Magento extension which makes it impossible for a customer to log in until the account has been activated by the administrator.


This Magento 1 extension is orphaned, unsupported and no longer maintained.

If you use it, you are effectively adopting the code for your own project.

Customer Activation

Make it impossible for a customer to log in until the account has been activated by the admin.



This small extension makes it impossible for a customer to log in to magento, until the account has been activated in the adminhtml interface.

Customers - Manage Customers - (select customer) - Account Information - Is activated

You can also select email notifications for the admin (when a new customer registers) and for the customer (when her account has been activated).

New customers can be configured to be activated by default. This can also be done on a per group basis.

The Extension was designed to be used together with the Netzarbeiter_LoginCatalog extension. Netzarbeiter_LoginCatalog only shows products to customers that are logged in. There also is the Extension Netzarbeiter_GroupsCatalog2 which may suit your needs better, you have to evaluate yourself what is the best solution for your case.


  • Magento >= 1.4

Installation Instructions

  1. Install the extension via Magento Connect with the key shown above or copy all the files into your document root.
  2. Clear the cache, logout from the admin panel and then login again.
  3. Configure and activate the extension under System - Configuration - Customer Configuration - Customer Activation

If you have existing customers prior to installing the extension, they will be deactivated by default.
You can easily and quickly activate all existing accounts using the mass action found above the customer backend grid.

Uninstallation Instructions

  1. Delete the file app/etc/modules/Netzarbeiter_CustomerActivation.xml
  2. Execute the following SQL:
   DELETE FROM eav_attribute WHERE attribute_code = 'customer_activated';
   DELETE FROM core_resource WHERE code = 'customeractivation_setup';
  1. Remove all remaining extension files
    • app/code/community/Netzarbeiter/CustomerActivation/
    • app/locale/*/Netzarbeiter_CustomerActivation.csv
    • app/locale/*/template/email/netzarbeiter/customeractivation


  • Thanks to Max for the updated french translation!
  • Thanks to Junya Sano for the japanese translation!
  • Thanks to SeL for the french translation and the bugfix!
  • Thanks to SeL also for reporting the backend customer creation bug.
  • Thanks to Toon van Veelen for the dutch translation!
  • Thanks to Erik Hoeksma for the Greek translation!
  • Thanks to PaulE for the integration in the admin grid for mass activation of customers!
  • Thanks to Finn Snaterse for the inclusion in the Adminhtml Grid!
  • Thanks to Aaron Kondziela for reminding me to clean up the admin customer edit page stuff!
  • Thanks to Chiara Piatti for the italian translation!


If you have any issues with this extension, open an issue on GitHub (see URL above)


Any contributions are highly appreciated. The best way to contribute code is to open a pull request on GitHub.


Vinai Kopp


OSL - Open Software Licence 3.0


(c) 2015 Vinai Kopp

  • Login not working with I.E.

    Login not working with I.E.

    Since installing, this stops customers from being able to login with Internet Explorer (Any version, but for sure 9 and 10)

    I added this code which fixes that Magento - IE Issue for login and works fine, except when using this extension:

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />

    If I put this in: Observer.php in the directory: app/code/community/Netzarbeiter/CustomerActivation/Model
    I get an error when logging in with any browser, but when I hit the back button, it logs in, even in IE. Any idea on the fix for customer login with IE? I am using magento

    Love the extension though Thanks =)

    opened by myofficesetup 21
  • Customer activation section not showing up [Magento Version <= 1.6]

    Customer activation section not showing up [Magento Version <= 1.6]

    First off, thanks so much for this extension!

    It seems as though I can't get the customer activation to work. In the customer view in admin there is no customer activation setting. I tried to activate customers using mass update part in customer table but even after update, I am still unable to have customer activated.

    I would be happy to provide credentials if you care to check it out.

    opened by jigmo 21
  • Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Customeractivation_Helper_Data' not found in /home/robert42/public_html/magento/app/Mage.php on line 546

    Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Customeractivation_Helper_Data' not found in /home/robert42/public_html/magento/app/Mage.php on line 546

    When I click the System > Configuration > Customer Configuration button I get: Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Customeractivation_Helper_Data' not found in /home/robert42/public_html/magento/app/Mage.php on line 546

    Please help!

    opened by drecklar 15
  • customeractivation/observer already exists

    customeractivation/observer already exists

    In your updates I saw that you fixed the problem for this. But when I install the plugin I still get the error when trying to load the backend of Magento.

    Full error:

    Mage registry key "_singleton/customeractivation/observer" already exists

    Trace: #0 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/app/Mage.php(222): Mage::throwException('Mage registry k...') #1 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/app/Mage.php(476): Mage::register('_singleton/cust...', false) #2 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/includes/src/__default.php(21023): Mage::getSingleton('customeractivat...') #3 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/app/Mage.php(447): Mage_Core_Model_App->dispatchEvent('adminhtml_block...', Array) #4 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/includes/src/Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Template.php(80): Mage::dispatchEvent('adminhtml_block...', Array) #5 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/includes/src/__default.php(2518): Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Template->_toHtml() #6 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/includes/src/__default.php(27393): Mage_Core_Block_Abstract->toHtml() #7 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/includes/src/__default.php(13553): Mage_Core_Model_Layout->getOutput() #8 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/CustomerController.php(151): Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action->renderLayout() #9 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/includes/src/__default.php(13582): Mage_Adminhtml_CustomerController->editAction() #10 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/includes/src/__default.php(17927): Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action->dispatch('edit') #11 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/includes/src/__default.php(17484): Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Standard->match(Object(Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http)) #12 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/includes/src/__default.php(20061): Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Front->dispatch() #13 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/app/Mage.php(683): Mage_Core_Model_App->run(Array) #14 /var/www/html/naturecrops/www/index.php(87): Mage::run('', 'store') #15 {main}

    opened by ghost 15
  • Customers can still send orders

    Customers can still send orders

    Hi, I use magento 1.5 and I've installed your extension. The activation prosess is working, but customers can still send their orders without beeing activated? I've sendt you an e-mail before and you've asked me to start an issue here. The sites name is Best regards

    opened by emilshamloo 14
  • Installing this extension blocks my admin

    Installing this extension blocks my admin


    I have tried to install the extension but after installing I cannot acces my backend.

    I get the following massage: Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons. Error log record number: 148721409918

    Can you tell me what I do wrong? Thanks

    opened by chndr 13
  • Can log into admin after installing...

    Can log into admin after installing...

    I installed this extension through github, but all my customers dissapear from Manage Customers, so i create new customer to check if new one will appear, however it says that i have 3 records, but no one showed up there, this made that this last customer wasnt activated, since i need my customers back, i deleted the extension from the FTP, but the problem is that now i received an error about a Mage Register Key, so i installed again, and now i can log in, but i only get the header from admin, and not the rest, so i pretty much stuck, with no backup... please help me solve this issue

    opened by frenciaj 12
  • Lost password functionality enables users to circumvent activation

    Lost password functionality enables users to circumvent activation

    We found some users on my client's wholesale site able to circumvent the activation on their account. Running latest version of customer activation extension. we are running magento

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Enable extension etc.
    2. Regisetr a customer account.
    3. Go to log in screen and choose "lost poassword"
    4. user gets emailed a password change link
    5. user follows password change link and is able to chaneg password
    6. magento automatically logs user in after the password change.
    opened by Vinai 12
  • Changing password deactivating the account.

    Changing password deactivating the account.

    Hello Vinai,

    First of all thanks for the useful extension. I faced an issue while changing password of the reseller account. The account was activated earlier and when I login and go to my account, change the password, the account is getting deactivated.

    Could you please help me solve the issue.

    Thanks, Prasanthi.

    opened by prasanthit 11
  • For Register customer

    For Register customer

    Hi vinai,

    Thanks For Extension.

    I Want to do register customer is registered that time its show logout link on the top link.because i want to pay to customer registration fees from customer.

    and then its login that time its not activate customer its show error.

    Please reply as early as possible.

    opened by purvi123 10
  • Sending additional customer data to admin

    Sending additional customer data to admin

    Hi Vinai, found a small issue in the module. In my configuration I require customer full details (including company name, address,country etc.). When I try to send for example Telephone, Country and Company to site admin they are empty. Small addition helped me in this. I call Mage::getModel("customer/customer")->load(...) and then use this object when passing billing and shipping params to the emails. Think it is wroth looking at.

    Thanks Milen

    opened by milenp 9
  • How to change in file: Data.php code: Default Activation Status Group to: not active after registration?

    How to change in file: Data.php code: Default Activation Status Group to: not active after registration?


    After registration user customer group Company default is automaticly activated, can use account and can see/order products with special prices which only set for this group without manually activation approvement by administrator ..

    .. while there is set in Customer Activation extension that registration first must be activated by administrator before user customer group Company can loggin, use account or see/order products with special prices only set for this group.

    Strange is also that in Magento backend the registration from customer group Company status is shown Customer Activated status: No.

    While after registration for this group directly automaticly the account is active and usable ?!

    Now I noticed in the Customer Registration extension in file:




    Following code snippet:

         * Return the default activation status for a given group and store Id
         * @param int $groupId
         * @param int $storeId
         * @return bool
        public function getDefaultActivationStatus($groupId, $storeId)
            $defaultIsActive = Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_DEFAULT_STATUS, $storeId);
            $activateByGroup = Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_DEFAULT_STATUS_BY_GROUP, $storeId);
            if (! $defaultIsActive && $activateByGroup) {
                $notActiveGroups = explode(',', Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_DEFAULT_STATUS_GROUPS, $storeId));
                $isActive = in_array($groupId, $notActiveGroups) ? false : true;
            } else {
                $isActive = $defaultIsActive;
            return $isActive;

    I am not a coder but as for as so far as I can see I assume the issue got to do with this code snippet line:

    $isActive = in_array($groupId, $notActiveGroups) ? false : true;

    If I read logical this code says actually:


    Not activate groups?



    Which means in other words also the same as:


    activate groups?



    From this I must simpy conclude that in practise this means that when user customer group Company registrate default it is automaticly activated in frontend.

    Namely, when turn it around logically I would say the code snippet line should be something like this:

    $isActive = in_array($groupId, $notActiveGroups) ? false : false;

    But again, I am not a coder so forgive me and don't laugh too hard if it has nothing to do with the issue in my Mage shop please hehehe ;)))

    Though if what I say makes any decent indeed:

    How to adjust the code right to solve the issue in my shop?

    Best regards,


    opened by J-dsgn 1
  • Customer group activated while registration requires activation by administrator

    Customer group activated while registration requires activation by administrator


    I use with with very much pleasure your Magento extension:

    Customer Activation

    There is a problem with the registration activation for Company customer group registrations.

    Namely in Magento is set that registration for Company customer group require activation.

    See screenshot:

    But when a Company customer group registrate the account is default directly active without approvement by manual activation from administrator.

    See screenshot:

    Also the special product prices for this Comany customer group are showing in the webshop frontend while registration is not approved yet by administrator ?!

    See screenshot:

    While in Magento at Manage Users this registrated Company customer group user is not activated ?!

    See screenshot:

    How to solve this issue so that:

    Registration Company customer group is not default activated directly without first manually approvement by activation from the administrator?

    Best regards,


    opened by J-dsgn 0
  • Notification message to advise account needs to be approved

    Notification message to advise account needs to be approved

    Is there meant to be an on-screen notification to advise the customer that the account will need to be approved by an admin?

    I've just tested this and the login page just refreshed with no notification or message at all.

    opened by zigojacko 2
  • Unable to Select Email From (Name and Email)

    Unable to Select Email From (Name and Email)


    This extension works fine to a greater extent. I'm running multiple stores and need to notify admin using the email based on the store the customer have registered.

    Let's take an example here what I'm looking for: There are 2 stores : ABC and PQR

    1. Email from ABC are being sent as ABC[email protected]
    2. Email from PQR are being sent as PQR[email protected]

    Instead of this happening, admin always receive notification from default store as ABC[email protected] even though customer registers an account on store PQR.

    Any help with this would be really appreciated!


    opened by dev-rutulshah 4
  • does not redirect or close the registration window

    does not redirect or close the registration window


    After I enable the customer-activation, the registration windows will not close after customers register. If I disable the customer-activation, everything works fine and the windows will close after customers click the register button.

    opened by emailsh 0
  • How to include customer address in Notify customer registration to admin email?

    How to include customer address in Notify customer registration to admin email?


    I tried adding customer , order, shippig attributes to display customer address. But nothing worked. var customer.getAddresses() is print "Array" in email , How to display customer address in email ?


    opened by kanampalli 0
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