Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.


Slim Framework

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Slim is a PHP micro-framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.


It's recommended that you use Composer to install Slim.

$ composer require slim/slim:^4.0

This will install Slim and all required dependencies. Slim requires PHP 7.2 or newer.

Choose a PSR-7 Implementation & ServerRequest Creator

Before you can get up and running with Slim you will need to choose a PSR-7 implementation that best fits your application. A few notable ones:

Slim-Http Decorators

Slim-Http is a set of decorators for any PSR-7 implementation that we recommend is used with Slim Framework. To install the Slim-Http library simply run the following command:

composer require slim/http

The ServerRequest and Response object decorators are automatically detected and applied by the internal factories. If you have installed Slim-Http and wish to turn off automatic object decoration then you can use the following statements:


use Slim\Factory\AppFactory;
use Slim\Factory\ServerRequestCreatorFactory;


$app = AppFactory::create();

// ...

Hello World using AppFactory with PSR-7 auto-detection

In order for auto-detection to work and enable you to use AppFactory::create() and App::run() without having to manually create a ServerRequest you need to install one of the following implementations:

Then create file public/index.php.

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;
use Slim\Factory\AppFactory;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

// Instantiate App
$app = AppFactory::create();

// Add error middleware
$app->addErrorMiddleware(true, true, true);

// Add routes
$app->get('/', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    $response->getBody()->write('<a href="/hello/world">Try /hello/world</a>');
    return $response;

$app->get('/hello/{name}', function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) {
    $name = $args['name'];
    $response->getBody()->write("Hello, $name");
    return $response;


You may quickly test this using the built-in PHP server:

$ php -S localhost:8000 -t public

Going to http://localhost:8000/hello/world will now display "Hello, world".

For more information on how to configure your web server, see the Documentation.


To execute the test suite, you'll need to install all development dependencies.

$ git clone
$ composer install
$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Learn More

Learn more at these links:


If you discover security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.

For enterprise

Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription.

The maintainers of Slim and thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact dependencies you use. Learn more.


Code Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. Contribute.

Financial Contributors

Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. Contribute



Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. Contribute


The Slim Framework is licensed under the MIT license. See License File for more information.

  • Slim 4 Release Feedback

    Slim 4 Release Feedback

    Slim 4 Release See the full release notes.

    Before doing anything read the docs I just finished the first draft of the docs for Slim 4 which are available here. I need feedback please:

    Download the 4.0.0 release composer require slim/slim:^4.0

    Install a PSR-7 Implementation You will also need to install a PSR-7 implementation and ServerRequestCreator combo. You can use Slim's PSR-7 Implementation or choose one of the ones described on the 4.x branch README: composer require slim/psr7

    You can also use the Slim 4 DDD API Skeleton to create a new project composer create-project slim/slim-skeleton [my-app-name]

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ping me on Slack or ask questions in this thread directly, I'm available to help!

    Slim 4 
    opened by l0gicgate 83
  • SLIM FRAMEWORK! Working fine in Localhost, but not in web hosting.

    SLIM FRAMEWORK! Working fine in Localhost, but not in web hosting.

    I was half way on my project. And I tried to put it on live hosting. And now, I encountered a problem that when I use my login page, and submit the form.. It didn`t redirect to any page, instead it returned me the same routing page with a blank content/page.

    I have a scenaro.. error

    opened by konskript 62
  • PHP Object Injection Vulnerability in SessionCookie.php

    PHP Object Injection Vulnerability in SessionCookie.php

    Generally, it's a bad idea to blindly unserialize() user-controllable input.

    EDIT - for people who don't want to read the whole thread:

    The SessionCookie class is not used by default, you have to actually write your application to use it. So this means that the unserialize() -> RCE possibility is only for the select few apps that explicitly use this feature. The default is the native session driver, which is of course not vulnerable.

    opened by sarciszewski 62
  • Routing is incompatible with embedded PHP server and default nginx settings

    Routing is incompatible with embedded PHP server and default nginx settings

    The default Nginx value of SCRIPT_NAME parameter sent to PHP-FPM is: fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;

    The default value of $fastcgi_script_name is a request URI.

    In the same time Slim sets the BasePath setting to $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] here:

    A router substracts the basepath from the URL The router receives "/" as the URI for any request, and so it misses all routes except of "/".

    discussion Slim 3 
    opened by grikdotnet 54
  • Slim 4 and PHP versions

    Slim 4 and PHP versions

    More of a question than an issue, but what versions of PHP are to be supported by Slim 4? Has dropping PHP 5 support in the new major version been considered?

    Slim 4 
    opened by Sam-Burns 53
  • Slim 4 Alpha Release Feedback

    Slim 4 Alpha Release Feedback

    Slim 4 Alpha Release See the full release notes

    Before doing anything read the docs I just finished the first draft of the docs for Slim 4 which are available here. I need feedback please:

    Download an test the 4.0.0-alpha release You may also play around with the 4.x branch and create a simple app with it to test things out. composer require slim/slim:4.0.0-alpha

    Install a PSR-7 Implementation You will also need to install a PSR-7 implementation and ServerRequestCreator combo. You can use Slim's PSR-7 Implementation or choose one of the ones described on the 4.x branch README: composer require slim/psr7:dev-master

    Slim 4 DDD API Skeleton Prototype I also just created a Slim4 Skeleton with a DDD style directory structure with example files and test coverage for everything. I'm not sure if it's the right fit yet as it may be a bit too opinionated but I'd love some feedback:

    git clone
    git checkout 4.x

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ping me on Slack or ask questions in this thread directly, I'm available to help!

    discussion Slim 4 
    opened by l0gicgate 50
  • Slim instance as parameter in controller constructor

    Slim instance as parameter in controller constructor

    This PR addresses issue #748 by passing the \Slim\Slim application object to the controller constructor.

    Just add something like the following to your controller class and \Slim\Slim object will be available within your controllers.

     * Constructor
     * @param \Slim\Slim $application The Slim application
    public function __construct(\Slim\Slim $application)
        $this->app = $application;
    opened by ciaranmaher 44
  • Should Slim 4's middleware be LIFO or FIFO?

    Should Slim 4's middleware be LIFO or FIFO?

    Slim 3 currently uses a Last In, First Out (LIFO) model for middleware.

    That is:


    will execute the middleware in the order:

    1. middleware1
    2. middleware2
    3. middleware3

    This works if you imagine middleware as layers of an onion and adding a new middleware adds a new layer to the outside of the onion.

    An alternative, would be to use First In, First Out (FIFO) model.

    This is, the same PHP code would execute the middleware in this order:

    1. middleware3
    2. middleware2
    3. middleware1

    This works if you imagine middleware as a pipleline going from top to bottom where the first one you add is the first one that's executed, then the second one added is executed, etc.

    Should Slim 4 change to the FIFO model?

    discussion question Slim 4 
    opened by akrabat 43
  • Slim 4.0 Road Map

    Slim 4.0 Road Map

    Here are some intiial thoughts:

    • [BC break] Extract Slim\Http into separate PSR-7 component (ONLY PSR-7 methods)
    • [BC break] Create custom decorator classes to hold Slim-specific additions to PSR-7
    • Accommodate additional media type parsers in request
    • Address issues reported by Phan
    • Improve test coverage

    Additional ideas:

    • [BC break] Remove Request, Response and Env from container (@akrabat)
    • [BC break] Don't set content-length by default. Provide a middleware for people to use if they want to. (@akrabat)
    • Make it faster (or at least don't slow it down!) (@Cyrille37)
    • [BC break] Removing Method-Override and providing a middleware (@geggleto)
    • [BC break] Decide if we need subRequest at all (@codeguy/@silentworks/@geggleto)
    • Lazy resolve route middlewares (#1635) We already do this with route callable(only resolve the matched one). (@mathmarques)
    • Look at __invoke and run on App and see if we can consolidate functionality and make them easier to unit test. (@geggleto)
    • [BC break] Consolidate error handlers for exceptions and PHP 7 errors (@akrabat)
    • Can we avoid statics in Slim\Http? See #1850 (@Raistlfiren)
    • [BC break] Look at pathFor()'s parameters? see #1800 (@akrabat)
    • [BC break] Do something about basePath from Request. Maybe middleware solution instead? (@akrabat)
    • [BC break] Remove determineRouteBeforeDispatch and make routing a middleware that can be placed where you want it to be. If you don't add it yourself, we would add it immediately before dispatch. (@akrabat)
    • Use getallheaders() to get the Authorisation header. (irc channel)
    • Move documentation into main repo and publish to website on each new release. That way we can insist on documentation with the PR.
    • [BC break] Either rename Slim\Exception\SlimException or remove it.

    Please add additional thoughts below.

    discussion Slim 4 
    opened by codeguy 43
  • 4.x Error Handling

    4.x Error Handling

    Description As discussed on issue #2170 I feel that the error handling has always been a bit clunky and very tightly coupled to the rendering of the error. This PR eliminates all native error handlers and replaces it with ErrorHandler which handles all errors. You can create a handler for any exception in these ways:

     * Via Shortcut Method
     * Notice that the callable also gets passed $displayErrorDetails optionally from the App settings
     * You can either pass a callback or a resolvable callable as the second parameter
     * My implementation uses CallableResolver when 
    $handler = function ($req, $res, $exception, $displayErrorDetails) {
        return $response;
    $app->setErrorHandler(\Your\Namespaced\Exception::class, $handler);
     * Via Named Shortcut Methods Currently NotFound and NotAllowed only
    $app->setNotFoundHandler(function ($request, $response, $exception) {
        return $response;
     * Via App Settings
    $app = new \Slim\App([
          * The default error handler can be set using this variable
          * or the $app->setDefaultErrorHandler() method
          * All exceptions are caught by this handler by default which is an instance of ErrorHandler
        'defaultErrorHandler' => function ($req, $res, $exception, $displayErrorDetails) {
           return $res->withJson(['Oops...']);
          * You can also set multiple error handlers via the settings object
          * by passing an associative array with 'Namespace\Exception' => function () {}
          * You can also pass a resolvable callable since this PR implements CallableResolver
        'errorHandlers' => [
           \Slim\Exceptions\HttpNotFoundException::class => function (...) {...},
           \Your\Namespaced\Exception::class => ResolvableCallable::class

    Error Handling/Rendering The rendering is finally decoupled from the handling. Everything still works the way it previously did. It will still detect the content-type and render things appropriately with the help of ErrorRenderers. The core ErrorHandler extends the AbstractErrorHandler class which has been completely refactored. By default it will call the appropriate ErrorRenderer for the supported content types. Someone can now provide their custom error renderer by extending the AbstractErrorHandler class and overloading the protected renderer variable from the parent.

    class MyCustomErrorRenderer extends \Slim\Handlers\AbstractErrorRenderer
        public function render()
            return 'My awesome format';
    class MyCustomErrorHandler extends \Slim\Handlers\AbstractErrorHandler
        protected $renderer = MyCustomErrorRenderer::class;

    HTTP Exceptions I just think it makes sense to throw HTTP based exceptions within the application. These exceptions works with nicely with the proposed native renderers. They can each have a description and title attribute as well to provide a bit more insight when the native HTML renderer is invoked.

    The base class HttpException extends Exception and comes with the following sub classes :

    • HttpBadGatewayException
    • HttpBadRequestException
    • HttpForbiddenException
    • HttpInternalServerErrorException
    • HttpNotAllowedException
    • HttpNotFoundException
    • HttpNotImplementedException
    • HttpUnauthorizedException

    The developer can extend the HttpException class if they need any other response codes that we decide not to provide with the base repository. Example if you wanted a 504 gateway timeout exception that behaves like the native ones you would do the following: I

    class HttpForbiddenException extends HttpException
        protected $code = 504;
        protected $message = 'Gateway Timeout.';
        protected $title = '504 Gateway Timeout';
        protected $description = 'Timed out before receiving response from the upstream server.';


    • [x] Build Passing
    • [x] Unit Tests (Coverage Increased +2.03%)
    • [ ] Discussion and Code Review.
    Slim 4 
    opened by l0gicgate 40
  • Regression fix for Route Group

    Regression fix for Route Group

    These are the cases covered:

    Single routes:

    | Route URI | Final pattern registered with router | | --- | --- | | '/foo' | /foo | | '/foo/' | /foo/ | | 'foo' | /foo | | '/' | / | | '' | / |

    Route groups:

    | Group 1 | Group 2 (if exists) | Route URI | Final pattern registered with router | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | '/foo' | | '/bar' | /foo/bar | | '/foo' | | '/bar/' | /foo/bar/ | | '/foo' | | '/' | /foo | | '/foo' | | '' | /foo | | '/foo' | '/baz' | '/' | /foo/baz | | '/foo' | '/baz' | '' | /foo/baz | | '/foo' | '/baz' | '/bar' | /foo/baz/bar | | '/foo' | '/baz' | '/bar/' | /foo/baz/bar/ | | '/foo' | '/' | '/bar' | /foo/bar | | '/foo' | '/' | 'bar' | /foo/bar | | '/foo' | '' | '/bar' | /foo/bar | | '/foo' | '' | 'bar' | /foo/bar | | '/' | | '/bar' | /bar | | '/' | | '/bar/' | /bar/ | | '/' | | '/' | / | | '/' | | '' | / | | '/' | '/baz' | '/' | /baz | | '/' | '/baz' | '' | /baz | | '/' | '/baz' | '/bar' | /baz/bar | | '/' | '/baz' | '/bar/' | /baz/bar/ | | '/' | '/' | '/bar' | /bar | | '/' | '/' | 'bar' | /bar | | '/' | '' | '/bar' | /bar | | '/' | '' | 'bar' | /bar | | '' | | '/bar' | /bar | | '' | | '/bar/' | /bar/ | | '' | | '/' | / | | '' | | '' | / | | '' | '/baz' | '/' | /baz | | '' | '/baz' | '' | /baz | | '' | '/baz' | '/bar' | /baz/bar | | '' | '/baz' | '/bar/' | /baz/bar/ | | '' | '/' | '/bar' | /bar | | '' | '/' | 'bar' | /bar | | '' | '' | '/bar' | /bar | | '' | '' | 'bar' | /bar |

    Routes and Route Groups are expected to always start with a slash /.

    Related to #1578

    Feedback welcome @akrabat @designermonkey @geggleto @dopesong

    bug Slim 3 
    opened by silentworks 40
  • Render trace in JsonErrorRenderer

    Render trace in JsonErrorRenderer

    opened by maiermic 2
  • Route arguments get decoded twice

    Route arguments get decoded twice


    The arguments get decoded twice, in:

    • \Slim\Routing\RoutingResults::getRouteArguments
    • \Slim\Routing\RouteResolver::computeRoutingResults

    That's a problem if the argument contains a "decodable" combination of characters.

    Let's say I have an article with id 9%65. The route to retrieve it is /articles/{id}.

    If I rawurlencode the article id (i.e. /articles/9%2565), since it gets decoded twice, the argument returned is 9e instead of 9%65.

    In order to get the proper argument, I'd need to rawurlencode the article id twice (i.e. /articles/9%252565)

    Please advise

    opened by assertio-dani 4
  • RequestResponseNamedArgs and Typed Parameters

    RequestResponseNamedArgs and Typed Parameters

    I was in the process of migrating my web application to use the Slim RequestResponseNamedArgs controller invoker in favor of the previous PHP-DI/Invoker-based one I was using, and I had expected that the transition would be a fairly straightforward one, but I'm running into one big issue: if you type a parameter in a controller action, for example as an int, it can never coerce into that value:

    $app->get('/test', function($request, $response, int $id) {
        // This will fail with RequestResponseNamedArgs

    The reason this fails is because, at least per my own research, there's no way to specify that a route parameter should be cast as an integer, even if it only accepts numeric values per its FastRoute config. Because declare(strict_types=1) is set on the RequestResponseNamedArgs class, it won't coerce the always-string values for parameters to fit the typed argument in the action.

    I'm not sure what the elegant solution to this is. You could remove the strict typing from that single class, since any type strictness originates from the calling file and this would allow type coercion...or somehow let FastRoute know that it should be parsing some parameters as integers.

    I'm not even sure that it's something you'd want to fix on the framework side at all, instead choosing to say that every passed parameter will be a string because, well, URLs are strings. That's certainly what my immediate resolution will be, just to re-type all of those action arguments as strings and parse them down the line.

    opened by BusterNeece 4
  • Use PHP attributes for route definitions

    Use PHP attributes for route definitions

    PHP 8.0+ allows you to use attributes for classes and methods. As a long-time slim user, I thought about implementing attributes in order to define routes.

    Instead of writing

    $app->get("/users/", "function", $middlewares);

    , we then could directly write code like this:

    #[Controller(route: "/users", middlewares: [AuthenticationMiddleware::class])]
    class UserController extends AbstractController {
        #[Endpoint(method: RequestMethodInterface::METHOD_GET, route: "/", middlewares: [])]
        public function get(Request $request, Response $response, array $args): Response {

    Is this something that could be implemented in Slim as a feature?

    Slim 5 
    opened by andreas-aeschlimann 4
  • Is it possible to change private visibility to protected?

    Is it possible to change private visibility to protected?

    When I launch functional tests I don't need exception trace log output because Its huge. I want to see only an exception type, code, message, file and line. So I decided to override the formatExceptionFragment method (remove 4 strings forming trace output) of PlainTextErrorRenderer. But the method is private and called from the __invoke method. And so I cant override formatExceptionFragment in child class - to do it - I should also copy __invoke to child class. But then there is no point in inheritance either - you get a separate class, almost identical to PlainTextErrorRenderer, except for 4 lines.

    It seems redundant to me to copy almost all the code from PlainTextErrorRenderer just to remove the 4 lines of code responsible for the trace output. Is it possible to change private visibility to protected of the formatExceptionFragment method?

    Slim 4 
    opened by solventt 5
  • Improve error logging by providing exception in context

    Improve error logging by providing exception in context

    When logging errors in Slim\Handlers\ErrorHandler logError the logger object is declared to implement the LoggerInterface and the error function of this interface is used to actually log the error:

        protected function logError(string $error): void

    The LoggerInterface error method has an optional second parameter named context that can be an array of anything. Supplying the exception in this array would improve error logging for some LoggerInterface implementations, e.g. with Monolog you could decide to log different kinds of exceptions differently, without the exception in the context this is not possible.

    The only change needed would be:

        protected function logError(string $error): void
            $this->logger->error($error, [ "exception" => $this->exception ]);

    Would it make sense to add this?

    Slim 4 
    opened by pdehne 6
Slim Framework
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