210 Repositories
PHP zabbix-module-hosts-tree Libraries
This Magento 2 module adds the option to use Flagpack icons in your Hyvä frontend.
Siteation - Hyva Icon Pack - Flags This Magento 2 module adds the option to use Flagpack icons in your Hyvä frontend. This requires that you have a wo
The task of this package is to manage module dotnev-files used by the Laravel integration of phpdotenv.
Warning This Package is still work in progress! Warning The package is basically functional, but there is no logic to handle the files in a repo. Modu
Display some useful information in the reports module.
Useful information in the reports module : xclass, ajax, cliKeys, eID, general status of the system (encoding, DB, php vars...), hooks, compare local and TER extension (diff), used content type, used plugins, ExtDirect... It can really help you during migration or new existing project (to have a global reports of the system).
File manager module for the Lumen PHP framework.
Lumen File Manager File manager module for the Lumen PHP framework. Please note that this module is still under active development. NOTE: Branch 5.1 i
Charcoal Content Management System (CMS) Module
Charcoal CMS The CMS Charcoal Module (Content Management System). Provides basic objects to build a website. Notably, Section (or page), News, Event a
Provide CSV, JSON, XML and YAML files as an Import Source for the Icinga Director and optionally ship hand-crafted additional Icinga2 config files
Icinga Web 2 Fileshipper module The main purpose of this module is to extend Icinga Director using some of it's exported hooks. Based on them it offer
dEveloper Module for PHP-Nuke Titanium v4.0.0
Titanium_SandBox Titanium_SandBox The Titanium Sandbox Module v4.0.0b: This module is only for PHP-Nuke Titanium application builders. A sandbox is a
Couleur is a modern PHP 8.1+ color library, intended to be compatible with CSS Color Module Level 4.
🎨 Couleur: A modern PHP 8.1+ color library 🎨 Couleur: A modern PHP 8.1+ color library 👋 Presentation ⚙️ Installation 🏁 Quick Start 📚 Usage 🏭 Imm
Kind of a step-debugger for your Abstract Syntrax Tree
PHP AST Inspector This package offers a command-line utility for parsing a PHP script and navigating the resulting Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), showing
Dnsmasq GUI is a simple Web GUI for editing the /etc/hosts file on a computer
dnsmasq GUI is a simple Web GUI for editing the /etc/hosts file on a computer, with the intention of using it for easily setting up results for dnsmasq use.
Extended translation module
Multi-lingual Support Extending Phalcon Framework v5 Translations Module Example e.g. login.json File: { "form": { "label": {
Doctrine adapter for SlmQueue module
SlmQueueDoctrine Created by Stefan Kleff Requirements SlmQueue Doctrine 2 ORM Module or roave/psr-container-doctrine Note: it's necessary require the
Scorm Player Api for play scorm modules
flux-scorm-player-api Scorm Player Api for play scorm modules Installation Native Download RUN (mkdir -p /%path%/libs/flux-scorm-player-api && cd /%pa
The Pterodactyl based panel - specifically for hosts.
hPanel Beta hPanel is a fork of Jexactyl (which is a fork of Pterodactyl) for hosting companies with a cleaner UI, less bugs & more features. Document
A Magento 2 module that allows admins to duplicate CMS blocks and pages from their respective grids and en masse.
element119 | CMS Duplicator 📝 Features ✔️ Allows merchants to duplicate CMS blocks and pages from the Action column in the admin grid ✔️ Allows merch
A Magento 2 module that allows for creating discrete PDP (Product Detail Pages) page layouts for customers landing on the site from a PPC (Pay Per Click) link/ad by allowing routing to the same pages using a `/ppc/` prefix in the URL path.
A Magento 2 module that allows for creating discrete PDP (Product Detail Pages) page layouts for customers landing on the site from a PPC (Pay Per Click) link/ad by allowing routing to the same pages using a `/ppc/` prefix in the URL path.
An alternative to run cron jobs that uses simple HTTP requests
SilverStripe Simple Jobs An alternative to run cron jobs that uses simple HTTP requests. This module require SilverStripe CronTask. Why? Configuring c
Major Security Vulnerability on PrestaShop Websites - CVE-2022-31101
Fix Major Security Vulnerability on PrestaShop Websites 🚀 CVE-2022-31101 detector and fixer! A newly found exploit could allow remote attackers to ta
Prestashop module for Orange Money web payment in Central Africa
PrestaShop payment module which allow to add African (Cameroon, Cote D'Ivoire etc...) Orange Money payment method on our website
Magento 2 module which can find potential url related problems in your catalog data
Url data integrity checker module for Magento 2 Purpose The purpose of this module is to give store owners of a Magento 2 shop insight into what url-r
Automatically updated tree-formatted database from MaxMind database
Geo IP Database This is an automated repository that downloads and processes GeoLite database from Maxmind GeoLite database, and processes it to be co
A QR Code generator for PHP7.4+
chillerlan/php-qrcode A PHP 7.4+ QR Code library based on the implementation by Kazuhiko Arase, namespaced, cleaned up, improved and other stuff. Docu
Metamask & web3js Ethereum payment method extenstion for Magento 2 without any third party gateways
CurrencyPrecision Magento 2 Extension Metamask Ethereum payment method module for Magento 2 Table of contents Description Feature Installation Compose
This AddOn allows you to search for module names when adding a block
Modulsuche und Modulvorschau für REDAXO 5 Dieses AddOn ermöglicht die Suche nach Modulnamen, wenn man einen Block hinzufügt. Dies kann sehr hilfreich
Magento 2 Megamenu extension is an indispensable component, and plays the role of website navigation to help customers easily categorize and find information
Mageno 2 Mega Menu (Magicmenu) helps you create neat and smart navigation menus to display the main categories on your website.
QuidPHP/Navigation contains a JavaScript module for a website navigation without reloading.
QuidPHP/Navigation contains a JavaScript module for a website navigation without reloading.
Paypal module for Thelia ecommerce solution
PayPal I) Install notes II) Configure your PayPal account III) Module options payments I) Installation Composer WARNING : A console access is required
A XOOPS module for handling events, including online registrations.
wgEvents A XOOPS module for handling events, including online registrations. Support If you like the wgEvents module and thanks to the long process fo
CheckIP - A composer module to retrieve information from an IP address
A composer module to retrieve information from an IP address, using geoplugin.net Installation Use composer to install CheckIP composer requir
A small CLI tool to check missing dependency declarations in the composer.json and module.xml
Integrity checker Package allows to run static analysis on Magento 2 Module Packages to provide an integrity check of package. Supported tools: Compos
Doctrine ORM Module for Laminas
Doctrine ORM Module for Laminas The DoctrineORMModule leverages DoctrineModule and integrates Doctrine ORM with Laminas quickly and easily. The follow
Magento n98-magerun module for importing and exporting configuration data
Magento n98-magerun module for importing and exporting configuration data. Import supports hierarchical folder structure and of course different environments.
Snuffleupagus is a PHP 7+ and 8+ module designed to drastically raise the cost of attacks against websites, by killing entire bug classes
Snuffleupagus is a PHP 7+ and 8+ module designed to drastically raise the cost of attacks against websites, by killing entire bug classes
A Yii2 module for embedding social plugins and widgets.
yii2-social Module that enables access to social plugins for Yii Framework 2.0. It includes support for embedding plugins from the following networks
The module for my life story project that contains my ProtonDrive screenshots.
By: Top README.md Read this article in a different language Sorted by: A-Z Sorting options unavailable ( af Afrikaans Afrikaans | sq Shqiptare Albania
JSONFinder - a library that can find json values in a mixed text or html documents, can filter and search the json tree, and converts php objects to json without 'ext-json' extension.
JSONFinder - a library that can find json values in a mixed text or html documents, can filter and search the json tree, and converts php objects to json without 'ext-json' extension.
Magento 2 - Improved Import / Export extension
Improve default Magento 2 Import / Export features - cron jobs, CSV , XML , JSON , Excel , mapping of any format, Google Sheet, data and price modification, improved speed and a lot more!
php String Objects Chains like length,forEach,filter,replace,repalcAll much More.... Module
php String Objects Chains like length,forEach,filter,replace,repalcAll much More.... Module
Magento 2 custom extension to add custom attributes(longitude, latitude) to customer address
Magento 2 custom extension to add custom attributes(longitude, latitude) to customer address. Then save them to quote model and copy them from quote address to order address on bakend, frontend, rest api
Magento 2 Message Queue OS AMQP Broker Implementation
Magento 2 Message Queue AMQP Backend AMQP message queue backend implementation for Rcason_Mq. Installation Require the module via Composer $ composer
❄️ Magento 2 Snowflake module allow you to add snow and even more on your site and make winter fun.
❄️ Magento 2 Snowflake module allow you to add snow and even more on your site and make winter fun.
Composer Registrar Composer Plugin for Magento 2
This module add a global registration.php that replace the default glob search performed for each request to discover the components not installed from composer.
Smile ElasticSuite - Magento 2 merchandising and search engine built on ElasticSearch
Smile ElasticSuite - Magento 2 merchandising and search engine built on ElasticSearch
Laragon MultiPHP per App + PECL Module + Extension manager + Ini Manager
LMPA Laragon MultiPHP per App This tools allow you to run multiple PHP version per app with Laragon, so you can have multiple site running different p
ICSGenerator - The module can generate basic ICS calendar strings and files
ICSGenerator The module can generate basic ICS calendar strings and files. The module simply extends WireData. It has these properties and default val
A SilverStripe module for conveniently injecting JSON-LD metadata into the header of each rendered page in SilverStripe
A SilverStripe module for conveniently injecting JSON-LD metadata into the header of each rendered page in Silver
Silverstripe module allowing editors to create newsletters using elemental blocks and export them to a sendy instance
Silverstripe Sendy Silverstripe module allowing editors to create newsletters using elemental blocks and export them to a sendy instance. Introduction
SlmMail is a module that integrates with various third-parties API to send mails. Integration is provided with the API of those services
SlmMail is a module that integrates with various third-parties API to send mails. Integration is provided with the API of those services
This module adds a command to easily generate "modules" in Laravel and install them using composer.
Laravel Module Create This module adds a command to easily generate "modules" in Laravel and install them using composer Installation Simply install t
Magento 2 SMTP Extension helps the owner of store simply install SMTP server
Magento 2 SMTP Extension helps the owner of store simply install SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server which transmits the messages into codes or numbers.
Geography module for Yii 2
Geography module for Yii 2
Magento 2 Preview/Visit Catalog allows the store owner to quickly preview the catalog (product & category) pages from the admin panel.
Magento 2 Preview/Visit Catalog Overview Magento 2 Preview/Visit Catalog allows the store owner to quickly preview the catalog (product & category) pa
Auth is a module for the Yii PHP framework that provides a web user interface for Yii's built-in authorization manager
Auth is a module for the Yii PHP framework that provides a web user interface for Yii's built-in authorization manager (CAuthManager). You can read more about Yii's authorization manager in the framework documentation under Authentication and Authorization.
Neos Backend Module for the Flowpack.JobQueue packages
Wwwision.Neos.JobQueueModule Neos Backend Module for the Flowpack.JobQueue.Common packages. Usage Install package via composer: composer require wwwis
A Magento 2 module to integrate Relay.
Magento Relay Installation First, install Relay as a PHP extension for your CLI and FPM environments. Next, install the Magento module: composer requi
Security issues for Magento have left a big question mark in the community of online stores
Magento 2 Security extension FREE. Security extension gives store owners the ability to detect the IP addresses that are intentionally attacking their store at any given time. Therefore, they have timely measures to prevent this issue such as blocking those IP addresses or sending warning emails to store owners.
Magento 2 Email Catcher or Email Logger Module.
Magento 2 Module Experius email catcher / - logger
The MX_PhinxMigrations module integrates Phinx database migrations into Magento 2
MX Phinx Migrations About The MX_PhinxMigrations module integrates Phinx database migrations into Magento 2 as a replacement for the built-in setup:up
A simple Craft module, inspired by Mildly Geeky's "Kint", to debug Twig within your browser
A simple Craft module, inspired by Mildly Geeky's "Kint", to debug Twig within your browser
Magento 2 Module: OrderConfirmationEmailStatus
Magento 2 Module: OrderConfirmationEmailStatus Main Functionalities Installation Main Functionalities This module adds a column in the sales order gri
Magento 2 Product PDF/File Attachment FREE Extension
Overview: Magento 2 Product Attachment extension allows attaching additional information such as manuals, warranty, recipes, etc. in different formats
Ip2region is a offline IP location library with accuracy rate of 99.9% and 0.0x millseconds searching performance. DB file is ONLY a few megabytes with all IP address stored. binding for Java,PHP,C,Python,Nodejs,Golang,C#,lua. Binary,B-tree,Memory searching algorithm
Ip2region是什么? ip2region - 准确率99.9%的离线IP地址定位库,0.0x毫秒级查询,ip2region.db数据库只有数MB,提供了java,php,c,python,nodejs,golang,c#等查询绑定和Binary,B树,内存三种查询算法。 Ip2region特性
With the help of the Laravel eCommerce CashU Payment Gateway, the admin can integrate the CashU payment method in the Bagisto store.
Introduction Bagisto CashU Payment add-on allow customers to pay for others using CashU payment gateway. Requirements: Bagisto: v1.3.2 Installation wi
Bagisto UPS Shipping add-on provides UPS Shipping methods for shipping the product.
Bagisto UPS Shipping add-on provides UPS Shipping methods for shipping the product. By using this, you can provide UPS (United Parcel Service) shipping.
The Laravel eCommerce ABA Payment Gateway module allows the admin to integrate the ABA payment gateway to the online store.
Introduction Bagisto ABA Payment Gateway. Requirements: Bagisto: v1.3.2. Installation with composer: Run the following command composer require bagist
The Laravel eCommerce USPS Shipping module allows the store owners to enable United States Postal Servies for the shipment of orders.
Introduction Bagisto Usps Shipping add-on provides Usps Shipping methods for shipping the product. By using this, you can provide Usps (United States
The Laravel eCommerce Mollie Payment Gateway allows the merchants to integrate Mollie payment gateway to their bagisto Store.
The Laravel eCommerce Mollie Payment Gateway allows the merchants to integrate Mollie payment gateway to their bagisto Store.
The Laravel eCommerce DHL Shipping module module calculates the shipping rates based on DHL API for product shipping.
Introduction DHL Shipping Add-on provides DHL Shipping methods for shipping the product. It packs in lots of demanding features that allows your busin
A collection of command line scripts for Magento 2 code generation, and a PHP module system for organizing command line scripts.
What is Pestle? Pestle is A PHP Framework for creating and organizing command line programs An experiment in implementing python style module imports
Magento Quickorder module, enables bulk order creation by inputting SKUs & quantities.
Extension User Guide This extension was developed to enable merchants to allow customers to place multiple orders of various quanities quickly, in an
Helper script to aid upgrading magento 2 websites by detecting overrides. Now supports third party module detections
ampersand-magento2-upgrade-patch-helper Helper scripts to aid upgrading magento 2 websites, or when upgrading a magento module This tool looks for fil
H&O Magento 2 Advanced Template Hints module
H&O Magento 2 Advanced Template Hints module Ho_Templatehints extends the default Magento template hints. Easily accessible with muscle memory ?ath=1.
Magento 2 module for displaying additional information in configuration
AvS_ScopeHint for Magento 2 Displays a hint when a configuration value is overwritten on a lower scope (website or store view). Facts version: 1.0.0-b
Magento 2 Configurator
Magento 2 Configurator A Magento module initially created by CTI Digital to create and maintain database variables using files. This module aims to br
Magento 2 module to automatically flush the cache whenever you save something in the System Configuration
Yireo AutoFlushCache Magento 2 module to automatically flush the cache whenever you save something in the System Configuration. Do NOT use this in pro
Composer Repository Manager for selling Magento 2 extension and offering composer installation for ordered packages.
Magento 2 Composer Repository Credits We got inspired by https://github.com/Genmato. Composer Repository for Magento 2 This extension works as a Magen
Simple Magento 2 Prometheus Exporter.
Magento 2 Prometheus Exporter This Magento 2 Module exposes a new route under /metrics with Magento 2 specific metrics in the format of prometheus. Th
AMD module bundler and preloader for Magento 2 stores.
baler baler is an AMD module bundler and preloader for Magento 2 stores. Getting Started (Early Alpha) If you're willing to test alpha software, pleas
A Magento 2 module that enables configurable CORS Headers on the GraphQL and REST APIs
Magento 2 CORS Magento Version Support Ever try to work with the Magento GraphQL API or REST API from your browser and see the following? Access to XM
Magento 2 Debug Helper Module for easy debugging with Xdebug and PHPStorm or any other IDE
Magento 2 Debug Helper Information and Usage Magento 2 Debug Helper Module usage with PHPStorm and Xdebug Installation To install the Magento 2 Debug
Magento2 Turkish Translation / Magento2 Türkçe Çevirisi
Magento 2 Türkçe Dil Paketi Magento2 için Türkçe Dil Paketi Magento2 içinde standart olarak gelen tüm tercüme dosyaları derlenmiş ve bu paket oluşturu
Magento 2 Module that adds Donation Product Type. Enables the customer to add a donation (product) of a preferred amount to the cart.
Magento 2 Module Experius DonationProduct (RC1.0) Demo website: https://donationproduct.experius.nl Magento Marketplace: https://marketplace.magento.c
A drop-in replacement for the Magento 2 checkout.
Clean Checkout for Magento 2 A drop-in replacement for the Magento 2 checkout. Features Modules The project is divided into several modules: Overall c
A first party module to integrate Elastic App Search in Magento 2.
A first-party Magento integration for building excellent, relevant search experiences with Elastic App Search. ⚠️ This is a beta version of the client
Magento 2 Blog Extension is a better blog extension for Magento 2 platform. These include all useful features of Wordpress CMS
Magento 2 Blog extension FREE Magento 2 Better Blog by Mageplaza is integrated right into the Magento backend so you can manage your blog and your e-c
Magento 2 Blog is an extension that allows you to manage your store and blog
Magento 2 Blog Extension by Magefan Magento 2 Blog is an extension that allows you to manage your store and blog from one place without having to rely
Magento 2 Blog Extension - FREE, fully featured, powerful Blog solution for your online store!
Blog MX | Magento 2 Blog Module by Mirasvit FREE, fully featured, powerful Blog solution for your online store! Magento 2 Blog MX allows you to open a
Magento 2 Module for creating PDF's based on wkhtmltopdf
Magento 2 PDF generator Magento 2 module to ease the pdf generation using wkhtmltopdf features Installation composer require "staempfli/magento2-modul
Magento 2 Module for Search Engine Optimization
Magento 2 Search Engine Optimization Magento 2 Module to Improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on your Magento site. Installation Install the modul
Google Tag Manager for Magento 2 with Advance Data Layer
Google Tag Manager is a user-friendly, yet powerful and cost-effective solution that is a must-have integration for every Magento store. It simplifies the process of adding and managing third-party JavaScript tags. With dozens of custom events and hundreds of data points our extensions the #1 GTM solution for Magento.
Force Customer Login Module for Magento 2
Force Login Module for Magento® 2 The Force Login Module for Magento® 2 allows you to restrict which pages a visitor is able to see. Visitors get redi
Quickly and easily preview and test your Magento 2 order confirmation page, without hacks or spending time placing new order each time
Preview Order Confirmation Page for Magento 2 For Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x and 2.3.x Styling and testing Magento's order confirmation page can be a
Improve default Magento 2 Import / Export features - cron jobs, CSV , XML , JSON , Excel
Improve default Magento 2 Import / Export features - cron jobs, CSV , XML , JSON , Excel , mapping of any format, Google Sheet, data and price modification, improved speed and a lot more!
Magento 2 Module to add simple image resizing capabilities in all blocks and .phtml templates
Magento 2 Image Resizer Magento 2 Module to add simple image resizing capabilities in all blocks and .phtml templates Installation $ composer require
Magento 2 Module for parsing xlsx, xlsm and csv files from Excel
Magento 2 Spreadsheet Parser Facts Parse XLSX, XLSM and CSV Files from Excel Requirements PHP = 7.0.* Magento = 2.1.* Compatibility Magento = 2.1 U
Mobile detect change theme and redirect based on device type. Magento 2 module.
Magento 2 Mobile Detect Theme Change Magento 2 Mobile detect system can be used to load different themes base on the client device (desktop, tablet, m
Provides powerful menu editor to replace category based menus in Magento 2
Magento 2 Menu Provides powerful menu editor to replace category based menus in Magento 2. Setup Create new menu in the admin area Content Elements
Magento 2 Module Experius Page Not Found 404. This module saves all 404 url to a database table
Magento 2 Module Experius Page Not Found 404 This module saves all 404 urls to a database table. Adds an admin grid with 404s It includes a count so y
Magento 2 module to log to Sentry
Magento 2 Sentry Logger This Magento 2 module integrates the Sentry sdk into magento 2. Depending on the log level configured in the backend of magent
Magento 2 Email Catcher or Email Logger Module. Available At Packagist.
Magento 2 Module Experius email catcher / - logger ``experius/module-emailcatcher`` Main Functionalities Installation Versions Enable email catcher C