Registry manager for Laravel 5. An alternative for managing application configurations and settings.


Registry Manager for Laravel

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Registry manager for Laravel 5. An alternative for managing application configurations and settings. Now with the magic of caching, so no more database calls to simply get site setting.


To get the latest version of Registry simply require it in your composer.json file.

"torann/registry": "0.2.*@dev"

You'll then need to run composer install to download it and have the autoloader updated.

Once Registry is installed you need to register the service provider with the application. Open up app/app.php and find the providers key.

'providers' => array(

Registry also ships with a facade which provides the static syntax for creating collections. You can register the facade in the aliases key of your app/app.php file.

'aliases' => array(
    'Registry' => 'Torann\Registry\Facades\Registry',

Publish the configurations and migration

Run this on the command line from the root of your project:

$ php artisan vendor:publish

A configuration file will be publish to config/registry.php and a migration file to database/migrations/


View the official documentation.

Change Log


  • Update to Laravel 5


  • Added timestamp managers for multi-instance websites
  • Added custom caching


  • Added config for custom table name
  • Added forced variable types
  • Code cleanup


  • Bug fixes


  • First release
  • Laravel 5

    Laravel 5

    Just wanted to let you know that we simply updated composer.json to support Laravel 5, and this package works out of the box!

    opened by adamgoose 1
  • PHP 5.3 Using $this when not in object context

    PHP 5.3 Using $this when not in object context

    opened by kwolniak 1
  • is Laravel 5.4 compatible?

    is Laravel 5.4 compatible?

    after installation we could see this error:

    [Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError] Call to undefined method Illuminate\Foundation\Application::share()

    opened by AsyncLegs 1
  • Registry::store() doesn't work with SQLite

    Registry::store() doesn't work with SQLite

    The Registry::store() method uses a prepared statement with a hardcoded table name (see #14), but also it uses ON DUPLICATE KEY... which doesn't exist on SQLite:

    $this->database->statement("INSERT INTO system_registries ( `key`, `value` ) VALUES ( ?, ? ) ON  DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `key` = ?, `value` = ?",
        array($key, $jsonValue, $key, $jsonValue));

    This causes the method to not work if you use SQLite as database. It should use some other methods like these ones.

    opened by pacoorozco 1
  • Registry::store() hardcodes table name

    Registry::store() hardcodes table name

    The Registry::store() method uses a prepared statement with a hardcoded table name

    $this->database->statement("INSERT INTO system_registries ( `key`, `value` ) VALUES ( ?, ? ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `key` = ?, `value` = ?",
            array($key, $jsonValue, $key, $jsonValue));

    This causes the method to not work if the table name is changed. It should have $this->config['table'] concatenated into the statement.

    opened by frasmage 0
  • Allow manual cache refresh or direct database retrieval

    Allow manual cache refresh or direct database retrieval

    Since Registry::setCache() is only called on Registry::__construct(), any non-reloading instance of the app (i.e. php artisan tinker or php artisan queue:work --daemon) will not see changes made to the registry by another app instance (i.e. a web interface) after they are loaded. Tinker is not that big of a deal, but for production sites the queue daemon is. It would be nice to allow for a way to either refresh the cache or bypass it and retrieve directly from the database.

    a) A simple solution would be to either make Registry::setCache() public or to provide another public method that calls it. b) A perhaps prettier solution would be to have an optional boolean third parameter to Registry::get() to allow for non-cached calls.

    What do you think? If you pick one of the above, I could probably submit a PR, but I didn't want to proceed my own way without your thoughts.

    opened by wunc 0
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