Simple Yet Powerful Geo Library for PHP


phpgeo - A Simple Geo Library for PHP

phpgeo provides abstractions to geographical coordinates (including support for different ellipsoids) and allows you to calculate geographical distances between coordinates with high precision.

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Table of Contents


Minimum required PHP version is 7.2. phpgeo fully supports PHP 8.0.

The 2.x releases require PHP >= 7.0 but don't get feature updates any longer. Bugfixes will be backported.

The 1.x release line has support for PHP >= 5.4. Bugfixes won't be backported.


The documentation is available at

API documentation is available as well:


Using Composer, just add it to your composer.json by running:

composer require mjaschen/phpgeo


Starting with version 2.0.0 phpgeo is licensed under the MIT license. Older versions were GPL-licensed.


Info: Please visit the documentation site for complete and up-to-date documentation with many examples!

phpgeo provides the following features (follow the links for examples):


This list is incomplete, please visit the documentation site for the full monty of documentation and examples!

Distance between two coordinates (Vincenty's Formula)

Use the calculator object directly:


use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Distance\Vincenty;

$coordinate1 = new Coordinate(19.820664, -155.468066); // Mauna Kea Summit
$coordinate2 = new Coordinate(20.709722, -156.253333); // Haleakala Summit

$calculator = new Vincenty();

echo $calculator->getDistance($coordinate1, $coordinate2); // returns 128130.850 (meters; ≈128 kilometers)

or call the getDistance() method of a Coordinate object by injecting a calculator object:


use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Distance\Vincenty;

$coordinate1 = new Coordinate(19.820664, -155.468066); // Mauna Kea Summit
$coordinate2 = new Coordinate(20.709722, -156.253333); // Haleakala Summit

echo $coordinate1->getDistance($coordinate2, new Vincenty()); // returns 128130.850 (meters; ≈128 kilometers)

Simplifying a polyline

Polylines can be simplified to save storage space or bandwidth. Simplification is done with the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm (AKA Douglas-Peucker algorithm).


use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Polyline;
use Location\Distance\Vincenty;

$polyline = new Polyline();
$polyline->addPoint(new Coordinate(10.0, 10.0));
$polyline->addPoint(new Coordinate(20.0, 20.0));
$polyline->addPoint(new Coordinate(30.0, 10.0));

$processor = new Simplify($polyline);

// remove all points which perpendicular distance is less
// than 1500 km from the surrounding points.
$simplified = $processor->simplify(1500000);

// simplified is the polyline without the second point (which
// perpendicular distance is ~1046 km and therefore below
// the simplification threshold)

Polygon contains a point (e.g. "GPS geofence")

phpgeo has a polygon implementation which can be used to determinate if a point is contained in it or not. A polygon consists of at least three points. Points are instances of the Coordinate class.

Warning: The calculation gives wrong results if the polygons has points on both sides of the 180/-180 degrees meridian.


use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Polygon;

$geofence = new Polygon();

$geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.085870,-77.016261));
$geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.086373,-77.033813));
$geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.102823,-77.030938));
$geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.098669,-77.006476));

$outsidePoint = new Coordinate(-12.075452, -76.985079);
$insidePoint = new Coordinate(-12.092542, -77.021540);

var_dump($geofence->contains($outsidePoint)); // returns bool(false) the point is outside the polygon
var_dump($geofence->contains($insidePoint)); // returns bool(true) the point is inside the polygon

Formatted output of coordinates

You can format a coordinate in different styles.

Decimal Degrees


use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Formatter\Coordinate\DecimalDegrees;

$coordinate = new Coordinate(19.820664, -155.468066); // Mauna Kea Summit

echo $coordinate->format(new DecimalDegrees());

Degrees/Minutes/Seconds (DMS)


use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Formatter\Coordinate\DMS;

$coordinate = new Coordinate(18.911306, -155.678268); // South Point, HI, USA

$formatter = new DMS();

echo $coordinate->format($formatter); // 18° 54′ 41″ -155° 40′ 42″

$formatter->setSeparator(", ")

echo $coordinate->format($formatter); // 18° 54' 41" N, 155° 40' 42" W



use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Formatter\Coordinate\GeoJSON;

$coordinate = new Coordinate(18.911306, -155.678268); // South Point, HI, USA

echo $coordinate->format(new GeoJSON()); // { "type" : "point" , "coordinates" : [ -155.678268, 18.911306 ] }


Run Tests

Before submitting a pull request, please be sure to run all checks and tests and ensure everything is green.

  • lint PHP files for syntax errors: composer ci:lint
  • run static analysis with Psalm and report errors: composer ci:psalm
  • run unit tests with PHPUnit: composer ci:tests

To run all checks and tests at once, just use composer ci.

Of course, it's possible to use the test runners directly, e.g. for PHPUnit:





@clemdesign created a TypeScript port of phpgeo.


  • Perpendicular distance between point and line segment

    Perpendicular distance between point and line segment

    This library can calculate perpendicular distance between point and great circle passing trough two points.

    It can calculate distance between two points.

    What about a line segment? Perpendicular distance may not exists between point and line segment on great circle -> how to check that?

    That can be useful when calculating minimum distance between point and line.


    opened by TheCelavi 19
  • Calculation is wrong.

    Calculation is wrong.

    I tried a straight actual GPS track from real device and calculated distance to be 128Km and by processing each coordinate individually using polyline method it comes out to be 97.2

    opened by v920749 7
  • Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Latitude value must be numeric -90.0 .. +90.0'

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Latitude value must be numeric -90.0 .. +90.0'

    Hi. i using phpgeo for get nearby locations and everything works fine on my local. but on my server it returns this error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Latitude value must be numeric -90.0 .. +90.0' in /home/jaajim/public/public/plugins/jaajim-api/Location/Coordinate.php on line 56 ... $ php -v PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.5 ... you can see the full error in this api call:

    thanks for your great job

    opened by alijmlzd 7
  • Point-to-line distance is incorrect sometimes

    Point-to-line distance is incorrect sometimes

    Version of phpgeo: 4.1.0

    $ll1 = array (
        'lat' => 55.98467000751469413444283418357372283935546875,
        'lon' => 13.544430000324179985682349069975316524505615234375,
    $ll2 = array (
        'lat' => 55.98461833972562118333371472544968128204345703125,
        'lon' => 13.54429500218709137016048771329224109649658203125,
    $p = array (
        'lat' => 55.97609299999999876717993174679577350616455078125,
        'lon' => 13.5475989999999999469082467840053141117095947265625,
    $dist = $pointToLineDistanceCalculator->getDistance(
        new Coordinate($p['lat'], $p['lon']), 
        new Line(
            new Coordinate($ll1['lat'], $ll1['lon']), 
            new Coordinate($ll2['lat'], $ll2['lon'])


    898.46032179829 meters

    But multiple other tools and formulas give a different result, around 971 meters, differing almost 100 meters!

    I've seen similar differences on other line segments and coordinates too, but the above one is a really big difference. Any ideas what's going on here? Which one is correct??

    opened by magnuswikhog 6
  • composer error

    composer error

    - The requested package mjaschen/phpgeo No version set (parsed as 1.0.0) is

    satisfiable by mjaschen/phpgeo[No version set (parsed as 1.0.0)] but these confl ict with your requirements or minimum-stability.

    opened by tamer-dahdul 6
  • Formatter returns too many decimals.

    Formatter returns too many decimals.

    I want to use PHPGeo for simplifying lines in geojson files.

    PHP has a precision set to 8 (Leaving 6 decimals for the coordinates)

    I add points to a new Polyline with addPoint and new Coordinate.

    $line = new Polyline; foreach ($feature['geometry']['coordinates'] as $coordA){ $line->addPoint(new Coordinate($coordA[1],$coordA[0])); }

    I.e. the first coordinates from $feature['geometry']['coordinates'] are Lng: 15.640289 Lat: 60.604169

    For debugging I'm outputting to my html with: $formatter = new GeoJSON; echo var_dump($line->getPoints()[0]).'<br>'; echo $line->format(new GeoJSON()).'<br>'; The var dump on the points shows that the Polyline does indeed only have 6 decimals. But the echo on the results from the format shows Lng and Lat with this amount of decimals: Lng: 15.6402892857124840020333067514002323150634765625 Lat: 60.6041694346744890253830817528069019317626953125

    Which defeats the whole purpose of my simplification goal. As I save more bandwidth by just removing decimals. I don't want precision on subatomic levels.

    Edit: Fixed some typos. Was in a hurry when I wrote it.

    opened by WeeRuz 5
  • Coordinate class naming

    Coordinate class naming

    Hi, I was doing a little bit of domain research for a side project of mine, and I noticed your library: it looks nice! :) While reading the code, I noticed the "Coordinate" class and wondered if it shouldn't be named "Coordinates" (plural) as it represents a pair of coordinates(latitude and longitude, plus an ellipsoid). Sorry for opening an issue for a single character, but I thought it could've been a possible item for the next major release. Thanks!

    opened by omissis 5
  • "Longitude value must be numeric" bad exception

    I get Longitude value must be numeric -180.0 .. +180.0 (given: 180) and looks like I should be able to put 180, right?

    This is because in < instead of <=

    opened by jonyrock 4
  • PerpendicularDistance reports 21k meters on a distance of about 192k

    PerpendicularDistance reports 21k meters on a distance of about 192k

    If you look at this GeoJSON demonstration:

    I have a line drawn near Lake Charles, and a point set near Kingwood, about 120 miles away.

    The following code results in 21,989 meters for those coordinates:

        $perp = new PerpendicularDistance();
        $line = new Line(
            new Coordinate(29.888044473729,-93.580916446874),
            new Coordinate(29.890583508738,-93.552272621677),
        $point = new Coordinate(29.941561, -95.118365);
        dd($perp->getPerpendicularDistance($point, $line));

    This returns 21989.019190836

    Now doing a point distance results in 148k-151k, ex:

        dump($line->getPoint1()->getDistance($point, new Haversine()));
        dd($line->getPoint2()->getDistance($point, new Haversine()));

    this results in:



    opened by acidjazz 4
  • Given a point and a distance, is it possible to compute the corresponding extent ?

    Given a point and a distance, is it possible to compute the corresponding extent ?


    I am trying to compute the extent ((latMin, latMax), (lngMin, lngMax)), from a point (Coordinate object) and a distance.

    Is there an easy way to do that ? I am not familiar with GPS coordinates yet.

    Thank for your time.

    opened by felixveysseyre 4
  • Polygon getArea method

    Polygon getArea method


    First thank you for this awesome library !

    I am trying to compute the area of a polygon. Looking at the implementation of you Polygon class, there is a getArea method. Looking at the annotation, the method is giving false results.

    It is still true ? Do you have any idea when it will be fixed ?


    opened by felixveysseyre 4
  • Line::intersectsLine() is buggy

    Line::intersectsLine() is buggy

    Hello, Unfortunately, the Line::intersectsLine() method doesn't always work correctly. Try this test:

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    use Location\Coordinate;
    use Location\Line;
    $line1 = new Line(
        new Coordinate(0.0, 0.0),
        new Coordinate(0.0, 2.0)
    $line2 = new Line(
        new Coordinate(2.0, 2.0),
        new Coordinate(0.0, 10.0)
    if ($line1->intersectsLine($line2)) {
        echo 'Line::intersectsLine() is buggy!'.PHP_EOL;
    opened by vlad-vinogradov 3
  • Merging multiple adjacent rectangles into one polygon

    Merging multiple adjacent rectangles into one polygon


    Is it possible to implement polygon merging as suggested by users on this page:

    Thank you.

    opened by rumano 0
  • Point directions

    Point directions

    This library provides a class to calculate relative directions between two points (cardinal direction). I don't know about the history of this feature but from a user point of view, it would be handy if this was an integrated method of a point (formerly coordinate):

    $point1->isNorthOf($point2); // returns true/false
    $point1->directionOf($point2); // returns 'north|south|west|east'
    opened by nilshoerrmann 0
  • Explanation of warning for non-geo wiz

    Explanation of warning for non-geo wiz

    Can you please explain the line:

    Warning: The calculation gives wrong results if the polygons has points on both sides of the 180/-180 degrees meridian.

    Maybe you can give a visual example of when these results would be wrong? I'm looking to use this library for shipping calculations where "shipping zones" will be created and the shipping cost will be determined by which polygon the customer's current location falls within. So needless to say wrong results can result in incontinences for the store trying to explain that it was a mistake to customers.

    Currently I'm making use of the Google Maps API Geometry library for this: but I'd like to use PHP instead if i can find a library which is suitable

    opened by UVLabs 0
  • [FEATURE] Compute center of a polygon

    [FEATURE] Compute center of a polygon

    It would be nice to have a method in the Polygon class, which computes and returns the center of all coordinates.

    Is this something you would be interested in? See

    opened by aarongerig 3
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