A php.ini scanner for best security practices


Scanner for PHP.ini

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The Iniscan is a tool designed to scan the given php.ini file for common security practices and report back results. Currently it is only for use on the command line and reports the results back to the display for both Pass and Fail on each test.


Using Composer

composer require psecio/iniscan

The only current dependency is the Symfony console.

Global Composer installation

Additionally, you can install it outside of a project with the global functionality Composer provides. From any directory you can use:

$ ./composer.phar global require psecio/iniscan
$ ~/.composer/vendor/bin/iniscan

Using a single Phar file

First make sure you run composer.phar install

curl -LSs https://box-project.github.io/box2/installer.php | php
php box.phar build

This should result in a iniscan.phar file being created in the root folder. Instead of using vendor/bin/iniscan in the examples use ./iniscan.phar instead.


vendor/bin/iniscan scan --path=/path/to/php.ini
Results for /private/etc/php.ini:
Status | Severity | PHP Version | Key                      | Description
PASS   | ERROR    |             | session.use_cookies      | Accepts cookies to manage sessions
PASS   | ERROR    | 4.3.0       | session.use_only_cookies | Must use cookies to manage sessions, don't accept session-ids in a link

1 passing
2 failure(s)

NOTE: When the scan runs, if it cannot find a setting in the php.ini given, it will use ini_get to pull the current setting (possibly the default).

Command line usage

Iniscan offers a few commands for both checking and showing the contents of your php.ini.


The scan command will be the most used - it runs the rules checks against the given ini file and reports back the results. For example:

vendor/bin/iniscan scan --path=/path/to/php.ini

If the path is omitted, iniscan will try to find it based off the current configuration (a "php -i" call). By default, this reports back both the pass and fail results of the checks. If you'd like to only return the failures, you can use the fail-only argument:

vendor/bin/iniscan scan --path=/path/to/php.ini --fail-only

The scan command will return an exit code based on the results:

  • 0: No errors
  • 1: Failures found

Scan Level Threshold

You can request the only scan for rules that are on or above a threshold:

vendor/bin/iniscan scan --path=/path/to/php.ini --threshold=ERROR

There are 3 levels you can use:

  • FATAL (No rules uses that level at the moment)


The show command lists out the contents of your php.ini file with a bit of extra formatting.

vendor/bin/iniscan show --path=/path/to/php.ini


The list-tests command shows a listing of the current rules being checked and their related php.ini key.

vendor/bin/iniscan list-tests

Output formats

By default iniscan will output information directly to the console in a human-readable result. You can also specify other output formats that may be easier to parse programatically (like JSON). Use the --format option to change the output:

vendor/bin/iniscan show --path=/path/to/php.ini --format=json

the list-tests command also supports JSON output:

vendor/bin/iniscan list-tests --path=/path/to/php.ini --format=json

NOTE: Currently, only the scan command supports alternate output formats - console, JSON, XML and HTML.

The HTML output option requires an --output option of the directory to write the file:

vendor/bin/iniscan scan --format=html --output=/var/www/output

The result will be written to a file named something like iniscan-output-20131212.html


The scanner also supports the concept of "contexts" - environments you may be executing the scanner in. For example, in your development environment, it may be okay to have display_errors on. In production, however, this is a bad idea. The scanner's default assumes you're using it in prod, so it uses the strictest checks unless you tell it otherwise. To do so, use the context command line option:

vendor/bin/iniscan show --path=/path/to/php.ini --context=dev

In this case, we've told it we're running in dev, so anything that specifically mentions "prod" isn't executed.

Deprecated reporting

As the scanner runs, it will compare the configuration key to a list of deprecated items. If the version is at or later than the version defined in the rules, an error will be shown in the output. For example, in the console, you'd see:

WARNING: deprecated configuration items found:
-> register_globals
It's recommended that these settings be removed as they will be removed from future PHP versions.

This is default behavior and does not need to be enabled.

@author Chris Cornutt [email protected]

Bitdeli Badge

  • PHP 5.6 CA file/path

    PHP 5.6 CA file/path

    This is added for the new changes to PHP 5.6 (only affects version >= 5.6 but may be backported to PHP 5.5 later) for TLS Peer verification:

    "Global CA defaults may be specified via new openssl.cafile and openssl.capath php.ini directives" (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/tls-peer-verification, https://wiki.php.net/rfc/improved-tls-defaults)

    Slightly different from a straight php.ini configuration setting though as, if php.ini does not have a setting specified, it defaults to the settings specified in the installed version of openssl.

    Tests added as well (and small fixes to other tests).

    Be aware that PHP is still in 5.6.0-alpha3 release at the moment so this functionality may change before final release.

    opened by xsist10 12
  • [InvalidArgumentException] Unknown path register_globals

    [InvalidArgumentException] Unknown path register_globals

    This is what i'm getting when running it against my homebrew php5.5 standard php.ini

    [InvalidArgumentException] Unknown path register_globals

    Any ideas?

    opened by rdohms 10
  • The configuration file could not be found

    The configuration file could not be found

    I tried the following and it gives me the below error

    curl -LSs http://box-project.org/installer.php | php php box.phar build

    The configuration file could not be found.

    build [-c|--configuration="..."]

    I also tried the following but looks like configuration is some kind of json file php box.phar build --configuration="/etc/php5/cli/php.ini"

    opened by awebdeveloper 9
  • PHP version check

    PHP version check

    How do you feel about adding a list of PHP versions and their vulnerbility states (cann be used to warn the user if his PHP version needs to be updated)? Would need to either store a resource file (would become outdated quickly) with this data or use an external source to pull a fresh list periodically.

    opened by xsist10 9
  • False warning about

    False warning about "deprecated configuration items"

    I'm using PHP 5.4(.21) and none of the following 5 directives that iniscan complains about exist in my php.ini:

    WARNING: deprecated configuration items found:
    -> register_globals
    -> magic_quotes_gpc
    -> magic_quotes_runtime
    -> safe_mode
    -> register_long_arrays
    opened by steffenweber 7
  • Add crowd-sourcing of rulesets

    Add crowd-sourcing of rulesets

    Consider creating a website or other such interface to allow user submissions of rulesets for inclusion in the scanner, and then crowd-source their validity or correctness (via voting or other such mechanism).

    opened by sbarre 6
  • Problem installing on PHP 7 (ocramius/instantiator dependency)

    Problem installing on PHP 7 (ocramius/instantiator dependency)


    There is problem when installing using composer global,

    • ocramius/instantiator 1.1.2 requires php ~5.3 -> your PHP version (7.0.3) or "config.platform.php" value does not satisfy that requirement.

    because of out of date dependency ocramius/instantiator, which is apparently abandoned:

    This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the doctrine/instantiator package instead.

    BR, Peter

    opened by wasilak 5
  • Error for deprecated directives like

    Error for deprecated directives like "magic_quotes_gpc"

    I'm using the latest version of iniscan and PHP 5.5. My php.ini file does not contain any deprecated directives but iniscan reports errors for them (I've filed a similar issue last year: https://github.com/psecio/iniscan/issues/47).

    $ vendor/bin/iniscan scan
    == Executing INI Scan [08.11.2014 07:11:55] ==
    Results for /etc/php/cli-php5.5/php.ini:
    Status | Severity | PHP Version | Key                      | Description
    FAIL   | ERROR    |             | magic_quotes_gpc         | Magic quotes automatically adds quotes to incoming data ('Off' recommended)
    FAIL   | ERROR    |             | magic_quotes_runtime     | Magic quotes should be disabled at runtime in addition to being off for incoming data
    FAIL   | ERROR    |             | safe_mode                | It's not actually 'safe' ('Off' recommended)
    19 passing
    5 failure(s) and 13 warnings

    Where in the source code does iniscan check if a configuration directive exists in php.ini?

    opened by steffenweber 5
  • Add check for CVE-2013-1635 (only for 5.3.22 and 5.4.x before 5.4.13)

    Add check for CVE-2013-1635 (only for 5.3.22 and 5.4.x before 5.4.13)

    ext/soap/soap.c in PHP before 5.3.22 and 5.4.x before 5.4.13 does not validate the relationship between the soap.wsdl_cache_dir directive and the open_basedir directive, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions by triggering the creation of cached SOAP WSDL files in an arbitrary directory.

    validate that if open_basedir is in effect that the soap.wsdl_cache_dir is inside it


    opened by enygma 5
  • Option for a non-dynamic HTML output filename / make html filename configurable

    Option for a non-dynamic HTML output filename / make html filename configurable

    • Adding the possibility to define a filename for generated HTML files via the '--output' argument. If it contains a ".htm*" extension, the given output filename will be used. This way it can be statically referenced, e.g. in CI.

    • Create the defined output folder for HTML format if it doesn't exist.

    See https://github.com/psecio/iniscan/issues/105

    opened by derFunk 4
  • Added rules to check if Xdebug is enabled or not

    Added rules to check if Xdebug is enabled or not

    To fix #69 I just added two rules to check if xdebug.default_enable and xdebug.remote_enable are disabled.

    There are more things that can be disabled, but, as they concern performance instead of security I did not add them, if it's ok I can add them, one example would be xdebug.profiler_enable.

    opened by lombartec 4
  • session.cookie_domain


    If session.cookie_domain = is empty it triggers a fail and the description is:

    It is recommended that you set the default domain for cookies.

    AFAIK if none is provided it will use the current hostname (https://www.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.cookie-domain).

    Bit is seems that cookie_domain is used when you have multiple sub-domains so that the cookie can be shared amogn several sub-domains http://www.freekb.net/Article?id=806#Multiple%20domains

    Multiple domains

    By default, PHP is configured so that sessions are unique to a domain. For example, if a session is started on www.example.com, the session would not be valid for sso.example.com, and vice versa. If you have two or more domains, and you want a session created on one domain to be valid for another domain, in your php.ini file, set the session.cookie_domain directive to exclude the domain prefix (www, sso, et cetera).

    session.cookie_domain = ".freekb.net"

    So enabling it this behavior make the application less secure as it increase the attack surface and increase the risk of session stealing because of possible sub-domaine takeovers https://programmierfrage.com/items/how-can-php-session-cookie-domain-be-secure

    IMO the check should be the exact opposite

    opened by noraj 0
  • PHP 7.4 compatibility: warning and error

    PHP 7.4 compatibility: warning and error

    Every scan command ends with:

    PHP Warning:  count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /tmp/iniscan/vendor/psecio/iniscan/src/Psecio/Iniscan/Command/ScanCommand/Output/Console.php on line 101
    Script iniscan handling the __exec_command event returned with error code 1

    For the warning, I doesn't seem that count()is used here:


    it may be a cascading from https://github.com/psecio/iniscan/blob/880dede38298adb5a23171e304fe03410260b7e3/src/Psecio/Iniscan/Operation.php#L73




    For the error (2nd line) however, it comes only when using composer, eg. composer exec iniscan scan -- --path=/path/to/php.ini instead of vendor/bin/iniscan scan --path=/path/to/php.ini

    opened by noraj 0
  • Check version for session.hash_function

    Check version for session.hash_function

    I have a failed check for session.hash_function (no value) but it's PHP 7.4.29 and session.hash_function was removed since PHP 7.1.0. https://www.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.hash-function

    Adding --php 7.4.29 doesn't change a thing. There is no version check for this rule.


    opened by noraj 0
  • Feature request - scan a folder where all .ini files are placed

    Feature request - scan a folder where all .ini files are placed

    We usually have several .ini files all placed in a unique folder that is configured in php. How can we scan all of them at once with the same order in which they are processed by PHP?

    opened by scollovati 1
  • Activating Open Collective

    Activating Open Collective

    Hi, I'm making updates for Open Collective. Either you or a supporter signed this repo up for Open Collective. This pull request adds backers and sponsors from your Open Collective https://opencollective.com/iniscan ❤️

    It adds two badges at the top to show the latest number of backers and sponsors. It also adds placeholders so that the avatar/logo of new backers/sponsors can automatically be shown without having to update your README.md. [more info]. See how it looks on this repo. You can also add a "Donate" button to your website and automatically show your backers and sponsors there with our widgets. Have a look here: https://opencollective.com/widgets

    P.S: As with any pull request, feel free to comment or suggest changes. The only thing "required" are the placeholders on the README because we believe it's important to acknowledge the people in your community that are contributing (financially or with code!).

    Thank you for your great contribution to the open source community. You are awesome! 🙌 And welcome to the open collective community! 😊

    Come chat with us in the #opensource channel on https://slack.opencollective.com - great place to ask questions and share best practices with other open source sustainers!

    opened by monkeywithacupcake 0
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