689 Repositories
PHP yii2-application-template Libraries
Laravel CRUD Generator, Make a Web Application Just In Minutes, Even With Less Code and fewer Steps !
🚀 CRUDBOOSTER - Laravel CRUD Generator Laravel CRUD Generator, Make a Web Application Just In Minutes, Even With Less Code and fewer Steps ! About CR
Laracademy Generators - is a tool set that helps speed up the development process of a Laravel application.
Laracademy Generators Laracademy Generators - is a tool set that helps speed up the development process of a Laravel application. Author(s): Laracadem
Laravel 5 Repositories is used to abstract the data layer, making our application more flexible to maintain.
Laravel 5 Repositories is used to abstract the data layer, making our application more flexible to maintain.
⚡️ Simple and fastly template engine for PHP
EasyTpl ⚡️ Simple and fastly template engine for PHP Features It's simple, lightweight and fastly. No learning costs, syntax like PHP template It is s
Yii HTTP Application
Yii HTTP Application The package ... Requirements PHP 8.0 or higher. Installation The package could be installed with composer: composer require yiiso
Blacksmith is a code generation tool which automates the creation of common files that you'd typically create for each entity in your application.
Blacksmith is a code generation tool which automates the creation of common files that you'd typically create for each entity in your application.
Load Laravel service providers based on your application's environment.
Laravel EnvProviders A more finetuned way of managing your service providers in Laravel. This package allows you to configure the environment certain
Quick new application creation with Laravel and Valet
Super-powered laravel new for Laravel and Valet Lambo is a command-line tool that replaces the Laravel installer and wraps up the most common tasks yo
Astroid Framework - Powerful Joomla Template Framework
Powerful framework for designers and developers to create responsive, fast & robust Joomla based websites and templates.
Dockerized Laravel project with authentication and car brand crud functionalities.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Prometheus exporter for Yii2
yii2-prometheus Prometheus Extension for Yii 2 This extension provides a Prometheus exporter component for Yii framework 2.0 applications. This extens
Use Nanoids within your laravel application.
Laravel Nanoid Introduction A simple drop-in solution for providing nanoid support for the IDs of your Eloquent models. (Stripe-like IDs) Installing c
The api help to manage wso2 users from laravel application
Laravel WSO2 Identity API User This is a Laravel library to manage WSO2 IDP users. Installation You can install the package via composer: composer req
Production Ready, Carefully Crafted, Extensive Vuejs Laravel Free Admin Template 🤩
Materio - Vuetify VueJS Laravel Free Admin Template Production ready carefully crafted most comprehensive admin template Introduction If you’re a deve
Shows the path of each blade file loaded in a template
Laravel Tracer Tracer shows the paths of all the Blade files that are loaded into your templates. This could be very convenient for a number of reason
Take a look into your Laravel views
Xray - Take a look into your Laravel views When your Laravel project grows, so do the Laravel views. Sometimes it might be hard to figure out, which p
Use Blade templates without the full Laravel framework
blade Use Laravel Blade templates as a standalone component without the full Laravel framework Full documentation is available at http://duncan3dc.git
Aplikasi voting berbasis Web yang sederhana dan mudah digunakan
Dipolling - Buat Pemilihan dengan mudah Tentang Aplikasi Polling Sederhana dengan tampilan dan manajemen tabel polling yang mudah digunakan oleh pengg
Ladumor Laravel Swagger help to setup swagger in your application easily
Laravel Swagger Installation Install the package by the following command, composer require ladumor/laravel-swagger Add Provider Add the provider to
Laravel application project as Sheina Online Store backend to be built with Laravel and VueJS
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Sanitize and escape every values in your PHP Application
PHP Sanitizer Sanitize and escape every values in your PHP Application. This solution will make PHP developer life easy, very easy and developers woul
The package contains a bootstrap for running Yii3 console application.
Yii Console Runner The package contains a bootstrap for running Yii3 console application. Requirements PHP 8.0 or higher. Installation The package cou
Simple EProgress application for selection purposes
E-Progress Aplikasi pengelolaan data mahasiswa anggota UKM Progress sederhana. Daftar Isi 🗂️ E-Progress Daftar Isi 🗂️ Instalasi 🪛 Penggunaan ⚙️ Kon
PHPUnit Application Architecture Test
PHPUnit Application Architecture Test Idea: write architecture tests as well as feature and unit tests Installation Install via composer composer requ
Support multi theme for Laravel application
Very short description of the package This is where your description should go. Try and limit it to a paragraph or two, and maybe throw in a mention o
The package contains a bootstrap for running Yii3 web application.
Yii Web Runner The package contains a bootstrap for running Yii3 web application. Requirements PHP 8.0 or higher. Installation The package could be in
yii2-app-advanced with Twitter Bootstrap 5
Yii 2 Advanced Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for developing complex Web applications with multiple tiers.
`dd` is a helper method in Laravel. This package will add the `dd` to your application.
dd dd is a helper method in Laravel. This package will add the dd to your application. Install Run composer require larapack/dd 1.* For Laravel Larave
Registry manager for Laravel 5. An alternative for managing application configurations and settings.
Registry manager for Laravel 5. An alternative for managing application configurations and settings. Now with the magic of caching, so no more database calls to simply get site setting.
An application for building micro-services in PHP ^8.
Restolia An application for building micro-services in PHP ^8. Install composer create-project restolia/restolia my-app Services Each service lives i
Collection of classes you can use to standardize data formats in your Laravel application.
Laravel Formatters This package is a collection of classes you can use to standardize data formats in your Laravel application. It uses the Service Co
A SilverStripe Module with template methods to quickly make use of FocusPoint, LazySizes, and Object-fit
LazyFocusFit A SilverStripe module with template methods to quickly make use of FocusPoint, LazySizes and object-fit. Requirements PHP FocusPoint JS/C
Web application runner for RoadRunner
Yii RoadRunner Runner The package contains a bootstrap for running Yii3 applications using RoadRunner. Requirements PHP 7.4 or higher. Installation Th
Yii application runner
Yii application runner The package defines Yii application runner. Requirements PHP 7.4 or higher. Installation The package could be installed with co
Smeify is a Stable Automated Solution for Airtime and Data businesses in Nigeria, this package helps you integrate smeify easily into your laravel application.
Smeify is a Stable Automated Solution for Airtime and Data businesses in Nigeria, this package helps you integrate smeify easily into your laravel application.
You have just downloaded "Messenger-app" [A lightweight, minimalistic real-time chat application]
MESSENGER-APP You have just downloaded "Messenger-app" [A lightweight, minimalistic real-time chat application] Setup To get it working, follow these
Yii 2 Advanced Project Template
Yii 2 Advanced Project Template Yii 2 Advanced Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for developing complex Web applications with mult
Theme and asset management for laravel
Laravel-Themevel Themevel is a Laravel theme and asset management package. You can easily integrate this package with any Laravel based project. Featu
AmaranJS stylish notification for your laravel application.
AmaranJS Laravel 5 Package AmaranJS L5 package is a Laravel wrapper for my jquery plugin AmaranJS.You can create easy and stylish notifications with A
Brings Laravel's great template engine, Blade, to WordPress
###This plugin is deprecated in favor of ekandreas/bladerunner WordPress Blade Brings Laravel's great template engine, Blade, to WordPress. Just insta
Classy is a framework for building WordPress themes, based on Blade template engine
Classy is a framework for building WordPress themes, based on Blade template engine. It's fast with beautiful architecture that allows you to write le
Use WordPress backend with Laravel or any PHP application
A collection of Model classes that allows you to get data directly from a WordPress database. Corcel is a collection of PHP classes built on top of El
The free-to-use template for your Imagehost-website made with PHP, HTML and CSS!
The free-to-use template for your Imagehost-website made with PHP, HTML and CSS! Some information before we start This repo is only code related, to a
Scope your application's data by (sub-)domain.
This package adds domain-scoped content to your application. Content will be available based on the current (sub)-domain allowing "multiple" websites to run off the same code base.
Powerful framework for designers and developers to create responsive, fast & robust Joomla based websites and templates.
Astroid Framework Powerful Frontend Template Framework for Joomla CMS Powerful framework for designers and developers to create responsive, fast & rob
A web application built with PHP incorporating DBMS concepts. - Version 2.0
ShopOnline - WebApp (Celebrating open-source 🎉 ) We're hosted at ShopOnline (We are currently facing some issues with registration/login, this will b
Simple Bootstrap Laravel CMS. Support Laravel 8.x Can integrate into any existing Laravel project.
Simple Bootstrap Laravel CMS. Support Laravel 8.x Can integrate into any existing Laravel project. Only add few database tables with prefixes, not affect your existing database tables. Support Laravel 7.x & Laravel 6.x & Laravel 5.x & MySql & PostgreSql - Amila Laravel CMS
Kyle is a web application built with Laravel for web developers and small companies to efficiently track and stay on top of yearly expenses related to services
Kyle Kyle is a web application built with Laravel for web developers and small companies to efficiently track and stay on top of yearly expenses relat
Open source knowledge base application for Teams
Opensource knowledge base application for Teams. Introduction Opus is a place for your team to document who you are, what you do and how you do it. It
IT Asset Management & Tickets Web Application - Laravel 5.2
I.V.D. Assets I.V.D. Assets is a web application developed with Laravel 5.2, that caters to the needs of I.T. Departments and Help Desks. Manage all y
Laravel-Blog is a blog application written in Laravel 4.2.
创造不息,交付不止 Introduction Laravel-Blog is a blog project written in Laravel 4.2. Screenshots Article List Page Article composing page Single post page Ad
this package makes laravel website a progressive web application.
Laravel PWA You can follow this video tutorial as well for installation. Installation Install the package by the following command, composer require l
A Laravel package to simplify using DPO Payment API in your application.
DPO (Direct Pay Online) Laravel Package The best DPO Laravel package, simple Ever This is the package that will help you add DPO Payment API to your L
A PHP package to simplify using DPO Payment API in your application.
DPO (Direct Pay Online) PHP Package The best DPO php package, simple Ever This is the package that will help you add DPO Payment API to your PHP Appli
Wraps your Pest suite in a Laravel application instance, allowing global use of the framework in tests.
Pest Larastrap Plugin This is currently a highly experimental project and is subject to large pre-release changes. Pest PHP is an awesome PHP testing
Laravel lumen and AngularJS Todo Application
Laravel lumen and AngularJS Todo Application Todo application using Laravel lumen micro framework and AngularJS Features Create/Edit/Delete Todo Lumen
A simple, proof-of-concept Laravel blog application powered by a MongoDB ORM.
Mongoblog A simple, proof-of-concept Laravel blog application powered by a MongoDB ORM. Separated API and front-end This is a RESTful application, who
An example of OrderMVC as a Laravel Application
OrderMVC - Laravel Application This is the Application implementation of OrderMVC in Laravel. Requirements Laravel requires PHP 5.3 however, PHP 5.4 i
Pokeproject is a web application born from my passion for the known franchise Pokémon.
POKEPROJECT Gotta catch em' all! About Pokeproject Pokeproject is a web application born from my passion for the known franchise Pokémon. I decided to
Workstation Ordering Application for the College of Liberal Arts
Workstation Ordering Application for WordPress A GPL-2.0+ WordPress Plugin that provides a user-accessible interface for ordering workstations and acc
Genealogy (Silsilah) application to record our family members.
Genealogy Application Development in progress In development progress, any changes of table structure will be updated directly to corresponding migrat
A learning management system (LMS) is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement and assess a specific learning process.
vidyaprabodhan-gov-php-project A learning management system (LMS) is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement and assess
Web application with Laravel in Backend and VueJS in Frontend
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Single Page Chat Application
About A single page chat application developed in PHP OOP, Mysql and AJAX. Users email (password) abrazzaq@gmail.com (abrazzaq) john@gmail.com (john)
Hotel Management System using MySQL, Php, Ajax, Jquery and HTML
Hotel-Management-System-Ajax-PHP-Mysql A hotel management system in which clients can perform operations such as booking a room and event. It is possi
This is the web Application for Event Management
Web-Application This is the web Application for Event Management Abstract: In the Past the registration to the event is like Standing in the queue pay
Laravel 8 with Admin-lte@3.0.1 template
laravel 8-Adminlte@3.0.1 Laravel 8 with Admin-lte@3.0.1 template The following tools are required in order to start the installation. PHP =8.0 compos
A Laravel Code Generator based on your Models using Blade Template Engine
Laravel Code Generator is a PHP Laravel Package that uses Blade template engine to generate code for you. The difference between other code generators
Web Application using MVC PHP Framework (LavaLust)
LavaLust Version 2 This is an early release of LavaLust Version 2. You may check the changelog.txt file to see the changes. Overview of Changes in Ve
Laravel Live Templates for PhpStorm
Laravel Live Templates for PhpStorm How to: Go to Preferences | Tools | Settings Repository Add Read-only Source https://github.com/koomai/phpstorm-la
A Laravel extension for using a laravel application on a multi domain setting
Laravel Multi Domain An extension for using Laravel in a multi domain setting Description This package allows a single Laravel installation to work wi
🐳 Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose.
docker-laravel 🐳 Introduction Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose. Usage $ git clone git@github.com:ucan-lab/docker-la
Bar management application to manage transactions and inventory.
Barbapappa Barbapappa bar management application. Installation This application requires some installation steps. Initial setup The project can be ins
Open Source Voucher Management System is a web application for manage voucher. used PHP with Laravel Framework and use MySQL for Database.
Voucher Management System is a web application for manage voucher. You can create and manage your voucher. Voucher Management System is used PHP with Laravel Framework and use MySQL for Database.
Document templates Laravel package is intended for creating/managing user editable document template
Document Templates Introduction Document templates Laravel package is intended for creating/managing user editable document templates, with ability to
Multi theme support for Laravel application
Multi theme support for Laravel application This Laravel package adds multi-theme support to your application. It also provides a simple authenticatio
Laravel Blog Package. Easiest way to add a blog to your Laravel website. A package which adds wordpress functionality to your website and is compatible with laravel 8.
Laravel Blog Have you worked with Wordpress? Developers call this package wordpress-like laravel blog. Contact us for any customization: contact@binsh
Laravel application performance monitoring
Gauge - Laravel Application Performance Monitoring Gauge is an easy to use package to monitor the performance of your Laravel applications. Gauge in b
An opinionated blade template formatter for Laravel that respects readability
blade-formatter An opinionated blade template formatter for Laravel that respects readability Online Demo Features Automatically Indents markup inside
Lakasir is a free, open source and online Point Of Sale Software designed for small shop or retail
Lakasir is a free, open source and online Point Of Sale Software designed for small shop or retail. It is built with modern technologies such as Laravel, VueJS, Bootstrap 4, RESTful API etc.
A genealogy/family tree application, built with Laravel.
Genealogy Application Development in progress In development progress, any changes of table structure will be updated directly to corresponding migrat
Laravel Larex lets you translate your whole Laravel application from a single CSV file.
Laravel Larex Translate Laravel Apps from a CSV File Laravel Larex lets you translate your whole Laravel application from a single CSV file. You can i
Enable user Timezones in your application.
Laravel Timezone An easy way to set a timezone for a user in your application and then show date/times to them in their local timezone. How does it wo
Magic Test allows you to write browser tests by simply clicking around on the application being tested, all without the slowness of constantly restarting the testing environment.
Magic Test for Laravel Magic Test allows you to write browser tests by simply clicking around on the application being tested, all without the slownes
Create Laravel views (blade template) using 'php artisan' command-line interface
About LaraBit Have you ever wonder to create Laravel views (Blade Templates) using the same type of artisan commands that you usually use to create ne
A Discord Webhook Application with the Coinbase API
Ein PHP-Skript um einen Kryptowährungspreis in Discord darzustellen. Installation Windows Voraussetzungen Docker vollständig installiert Discord und e
Laravel backend Inertia and Vue starter template
Inertia.js - Vue.js ve Laravel Starter Template Yunus Emre Altanay If you want to make a single page application using laravel infrastructure. This re
A Laravel 8 Project Implement with GraphQL With Sanctum APIs Authentications Which utilized in Any Frontend or Any Mobile Application Programs.
A Laravel 8 Project Implement with GraphQL With Sanctum APIs Authentications Which utilized in Any Frontend or Any Mobile Application Programs.
A simple CRUD built in PHP, Bootstrap and MySQL
✨ Notes-CRUD ✨ A simple CRUD built in PHP, Bootstrap and MySQL 📑 Table of Contents Usage Contribute Screenshots 🤖 Usage Add the project to your envi
Simple web app with laravel build from scratch
Find Me Simple Web Application This "Find Me" matchmaking web-based application is useful for facilitating people who are looking for new relationship
Minimalist PHP frame for Core-Library, for Developing PHP application that gives you the full control of your application.
LazyPHP lightweight Pre-Made Frame for Core-library Install Run the below command in your terminal $ composer create-project ryzen/lazyphp my-first-pr
A Laravel 5 package for OAuth Social Login/Register implementation using Laravel socialite and (optionally) AdminLTE Laravel package
laravel-social A Laravel 5 package for OAuth Social Login/Register implementation using Laravel socialite and (optionally) AdminLTE Laravel package. I
This is a Starter Laravel 8 project with Vue 3 and Bootstrap 5 installed for you.
Laravel8-Vue3-Bootstrap5 This is a Starter Laravel 8 project with Vue 3 and Bootstrap 5. Instalation Guide: As always you need to: composer install Th
A Doctor appointment and Patient history application
An application for Doctor and their staff to manage Appointments, Patient information and other stuff. Built with Laravel, ReactJs, Inertia
Application pour la gestion de emploi du temps et le payement des profs vacataires
GPET Application pour la gestion de emploi du temps et le payement des profs vacataires CONNEXION Email Mot de passe BATIMENT CRUD Ajouter un nouveau
Chat Application
The system implements oop in most of its core. The users should login, create accounts, start chats with other users and be able to chat freely with the users .Creation of tables is automated here where two users that want to chat have a table.
This package is for centralized logging of multiple Laravel application into one connection.
Laralogs This package is for centralized logging of multiple Laravel application into one connection. Installation You can install the package via com
Symfony React Blank is a blank symfony and react project, use this template to start your app using Symfony as an backend api and React as a frontend library.
Symfony React Blank Symfony React Blank is a blank symfony and react project, use this template to start your app using Symfony as an backend api and
A template field for Twill Modules
Twill Form Templates This package is a simple solution to add a template field to your Twill Modules and do interesting things with it. It can help yo
Laravel Jetstream is a beautifully designed application scaffolding for Laravel.
Laravel Jetstream is a beautifully designed application scaffolding for Laravel. Jetstream provides the perfect starting point for your next Laravel application and includes login, registration, email verification, two-factor authentication, session management, API support via Laravel Sanctum, and optional team management.