Rinvex Country is a simple and lightweight package for retrieving country details with flexibility. A whole bunch of data including name, demonym, capital, iso codes, dialling codes, geo data, currencies, flags, emoji, and other attributes for all 250 countries worldwide at your fingertips.


Rinvex Country

Rinvex Country is a simple and lightweight package for retrieving country details with flexibility. A whole bunch of data including name, demonym, capital, iso codes, dialling codes, geo data, currencies, flags, emoji, and other attributes for all 250 countries worldwide at your fingertips.

Packagist Scrutinizer Code Quality Travis StyleCI License


Install via composer require rinvex/countries, then use intuitively:

// Get single country
$egypt = country('eg');

// Get country name                                 // Get country native name
echo $egypt->getName();                             echo $egypt->getNativeName();

// Get country official name                        // Get country ISO 3166-1 alpha2 code
echo $egypt->getOfficialName();                     echo $egypt->getIsoAlpha2();

// Get country area                                 // Get country borders
echo $egypt->getArea();                             echo $egypt->getBorders();

// Get country currencies                           // Get country languages
echo $egypt->getCurrencies();                       echo $egypt->getLanguages();

// Get country emoji                                // Get country flag
echo $egypt->getEmoji();                            echo $egypt->getFlag();

// Get all countries                                // Get countries with where condition (continent: Oceania)
$countries = countries();                           $whereCountries = \Rinvex\Country\CountryLoader::where('geo.continent', ['OC' => 'Oceania']);

Note: This package is framework-agnostic, so it's compatible with any PHP framework whatsoever without any dependencies at all, except for the PHP version itself ^7.0. Awesome, huh? 😃

Table Of Contents

Advanced Usage

Get country attributes (self-descriptive):

$egypt = country('eg');

// Egypt                                            // مصر
$egypt->getName();                                  $egypt->getNativeName();

// Arab Republic of Egypt                           // جمهورية مصر العربية
$egypt->getOfficialName();                          $egypt->getNativeOfficialName();

// Egyptian                                         // Cairo
$egypt->getDemonym();                               $egypt->getCapital();

// EG                                               // EGY
$egypt->getIsoAlpha2();                             $egypt->getIsoAlpha3();

// 818                                              // .eg
$egypt->getIsoNumeric();                            $egypt->getTld();

// [".eg",".مصر"]                                   // ["EG","Arab Republic of Egypt"]
$egypt->getTlds();                                  $egypt->getAltSpellings();

// Arabic                                           // {"ara":"Arabic"}
$egypt->getLanguage();                              $egypt->getLanguages();

// Africa                                           // true
$egypt->getContinent();                             $egypt->usesPostalCode();

// 27 00 N                                          // 30 00 E
$egypt->getLatitude();                              $egypt->getLongitude();

// 26.756103515625                                  // 29.86229705810547
$egypt->getLatitudeDesc();                          $egypt->getLongitudeDesc();

// 31.916667                                        // 36.333333
$egypt->getMaxLatitude();                           $egypt->getMaxLongitude();

// 20.383333                                        // 24.7
$egypt->getMinLatitude();                           $egypt->getMinLongitude();

// 1002450                                          // Africa
$egypt->getArea();                                  $egypt->getRegion();

// Northern Africa                                  // EMEA
$egypt->getSubregion();                             $egypt->getWorldRegion();

// 002                                              // 015
$egypt->getRegionCode();                            $egypt->getSubregionCode();

// false                                            // ["ISR","LBY","SDN"]
$egypt->isLandlocked();                             $egypt->getBorders();

// Yes                                              // 20
$egypt->isIndependent();                            $egypt->getCallingCode();

// ["20"]                                           // 0
$egypt->getCallingCodes();                          $egypt->getNationalPrefix();

// 9                                                // [9]
$egypt->getNationalNumberLength();                  $egypt->getNationalNumberLengths();

// 2                                                // [2]
$egypt->getNationalDestinationCodeLength();         $egypt->getnationaldestinationcodelengths();

// "00"                                             // {{recipient}}\n{{street}}\n{{postalcode}} {{city}}\n{{country}}
$egypt->getInternationalPrefix();                   $egypt->getAddressFormat();

// 357994                                           // H2
$egypt->getGeonameid();                             $egypt->getEdgar();

// EGY                                              // ua
$egypt->getItu();                                   $egypt->getMarc();

// EG                                               // ET
$egypt->getWmo();                                   $egypt->getDs();

// EGY                                              // EG
$egypt->getFifa();                                  $egypt->getFips();

// 40765                                            // EGY
$egypt->getGaul();                                  $egypt->getIoc();

// EGY                                              // 651
$egypt->getCowc();                                  $egypt->getCown();

// 59                                               // 469
$egypt->getFao();                                   $egypt->getImf();

// MAF                                              // null
$egypt->getAr5();                                   $egypt->isEuMember();

// null                                             // 🇪🇬
$egypt->getVatRates();                              $egypt->getEmoji();

// GeoJson data returned as string                  // SVG data returned as string
$egypt->getGeoJson();                               $egypt->getFlag();

// Divisions returned as array                      // {"official":"جمهورية مصر العربية","common":"مصر"}
$egypt->getDivisions();                             $egypt->getTranslation();

// ['Africa/Cairo']                                 // ['ar_EG']
$egypt->getTimezones();                             $egypt->getLocales();

// {"ara":{"official":"جمهورية مصر العربية","common":"مصر"}}

// {"iso_4217_code":"EGP","iso_4217_numeric":818,"iso_4217_name":"Egyptian Pound","iso_4217_minor_unit":2}

// {"EGP":{"iso_4217_code":"EGP","iso_4217_numeric":818,"iso_4217_name":"Egyptian Pound","iso_4217_minor_unit":2}}

// {"ara":{"official":"جمهورية مصر العربية","common":"مصر"},"cym":{"official":"Arab Republic of Egypt","common":"Yr Aifft"},"deu":{"official":"Arabische Republik Ägypten","common":"Ägypten"},"fra":{"official":"République arabe d'Égypte","common":"Égypte"},"hrv":{"official":"Arapska Republika Egipat","common":"Egipat"},"ita":{"official":"Repubblica araba d'Egitto","common":"Egitto"},"jpn":{"official":"エジプト·アラブ共和国","common":"エジプト"},"nld":{"official":"Arabische Republiek Egypte","common":"Egypte"},"por":{"official":"República Árabe do Egipto","common":"Egito"},"rus":{"official":"Арабская Республика Египет","common":"Египет"},"spa":{"official":"República Árabe de Egipto","common":"Egipto"},"fin":{"official":"Egyptin arabitasavalta","common":"Egypti"}}

// {"continent":{"AF":"Africa"},"postal_code":true,"latitude":"27 00 N","latitude_dec":"26.756103515625","longitude":"30 00 E","longitude_dec":"29.86229705810547","max_latitude":"31.916667","max_longitude":"36.333333","min_latitude":"20.383333","min_longitude":"24.7","area":1002450,"region":"Africa","subregion":"Northern Africa","world_region":"EMEA","region_code":"002","subregion_code":"015","landlocked":false,"borders":["ISR","LBY","SDN"],"independent":"Yes"}

// {"geonameid":357994,"edgar":"H2","itu":"EGY","marc":"ua","wmo":"EG","ds":"ET","fifa":"EGY","fips":"EG","gaul":40765,"ioc":"EGY","cowc":"EGY","cown":651,"fao":59,"imf":469,"ar5":"MAF","address_format":"{{recipient}}\n{{street}}\n{{postalcode}} {{city}}\n{{country}}","eu_member":null,"vat_rates":null,"emoji":"🇪🇬"}

// {"name":"Al Iskandariyah","alt_names":["El Iskandariya","al-Iskandariyah","al-Iskandarīyah","Alexandria","Alexandrie","Alexandria"],"geo":{"latitude":31.2000924,"longitude":29.9187387,"min_latitude":31.1173177,"min_longitude":29.8233701,"max_latitude":31.330904,"max_longitude":30.0864016}}

Note: When retrieving single country, you'll get the full country details just like the previous example. But when retrieving all countries, you'll get a short-listed result set with common country details for better performance.

Features Explained

  • Country data are all stored here: resources/data/countries.json.
  • name
    • common - common name in english
    • official - official name in english
    • native - list of all native names
      • key: three-letter ISO 639-3 language alpha code
      • value: name object
        • key: official - official name translation
        • key: common - common name translation
  • demonym - name of residents
  • capital - capital city
  • iso_3166_1_alpha2 - code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
  • iso_3166_1_alpha3 -code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
  • iso_3166_1_numeric - code ISO 3166-1 numeric
  • currency - ISO 4217 currency code(s)
    • key: three-letter ISO 4217 currency code
    • value: currency object
      • key: iso_4217_code - three-letter ISO 4217 currency alpha code
      • key: iso_4217_numeric - three-number ISO 4217 currency numeric code
      • key: iso_4217_name - official ISO 4217 currency name
      • key: iso_4217_minor_unit - minor currency unit
  • tld - country code top-level domain
  • alt_spellings - alternative spellings
  • languages - list of official languages
    • key: three-letter ISO 639-3 language code
    • value: name of the language in english
  • translations - list of name translations
    • key: three-letter ISO 639-3 language code
    • value: name object
      • key: official - official name translation
      • key: common - common name translation
  • geo
    • continent - continents that country lies in
      • key: two-letter continent code
      • value: name of the continent in english
    • postal_code - whether the country uses postal codes
    • latitude - short form of latitude coordinate point
    • latitude_desc - described latitude coordinate point
    • longitude - short form of longitude coordinate point
    • longitude_desc - described longitude coordinate point
    • max_latitude - maximum latitude coordinate point
    • max_longitude - maximum longitude coordinate point
    • min_latitude - minimum latitude coordinate point
    • min_longitude - minimum longitude coordinate point
    • area - land area in km²
    • region - geographical region
    • subregion - geographical sub-region
    • world_region - geographical world region
    • region_code - geographical region numeric code
    • subregion_code - geographical sub-region numeric code
    • landlocked - landlock status
    • borders - land borders
    • independent - independent status
  • dialling
    • calling_code - calling code(s)
    • national_prefix - national prefix
    • national_number_lengths - national number lengths
    • national_destination_code_lengths - national destination code lengths
    • international_prefix - international prefix
  • extra
    • geonameid - Geoname ID
    • edgar - Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system
    • itu - Codes assigned by the International Telecommunications Union
    • marc - MAchine-Readable Cataloging codes from the Library of Congress
    • wmo - Country abbreviations by the World Meteorological Organization
    • ds - Distinguishing signs of vehicles in international traffic
    • fifa - Codes assigned by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association
    • fips - Codes from the U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard
    • gaul - Global Administrative Unit Layers from the Food and Agriculture Organization
    • ioc - Codes assigned by the International Olympics Committee
    • cowc - Correlates of War character
    • cown - Correlates of War numeric
    • fao - Food and Agriculture Organization
    • imf - International Monetary Fund
    • ar5 - Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
    • address_format - Address format
    • eu_member - European Union Member
    • vat_rates - Value-Added Tax
    • emoji - Emoji Flag

Data Sources


  • Upgrading To v3.x From v2.x

    No major changes, same API with 100% backward compatibility. Note that PHP v7.0 is now minimum requirement.

  • Upgrading To v2.x From v1.x

    Whole package re-written from scratch, just drop any previous code and start using the new clean, and intuitive API.


Refer to the Changelog for a full history of the project.


The following support channels are available at your fingertips:

Contributing & Protocols

Thank you for considering contributing to this project! The contribution guide can be found in CONTRIBUTING.md.

Bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests are very welcome.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this project, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

About Rinvex

Rinvex is a software solutions startup, specialized in integrated enterprise solutions for SMEs established in Alexandria, Egypt since June 2016. We believe that our drive The Value, The Reach, and The Impact is what differentiates us and unleash the endless possibilities of our philosophy through the power of software. We like to call it Innovation At The Speed Of Life. That’s how we do our share of advancing humanity.


This software is released under The MIT License (MIT).

(c) 2016-2021 Rinvex LLC, Some rights reserved.

  • Add missing country divisions

    Add missing country divisions

    There's still missing divisions for the following countries:

    • [ ] ai: Anguilla
    • [x] aq: Antarctica
    • [ ] as: American Samoa
    • [ ] aw: Aruba
    • [ ] ax: Åland Islands
    • [ ] bl: Saint Barthélemy
    • [ ] bm: Bermuda
    • [ ] bv: Bouvet Island
    • [ ] cc: Cocos (Keeling) Islands
    • [ ] ck: Cook Islands
    • [ ] cw: Curaçao
    • [ ] cx: Christmas Island
    • [ ] fk: Falkland Islands
    • [ ] fo: Faroe Islands
    • [ ] gf: French Guiana
    • [ ] gg: Guernsey
    • [ ] gi: Gibraltar
    • [ ] gl: Greenland
    • [ ] gp: Guadeloupe
    • [ ] gs: South Georgia
    • [ ] gu: Guam
    • [ ] hk: Hong Kong
    • [ ] hm: Heard Island and McDonald Islands
    • [ ] im: Isle of Man
    • [ ] io: British Indian Ocean Territory
    • [ ] je: Jersey
    • [ ] lc: Saint Lucia
    • [ ] mc: Monaco
    • [ ] mf: Saint Martin
    • [ ] mo: Macau
    • [ ] mp: Northern Mariana Islands
    • [ ] mq: Martinique
    • [ ] ms: Montserrat
    • [ ] nc: New Caledonia
    • [ ] nf: Norfolk Island
    • [ ] nu: Niue
    • [ ] pf: French Polynesia
    • [ ] pm: Saint Pierre and Miquelon
    • [ ] pn: Pitcairn Islands
    • [ ] pr: Puerto Rico
    • [ ] ps: Palestine
    • [ ] re: Réunion
    • [ ] sj: Svalbard and Jan Mayen
    • [ ] ss: South Sudan
    • [ ] sx: Sint Maarten
    • [ ] tc: Turks and Caicos Islands
    • [ ] tk: Tokelau
    • [ ] va: Vatican City
    • [ ] vg: British Virgin Islands
    • [ ] vi: United States Virgin Islands
    • [ ] wf: Wallis and Futuna
    • [ ] xk: Kosovo
    • [ ] yt: Mayotte
    enhancement help-wanted 
    opened by Omranic 11
  • Wrong bounding box for China

    Wrong bounding box for China

    I've been using longlist.json to generate a list of countries and their bounding boxes from min_longitude, min_latitude, max_longitude and max_latitude. The resulting bbox (106.7,6.183333,117.816667,20.7) seems to be somewhere in the China Sea, tho, so close, but not really ;) I've finally found a bbox on humdata.org that works for my use-case: 74.167,18.163,135.078,53.5.

    I can create a pull request if you're open to changing the affected coordinates? Cheers!

    opened by boris-glumpler 9
  • Some currency doesn't correct

    Some currency doesn't correct

    There are 4 countries returns incorrect Currency.

    >>> country('us')->getCurrency()
    => [
         "iso_4217_code" => "USN",
         "iso_4217_numeric" => 997,
         "iso_4217_name" => "United States dollar (next day) (funds code)",
         "iso_4217_minor_unit" => 2,
    >>> country('us')->getCurrencies()
    => [
         "USN" => [
           "iso_4217_code" => "USN",
           "iso_4217_numeric" => 997,
           "iso_4217_name" => "United States dollar (next day) (funds code)",
           "iso_4217_minor_unit" => 2,
         "USS" => [
           "iso_4217_code" => "USS",
           "iso_4217_numeric" => 998,
           "iso_4217_name" => "United States dollar (same day) (funds code)",
           "iso_4217_minor_unit" => 2,
         "USD" => [
           "iso_4217_code" => "USD",
           "iso_4217_numeric" => 840,
           "iso_4217_name" => "US Dollar",
           "iso_4217_minor_unit" => 2,

    Should return USD, but first one USN returned.


    there are 4 countries return incorrect currency.

    opened by khsing 6
  • Fix wrong CountryLoaderException namespace

    Fix wrong CountryLoaderException namespace

    CountryLoaderException exception currently located under the Rinvex\Country while it's placed inside the src/Exceptions directory, so it's namespace must be fixed to be Rinvex\Country\Exceptions

    opened by Omranic 6
  • [proposal] add population data

    [proposal] add population data

    I think it would be nice to have a rough estimate of how many people live in a country. The official numbers change every now and then, but they are usually pretty stable. Updating once or twice a year would suffice imho.

    Data source: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL It has a csv download.

    $germany = country('de');
    // 83132799
    // additionally we could use the data to enable this:
    // 81776930
    opened by thekonz 5
  • Guinea-Bissau Flag & official name of Portugal

    Guinea-Bissau Flag & official name of Portugal


    For some reason Guinea-Bissau flag is not right. The ISO-2 code is gw. see the difference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guinea-Bissau.

    The translation for Portuguese of the official name of Portugal is "República Portuguesa" and not "República português".


    opened by lbassuncao 5
  • Update Country.php

    Update Country.php

    In reference of #117

    Change mb_strtoupper into mb_strtolower in order to get a match using get("languages.{$languageCode}")

    With mb_strtoupper the function will have languages.ITA for example instead of correct languages.ita

    opened by ludo237 5
  • Define default currency per country

    Define default currency per country

    This pr addresses the issue raised in #52

    Some countries have multiple currencies, but only one "default" currency. The other currencies are used mainly by banks and funds.

    This pr adds a new (optional) element to the .json-files: 'default_currency'. This holds the ISO 4217 code of the default currency. The default_currency has been set for all 4 countries identified by @khsing

    A new method Country::getDefaultCurrency is also available. This will return either the default_currency if it's defined for the country, or use Country::getCurrency as a fallback.

    opened by willemwollebrants 5
  • Add timezone & locale data for countries

    Add timezone & locale data for countries

    It would be nice to have something like the following data for each country:

        "DefaultLanguageCode": "en",
        "TimeZones": [
        "Locales": [
    opened by iniva 5
  • php 8 support

    php 8 support

    Please add support for php 8.

    To get around this for now, I'm running composer update --ignore-platform-reqs so I can successfully run the command, but adding that flag is not ideal.

    opened by rawilk 4
  • Fix longlist for currencies

    Fix longlist for currencies

    Currently, if you execute

    $currencies = currencies(true);


    $currencies = \Rinvex\Country\CurrencyLoader::currencies(true);

    the resulting array will be empty.

    The reason is the filtering:


    This only works for the shortlist, but not the longlist. And even if the filtering was removed, the subsequent sort() would not work (since it would need to be ksort in that case) and the array_merge would destroy the longlist too.

    This PR actually changes a few more things:

    1. It implements an early out with the static variable.
    2. It only uses ksort for the longlist (no filtering should be necessary, as the associative array by ISO code is unique already).
    3. It stores the final result for the shortlist and longlist in the static variable, including filtering and sorting.
    opened by fritzmg 4
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