405 Repositories
PHP single-page-app Libraries
Full-screen page preview modal for Filament
Peek A Filament plugin that adds a full-screen preview modal to your Edit pages. The modal can be used before saving to preview a modified record. Ins
Integration with your Symfony app & Stimulus!
StimulusBundle: Symfony integration with Stimulus! This bundle adds integration between Symfony, Stimulus and Symfony UX: A) Twig stimulus_* functions
xAPI Integration with Saudi NELC (National Center for e-Learning) for your Laravel app
NELC Laravel Integration xAPI Integration with Saudi NELC (National Center for e-Learning) for your Laravel app Installation You can install the packa
Story-App is nice to applicate story images or videos....
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
My intention with this app is that new developers can have a concrete application with Laravel + VueJS where they can use it as example to learn the right way
My intention with this app is that new developers can have a concrete application with Laravel + VueJS where they can use it as example to learn the right way, implementing the best practices possible and at the same time learn how TDD is done. So this will be an example application but completely usable for any similar case.
CV-Resumes-App is helped us to build resume .. you can help me to improve this app...
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Food delivery app :fries: that allows users to order food from different restaurants. The project is built using a microservice architecture. :boom:
Food Delivery App Description 👋 This is a food delivery app 🍟 that allows users to order food from different restaurants. The project is built using
Code Quiz MonoRepo (API, API Client, App)
Code Quiz Welcome to the Code Quiz Open Source project from How To Code Well. This is an Open Source project that includes an API and an App for the d
Description: A simple plugin that sets the current admin page to always be at the top of the admin menu.
=== Sticky Admin Menu === Contributors: sc0ttkclark Donate link: https://www.scottkclark.com/ Tags: admin menu, sticky Requires at least: 4.4 Tested u
Nextcloud-App to add groups with AppDirect
App Direct Place this app in nextcloud/apps/ Building the app The app can be built by using the provided Makefile by running: make This requires the
Tabdil.app stopwatch
Tabdil.app Stopwatch This is a WordPress plugin. With the tabdilapp plugin you can have a professional stopwatch on your website. Technologies Compati
📥 A simple web page to download addons through the GmodStore API.
📥 GmodStore Downloader In French Ce petit site Internet permet le téléchargement d'addons en provenance du GmodStore sans passer le site en ligne mai
A barebones PHP web page.
PHP Hello World Form A barebones PHP web page. Deploy on Heroku Create a Heroku account. Install the Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI). macOS users
TYPO3 CMS extension which extends TYPO3 page cache, by tags based on entities used in fluid templates.
Fluid Page Cache for TYPO3 CMS This TYPO3 CMS extension allows you to clear frontend page caches, automatically when a displayed record has been updat
📷 Yet another photo management app for Nextcloud
Memories 📷 Yet another photo management app for Nextcloud How is this different? 📸 Photo and Video Timeline: Sorts photos by date taken, parsed from
Laravel Larex lets you translate your whole Laravel application with a single CSV file.
Laravel Larex Laravel Larex lets you translate your whole Laravel application with a single CSV file. You can import translation entries from lang fol
HTMX example app that demonstrates how to use HTMX to add javascript interactivity to a serverside rendered PHP app
HTMX examle app This demo app demonstrates how to use HTMX to transform a server side rendered PHP app into a more 'interactive' app with AJAX request
Generate robust laravel athorization without writing a single line of code.
Implement robust laravel authorization logic without writing a single line of code This package helps you to quickly create strong policy authorizatio
The advance todo-app (backend) with Laravel framework.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Laravel Plans is a package for SaaS apps that need management over plans, features, subscriptions, events for plans or limited, countable features.
Laravel Plans Laravel Plans is a package for SaaS apps that need management over plans, features, subscriptions, events for plans or limited, countabl
A simple pure PHP RADIUS client supporting Standard and Vendor-Specific Attributes in single file
BlockBox-Radius A simple pure PHP RADIUS client supporting Standard and Vendor-Specific Attributes in single file Author: Daren Yeh dhy901224@gmail.co
Create a simple todo-list application with the basic PHP programming language implemented in the terminal
PHP-DASAR---simple-todo-list-app-with-terminal create a simple todo-list application with the basic PHP programming language implemented in the termin
commie 2.0 is a pastebin with line commenting support.
commie2 commie 2.0 is a pastebin script with line commenting support. This was originally forked from splitbrain/commie and further improved and expan
A simple job posting application using PHP with an Admin Panel. Register, Login and create the job in apnel. The job gets posted on index page.
Jobee A simple job posting application using PHP with an Admin Panel. Register, Login and create the job in apnel. The job gets posted on index page.
Video Chat application built using Metered Video SDK, with PHP Laravel Backend and JavaScript Front-End
Group Video Chat App with PHP Laravel and JavaScript Powered by Metered Video SDK Overview This application is a highly scalable group video calling a
Laravel-OvalFi helps you Set up, test, and manage your OvalFi integration directly in your Laravel App.
OvalFi Laravel Package Laravel-OvalFi helps you Set up, test, and manage your OvalFi integration directly in your Laravel App. Installation You can in
Sunhill Framework is a simple, fast, and powerful PHP App Development Framework
Sunhill Framework is a simple, fast, and powerful PHP App Development Framework that enables you to develop more modern applications by using MVC (Model - View - Controller) pattern.
Free WordPress plugin to generate Admin Settings Page.
ClioWP Settings Page ClioWP Setting Page is a free WordPress Plugin which creates a sample Settings Page. This “test” page contains almost any type of
OPcodes's Log Viewer is a perfect companion for your Laravel app
Log Viewer Easy-to-use, fast, and beautiful Features | Installation | Configuration | Authorization | Troubleshooting | Credits OPcodes's Log Viewer i
French-Traduction-Pterodactyl est la traduction française de pterodactyl French-Traduction-Pterodactyl is the French translation of pterodactyl
French-Traduction-Pterodactyl Star French-Traduction-Pterodactyl est la traduction française de pterodactyl French-Traduction-Pterodactyl is the Frenc
A Employee Management System Web App
This is a Employees Management Web App. Installation Fork, clone or download this repository. Run composer install if it's the initial setup or compos
Bootstrap Theme Generator inside of a Wordpress-Settings-Page. Includes live compilation of SCSS!
Bootstrap-Theme-Generator Bootstrap Theme Generator enables you to choose which components of Bootstrap you want to load. It also gives you the possib
Easy to use, fast extendable small PHP Framework, like the one you ever missed. The skeleton-APP
About Tufu-Framework Easy to use, fast extendable PHP Framework, like the one you ever missed. Features included such as: Twig and extensions. Fast ro
Nextcloud app to do preview generation
Preview Generator Nextcloud app that allows admins to pre-generate previews. The app listens to edit events and stores this information. Once a cron j
Free Cricket API - Live Cricket Score JSON API 🏏
Free Cricket API 🍔 Live Cricket Score API 🏏 unofficial API Data Fetched from Cricbuzz.com This is an unofficial API and not Linked or Partnered with
Simple, single-file and dependency-free AWS S3 client.
Simple, single-file and dependency-free AWS S3 client. Why? In some scenarios we want the simplest and lightest S3 client possible. For example in Bre
Test and enforce architectural rules in your Laravel applications. Keep your app's architecture clean and consistent!
Laravel Arkitect Laravel Arkitect lets you test and enforce your architectural rules in your Laravel applications, and it's a PHPArkitect wrapper for
PHPMailer-VerficationCode App
the App PHPMailer-VerficationCode App Steps To use it: install Xampp or Wampp Server copy and extlact the cloned project into htdocs in xammp Import .
A Magento 2 module that allows for creating discrete PDP (Product Detail Pages) page layouts for customers landing on the site from a PPC (Pay Per Click) link/ad by allowing routing to the same pages using a `/ppc/` prefix in the URL path.
A Magento 2 module that allows for creating discrete PDP (Product Detail Pages) page layouts for customers landing on the site from a PPC (Pay Per Click) link/ad by allowing routing to the same pages using a `/ppc/` prefix in the URL path.
Simple app for geoip - Lumen GeoIP Service
Lumen GeoIP Service Requirements PHP = 8 Required packages: https://github.com/maxmind/GeoIP2-php Install Install Composer packages: composer install
Facebook SDK for PHP (v6) - allows you to access the Facebook Platform from your PHP app
Facebook SDK for PHP (v6) This repository contains the open source PHP SDK that allows you to access the Facebook Platform from your PHP app. Installa
Integrate reCAPTCHA using async HTTP/2, making your app fast with a few lines.
ReCaptcha Integrate reCAPTCHA using async HTTP/2, making your app fast with a few lines. use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; Route::post('login', f
Instagram Clone App made with Laravel a PHP Framework
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
🐍 Web application made in PHP with Laravel where you can interact via API with my Snake game which is made in Python
Snake web application Project of the web application where you can interact via API with Snake game which is available to download on it. Application
This is an example app demonstrating how to deploy a php app to runway.
Runway Example php App This is an example app demonstrating how to deploy a php app to runway. clone this repo, and navigate into that directory runwa
Laravel breeze is a PHP Laravel library that provides Authentication features such as Login page , Register, Reset Password and creating all Sessions Required.
About Laravel breeze To give you a head start building your new Laravel application, we are happy to offer authentication and application starter kits
Check modules in app/code and vendor for PHP 8 compatibility status - PHP_CodeSniffer & php-compatibility standard
M2 PHP version compatibility check How To use Requires PHP 7.3+ | PHP 8 This app will run PHP_CodeSniffer with phpcompatibility/php-compatibility on t
CodeIgniter 4 + Vue3 App Starter
CodeIgniter 4 + Vue3 Application Starter Features: 💡 Super fast single page application (SPA). 🔥 Hot Module Replacment (HMR). 🧩 Easy to install and
CodeIgniter 4 + Svelte App Starter
CodeIgniter4 + Svelte Application Starter 💡 Features: ⚡ Super fast single page application (SPA). 🔥 Hot Module Replacment (HMR). 🧩 Easy to install
Start using Whatsapp Business Cloud API in your app
Use The Most Used Whatsapp's Cloud API Start using Whatsapp Business Cloud API in your app! Support us Investing on this package is defintely a good m
↪️🔔 Send notification action for Nextcloud Flow
Nextcloud Flow Notifications 📝 Notification action for Nextcloud Flow 🔩 Configure your flow 🔔 Receive notifications 🏗 Development setup ☁ Clone th
Optimize images in your Laravel app
Optimize images in your Laravel app This package is the Laravel 6.0 and up specific integration of spatie/image-optimizer. It can optimize PNGs, JPGs,
Aplicação criada com Slim Framework com objetivo de criar autenticação com JWT e aprender sobre o framework Slim
Slim JWT App Essa aplicação tem como foco o aprendizado do Framework Slim e também a utilização de JWT. Como rodar a Aplicação A aplicação está config
Modularize your laravel app in a package way.
Laravel Modular Pustaka laravel untuk modularisasi kode secara rapi dan mudah di maintain. Instalasi $ composer require kodepandai/laravel-modular Set
Easily implement optimistic Eloquent model locking feature to your Laravel app.
quarks/laravel-locking Easily implement optimistic Eloquent model locking feature to your Laravel app. Installation composer require quarks/laravel-lo
An example chat app to illustrate the usage of kitar/laravel-dynamodb.
Simplechat An example chat app to illustrate the usage of kitar/laravel-dynamodb. Demo https://demo.simplechat.app/ This demo app is deployed with Lar
HydePHP - Elegant and Powerful Static App Builder
HydePHP - Elegant and Powerful Static App Builder Make static websites, blogs, and documentation pages with the tools you already know and love. About
A Real time chat app made in Next.js, Laravel and Ably.
Chat App with Next.js, Laravel and Ably This repository serves as a code container for the tutorial I wrote on Ably's Blog. Blog link will be updated
GraphQL Demo App
GraphQL Demo App This project was created to show how we use GraphQLBundle in our projects. To ilustrate this we created simple backend application wi
Web page performance/seo/security/accessibility analysis, browser-less for PHP
Web page performance/seo/security/accessibility analysis, browser-less for PHP
Create and Control Page Redirects through Filament
Create and Control Page Redirects through Filament A Filament resource to create and maintain page redirects for your website. Installation You can in
Easily integrate single-database multi tenant features into your Laravel application
Laravel Tenant Aware Easily integrate single-database multi tenant features into your Laravel application. Installation You can install the package vi
Moodle ReactJS - gives you ability to use ReactJS inside any moodle page.
moodle-local_reactjs Moodle ReactJS - gives you ability to use ReactJS inside any moodle page. Note for devs: You'll need to set up npm dependencies d
Laravel 9 Web App - Our client José Gustavo, passionate about soccer and technology, wants to have an application that simulates the soccer leagues in his neighborhood, called My League.
Laravel 9 Web App - Our client José Gustavo, passionate about soccer and technology, wants to have an application that simulates the soccer leagues in his neighborhood, called My League.
A Responsive Web Chat App Using Php , MySql and JavaScript
Web-Chat-App A Responsive Web Chat App Using Php , MySql and JavaScript Prerequisites XAMPP [Php Runtime Environment] click HERE To Download XAMPP Set
Single Sign-On for PHP (Ajax compatible)
Single Sign-On for PHP (Ajax compatible) Jasny SSO is a relatively simply and straightforward solution for single sign on (SSO). With SSO, logging int
Prisma is an app that strengthens the relationship between people with memory loss and the people close to them
Prisma is an app that strengthens the relationship between people with memory loss and the people close to them. It does this by providing a living, collaborative digital photo album that can be populated with content of interest to these people.
Automatically fill in the captcha code in the NTHU OAuth login page.
NTHU-OAuth-Decaptcha Automatically fill in the captcha code in the NTHU OAuth login page. CNN Decaptcha For training the decaptcha model. See CNN Deca
Minimal HTML login page that uses a json file as a database
JSONlogin Minimal HTML login page that uses a json file as a database Minimal login system that requires a new user to input username, password and th
PHP web based Password Manager for business and personal use.
sysPass - Systems Password Manager Join us in the Gitter chat room: PHP web based Password Manager for business and personal use. AES-256 encryption i
A simple Lumen web app to send basic commands and fetch the current status to your Ford vehicle with Sync 3 enabled
FordPass Access This is a simple Lumen web app to send basic commands and fetch the current status to your Ford vehicle with Sync 3 enabled. Local dev
Orangescrum is a simple yet powerful free and open source project management software that helps team to organize their tasks, projects and deliver more.
Free, open source Project Management software Introduction Orangescrum is the simple yet powerful free and open source project management software tha
project with laravel 9 and php 8 and vuejs 3(modular) in both multi page and single page application
About Project Since Laravel 9 was recently released, it supports PHP 8 and above. So I decided to implement a prototype project using Laravel 9 + PHP
Application de suivi de cycle pour les méthodes naturelles de régulation de naissance.
MONCYCLE.APP Application de suivi de cycle menstruel pour les méthodes naturelles de régulation de naissance. Plus d'information 👉 https://moncycle.a
Get info from any web service or page
Embed PHP library to get information from any web page (using oembed, opengraph, twitter-cards, scrapping the html, etc). It's compatible with any web
PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page.
Snappy Snappy is a PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page. It uses the excellent webkit-based wkhtmltopd
A Single Table Inheritance Trait for Eloquent/Laravel
Single Table Inheritance Single Table Inheritance is a trait for Laravel 5.8+ Eloquent models that allows multiple models to be stored in the same dat
The best PHP library for VK Users Longpoll Api (Page Bots).
vk-page-bot-lib Description: There are 2 commands and a logger. There is a logger of new messages and a logger that a friend has entered/left in/from
WordPress single-page theme with profile patterns.
X3P0 - Reflections A one-page user-profile WordPress theme. Really, it's just a single page. View Demo → Recommended This theme is designed to work wi
Elastic Beanstalk Multi Container PHP-FPM + Nginx Demo App
Elastic Beanstalk Multi Container PHP-FPM + Nginx Demo App This demo app shows you how to run a simple PHP application using the PHP-FPM and Nginx Doc
Web app to share your favorite photos, made with laravel
Kuro Photos Web app to share your favorite photos, made with laravel. This web app was made for educationals purposes only. I enjoyed so much learning
A simple todo app, built with bootstrap, php native, mysql
A simple todo app, built with bootstrap, php native, mysql
WordPress entities creation library (CPT, CT, native option page, ACF option page, user role, block pattern category, block category…)
WordPress entities creation library (CPT, CT, native option page, ACF option page, user role, block pattern category, block category…)
Ssibrahimbas location-app
Ssibrahimbas location-app With this API you can currently add, list, filter, delete and update countries and cities. Endpoints Create Country You can
A truly single-file, no-database, drop-in PHP media gallery.
Media Hut When I went looking, in early 2022, the options for a truly single-file, no-database drop-in PHP media gallery were shockingly small. Well,
Planner semanal simples e intuitivo para melhor organização das tarefas semanais.
Planner semanal simples e intuitivo para melhor organização das tarefas semanais. Simple and intuitive weekly planner for better organization of your tasks.
Create and manage A Domain Driven Design (DDD) in your Laravel app, simply and efficiently.
Create and manage A Domain Driven Design (DDD) in your Laravel app, simply and efficiently.
Google Two-Factor Authentication Package for Laravel
Google2FA for Laravel Google Two-Factor Authentication Package for Laravel Google2FA is a PHP implementation of the Google Two-Factor Authentication M
SimSimi Bot - a Telegram ChatBot like the old SimSimi app that simulates a normal chat experience, created directly by users
SimSimi Bot - a Telegram ChatBot like the old SimSimi app that simulates a normal chat experience, created directly by users
EasyCrypto - A crypto managing system with a landing page and dashboard
A crypto managing system with a landing page and dashboard. This project is dedicated to private crypto companies or community crypto groups
Single file PHP that can serve as a JWT based authentication provider to the PHP-CRUD-API project
Single file PHP that can serve as a JWT based authentication provider to the PHP-CRUD-API project
This app is designed to help Romanian teenagers and adults with learning
This app is designed to help Romanian teenagers and adults with learning. The app has a lot of good resources to support students in every possible way. The main resource we have are high school lesons. 📚
Laragon MultiPHP per App + PECL Module + Extension manager + Ini Manager
LMPA Laragon MultiPHP per App This tools allow you to run multiple PHP version per app with Laragon, so you can have multiple site running different p
[Abandoned] Symfony SonataNotificationBundle
SonataNotificationBundle Symfony SonataNotificationBundle Branch Github Actions Code Coverage Documentation 3.x 4.x WARNING: This repository is abando
A full-featured home hosted Cloud Drive, Personal Assistant, App Launcher, File Converter, Streamer, Share Tool & More!
A Fully Featured home-hosted Cloud Storage platform and Personal Assistant that Converts files, OCR's images & documents, Creates archives, Scans for viruses, Protects your server, Keeps itself up-to-date, and Runs your own AppLauncher!
Scribbl is a fast and minimalistic note-taking app built with Laravel
Scribbl is a fast and minimalistic note-taking app built with Laravel
Simple web app to easily create landing pages by dragging and dropping prebuilt blocks
Drag & Drop landing page builder made with Laravel 8, Vue.js 3 and Tailwind CSS