Google Tag Manager for Magento 2 with Advance Data Layer


MagePal Extensions

Google Tag Manager for Magento 2 with Advance Data Layer

Total Downloads Latest Stable Version

Whether you are a small Magento retailer or an Enterprise customer, our suite of Google Tag Manager extensions will help you integrate the most challenging GTM projects within days, instead of spending weeks or months creating custom solutions.

For Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x and 2.4.x

Magento Enhanced Ecommerce for Google Tag Manager

What is Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a user-friendly, powerful and essential integration for every Magento store. It simplifies the process of adding, editing and managing third-party JavaScript tags and other snippets of code on your Magento site. With GTM, you can quickly and easily add Facebook tags, AdWords Conversion Tracking, Re-marketing, Bing UET, SnapChat, DoubleClick code, Google Analytics, and many more in a breeze without the need for a developer to make changes to your Magento code providing the data is available to Google Tag Manager.

Google Tag Manager makes running your digital marketing campaigns much easier when calibrating with multiple department and Ad agencies by making available the right set of tools so that everyone can get their job done quickly without relying on developers.

Without having the all data you need at your fingertips your integration will become a difficult, time-consuming and messy since each developer will only focus on the current task at hand instead of focusing on writing reusable components for future integration.

Our extension provides a vast array of over 60 preconfigure data layer elements to make integrating your Magento store with any other third-party service a breeze using Google Tag Manager. Extracting, customizing and adding your own custom data from your Magento store to Google Tag Manager is as easy as 10 lines of code using our easy to customize APIs.

⚠️ Google Tag Manager 2.7.0 has some breaking changes to Enhanced Ecommerce. Please download the latest version of Enhanced Ecommerce 1.7.0 or greater from account.

Why use our Google Tag Manager extension?

Adding Google Tag Manager code snippet to the header section of your Magento store may seem like the ideal, and most efficient way to add GTM to your site. But this will not be sufficient and limit your ability to take full advantage of GTM when integrating third-parties tracking codes that require data from your Magento stores, such as product name, price, items added to cart, order items, total, shipping amount or any other data. Our extension provides hundreds of data elements and events to accomplish any integration and provides the building block to make your next integration a success. With a few lines of code, you can quickly extend our extension to accomplish your most challenging integration. Google Tag Manager is only as powerful as the data layer powering it. Learn more about customizing Google Tag Manger.

Google Analytics 4

Upgrade to the next generation of tracking from Google. Google Analytics 4 comes with a bunch of key features that make it very different and more powerful than Enhanced Ecommerce. Gain access to GA4 new approach to privacy-first tracking, channel measurement, and AI based predictive data with MagePal Google Analytics 4 Extension.

Google Analytics Enhanced E-commerce

Want to track more? Upgrade to our new Enhanced E-commerce for Google Tag Manager to take full advantage of Google Analytics most powerful e-commerce features. Gain valuable insight and increase your conversion rate by leveraging Google Enhanced Ecommerce to better understand your user actions and behaviors.

Learn more about our Google Enhanced Ecommerce extension today. A small increase in your store’s conversion rate can make a giant impact on your revenue.

Third Party Integration with Google Tag Manager

Adding Facebook pixel, Bing UAT, SnapChat or any other third-party code snippet to your website but frustrated by all the hassle and time it takes to configure Google Tag Manager? Learn how simple and easy it is to integrate any tracking code to your Magento store with our new DataLayer extension.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Support

Now you can quickly disable analytic tracking for customers' who do not want to by track by enabling Cookie Restriction Mode or base on existing or non-existing cookie.

  • Stores > Configuration > General > Web > Default Cookie Settings > Cookie Restriction Mode.

Please Note: Merchants should consult with their own legal counsel to ensure that they are compliant with the GDPR.

Get more from Google Tag Manager with our add-on Extensions

Features GTM EE GA4 DL
Global Page Tracking X X X
Order Conversion Tracking X X X
Page Type Event X X
Product Clicks X X
Product Detail Impressions X X
Add to Cart X X
Remove from Cart X X
Checkout Steps X X
Order Refunds X X
Admin Order Tracking X X
Access DataLayer using JS X
Bing UET Tracking X
Full Facebook Tracking X
Custom Image Pixel Tracking X
Custom iFrame Tracking X
Third-Party Integration X
Extend individual page type X

GTM - Google Tag Manager for Magento 2 Extension

GA4 - Google Analytics 4 for Google Tag Manager Extension

EE - Enhanced E-commerce for Google Tag Manager Extension

DL - DataLayer for Google Tag Manager Extension


  • Quick and easy setup
  • Add tag via XML layout and/or observer
  • Advance Data layer with over 60+ data elements
  • Fully customizable with 10 lines of code
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Support
  • GTM Multiple Environments Support
  • Content Security Policies Support

Benefits of using Google Tag Manager with Magento

There are a number of benefits to using GTM with Magento:

  • One Centralized Tag Management source - Google tag Manager is one of the tops, and most widely used JavaScript tag management, therefore, anyone with Google Tag Manager experience will have all the knowledge they need to make edits to your site.
  • Little to No Technically Knowledge - Digital marketer agencies with so tech skills can quickly make and publish changes to Google Tag Manager without needing to call in developers.
  • Version Control - Every change to your Google Tag Manager container is track with a history of who and what was changed.
  • Easy to Use - Google Tag Manager is very simple and easy to use. You can easily export your GTM configuration in a text file that could be saved and reimport.
  • Reduce Number of Magento Extensions Needed - Installing individual extensions for AdWords, Facebook tracking, Snapchat, Microsoft Bing is time-consuming and resource intensive on your Magento store. Using Tag Manager you only need to install and maintaining one extension.
  • Eliminate Themes and Order Success Page Edits - 99% of merchants, developers and agencies don't know or use best practice when inserting javascript tracking code snippets to a Magento store, and often just add hardcode each javascript code snippets at random places within the themes files which make it unmaintainable over time as you switch between different service provider.

How to Customize Google Tag Manager Extension

Need to add more data to your data layer or change existing data to meet your client needs? Add, changing or removing information from the data layer to meet your client needs is as simple as adding few lines of php and di.xml code. See our documentation to learn more about how to customizing Google Tag Manger.

Documentation & Installation Guide

How to Installing Google Tag Manager

How to setup Google Tag Manager

How to customizing Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manger Data Layer attributes

How to debugging Google Tag Manager

Composer Installation

composer require magepal/magento2-googletagmanager

Data layer attributes

Our Magento extension provide a vast array of over 60 preconfigure data layer elements to make integrating your Magento store with any third-party service a breeze using Google Tag Manager.

Triggered Events

Home Page Events
  • Events
    • homePage**, allPage**, cmsIndexIndexPage**, mpCustomerSession
Category Page Events
  • Events
    • productImpression*, categoryPage**, allPage**, catalogCategoryViewPage**, mpCustomerSession
    • productClick*, addToCart*, productListSwatchClicked**, productListSwatchSelected**
    • view_item_list***, select_item***, add_to_cart***
Product Detail Page Events
  • Events
    • productDetail*, productImpression*, productPage**, allPage**, catalogProductViewPage**, mpCustomerSession
    • productClick*, addToCart*, removeFromCart*, productDetailSwatchClicked**, productDetailSwatchSelected**, addToCartItemOutOfStock*, addToCartItemOptionRequired*, addToCartItemInvalidQtyIncrements*
    • view_item***, select_item***, add_to_cart***, view_item_list***
Shopping Cart Page Events
  • Events
    • cartPage**, allPage**, checkoutCartIndexPage**, productImpression*, mpCustomerSession
    • productClick*, addToCart*, removeFromCart*
    • select_item***, add_to_cart***, remove_from_cart***, view_item_list***
Checkout Page Events
  • Events
    • checkoutPage**, allPage**, checkoutIndexIndexPage**, checkout*, checkoutOption*, mpCustomerSession
    • checkoutEmailValidation*, shippingMethodAdded*, checkoutShippingStepCompleted*, checkoutShippingStepFailed*, paymentMethodAdded*, checkoutPaymentStepFailed*, checkoutPaymentStepCompleted*
    • begin_checkout***, add_shipping_info***, add_payment_info***
Order Confirmation Page Events
  • Events
    • purchase*, orderSuccessPage**, allPage**, checkoutOnepageSuccessPage**
Other Events
  • Events
    • compareProductAdded**, compareProductRemoved**, wishlistProductAdded**, wishlistProductRemoved**, customerLoginAfter**, customerRegisterAfter**, newsletterSubscriberAdded** newsletterUnsubscribed**

Data Layer Variables


  • Trigger: event equals mpCustomerSession
    • customer.isLoggedIn
    • customer.groupId
    • order.email_sha1**
    • order.customer_id**

Product Impression

  • Trigger: event equals productImpression
    • ecommerce.impressions[].name*
    • ecommerce.impressions[].id*
    • ecommerce.impressions[].price*
    • ecommerce.impressions[].list*
    • ecommerce.impressions[].position*
    • ecommerce.impressions[].category*


  • Trigger: event equals categoryPage
    • category.path

Search Page

  • Trigger: event equals searchPage
    • search_term*

Product Detail Page

  • Trigger: event equals productPage

    • product.sku
    • product.parent_sku
    • product.price
    • product.product_type
    • product.attribute_set_id
    • product.path
    • product.image_url
  • Trigger: event equals productDetail

    • ecommerce.currencyCode*
    • ecommerce.products[].id*
    • ecommerce.products[].name*
    • ecommerce.products[].category*
    • ecommerce.products[].price*


  • Trigger: event equals cartPage
    • cart.hasItems
    • cart.items[].sku
    • cart.items[].parent_sku
    • cart.items[].product_type
    • cart.items[].name
    • cart.items[].parent_name
    • cart.items[].price
    • cart.items[].price_incl_tax
    • cart.items[].discount_amount
    • cart.items[].tax_amount
    • cart.items[].quantity
    • cart.itemCount
    • cart.itemQty
    • cart.hasCoupons
    • cart.couponCode
Add to Cart
  • Trigger: event equals addToCart
    • ecommerce.add.products[].id*
    • ecommerce.add.products[].name*
    • ecommerce.add.products[].price*
    • ecommerce.add.products[].quantity*
    • ecommerce.add.products[].parent_sku*
    • ecommerce.add.products[].variant*
    • ecommerce.add.products[].category*
Remove from Cart
  • Trigger: event equals removeFromCart
    • ecommerce.remove.products[].id*
    • ecommerce.remove.products[].name*
    • ecommerce.remove.products[].price*
    • ecommerce.remove.products[].quantity*
    • ecommerce.remove.products[].variant*
    • ecommerce.remove.products[].category*

Global Data Layer

  • Trigger: event equals addToCart

    • cart.add.products[].id*
    • cart.add.products[].name*
    • cart.add.products[].price*
    • cart.add.products[].quantity*
    • cart.add.products[].parent_sku*
    • cart.add.products[].variant*
    • cart.add.products[].category*
  • Trigger: event equals removeFromCart

    • cart.remove.products[].id*
    • cart.remove.products[].name*
    • cart.remove.products[].price*
    • cart.remove.products[].quantity*
    • cart.add.products[].parent_sku*
    • cart.remove.products[].variant*
    • cart.remove.products[].category*


  • Trigger: event equals purchase (Google Analytics)

    • transactionId
    • transactionAffiliation
    • transactionTotal
    • transactionShipping
    • transactionTax
    • transactionCouponCode
    • transactionDiscount
    • transactionSubTotal
    • transactionProducts[].sku
    • transactionProducts[].parent_sku
    • transactionProducts[].product_type
    • transactionProducts[].name
    • transactionProducts[].price
    • transactionProducts[].quantity
  • Additional Order Date (Generic)

    • order.order_id
    • order.store_name
    • order.subtotal
    • order.shipping
    • order.coupon_code
    • order.coupon_name
    • order.payment_method.title
    • order.payment_method.code
    • order.shipping_method.title
    • order.shipping_method.code
    • order.is_virtual
    • order.is_guest_checkout
    • order.email_sha1**
    • order.customer_id**
    • order.has_previous_order**
    • order.is_first_order**
    • order.previous_order_count**
    • order.is_new_customer**
    • order.items[].sku
    • order.items[].id
    • order.items[].parent_sku
    • order.items[].product_id
    • order.items[].name
    • order.items[].parent_name
    • order.items[].price
    • order.items[].price_incl_tax
    • order.items[].quantity
    • order.items[].subtotal
    • order.items[].product_type
    • order.items[].discount_amount
    • order.items[].discount_percent
    • order.items[].tax_amount
    • order.items[].is_virtual
    • order.items[].variant
    • order.items[].categories

* - Data layer provide by our Enhanced Ecommerce Extension

** - Data layer provide by our Data Layer Extension

*** - Data layer provide by our Google Analytics 4 Extension


Want to contribute to this extension? The quickest way is to open a pull request on GitHub.


If you encounter any problems or bugs, please open an issue on GitHub. For fast Premium Support visit our Google Tag Manager product page for detail.

Need help to set up or want to customize our extension to meet your business needs? Please email and if we like your idea we will add this feature for free or at a discounted rate.

Magento 2 Extensions

© MagePal LLC. |

  • The module prevents cache from varnish

    The module prevents cache from varnish


    when I enable the output for this module, varnish doesn't cache my pages anymore (I have an "X-Cache: MISS" in the varnish log). I have "X-Cache: HIT" when I disable it.



    opened by f-gueguen 17
  • Magento 2.0.6 doesn't load js and css after I enable the module

    Magento 2.0.6 doesn't load js and css after I enable the module

    Hi, I'm having an issue using this module. Basicly my installation works fine , but after I enable the module and insert my id , my website just stops loading the js and css , and I can't even login anymore into the admin panel , it just stops on the /admin123/admin page , press login and nothing happends. If I set the module off from mysql , deploy and clean , everything starts to work back.

    opened by alexcrz 16
  • On checkout page i am also getting the 404 error for js - magepalGtmDatalayer.js

    On checkout page i am also getting the 404 error for js - magepalGtmDatalayer.js

    Please Help I enable got processed the checkout after installing this module. Please revert Thanks

    See Header :

    Request URL: Request Method:GET Status Code:404 Not Found Remote Address: Referrer Policy:no-referrer-when-downgrade Response Headers

    opened by RavindraGharge 13
  • Configuration not showing in Stores/Configuration/

    Configuration not showing in Stores/Configuration/

    Dears, first of all thank you for developing this extension.

    I am trying to install it fresh new installation of magento 2.1 with php7 using MAMP following the "manually procedure".

    Unfortunately nothing appear in the configuration and in the front page

    files are in: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/magento2/app/MegePal/GoogleTagManager

    command lines that I used:

    php -c /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.0.10/conf/php.ini -f bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content MagePal_GoogleTagManager

    php -c /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.0.10/conf/php.ini -f bin/magento setup:upgrade

    Do you have any advice for fixing the problem?

    opened by Nym77 13
  • Google Analytics Blue Tag - Non-standard implementation

    Google Analytics Blue Tag - Non-standard implementation

    I use Magento 2.3.1, with latest version of the extension. I check my integration using google Tag Assistant in Chrome, it seems to work, but I get a Blue Tag adverting that something is wrong. It says Non-standard implementation 51714856af0b39fbebc78cacae557df4

    This is the explanation

    Google Analytics is disabled in Magento, I'm just using Google Tag integration.

    It's only me?

    opened by elfeffe 10
  • Creating a GTM Tag and the trigger for e-commerce tracking

    Creating a GTM Tag and the trigger for e-commerce tracking

    Hello everybody,

    I’m new to GTM data layers and would like to enable e-commerce tracking on my Magento 2 website. I’ve installed the extension and it seems that it generates data layer on my “Thank you page”. As far as I know in order to send my data to Google Analytics I have to create a tag and fire it on custom event trigger that should be generated inside the data layer. For example, it should be something like event: “Thankyou-success” or something like that. When I look through the code in JS console of Chrome I don’t see this line of code, just Event: “gtm-dom” and Event: “gtm.js” but those events appear on all pages of my site. So what event should I choose or should I create a trigger related to the page type? If so how can I do this?

    Thanks gtm

    opened by Serge-Wiki 10
  • Order Data Layer attributes not loading on checkout_cart_index

    Order Data Layer attributes not loading on checkout_cart_index

    Magento CE v2.1.7 magepal/magento2-googletagmanager v2.0.2

    On /checkout/onepage/success/ the only data layer attributes I'm receiving are:


    Shouldn't this page list the following data layer attributes as well?


    transactionId transactionAffiliation transactionTotal transactionShipping transactionTax transactionCouponCode transactionDiscount transactionSubTotal transactionProducts[].sku transactionProducts[].name transactionProducts[].price transactionProducts[].quantity

    opened by willfrombrazil 8
  • No frontend include

    No frontend include

    Hey there,

    i just installed m2-gtm via composer as provided in the readme. It's a Magento 2.1.2 system running on nginx/php7-fpm with varnish and haproxy in front.

    However, I can't bring the code up on frontend. We're using a custom theme in this case. First thing I tried is to copy the layout xml in our default. xml node

       <referenceContainer name="after.body.start">
            <block class="MagePal\GoogleTagManager\Block\Tm" name="magepal_gtm_datalayer" as="magepal_gtm_datalayer" template="data_layer.phtml" cacheable="false"/>
            <block class="MagePal\GoogleTagManager\Block\GtmCode" name="gtm_code" as="gtm_code" template="gtm_code.phtml" />

    and put over the template files

    Any ideas?

    Best Jan

    opened by gewaechshaus 8
  • customer-data.js /customer/section/load/?sections=gtm {

    customer-data.js /customer/section/load/?sections=gtm {"message":"gtm section source is not supported"}

    Magento version #: 2.2.2

    Edition (EE, CE, OS, etc): CE

    Expected behavior: Pull section updates

    Actual behavior: gtm section not recognized

    Steps to reproduce: Just navigate to PLP, PDP or Checkout


    Enable the extension.

    screen shot 2018-05-22 at 11 09 40 am screen shot 2018-05-22 at 11 09 27 am
    opened by ipascual 6
  • Ecommerce data don't pass to GA

    Ecommerce data don't pass to GA

    Magento version #: 2.3.1

    Edition (EE, CE, OS, etc): CE

    Expected behavior:

    New orders pass to GA at checkout onepage success page.

    Actual behavior:

    No data in GA (Conversions -> Ecommerce -> Sales Performance).

    Steps to reproduce:

    Create a new order.


    Seems like the data structure is not correct or GTM should be configured in a specific way. But there is no information about this in documentation.

    Cay say that this example from google docs is working, if put it right after pushData:

      'ecommerce': {
        'purchase': {
          'actionField': {
            'id': 'T12345',                         // Transaction ID. Required for purchases and refunds.
            'affiliation': 'Online Store',
            'revenue': '35.43',                     // Total transaction value (incl. tax and shipping)
            'shipping': '5.99',
            'coupon': 'SUMMER_SALE'
          'products': [{                            // List of productFieldObjects.
            'name': 'Triblend Android T-Shirt',     // Name or ID is required.
            'id': '12345',
            'price': '15.25',
            'brand': 'Google',
            'category': 'Apparel',
            'variant': 'Gray',
            'quantity': 1,
            'coupon': ''                            // Optional fields may be omitted or set to empty string.
            'name': 'Donut Friday Scented T-Shirt',
            'id': '67890',
            'price': '33.75',
            'brand': 'Google',
            'category': 'Apparel',
            'variant': 'Black',
            'quantity': 1
    opened by mykhailo-superiorseating 5
  • Can't seem to track order value on Adwords tracking

    Can't seem to track order value on Adwords tracking

    So in GTM we are referencing the variables provided by the module but we seem to get different information for some reason and it started suddenly with no changes. It was working fine before Sept 5, but after changing nothing it seems broken after.

    Magento version #: 2.2.5

    Edition (EE, CE, OS, etc): CE

    Expected behavior: Track revenue in Adwords

    Actual behavior: Getting incorrect values.

    Steps to reproduce:

    In GTM we used to have the following:

    <!-- Event snippet for Rev Orders conversion page -->
      gtag('event', 'conversion', {
          'send_to': 'redacted',
          'value': {{transactionSubTotal}},
          'currency': 'USD',
          'transaction_id': '{{transactionId}}'

    But the {{transactionSubTotal}} would come back with our GTM tag account number. So then I changed it to the following:

    <!-- Event snippet for Rev Orders conversion page -->
      gtag('event', 'conversion', {
          'send_to': 'redacted',
          'value': '{{transactionSubTotal}}',
          'currency': 'USD',
          'transaction_id': '{{transactionId}}'

    Notice all I did here was surround it in single quotes. Now the value is correct. However, because it's in single quotes Adwords still doesn't track the value. We are getting nothing on the Adwords side but we are tracking the events, just no value is assigned.

    opened by InternetMedicineMan 5
  • Can I add a new custom event on a custom page with MagePal GTM for M2 ?

    Can I add a new custom event on a custom page with MagePal GTM for M2 ?

    Magento version #:2.4.3

    Your module works fine for main events. I want to create a new custom event for action button on custom page. Tell me please, could I expand your module to achieve my goal or maybe it's bad idea? If this is possible, please in what way?

    Thank you for the answer

    opened by brenik 0
  • #69: Fix for incorrect price rendering for configurable products

    #69: Fix for incorrect price rendering for configurable products

    Fixed price value, I would think, it always should be the final price, product type shouldn't matter. Final price incorporates tax/discount/special price and matches the displayed value on the product page.

    In the current logic $price is always set, so the logic of simple/configurable is never called. Thought about removing the getProductPrice method, but this could be an issue for people using this method in custom extensions.


    $price = $product

    Returns an AmountInterface object.


    getBaseAmount() fetches the amount without tax calculations, for the the final price amount it seems you should call:


    Which is equal to getFinalPrice(), so don't see much value for all the logic and just call ->getFinalPrice() on the product, and let the product decide what the correct route is for fetching the correct amount.

    Tested on Magento 2.4.3 and 2.3.5-p1 with 2.7.0.

    • Checked configurable product
    • Checked simple product
    • Checked simple product with discount (catalog rule)
    opened by ericclaeren 0
  • Price on ProductPage event is zero for configurable products

    Price on ProductPage event is zero for configurable products

    Magento version 2.3.5-p2 #:

    Edition EE

    Expected behavior:

    The min price to be displayed for a configurable product.

    Actual behavior:

    Price is always displayed as 0.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Visit configurable product page
    2. Inspect Datalayer ProductPage

    What happened?

    The change was introduced here:

    It has changed from getFinalPrice() to getPrice() which broke this.

    opened by ericclaeren 18
  • Instant Purchases not tracking

    Instant Purchases not tracking

    Hi, When performing an instant checkout from a product page the order/transaction is not sent to Google.

    Please see the data layer

    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    dataLayer.push({"ecommerce":{"currencyCode":"USD"},"pageType":"catalog_product_view","list":"detail","product":{"id":"300","sku":"92-43166","name":"Cuz Toys","price":4.83,"attribute_set_id":"4","path":"Dog Supplies > Toys > Cuz Toys"}});

    Magento version #: 2.2.6

    Edition (EE, CE, OS, etc): OS

    Expected behavior: eCommerce Data to be sent to Google

    Actual behavior: The sale is not recognized

    Steps to reproduce: perform an instant checkout on Magento 2


    NGINX, PHP-FPM, Varnish, Reddis. Ubunto LTS16

    opened by vetshopdeveloper 4
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Configure Magento 2 to send email using Google App, Gmail, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Microsoft Office365 and many other SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) servers

Magento 2 SMTP Extension - Gmail, G Suite, Amazon SES, Office 365, Mailgun, SendGrid, Mandrill and other SMTP servers. For Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x

MagePal :: Magento Extensions 303 Oct 7, 2022
Magento 2 extension. Strekoza_GoogleCategory. Add Category Attribute (field) - "Google Category"

Magento 2 extension. Strekoza_GoogleCategory Magento 2 extension. Add Category Attribute (field) - "Google Category" This exstension will add Category

Alex S 1 Feb 7, 2022
Data visualization for NASA's DSNNow public data

DSN Monitor Data visualization for NASA's DSNNow public data. A live version of the project can be accessed at Description

Vinz 2 Sep 18, 2022