GeoSpatial integration on Laravel 5.2+ that supports MySQL and PostgreSQL.



  • GeoSpatial integration on Laravel 5.2+:
    • Create geospatial columns using Schema and migrations
    • Save and retrieve geospatial attributes using directly OpenGeoConsortium Spatial Objects (this package depends from PHP-OGC)
    • Build spatial query directly with the laravel fluent query builder
    • Supported types: Point, MultiPoint, Linestring, MultiLinestring, Polygon, MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection
  • Supported drivers:
    • Postgres: Posgis extension Extensions (geometry types)
    • MySql: Extension for Spatial Data (geography types)

Thanks to for its original work.

Installation & Configuration

  1. Install using composer
$ composer require elevenlab/laravel-geo
  1. Replace under the Service Providers section ('providers' array) in config/app.php this line

with this one:

  1. If you need it, under the Alias section ('aliases' array) in config/app.php add this line:
'GeoModel'      => ElevenLab\GeoLaravel\Model::class,

Quick Documentation

Create table with spatial references

To add a geospatial field to your migration you can use these methods:

  • point, multipoint linestring, multilinestring, polygon, multipolygon, geometrycollection

Example (NB: the schema is over-semplified):

Schema::create('nations', function (Blueprint $table) {

Add spatial attributes to a Model

In order to handle dinamically geospatial attributes during CRUD operations, you need to:

  • substitute the Eloquent Model abstract object with a custom Model
  • define which attribute belongs to which geospatial type, defining the $geometries attribute (you can find here the available types)
<?php namespace App;

use ElevenLab\GeoLaravel\Eloquent\Model as GeoModel;

class Country extends GeoModel
    protected $table = "countries";

    protected $geometries = [
        "polygons" =>   ['national_bounds'],
        "points" => ['capital'],
        "multipolygons" => ['regions_bounds'],
        "multipoints" => ['regions_capitals'],
        "linestrings" => ['highway']

Manipulate spatial attributes of a Model

use ElevenLab\GeoLaravel\DataTypes\Point as Point;
use ElevenLab\GeoLaravel\DataTypes\Linestring as Linestring;
use ElevenLab\GeoLaravel\DataTypes\Polygon as Polygon;

$rome = new Point(41.9102415,12.3959149);
$milan = new Point(45.4628328,9.1076927);
$naples = new Point(40.8540943,14.1765626);
$regions_capital = new MultiPoint([$rome, $milan, $naples, ....]);
$italy_bounds = new Polygon([new LineString(getPointArrayOfItalianBounds())]);
$lazio = new LineString(getPointArrayOfLazioBounds());
$campania = new LineString(getPointArrayOfCampaniaBounds());
$lombardia = new LineString(getPointArrayOfLombardiaBounds());
$molise = new LineString(getPointArrayOfMoliseBounds()); # raise MoliseNotFoundException
$regions_bounds = new MultiPolygon([$lazio, $campania, $lombardia, ....]);
$a1 = new LineString(getPointArrayOfA1());

$italy = Country::create([
    'name' => 'Italy',
    'capital' => $rome,
    'national_bounds' => $italy_bounds,
    'regions_bounds' => $regions_bounds,
    'regions_capitals' => $regions_capital,
    'highway' => $a1

$italy = Country::whereName('Italy')->first();
echo get_class($italy->capital); // ElevenLab\PHPOGC\DataTypes\Point
echo get_class($italy->national_bounds); // ElevenLab\PHPOGC\DataTypes\Polygon
echo get_class($italy->regions_bounds); // ElevenLab\PHPOGC\DataTypes\Polygon
echo get_class($italy->regions_capitals); // ElevenLab\PHPOGC\DataTypes\MultiPoint
echo get_class($italy->highway); // ElevenLab\PHPOGC\DataTypes\LineString

Builds queries

There are two different groups of methods that are available, one to use the underlying database engine to perform spatial operations on existing objects, and another to build fluent queries and perform operations on database-resident data.

Given two OGCObjects, you can perform those operations:

  • intersection

  • difference

  • contains

  • intersects

  • touches

  • overlaps

  • centroid

  • distance

  • equals

Given an illuminate Query Builder object, you can use:

  • whereEquals

  • whereNotEquals

  • orWhereEquals

  • orWhereNotEquals

  • whereContains

  • whereNotContains

  • orWhereContains

  • orWhereNotContains

  • whereIntersects

  • whereNotIntersects

  • orWhereIntersects

  • orWhereNotIntersects

  • whereTouches

  • whereNotTouches

  • orWhereTouches

  • orWhereNotTouches

  • whereOverlaps

  • whereNotOverlaps

  • orWhereOverlaps

  • orWhereNotOverlaps


  • improve documentation
    • add examples for "Build queries" section
    • add manual installation guide
  • add missing ST_functionsù
  • add unit tests
  • multipolygon attribute showing up with wrong characters

    multipolygon attribute showing up with wrong characters

    I'm having trouble getting a multipolygon field to show actual text from my database. Here is what I am doing.

    table column "radar_map" has the following data:

    MULTIPOLYGON(((-84.0330505 38.4686433,-83.71444700000001 38.2424946,-83.6334229 38.177751,-83.5606384 38.231708,-83.5345459 38.2435731,-83.5153198 38.2575931,-83.4933472 38.2683758,-83.5057068 38.285625,-83.46176149999999 38.3712706,-83.58055109999999 38.4089441,-83.62106319999999 38.5363501,-83.8929749 38.463267,-83.95202639999999 38.5213097,-84.0330505 38.4686433),(-84.2266846 38.8193811,-84.2129517 38.6093591,-84.21157839999999 38.5599788,-84.1333008 38.5513874,-84.1140747 38.5878935,-84.02618409999999 38.5793055,-83.8799286 38.7610441,-83.964386 38.785134,-84.03717039999999 38.7680042,-84.1209412 38.7819225,-84.20471190000001 38.7979786,-84.2266846 38.8193811),(-84.1333008 38.5513874,-84.1964722 38.5449433,-84.181366 38.4869197,-84.118818 38.4153888,-84.0509034 38.3868806,-83.9836121 38.4288493,-84.0330505 38.4686433,-83.95202639999999 38.5213097,-84.02618409999999 38.5793055,-84.1140747 38.5878935,-84.1333008 38.5513874),(-83.8799286 38.7610441,-84.02618409999999 38.5793055,-83.9588928 38.5304417,-83.8929749 38.463267,-83.62106319999999 38.5363501,-83.6375427 38.6458357,-83.66912840000001 38.6233082,-83.73229980000001 38.6447631,-83.76800540000001 38.6511983,-83.7927246 38.7048027,-83.84216309999999 38.7187333,-83.8572693 38.7562251,-83.8799286 38.7610441),(-83.6375427 38.6458357,-83.6203766 38.5223841,-83.58055109999999 38.4089441,-83.46176149999999 38.3712706,-83.4157562 38.3960297,-83.31962590000001 38.2904755,-83.25027470000001 38.3529649,-83.20358280000001 38.489607,-83.0415344 38.6340365,-83.0140686 38.7267689,-83.0332947 38.7176618,-83.05183409999999 38.6930132,-83.1088257 38.66782,-83.141098 38.6190164,-83.2104492 38.6125783,-83.2475281 38.6227717,-83.2901001 38.5916505,-83.31825259999999 38.600237,-83.3278656 38.616334,-83.3333588 38.6388636,-83.38897710000001 38.6592415,-83.46794130000001 38.6672839,-83.5249329 38.7005158,-83.57574459999999 38.6828298,-83.6238098 38.6758613,-83.6375427 38.6458357)))

    Here is my model...

    namespace App;

    //use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    use ElevenLab\GeoLaravel\Eloquent\Model as GeoModel;
    class My_model extends GeoModel
        protected $geometries = [ // docs at
            "multipolygons" => ['radar_map']


    here is my dump:


    and here is what i get:

    b""" \x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x06\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x0E\x00\x00\x00t'Ï\x7F\x1D\x02U└¿~´Ç³;C@l¯Þ\x7F╣ÝT└r:$\x10\n \x1FC@f\x024\x00èÞT└hÛuï└\x16C@o8Ô\x7FßÒT└\\x1Còø¿\x1DC@\x7F¡\x01\x006ÔT└╣WAg-\x1FC@═■Õ ·ÓT└o\x16褰 C@»d"\x00ô▀T└Ï\x04b#Z"C@YÎ\rÇ]ÓT└├§(\Å$C@RC\eÇì¦T└░{å╦à/C@\t\n ═┐'ÕT└2▓┐GX4C@±/¦\x7F┐þT└iZ¢\x1EºDC@çÚ1Ç&¨T└t(CUL;C@n;#\x00¯³T└6K©F║BC@t'Ï\x7F\x1D\x02U└¿~´Ç³;C@\f\x00\x00\x00pÓ\x1F\x00é\x0EU└‗║┘zßhC@+╚*\x00í\rU└Å\x02ƒz MC@Å"!Çè\rU└\x07:ñb¡GC@÷!\x14\x00ê\x08U└ù6┴▄ôFC@Ds° L\x07U└¸\x03\x1E\x18@KC@6K\x13\x00¡\x01U└Kr└«&JC@*¶\v└P°T└)(áõiaC@\x19«\x0EÇ©²T└$}ZE\x7FdC@E\x18§ \x02U└g\x18-÷MbC@L»(Ç¢\x07U└Î└V\t\x16dC@êµ­ \x19\rU└5¶¬)$fC@pÓ\x1F\x00é\x0EU└‗║┘zßhC@\v\x00\x00\x00÷!\x14\x00ê\x08U└ù6┴▄ôFC@»d"\x00ô\fU└PÍ╣│└EC@╬ª#Çø\vU└Üú}bS>C@F\vðÂÜ\x07U└÷Ťu+5C@UÉU\x00B\x03U└z:▓Mà1C@╦*Ǿ■T└═4½êõ6C@t'Ï\x7F\x1D\x02U└¿~´Ç³;C@n;#\x00¯³T└6K©F║BC@6K\x13\x00¡\x01U└Kr└«&JC@Ds° L\x07U└¸\x03\x1E\x18@KC@÷!\x14\x00ê\x08U└ù6┴▄ôFC@\r\x00\x00\x00*¶\v└P°T└)(áõiaC@6K\x13\x00¡\x01U└Kr└«&JC@¼\x17Þ\x7F^²T└ó¸|âÕCC@çÚ1Ç&¨T└t(CUL;C@±/¦\x7F┐þT└iZ¢\x1EºDC@môÕ\x7F═ÞT└m\v६RC@╩┤ý ÊÛT└\x10*'É╚OC@⸷ ¦¯T└s\x15µÿçRC@▒\t\x1F\x00'±T└¹┌DwZSC@\x05´§ ╗‗T└÷Pæ¨6ZC@x\x19\x0F\x00µ§T└Þ\x05Ús [C@YÎ\rǦ÷T└\tuý¹╦C@*¶\v└P°T└)(áõiaC@\x1A\x00\x00\x00môÕ\x7F═ÞT└m\v६RC@\t\r\x0E@┤þT└ª╣p{¦BC@\t\n ═┐'ÕT└2▓┐GX4C@RC\eÇì¦T└░{å╦à/C@■åõ┐ø┌T└R▀Þ\x19▒2C@\x18¦0└tÈT└\x06e\x1AM.%C@\n ß,Ç\x04ðT└f\x11/¶--C@═\x01'Ç\x07═T└Cr2q½>C@-jµ\x7F¿┬T└3³º\e(QC@ó9³\x7Fµ└T└²ƒh├\x06]C@TÞ\x17Ç!┬T└TKäW▄[C@S\x14¨?Q├T└!┘\x12¿┤XC@ÀØ\x11\x00¸ãT└»╬1 {UC@³ßþ┐\x07╔T└\x05ÏýÝ;OC@\n ÌÙ w═T└í^:¸hNC@Ëò\x19ÇΤT└Û/¬¹ÂOC@?ä\x02\x00æÊT└¥\x14\x1E4╗KC@|7'@^ÈT└▒lµÉÈLC@­^ ┐¹ÈT└┘┤R\x08õNC@]§%└UıT└kMNHãQC@&┘4\x00ÕÏT└?Uà\x06bTC@¿³\x10└‗¦T└▄Ê\x0FÅiUC@\vå)ÇÿßT└g¬qǬYC@O÷Ó ÏõT└¹¦à¸fWC@({­\x7FýþT└þ\x10éƒéVC@môÕ\x7F═ÞT└m\v६RC@ """

    I've even tried various ways to override the attribute in the model but no luck.

    Any help would be super appreciated!

    opened by chuckienorton 5
  • dropColumn not working on rollback

    dropColumn not working on rollback

    I'm getting an error when running "php artisan migrate:rollback" Here is my code:

    Schema::table("mytable", function(Blueprint $table) { $table->multipolygon("radar_map")->after("radar_miles")->nullable()->comment("Overrides radar_radius_miles with a multipolygon."); });

    public function down() { Schema::table("mytable", function(Blueprint $table) { $table->dropColumn("radar_map"); }); }

    and the error... [Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException] Unknown database type multipolygon requested, Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQL57Platform may not support it.

    I also tried a DB::RAW statement and got the same response.

    DB::raw('ALTER TABLE mytable DROP radar_map;');

    Any ideas how to do this would be appreciated!

    opened by chuckienorton 4
  • Fix typo ElevenLab\GeoLaravel\Eloquent\Model

    Fix typo ElevenLab\GeoLaravel\Eloquent\Model

    • MULTIPOINTS geotype is referenced to ElevenLab\PHPOGC\DataTypes\MultiPoints (with s) instead of ElevenLab\PHPOGC\DataTypes\MultiPoint
    • Use PostGIS GEOMETRY column type instead of GEOGRAPHY
    opened by sembrex 0
  • GeometryCollection operations (+ added fromArray fn)

    GeometryCollection operations (+ added fromArray fn)

    I'm trying to implement the fromArray functionality for GeometryCollection, but with this function

    public static function fromArray(array $items) {
        $parsed = array_map(function($p){
            if( !is_array($p) or sizeof($p) != 2)
                throw new GeoSpatialException('Error: array of array containing lat, lon expected.');
            if ($p['type'] == 'POLYGON') {
                $points = array_map(function ($p) {
                    if( !is_array($p) or sizeof($p) != 2)
                        throw new GeoSpatialException('Error: array of array containing lat, lon expected.');
                    return new Point($p[0], $p[1]);
                }, $p['value'][0]);
            return new Polygon([new LineString($points)]);
        }, $items);
        return new static(new GeometryCollection([$parsed]));
    I'm getting this error:
    `ElevenLab\PHPOGC\Exceptions\GeoSpatialException with message 'A GeometryCollection must be constructed with an array of OGCObject objects'`
    It works fine with this `return new static($parsed));` however, I every whereX query fails, intersection, touches, etc.
    I have a few contribs for this library in the pipeline, hoping to gain a deeper understanding here so I can push forward.
    opened by iredmedia 0
  • Call to undefined methodfromRawToWKB()

    Call to undefined methodfromRawToWKB()

    Hi i have problem,

    Call to undefined method Phaza\LaravelPostgis\PostgisConnection::fromRawToWKB()

    my data is: 0101000020CF7F00000000000004131A410000000062865D41

    opened by sebaiturravaldes 0
  • Drop explicit call to DB facade that may not be available

    Drop explicit call to DB facade that may not be available


    Thanks for your work on this package!

    This PR drops references to the DB facade. I ran into an issue with this on a Lumen project that doesn't use Facades where there was a "Class 'DB' not found" exception thrown. I noticed that the methods being called are actually on the Connection, so I opted to use the instance of the Connection that the model has access to anyway, rather than calling the DB facade. :smile:


    opened by trea 2
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