Laravel CRUD Generator, Make a Web Application Just In Minutes, Even With Less Code and fewer Steps !


🚀 CRUDBOOSTER - Laravel CRUD Generator

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Laravel CRUD Generator, Make a Web Application Just In Minutes, Even With Less Code and fewer Steps !

About CRUDBooster

CRUDBooster is a Laravel CRUD Generator. With a new concept of scaffolding, very easy for the beginner and professional. It's easy to use, easy to custom, and very flexible. Don't limit your mind, CRUDBooster gives us a true flexibility to develop an app. You can utilize its built in CRUD Generator or even you just need for your master data only.

Let's Get Started




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Important Note To Developer

Dear Developer, you are not end new user, to use CRUDBooster, Laravel knowledge is a must!, CRUDBooster is just an additional package Laravel Framework to help use more efficient in development. If you dont have a laravel knowledge, so nightmare will come to you :D. We can't help you as you want in every issues especially basic issues of web development instead you can find out in internet (stackoverflow or any other)


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  • When you submit your code, you are automatically accepting that it will not be exclusively yours, and that CRUDBooster may use it in any context, as it deems appropriate.
  • If you use a third-party code, it must be licensed as open-source.
  • Contributions will only be accepted through a Pull Request.
  • Your contribution can not contain execution errors.

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  • What is the problem?
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  • If possible, take screenshots or send snippets of code

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  1. Laravel Export HTML to Excel by Maatwebsite
  2. Laravel DOM PDF by Barryvdh
  3. Laravel Widgetize ImanGhafoori
  4. Admin Theme by AdminLTE Almsaeed Studio
  5. Laravel Framework by Taylor Otwell
  6. Thanks To All Developers
  7. Thanks To All Funders

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CRUDBooster is under MIT License

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  • Master update

    Master update

    Beta changes Changes:

    • Code style.
    • Base path of CB chaged to uppercase like Crocodicstudio\Crudbooster\
    • Userfiles moved to publishable folder like database, lang,assets.
    • Controllers and Middleware moved to Http folder
    • All this configured that CrudBooster can be installed and updated well

    @fherryfherry will be nice if you integrate CodeClimate or other code analizing tool CodeClimate response codeclimate — 13358 new issues (10315 fixed) for beta branch

    opened by davodavodavo3 51
  • SOLVED + SOLUTION | Dashboard Statistics | Impossible to assign different statistics to different privilege

    SOLVED + SOLUTION | Dashboard Statistics | Impossible to assign different statistics to different privilege


    It seems to be impossible to assign statistics to different privilege dashboards.

    I have created for testing purpose 2 statistics. One for Customer (privilege), one for Super Admin (privilege).

    I have created my two menus (one for Customer (privilege), one for Super Admin (privilege)) :

    Main Menu Customer Sub-menu Customer

    Main Menu Super Admin Sub-menu Super Admin

    If I set Dashboard function to Yes to the Customer menu items then the Dashboard function of Super Admin menu items are set to No, if I set again the Dashboard function of Super Admin menu items to Yes, then the Dashboard function of Customer menu items are set to No.

    Please see this video :

    So it is basically impossible to set different statistics for each created privilege. Or do I miss something. Would appreciate some insight here.

    Operating system Laravel Framework 5.4.36 Web server Laragon (Apache httpd-2-4-29-win64-VC15, MySQL-5-7-19-win64) Browser opera, chrome, firefox CRUDBooster version v5.4.18

    opened by marcq64 43
  • unique


    i know this is repeated issue rise. when i edit with unique column, it say already taken. it is latest update version. when edit it should not give such message


    opened by kinden 25
  • how to format money?

    how to format money?

    Hi, I'm studiyng crudbooster and it's awesome. thanx a lot. So, I have a field in my form that its money. but by default it's using 3 decimals (90,320), and I need to use 2 decimals(90,32) how do I change it? I'm new at php and crudboster, so, I'm sorry if I'm asking some noob stuff. Sorry my engllish is not that good captura de tela de 2017-04-28 21-43-24

    opened by vinnyparker 25
  • DataModal does not work properly

    DataModal does not work properly

    Hi there fherry..

    i already on the process of child form.. however when i click the item from the datamodal it doesn't appear on the textfield in form

    I have this code

    $columns = []; $columns[] = ['label'=>'Product Name','name'=>'product_id','type'=>'datamodal','datamodal_table'=>'products','datamodal_columns'=>'name,product_price','datamodal_select_to'=>'price:product_price', 'required'=>true]; $columns[] = ['label'=>'Product Price','name'=>'product_price','type'=>'number','readonly'=>true]; $columns[] = ['label'=>'Quantity','name'=>'quantity','type'=>'number','required'=>true]; $columns[] = ['label'=>'Sub Total','name'=>'sub_total','type'=>'number','required'=>true,'readonly'=>true,'formula'=>"[product_price] * [quantity]"]; $this->form[] = ['label'=>'Order Detail','name'=>'order_details','type'=>'child','columns'=>$columns,'table'=>'order_details','foreign_key'=>'order_id'];

    I already check this video; and this :

    but still the same.. any help?

    opened by tomatoe45 25
  • Hanging on install

    Hanging on install

    I confirmed that my database setting was in my .env file and my terminal says "Publishing CRUDBooster needs file...". It doesn't go any further.

    What could be the problem?

    opened by jerauf 18
  • SOLVED & SOLUTION | Controller | Get $row id in query

    SOLVED & SOLUTION | Controller | Get $row id in query


    I have created a crud to upload pictures. I have added a checkbox field in order to enable the user to set a category or several categories for the uploaded pictures.

    I have created a relationship : $this->form[] = ['label'=>'Catégorie','name'=>'category','type'=>'checkbox','validation'=>'required','width'=>'col-sm-10','datatable'=>'gallery_category,name','relationship_table'=>'image_categories'];

    which save the checked value(s) into the following table :

    mage_categories id | gallery_images_id | gallery_category_id 26 | 2995 | 4 27 | 2995 | 5 28 | 2995 | 6 29 | 2993 | 7 30 | 2993 | 10 31 | 2993 | 4 32 | 2993 | 5 33 | 2993 | 6

    I have created an other table which contains the gallery categories :


    id | name 4 | Fille 5 | Garçon 6 | Pour les petits 7 | Adultes 8 | Mariage 9 | Evénements religieux 10| Entreprise

    I would like to populate the table Categorie column


    with the data from the relationship table and instead of displaying the value (4,5,6 etc.) displaying the selected categories from the gallery_category (Fille, Garçon, Pour les petits etc.).

    In the detail view you can see the 3 category tags just above the image. I would like to have those three tags displayed into the category table column :


    I didn't know how to do it in a simple way (if there's one) and I couldn't find consistent explanation (documentation or forum questions) on how to deal with the relationship table related datas in order to display the tags (similar as in the detail view). So I thought I can create a query to get the values :

    $this->col[] = ['label'=>"Catégorie","name"=>"(select GROUP_CONCAT( from gallery_images join image_categories on join gallery_category on where image_categories.gallery_images_id = as Catégorie"];

    The query is returning the appropriate value in SQL but of course doesn't work in CRUDBooster since I need to populate the individual rows with their select categories.

    So I thought I could just retrieve the row id.

    I added this :

    $row = CRUDBooster::first($this->table,$id);

    And changed the where clause of my query with :

    where image_categories.gallery_images_id =$row.

    But it doesn't work too.

    So now I'm stuck and I need the CRUDBooster team to help solve this trivial issue which "costs" me already over 3 hours of no success.

    Would appreciate your help. Thanks, cheers, Marc

    opened by marcq64 16


    I plan on deprecating/removing "child" in the next version You know, the child type is still immature, can cause many bugs I hope you guys may use custom view to create master - detail module

    I hope by deprecating this feature, so all of the new users don't get caught in the trouble of this type of child, If they want the feature like this, they can use custom the view

    Maybe we can add this child in the future version, with new concept

    What do you think?

    opened by fherryfherry 16
  • Login Panel

    Login Panel

    Followed the instructions, but the login fails with

    user: password: 123456

    Do i have to create a new user from DB side?

    PD: CRUDBooster 5.3 Looks Awesome!!! keep up the good work

    opened by gpimentelv 15
  • Again, help with Helpers function ..

    Again, help with Helpers function ..

    i want using helper to get data automatically for each user in my fom... for get name i can already use CRUDBooster::myName() ...


    now i want get other data from cms_users that different for each member. before i use DB::Table('cms_users')->first()->username . but, the data i got for each member is same.

    i have some clue that same with me, that is in Profile Menu... it can get the username different for each member...


    i already search where is the function come, but still don't find it.... what is the right script that i must use in my form value=>???? to get that too....

    opened by AdnanSyarief 14
  • Removal of eval

    Removal of eval

    Eval is widely considered to be bad practice for a multitude of reasons, many of which can be found on various forums and other relevant areas.

    It is highly recommended that this code be changed to remove any and all instances of eval where its use is avoidable. Eval is evil)))

    opened by davodavodavo3 14
  • how to update crudbooster ?

    how to update crudbooster ?

    php artisan crudbooster:update

    file_get_contents(/Users/admin/Desktop/foldername/config/lfm.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

    at vendor/crocodicstudio/crudbooster/src/commands/CrudboosterUpdateCommand.php:51 47▕ $this->call('vendor:publish', ['--tag' => 'cb_lfm', '--force' => true]); 48▕ $this->call('vendor:publish', ['--tag' => 'cb_localization', '--force' => true]); 49▕ 50▕ $configLFM = config_path('lfm.php'); ➜ 51▕ $configLFM = file_get_contents($configLFM); 52▕ $configLFMModified = str_replace("['web','auth']", "['web','\crocodicstudio\crudbooster\middlewares\CBBackend']", $configLFM); 53▕ $configLFMModified = str_replace('Unisharp\Laravelfilemanager\Handlers\ConfigHandler::class', 'function() {return Session::get("admin_id");}', $configLFMModified); 54▕ $configLFMModified = str_replace('auth()->user()->id', 'Session::get("admin_id")', $configLFMModified); 55▕ $configLFMModified = str_replace("'alphanumeric_filename' => false", "'alphanumeric_filename' => true", $configLFMModified);

      +14 vendor frames 

    15 artisan:37 Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))

    opened by arrazka 0
  • parent select with 2 conditions

    parent select with 2 conditions

    Hi, is there anyway to make a parent select with two condition? Something like that $this->form[] = ['label'=>'Bloco','type'=>'select','name'=>'bloco_id','datatable'=>'bloco,nome']; $this->form[] = ['label'=>'Unidade','type'=>'select','name'=>'unidade_id','datatable'=>'unidade,nome']; $this->form[] = ['label'=>'Morador','type'=>'select','name'=>'morador_id','datatable'=>'morador,nome','parent_select'=>'bloco_id','parent_select'=>'unidade_id'];

    opened by vinnyparker 1
  • Decimals in Money input type

    Decimals in Money input type

    Hello. When I want to add 2 decimals to this number, but it shows like this and when I click on save the decimals dissapear I want to put (859.62) image image

    This is how I have the value in mySQL image

    And this is my code in the form image

    opened by Koedesu 1
  • Manipulate row of index table based on other column value

    Manipulate row of index table based on other column value

    I've seen some of the implementation in here :

    I wan't to update column 8 value based on column 10 old value before it changes. Example code

    if($column_index == 10) {
                    // $row_id = $column_value;
                    if($column_value==1)  {
                        $column_value = "<span class='label label-info'>Some1</span>";
                    }elseif($column_value==2) {
                        $column_value = "<span class='label label-info'>Some2</span>";
                    }elseif($column_value==3)  {
                        $column_value = "<span class='label label-info'>Some3</span>";
                    }elseif ($column_value==4) {
                        // define('ROW_ID',$row_id);
                        $column_value = "<span class='label label-warning'>Some4</span>";
                    }elseif ($column_value==5) {
                        // define('ROW_ID',$row_id);
                        $column_value = "<span class='label label-success'>Some5</span>";
                    }elseif ($column_value==6) {
                        // define('ROW_ID',$row_id);
                        $column_value = "<span class='label label-info'>Some6</span>";
                if($column_index == 8 && defined('ROW_ID')) {
                    $column_value = ROW_ID;

    but it won't work, it result on different result and no value in first row. anyone can help me?

    opened by mikahoy045 0
Crocodic Studio
Crocodic Studio
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