Web page performance/seo/security/accessibility analysis, browser-less for PHP



Web page performance/seo/security/accessibility analysis, browser-less.

    "url": "https:\/\/example.com\/",
    "durationInSeconds": 0.15,
    "scores": {
      "seo": 100,
      "security": 75
    "seo": [
        "name": "titlePresent",
        "passes": true
        "name": "langPresent",
        "passes": true
    "security": [
        "name": "xFrameOptionsPresent",
        "passes": true
        "name": "strictTransportSecurityHeaderPresent",
        "passes": true
        "name": "serverHeaderHidden",
        "passes": false
        "name": "xPoweredByHidden",
        "passes": true



I made a web app, and I want to be able to frequently test my public facing pages respond to various criterias to optimize their referencing.

Since my web app is fully server-side, all my tests are very fast, and do not rely on a web browser. I wanted to stick to this, and have a fast tool to get simple insights, like not ommiting the alt attributes on images, to ensure my description and title are filled, or to evaluate aproximatively my page load time.


1. Simple example code-driven

In this example, we will configure our web pages using the code.

domain("https://news.google.com") ->route("/foryou") ->route("/topstories") ->route("/my/searches", ["hl" => "fr", "gl" => "FR"]); ->analyse(); file_put_contents("report.json", $lightship->toPrettyJson());">
require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

use Lightship\Lightship;

$lightship = new Lightship();

  ->route("/my/searches", ["hl" => "fr", "gl" => "FR"]);

file_put_contents("report.json", $lightship->toPrettyJson());

2. Simple example using a configuration file

In this example, we will tell Lightship to use our "lightship.json" file instead of configuring it on the code.

config(__DIR__ . "/lightship.json"); ->analyse(); file_put_contents("report.json", $lightship->toPrettyJson());">
require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

use Lightship\Lightship;

$lightship = new Lightship();

$lightship->config(__DIR__ . "/lightship.json");

file_put_contents("report.json", $lightship->toPrettyJson());

And here is our configuration file.

  "domains": [
      "base": "https://news.google.com",
      "routes": [
          "path": "/foryou"
          "path": "/topstories"
          "path": "/my/searches",
          "queries": [
              "key": "hl",
              "value": "fr"
              "key": "gl",
              "value": "FR"

3. Set a response callback

In this example, we will trigger our function after a response has been parsed and a report generated. Useful for cli programs.

route("https://example.com") ->route("https://northerwind.com") ->onReportedRoute(function (Route $route, Report $report): void { echo "{$route->path()}: {$report->score(RuleType::Security)}" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($report->results as $result) { echo " {$result->name} {$result->passes}"; } }) ->analyse();">
use Lightship\Lightship;

require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

$lightship = new Lightship();

  ->onReportedRoute(function (Route $route, Report $report): void {
    echo "{$route->path()}: {$report->score(RuleType::Security)}" . PHP_EOL;

    foreach ($report->results as $result) {
      echo "  {$result->name} {$result->passes}";

This will display something like this:

https://example.com/: 38
https://northerwind.com/: 61

4. Assert rule passed for URLs

Useful in your tests and CI, you can assert your URLs pass some/all rules.

route("https://google.com") ->analyse(); assert($lightship->rulePassed(["https://example.com"], LangPresent::class) === true); assert($lightship->allRulesPassed(["https://google.com"]) === true); assert($lightship->someRulesPassed(["https://google.com"], [LangPresent::class, FastResponseTime::class]) === true);">
use Lightship\Lightship;
use Lightship\Rules\Seo\LangPresent;
use Lightship\Rules\Performance\FastResponseTime;

$lightship = new Lightship();


assert($lightship->rulePassed(["https://example.com"], LangPresent::class) === true);

assert($lightship->allRulesPassed(["https://google.com"]) === true);

assert($lightship->someRulesPassed(["https://google.com"], [LangPresent::class, FastResponseTime::class]) === true);



composer require lightship-core/lightship-php


composer check-platform-reqs
composer install
composer run analyse
composer run test
composer run lint
composer run install-security-checker
composer run security-check
composer run update-check

Compatibility table

This table shows the compatibility with PHP versions for this current package version only.

PHP version Supported
<= 8.0.*
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  • 6-to-be-able-to-assert-if-a-page-has-passed-certain-or-all-rules



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  • To be able to assert if a page has passed certain or all rules

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    Example API

    use Lightship\Lightship;
    use Lightship\Rules\Seo\LangPresent;
    use Lightship\Rules\Seo\MetaDescriptionPresent;
    assert($lightship->allRulesPassed(["https://example.com", "https://google.com"]) === true);
    assert($lightship->rulePassed(["https://example.com", "https://google.com"], LangPresent::class) === true);
    assert($lightship->someRulesPassed(["https://example.com", "https://google.com"], [LangPresent::class, MetaDescriptionPresent::class]) === true);
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