Doctrine extension to persist spatial data objects.



Doctrine-spatial is a doctrine extension. It implements spatial types and functions. As exemple, this extension can help you to know if your favorite superheroes is inside Gotham city.

Currently, MySQL and PostgreSQL with PostGIS are supported. Could potentially add support for other platforms if an interest is expressed.

Current status

Test on PHP/MySQL Test on PHP/PgSQL Main Status Downloads Documentation Status Coverage Status


The new documentation explain how to:

  • install this doctrine extension,
  • configure this extension,
  • create spatial entities,
  • use spatial functions in your repositories,
  • contribute (and test)

The documentation contains a glossary of all available types and all available spatial functions.

Project origins

This useful library was created by Derek J. Lambert. Alexandre Tranchant forked it from creof/doctrine-spatial because project seems to be non-active since 2017.

The dev branch can be used, but be careful backward compatibility aren't warrantied. The main branch will be dedicated to fix issue. The release 3.0 will be published during summer 2021. The release 4.0 will be published during winter 2022 and compatibility with PHP7.4 will be abandoned because of PHP roadmap



This doctrine extension is compatible with PHP 7.4+ and PHP 8.0 Security fixes will follow the PHP Roadmap.

MySQL 5.7 and 8.0

A lot of functions change their names between these two versions. The MySQL 5.7 deprecated functions are not implemented.

MariaDB 10

This version is NOT compatible with MariaDB version. Some spatial functions seems to work, but their results are different from MySQL version (StContains function is a good example).


This spatial library is compatible with PostgreSql13. This library is tested with Postgis 3.1.

Migrating from creof/doctrine2-spatial

Update your composer.json to replace creof/doctrine2-spatial by longitude-one/doctrine-spatial.

Update the namespace, each use CrEOF\Spatial\... by use LongitudeOne\Spatial\...

Help wanted

RFC I don't have enough money to buy the last edition of the ISO/IEC 13249-3:2016. I only bought the previous version. This document is essential to know which functions are in Standard and which one are specific to a database engine. If anyone has bought one and don't use it anymore, feel free to forward it. You can contact me by mail, specified in composer.json.

Microsoft SQL Server I'm searching help to create a docker delivering a Microsoft SQL Server service. So I'll be able to implement compatibility with this database server.

MariaDB I'm searching help to create a Github action delivering a MariaDB service, to launch test and determine if this library is compatible.

  • Remove deprecation notice

    Remove deprecation notice

    Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\Functions\FunctionNode::parse() has a @return void annotation, which might become a native return type declaration in the future.

    Symfony's DebugClassLoader checks for inconsistencies between return types in classes and their parents/interfaces, and triggers a deprecation notice every time the library is used in a Symfony dev environment. This @return annotation fixes that.

    bug on test only 
    opened by cinamo 3
  • Latitude / Longitude issue

    Latitude / Longitude issue

    I think I found a very confusing bug which is easy to replicate:

    Test script

    $lat = 52.092876;
    $lon = 5.104480;
    var_dump($lat, $lon);
    $point = new \LongitudeOne\Spatial\PHP\Types\Geometry\Point($lat, $lon);
    var_dump($point->getLatitude(), $point->getLongitude());


 Refers as Lat Lon construct (in this order) and writes lat to X and lon to Y

    This is the issue: When using getLatitude() it will return the data from Y instead of X.

    Would changing the getLatitude and getLongitude fix it entirely or is there unintended side effects for this?

    opened by Vincentv92 2
  • Doctrine deprecated methods and classes should be replaced

    Doctrine deprecated methods and classes should be replaced

    Because of doctrine updates, there are still some deprecated functions.


    • setMethods *2
    • setMetaDataCacheImpl (fixed by #6)


    • executeUpdate
    • exec
    • setMetaDataCacheImpl (fixed by #6)


    • class Doctrine\DBAL\Version is deprecated
    opened by Alexandre-T 1
  • Class 'Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache' not found

    Class 'Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache' not found

    An error appears when starting test jobs after the PR #4 was submitted.

    This error isn't due to the PR.

    1. LongitudeOne\Spatial\Tests\DBAL\Types\Geography\GeoPolygonTypeTest::testNullPolygon Error: Class 'Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache' not found
    opened by Alexandre-T 1
  • Class ORMException deprecated

    Class ORMException deprecated

    Replace all ORMException

    namespace Doctrine\ORM;
     * Base exception class for all ORM exceptions.
     * @deprecated Use Doctrine\ORM\Exception\ORMException for catch and instanceof
    class ORMException extends Exception
    opened by Alexandre-T 0
  • Declare the allow-plugins config

    Declare the allow-plugins config

    For additional security you should declare the allow-plugins config with a list of packages names that are allowed to run code. See You have until July 2022 to add the setting. Composer will then switch the default behavior to disallow all plugins.

    bug on test only 
    opened by Alexandre-T 0
  • Upgrade to phpcs fixer 3

    Upgrade to phpcs fixer 3

    Message : You are running PHP CS Fixer v2, which is not maintained anymore. Please update to v3. You may find an UPGRADE guide at

    bug on test only 
    opened by Alexandre-T 0
  • Test failed because of doctrine update

    Test failed because of doctrine update

    Some tests now failed because of doctrine updates. This is due to :

    • updates on namespaces
    • final classes cannot be mocked
    • some Postgresql functions returns values in another order
    bug on test only 
    opened by Alexandre-T 0
  • Fixtures for functional tests should be internal

    Fixtures for functional tests should be internal

    Fixtures for functional tests should be internal to avoid that PHPStorm or any other code editor purpose these non-useful classes during autocompletion.

    opened by Alexandre-T 0
  • Fixing cache

    Fixing cache

    Replacing no-more existing Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache by Cache\Adapter\PHPArray\ArrayCachePool Replacing deprecated method setMetadataCacheImpl from Doctrine\ORM\Configuration by setMetadataCache

    opened by Alexandre-T 0
  • ST_GeomFromText is missing when using DBAL insert / update methods

    ST_GeomFromText is missing when using DBAL insert / update methods

    Hi there.

    First thing first: thank you for this package.

    Let's talk about the following example:

    CREATE TABLE `table_foobar` (
      `name` varchar(19) NOT NULL,
      `position` point DEFAULT NULL
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3 COLLATE=utf8mb3_unicode_ci;
    $point = new Point($longitude, $latitude);
        'name' => 'john',
        'position' => new Point(2.35222, 48.8566);
        'position' => new PointType(),

    I get the following exception.

      An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `table_foobar` (name, position) VALUES (?, ?)' with params ["john", "POINT(2.35222 48.8566)"]:
      SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 1416 Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field

    Do you have any clue to solve this error?

    Note that I'm just using DBAL Doctrine integration.


    opened by armetiz 1
  • SRID POINT Mysql 8+ Not saved

    SRID POINT Mysql 8+ Not saved

    Mysql 8 can save PONT like this: ST_SRID(POINT(...), 4326) But

                $point = new Point($lon, $lat);
                $point->setSrid(4326); # !!!!!!!!!!

    Not working - SRID did not saved

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by tebaly 1
  • SLQLite issue

    SLQLite issue

    Is there a way to go around the SQLite limitation? I use it only for fast testing and tests don't even need to cover this value.

    The error I get when I try to update schema:

    In AbstractSpatialType.php line 235:
    DBAL platform "sqlite" is not currently supported. 

    The only idea I have is to make a Doctrine event that would completely remove it when in test environment but that sounds very wrong.

    opened by zmitic 6
  • Add test for missed functions

    Add test for missed functions

    There is no test for the next files:

    • PostGis: SpScale.php
    • PostGis: SpTransform.php
    • PostGis: SpTranslate.php
    • Standard: StConvexHull.php(
    good first issue help wanted 
    opened by Alexandre-T 0
  • 3.0.2(Feb 16, 2022)

  • 3.0.1(Jan 20, 2022)

    Version 3.0.1

    • Removing deprecation due to doctrine and class ORMException ;
    • allow-plugins configured in composer.json ;
    • some upgrade for doctrine-spatial contributors (phpcsfixer v3) ;
    • fixing some tests ;
    • Fixtures used by internal functional tests are now internal to avoid confusion with auto-completion plugin ;
    • Minor improvements in documentation.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.0-RC4(Jul 20, 2021)

    Test upgraded. Weak code detected by PhpStorm fixed. Documentation up to date. Code coverage improved.

    If no issues are detected, Version 3.0 will be release August 17th.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.0-RC3(Jun 30, 2021)

  • 3.0.0-RC2(Jun 23, 2021)

    • removing deprecated methods PHPUnit::Mock::setMethods
    • removing deprecated method Doctrine::executeUpdate
    • removing deprecated method Doctrine::exec
    • Replacing no-more existing Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache by Cache\Adapter\PHPArray\ArrayCachePool
    • Replacing deprecated method setMetadataCacheImpl from Doctrine\ORM\Configuration by setMetadataCache
    • Fix package name and namespaces in documentation (thanks @toooni )
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.0-RC1(Jun 18, 2021)

    As the creof team doesn't have anymore time to maintain their awesome spatial extension for doctrine (creof/doctrine2-spatial), this package replaces it.

    This package starts as the third version, because last release of creof/doctrine2-spatial is 2.0.

    Look at the Changelog, to know each updates, but the essential is:

    • PHP8.0 is now supported (and tested),
    • MySQL and PostgreSQL are still supported,
    • Postgis3.1 is supported.

    This package includes improvements in the PR#209

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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