Quick new application creation with Laravel and Valet


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Super-powered laravel new for Laravel and Valet

Lambo is a command-line tool that replaces the Laravel installer and wraps up the most common tasks you might take when creating a Laravel app: opening it in your editor and your browser, initialize a git repository, tweak your .env and .env.example, and more.



composer global require tightenco/lambo:^1.0


composer global update tightenco/lambo


Make sure ~/.composer/vendor/bin is in your terminal's path.

cd ~/Sites
lambo new myNextProject

What exactly does it do?

  • laravel new $PROJECTNAME
  • Initialize a git repo, add all of the files, and, after some changes below, make a commit with the text "Initial commit."
  • Replace the .env (and .env.example) database credentials with the default macOS MySQL credentials: database of $PROJECTNAME, user root, and empty password
  • Replace the .env (and .env.example) APP_URL with $PROJECTNAME.$YOURVALETTLD
  • Generate an app key
  • Open the project in your favorite editor
  • Open $PROJECTNAME.$YOURVALETTLD in your browser

Note: If your $PROJECTNAME has dashes (-) in it, they will be replaced with underscores (_) in the database name.

There are also a few optional behaviors based on the parameters you pass (or define in your config file), including creating a database, migrating, installing Jetstream, running Valet Link and/or Secure, and running a custom bash script of your definition after the fact.

Customizing Lambo

While the default actions Lambo provides are great, most users will want to customize at least a few of the steps. Thankfully, Lambo is built to be customized!

There are three ways to customize your usage of Lambo: command-line arguments, a config file, and an "after" file.

Most users will want to set their preferred configuration options once and then never think about it again. That's best solved by creating a config file.

But if you find yourself needing to change the way you interact with Lambo on a project-by-project basis, you may also want to use the command-line parameters to customize Lambo when you're using it.

Creating a config file

You can create a config file at ~/.lambo/config rather than pass the same arguments each time you create a new project.

The following command creates the file, if it doesn't exist, and edits it:

lambo edit-config

The config file contains the configuration parameters you can customize, and will be read on every usage of Lambo.

Creating an "after" file

You can also create an after file at ~/.lambo/after to run additional commands after you create a new project.

The following command creates the file, if it doesn't exist, and edits it:

lambo edit-after

The after file is interpreted as a bash script, so you can include any commands here, such as installing additional composer dependencies...

# Install additional composer dependencies as you would from the command line.
echo "Installing Composer Dependencies"
composer require tightenco/mailthief tightenco/quicksand

...or copying additional files to your new project.

# To copy standard files to new lambo project place them in ~/.lambo/includes directory.
echo "Copying Include Files"
cp -R ~/.lambo/includes/ $PROJECTPATH

You also have access to variables from your config file such as $PROJECTPATH and $CODEEDITOR.

Using command-line parameters

Any command-line parameters passed in will override Lambo's defaults and your config settings. See a full list of the parameters you can pass in.

Lambo Commands

  • help or help-screen show the help screen

  • edit-config edits your config file (and creates one if it doesn't exist)

    lambo edit-config
  • edit-after edits your "after" file (and creates one if it doesn't exist)

    lambo edit-after

Configurable parameters

You can optionally pass one or more of these parameters every time you use Lambo. If you find yourself wanting to configure any of these settings every time you run Lambo, that's a perfect use for the config files.

  • -e or --editor to define your editor command. Whatever is passed here will be run as $EDITOR . after creating the project.

    # runs "subl ." in the project directory after creating the project
    lambo new superApplication --editor=subl
  • -p or --path to specify where to install the application.

    lambo new superApplication --path=~/Sites
  • -m or --message to set the first Git commit message.

    lambo new superApplication --message="This lambo runs fast!"
  • -f or --force to force install even if the directory already exists

    # Creates a new Laravel application after deleting ~/Sites/superApplication  
    lambo new superApplication --force
  • -d or --dev to choose the develop branch instead of master, getting the beta install.

    lambo new superApplication --dev
  • -b or --browser to define which browser you want to open the project in.

    lambo new superApplication --browser="/Applications/Google Chrome Canary.app"
  • -l or --link to create a Valet link to the project directory.

    lambo new superApplication --link
  • -s or --secure to secure the Valet site using https.

    lambo new superApplication --secure
  • --create-db to create a new MySQL database which has the same name as your project. This requires mysql command to be available on your system.

    lambo new superApplication --create-db
  • --migrate-db to migrate your database.

    lambo new superApplication --migrate-db
  • --dbuser to specify the database username.

    lambo new superApplication --dbuser=USER
  • --dbpassword specify the database password.

    lambo new superApplication --dbpassword=SECRET
  • --dbhost specify the database host.

    lambo new superApplication --dbhost=
  • --inertia to install Jetstream using Inertia.

    lambo new superApplication --inertia
  • --livewire to install Jetstream using Livewire.

    lambo new superApplication --livewire
  • --teams to install Jetstream using teams.

    lambo new superApplication --teams
  • --full to use --create-db, --migrate-db, --link, and -secure.

    lambo new superApplication --full

GitHub Repository Creation

Important: To create new repositories Lambo requires one of the following tools to be installed:

Lambo will give you the option to continue without GitHub repository creation if neither tool is installed.

  • -g or --github to Initialize a new private GitHub repository and push your new project to it.
# Repository created at https://github.com/
lambo new superApplication --github
  • Use --gh-public with --github to make the new GitHub repository public.
lambo new superApplication --github --gh-public
  • Use --gh-description with --github to initialize the new GitHub repository with a description.
lambo new superApplication --github --gh-description='My super application'
  • Use --gh-homepage with --github to initialize the new GitHub repository with a homepage url.
lambo new superApplication --github --gh-homepage=https://example.com
  • Use --gh-org with --github to initialize the new GitHub repository with a specified organization.
# Repository created at https://github.com/acme/superApplication
lambo new superApplication --github --gh-org=acme

For contributors:

Process for release

If you're working with us and are assigned to push a release, here's the easiest process:

  1. Visit the Lambo Releases page; figure out what your next tag will be (increase the third number if it's a patch or fix; increase the second number if it's adding features)

  2. On your local machine, pull down the latest version of main (git checkout main && git pull)

  3. Build for the version you're targeting (./lambo app:build)

  4. Run the build once to make sure it works (./builds/lambo)

  5. Commit your build and push it up

  6. Draft a new release with both the tag version and release title of your tag (e.g. v1.5.1)

  7. Set the body to be a bullet-point list with simple descriptions for each of the PRs merged, as well as the PR link in parentheses at the end. For example:

    - Add a superpower (#92)

  8. Hit Publish release

  9. Profit

Notes for future development

  • All new configuration keys must be added to the $newConfiguration property in UpgradeSavedConfiguration
  • All removed or deprecated configuration keys must be added to the $removedConfigurationKeys property in UpgradeSavedConfiguration
  • Any time configuration keys are changed, the $configurationVersion property in UpgradeSavedConfiguration needs to be incremented
  • Ijpatricio lampho 1

    Ijpatricio lampho 1

    Hey @mattstauffer

    Super excited to finally submit this PR here.

    So I think all the previous bash version features are covered! (manually tested).

    That was the focus. Even so, I put the initial screen with a (C)ustomize option that will make it real cool and handy to change options at runtime, without the work of typing everything. Many things may come from here.

    Just make a quick analysis starting from the app/Commands/NewCommand.php and hopefully, all will be very clear!

    So, how i was working.

    clone of https://github.com/ijpatricio/lambo/tree/ijpatricio-lampho-1 at ~/code/experiments/lambo
    then at ~/code/experiments
    I was running:
    lambo/lambo new app

    For testing out the options,

    You may change the config file in the project, publish with lambo make:config and make:after, or add inline options

    Hope you like it!

    For adding to the braindump...

    Imagine a catalog application that also serves a json with the data needed to require all dependencies for a project. (composer and npm packages, commands needed to be run, and so on)

    lambo recipe 45

    This would fetch a json from a webapp endpoint (id=45), and when it finishes, the app is ready to test on browser, with all dependencies installed, assets compiled, new database migrated and seeded...

    Think of Nova setups.. Of course also local copy commands would occur and such..

    Hope I made the idea through! Would be really into it!


    opened by ijpatricio 24
  • sed error read .env

    sed error read .env

    I have Ubuntu 16.04-1 with russian locale, but I'll translate for you.

    den@probook ~/projects[0] $ lambo lamboApp
    Creating new Laravel app lamboApp
    Crafting application...
    sh: composer: команда не найдена
    Application ready! Build something amazing.
    Инициализирован пустой репозиторий Git в /home/den/projects/lamboApp/.git/
    [master (корневой коммит) 186e228] Initial commit.
     80 files changed, 6340 insertions(+)
     create mode 100644 .env.example
     create mode 100644 .gitattributes
     create mode 100644 .gitignore
     create mode 100644 app/Console/Kernel.php
     create mode 100644 app/Exceptions/Handler.php
     create mode 100644 app/Http/Controllers/Auth/ForgotPasswordController.php
     create mode 100644 app/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController.php
     create mode 100644 app/Http/Controllers/Auth/RegisterController.php
     create mode 100644 app/Http/Controllers/Auth/ResetPasswordController.php
     create mode 100644 app/Http/Controllers/Controller.php
     create mode 100644 app/Http/Kernel.php
     create mode 100644 app/Http/Middleware/EncryptCookies.php
     create mode 100644 app/Http/Middleware/RedirectIfAuthenticated.php
     create mode 100644 app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php
     create mode 100644 app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
     create mode 100644 app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php
     create mode 100644 app/Providers/BroadcastServiceProvider.php
     create mode 100644 app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php
     create mode 100644 app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php
     create mode 100644 app/User.php
     create mode 100644 artisan
     create mode 100644 bootstrap/app.php
     create mode 100644 bootstrap/autoload.php
     create mode 100644 bootstrap/cache/.gitignore
     create mode 100644 composer.json
     create mode 100644 composer.lock
     create mode 100644 config/app.php
     create mode 100644 config/auth.php
     create mode 100644 config/broadcasting.php
     create mode 100644 config/cache.php
     create mode 100644 config/compile.php
     create mode 100644 config/database.php
     create mode 100644 config/filesystems.php
     create mode 100644 config/mail.php
     create mode 100644 config/queue.php
     create mode 100644 config/services.php
     create mode 100644 config/session.php
     create mode 100644 config/view.php
     create mode 100644 database/.gitignore
     create mode 100644 database/factories/ModelFactory.php
     create mode 100644 database/migrations/.gitkeep
     create mode 100644 database/migrations/2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.php
     create mode 100644 database/migrations/2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table.php
     create mode 100644 database/seeds/.gitkeep
     create mode 100644 database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php
     create mode 100644 gulpfile.js
     create mode 100644 package.json
     create mode 100644 phpunit.xml
     create mode 100644 public/.htaccess
     create mode 100644 public/css/app.css
     create mode 100644 public/favicon.ico
     create mode 100644 public/index.php
     create mode 100644 public/js/app.js
     create mode 100644 public/robots.txt
     create mode 100644 readme.md
     create mode 100644 resources/assets/js/app.js
     create mode 100644 resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
     create mode 100644 resources/assets/js/components/Example.vue
     create mode 100644 resources/assets/sass/app.scss
     create mode 100644 resources/assets/sass/variables.scss
     create mode 100644 resources/lang/en/auth.php
     create mode 100644 resources/lang/en/pagination.php
     create mode 100644 resources/lang/en/passwords.php
     create mode 100644 resources/lang/en/validation.php
     create mode 100644 resources/views/errors/503.blade.php
     create mode 100644 resources/views/vendor/.gitkeep
     create mode 100644 resources/views/welcome.blade.php
     create mode 100644 routes/api.php
     create mode 100644 routes/console.php
     create mode 100644 routes/web.php
     create mode 100644 server.php
     create mode 100644 storage/app/.gitignore
     create mode 100644 storage/app/public/.gitignore
     create mode 100644 storage/framework/.gitignore
     create mode 100644 storage/framework/cache/.gitignore
     create mode 100644 storage/framework/sessions/.gitignore
     create mode 100644 storage/framework/views/.gitignore
     create mode 100644 storage/logs/.gitignore
     create mode 100644 tests/ExampleTest.php
     create mode 100644 tests/TestCase.php
    sed: невозможно прочитать .env: Нет такого файла или каталога
    sed: невозможно прочитать .env: Нет такого файла или каталога
    sed: невозможно прочитать .env: Нет такого файла или каталога
    sed: невозможно прочитать .env: Нет такого файла или каталога

    sed: can't read .env: File or directory doesn't exist

    It isn't actually an error, but I suppose something happened. 🍻

    opened by Piterden 17
  • Lampho branch - Php version on Laravel-Zero - Initial, progressive upgrade to 5.8

    Lampho branch - Php version on Laravel-Zero - Initial, progressive upgrade to 5.8

    hey @andrewmile

    So I was able to start the porting, and left out the recurring runtime option config change in a starting point.

    All the rest is working, and left a file, ROADMAP.md that you should go about, left many thought and indications there!

    Im at 12% now, will use the rest to scaffold a little more, the interactive options, and if all is found agreed, just small tweaks and tests missing.

    Can't wait to hear your thoughts!

    opened by ijpatricio 15
  • bash3.2 n#: command not found

    bash3.2 n#: command not found

    Whenever I run lambo new-project the command always fails after running the after script. I get a command not found. I believe this has to do with the $SHELL command on line 395. $SHELL isn't defined anywhere in the preceeding code so i'm not exactly sure what it is trying to reference here.

    if [[ "$SHELL" != "" ]]; then 
        exec "$SHELL"

    When I comment out that if block, it runs to completion.


    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    MESSAGE="Initial commit."


    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    php artisan storage:link
    bug wontfix 
    opened by nowendwell 11
  • Error creating project

    Error creating project

    Following directions from "Laravel: Up and Running, 2nd Edition". I get errors running it, and a a different set of files (from the book). Output is like so:

    Creating new Laravel app tourney

    Crafting application... Loading composer repositories with package information Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file

    [ErrorException] "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"?

    install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-autoloader] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-suggest] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] []...

    Application ready! Build something amazing.

    After this is a bunch of git checkin stuff.

    Then I notice different list of files (from book). Most are same, but most glowingly missing is the vendor directory. i'm hesitant to do a composer install because I'm not sure if the above error will cause issues.

    Am I missing something ?? (New to Laravel, I hope the benefits outweigh the headaches of setting up)

    opened by judodan 10
  • Changed .env replacements to use perl instead of sed

    Changed .env replacements to use perl instead of sed

    This replaces sed usage with perl -pie.

    My macOS system has GNU sed so the Darwin check did not work for me. Rather than rewrite the sed checks, I simply replaced sed with perl as perl just works.

    It might require tweaking as I'm not an expert here, but I did test this lambo on macOS and the .env replacement code on Ubuntu.

    In addition, it changes the current values and does not assume the current defaults (e.g., homestead, secret, localhost) in case those change or if lambo is executed on an existing project. This is a BC break that could be removed, if needed, as it might offer unattended consequences.

    opened by philip 10
  • Allow Initial commit to be empty

    Allow Initial commit to be empty

    I am a big believer of the initial commit being empty: git commit --allow-empty -m 'Initial Commit'. This should occur immediately after the git init. This would then be followed with the git add . and the git commit -m $MESSAGE as found in line 307.

    I can quickly create a PR if this would be considered.

    opened by djallits 9
  • Editor opens before yarn runs

    Editor opens before yarn runs

    When creating a new site the editor is opened before yarn is ran, this doesn't cause an issue when using editors such as PHPStorm or Sublime, but when using vim this halts the rest of the setup process until vim has been closed. This means that yarn doesn't run, auth scaffolding doesn't run and any lambo-after config doesn't run either.

    opened by lukeberry99 9
  • Next beta 🤔

    Next beta 🤔

    @mattstauffer I think this is a reasonable chunk of fixes and new features to release as a beta. It should not be too big to review this time 😁 .

    NOTE: the large file change count is due to the removal of \App\Commands\LamboCommand->makeAndInvoke(). You will likely be able to skip over most of the files during the review.

    User facing changes

    :sparkles:  Feature Users can instruct Lambo to run database migrations. Migrations will also run automatically if the user has specified --inertia or --livewire as a Jetstream backed UI requires specific database tables.

    # database migration support 🔥 
    Lambo new my-side-hustle --migrate-db

    :sparkles:  Feature Lambo will give the user better feedback as it executes. In prior betas it was necessary to add the -v[vv] flag to see the commands being executed and whether they completed successfully (fixes #126).

    Screenshot 2020-09-22 at 19 11 42

    Under-the-hood changes

    • :sparkles:  Feature Improve database detection by using PDO (fixes #120).
    • :sparkles:  Feature Check access to the database before running migrations (fixes #121)
    • :recycle:  Refactor Refactor app/Actions/ValidateConfiguration.php (fixes #133)
    • :recycle:  Refactor Refactor app/ConsoleWriter.php (fixes #135)
    • :recycle:  Refactor remove usages of \App\Commands\LamboCommand->makeAndInvoke().

    Outstanding Issues

    For v1.0.0

    |Description|Milestone |---|--- |:sparkles:  Feature
    Add --force option (#123) | v1.0.0beta4 (29-SEP-2020) |:sparkles:  Feature
    Make opening in editor/browser configurable (#124) | v1.0.0beta4 (29-SEP-2020) |:recycle:  Refactor
    Configuration improvements (#134, #119 and #109) | v1.0.0beta4 (29-SEP-2020) |:bug:  Bug
    Issues opening the project in VS Code (#127) | v1.0.0beta4 (29-SEP-2020) |:memo:  Docs
    Update README.md docs to reference the PHP version (#111) | v1.0.0rc1 (06-OCT-2020)

    For post release

    |Description|Milestone |---|--- |:sparkles:  Feature
    Support Windows and Linux option (#117) | Post launch (TBA) |:sparkles:  Feature
    Add a post execution summary (#108) | Post launch (TBA) |:sparkles:  Feature
    Automatically add new options to ~/.lambo/config (#110) | Post launch (TBA) |:sparkles:  Feature
    Add a --without-comments option (#85) | Post launch (TBA) |:sparkles:  Feature
    Add new option lambo --interactive
    This will show a menu for configuring Lambo execution (#115) | Post launch (TBA) |:sparkles:  Feature
    Implement lambo edit-config --interactive
    This will show a menu for setting defaults in ~/.lambo/config (#114) | Post launch (TBA)

    opened by jonsugar 8
  • Branch lampho - PHP Laravel-Zero version roadmap

    Branch lampho - PHP Laravel-Zero version roadmap

    Hello Matt,

    So after checking https://github.com/tightenco/lambo/tree/lampho

    I'm wondering why it stopped, or still didn't replace the shell version?

    I can see some points

    • Was multiOS was an issue?

    • Composer global requiring was an issue because of dependencies flattening, and possible collision? -Would you see https://github.com/consolidation/cgr as fit?


    But please let me know your point of view, Lambo in php/Laravel-Zero would be even more awesome, by adding few things:

    • Tests
    • Creating database optionally for the 'new' command
    • Own sqlite database to store options, and easily work with them (internal, for lambo use, in ~/.lambo)
    • Laravel console menu to interact
    • Having user Classes/Events in ~/.lambo/Events
    • Firing events after project installed, from lambo interactive menu...
      • A sub set of events could be adding predefined packages array
      • Also custom recipes... php recipes on the classes, or shell commands invoked from lambo
    • Lambo clone, for fully working projects, we could try them out, from A-Z, with this one command
      • database created, migrated, seeded, etc
      • even having a composer.json key in the repos, to process after lambo :)

    I see possibilities as endless, and would contribute for sure..

    Let me know what you think, please, if you have some roadmap.. Or even if you share these ideas at all, or have some others?

    opened by ijpatricio 8
  • Add Presets Option

    Add Presets Option

    Add option to pass either a single or list of presets separated by a comma. lambo superApplication --presets "base" or lambo superApplication --presets "base,API"

    This will look for a file called ~/.lambo/presets/PRESET.sh and run it if it exists, or display a warning if it does not exist.

    In this gif you can see the output with the preset existing 'base', in this case just an echo statement, and a preset not existing 'API'. lambopresets

    opened by quickliketurtle 8
  • Future plans

    Future plans

    I've long been considering building an all-in-one tool that sets up my ideal local Mac dev experience.

    I'm considering Lambo for that.

    It would:

    • Bundle a few tools:
      • Valet
      • Laravel installer
      • Lambo's current functionality, I think
      • Takeout
    • Allow users or packages to register custom commands (e.g. lambo timezone EST or lambo pecl doThing)

    The problem is, I keep thinking about it, but I just don't know whether it's actually worth the effort. Are more people moving to Sail? Is there any need for a bundled set of tools? Would people use clever command line tooling more if they were just writing easy packages extending Lambo's already powerful tooling, or are people preferring GUIs more these days? Is this more targeted at newcomers, who are more using Sail? I have no idea.

    opened by mattstauffer 1
  • WIP Presets work

    WIP Presets work

    I made a bunch of work a long time ago about presets. May want to get back to it one day? Putting this here so I remember it.

    I believe the syntax was:

    lambo new myProject --presets=nova,telescope

    If I pick this back up, I'd likely just steal code from this branch and make a new branch from modern Lambo (since this is from 2.5 years ago 😬 )

    opened by mattstauffer 0
  • Boolean flags in `~/.lambo/config` do not get applied.

    Boolean flags in `~/.lambo/config` do not get applied.

    Boolean flags in ~/.lambo/config do not get applied. The affected flags are DEVELOP, CREATE_DATABASE, MIGRATE_DATABASE, LINK and SECURE.

    Original description

    It's strange, but lambo does not create & migrate the database, also its configured correctly (see CREATE_DATABASE=true in config file below). In the past, the database was created.

    This command does not create a database: lambo new mydemo1 --breeze=blade

    The database is only created if i add the option. lambo new mydemo2 --breeze=blade --create-db

    My lambo config (System: Apple M1)

    MESSAGE="Initial commit."
    BROWSER="/Applications/Google Chrome.app"
    opened by camya 0
  • Suggestion: New

    Suggestion: New "after" script template (lambo edit-after)

    I suggest a new structure for the default/demo "after" script, which is created by lambo edit-after

    The changes:

    • Echos all sections in the after script every time. Only the commands are commented out. (Better overview)
    • Composer require with --no-update option in order to defer the installation.
    • Copy command is verbose and shows all copied files. (see option -v)
    • Copy command uses other syntax for easier string concatenation of destination path.
    • Finishing task with "npm run build" added, because this is most likely required if you copy templates.
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    echo "
    - lambo after: Install composer dependencies
    #composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar --dev --no-update
    #composer require beyondcode/laravel-query-detector --dev --no-update
    #composer update
    echo "
    - lambo after: Copy files to project (Source ~/.lambo/includes)
    #cp -Rv ~/.lambo/includes/ "${PROJECTPATH}"
    echo "
    - lambo after: Git commit modifications
    #git add .
    #git commit -am "Installed composer packages and extra files."
    echo "
    - lambo after: Finish
    #npm run build
    opened by camya 0
  • Set default STACK in config (e.g. STACK=jetstream+inertia,teams)

    Set default STACK in config (e.g. STACK=jetstream+inertia,teams)

    Lambo helps me to create my preferred Laravel Stack easy by passing the option --breeze=blade. I use this 100% of the time.

    Feature Request: Allow to set the default STACK in config

    Instead of passing --breeze=blade every time, it could be a great time saver to just define the default stack in the ~/.lambo/config file.

    Examples: STACK=breeze+blade STACK=jetstream+livewire,teams

    The available options could be:


    A user can still overwrite this value on the command line, e.g. lambo project-name --breeze=vue

    opened by camya 0
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Slim Framework 4 Skeleton Application Use this skeleton application to quickly setup and start working on a new Slim Framework 4 application. This app

Slim Framework 1.5k Dec 25, 2022
A Laravel package which helps you automate creation of files.

Laravel file generator This is a Laravel package which helps you automate creation of files. High Res Link Benefits If you create a type of file frequ

Anirudh Sanjeev 63 Nov 29, 2022
Quick Start - Project With Laravel 8.x and AdminLTE 3

Quick Start - Project With Laravel 8.x and AdminLTE 3 (feat. Docker) Cursos de Laravel - PT-BR Step by step Clone this Repository git clone https://gi

EspecializaTi 3 May 24, 2022
Someline Starter is a PHP framework for quick building Web Apps and Restful APIs, with modern PHP design pattern foundation.

Someline Starter PHP Framework Tested and used in production by Someline Inc. Someline Starter is a PHP framework for quick building Web Apps and Rest

Someline 844 Nov 17, 2022
This is a skeleton to quickly set up a new Slim 4 application.

Slim 4 Skeleton This is a skeleton to quickly set up a new Slim 4 application. Requirements PHP 7.4+ or 8.0+ MySQL 5.7+ or MariaDB Recommended Apache

Daniel Opitz 376 Jan 2, 2023
lara setups is a new star kit for installing latest and greetest version of vue js and bootstrap

Lara setups Introduction lara setups helps you to install latest bootstrap and vue.js version on your laravel project laravel team no longer supports

Mohammad khazaee 11 Jul 12, 2022
A simple and clean boilerplate to start a new SPA project with authentication and more features from fortify

A simple and clean boilerplate to start a new SPA project with authentication and more features from fortify. Its like the little sister of Jetstream, but as SPA.

Tobias Schulz 11 Dec 30, 2022
This repository is pre-configured, clean and empty skeleton for creating a new projects using Kraken Framework.

Kraken Application Skeleton Note: This repository contains pre-configured application skeleton for fast creation of new projects with Kraken Framework

Kraken 79 Aug 6, 2022
Create a new project using QuidPHP, LemurCMS and React

QuidPHP/React About QuidPHP/React repository contains a sample application project built on top of the QuidPHP framework. This application is using Le

QuidPHP 2 May 23, 2022
Start a new Laravel 8 project with the AdminLTE template installed.

AdminLTE template Laravel 8 package Start a new Laravel 8 project with the AdminLTE template installed. Installation Create database. Clone repository

Mairo Rodrigues 12 Dec 21, 2022
Opinionated way to start a new Laravel project.

Laravel Boilerplate The way I start new Laravel projects. Why? I just got tired of repeating the same things over and over. I made this repository pub

Benjamin Crozat 0 Mar 18, 2022
A new blog system based on laravel+vue

Lumen PHP Framework Laravel Lumen is a stunningly fast PHP micro-framework for building web applications with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe d

white 14 Nov 4, 2022
Template repository for new Blade Icons packages.

Blade Icons Template This is a template repository for new icon packages for Blade Icons.

Blade UI Kit 11 Nov 30, 2022
A skeleton WordPress project to be used as a base for new WordPress projects.

BoxUK WordPress Project Skeleton A base WordPress project from Box UK to get you up and running quickly. Installation Create a new project with compos

Box UK 33 Dec 14, 2022
Easily start new projects using FukigenMedia's starterpack.

Fukigen Filament Starterpack Easily start new projects using FukigenMedia's starterpack. Usually, many of us are confused about where to start a new p

Fukigen Media 8 Oct 9, 2022