced very badly on smart contract creation stage.

    When run "Yarn" it shown this error and not getting me any way to resolve by myself.

    Can you please kindly give me very easy and clear guide to resolve this issue?

    Below is the error msg.

    yarn install v1.22.15 warning package.json: No license field warning @hashlips-lab/nft-erc721-collection-smart-contract@1.0.0: No license field [1/4] Resolving packages... [2/4] Fetching packages... error Couldn't find the binary git info Visit for documentation about this command. PS C:\Users\Shemul\Desktop\nft-erc721-collection-2.0.0\nft-erc721-collection-2.0.0\smart-contract>

    opened by shemulhaq 1
  • Updating of VueJS Version

    Updating of VueJS Version

    Good day everyone!

    Just wondering if there's a possibility to update the version of VueJS in this Laravue Repository? The reason I have raised this because one of my teammate tried to use Vuetify, but it happens to have conflict with the current Vue version in this repository that we are using.

    Thank you so much and keep safe!

    Regards, Prince

    opened by mightypeng 0
  • Laravel mix, js file from npm dev/production not found

    Laravel mix, js file from npm dev/production not found

    How to change access from "base_url"+/js/generated_file.js?. The location inside public, but my app location inside subfolder2


    i've already changed LARAVUE_PATH at .env


    opened by justmealf 0
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