A database of PHP security advisories


PHP Security Advisories Database

The PHP Security Advisories Database references known security vulnerabilities in various PHP projects and libraries. This database must not serve as the primary source of information for security issues, it is not authoritative for any referenced software, but it allows to centralize information for convenience and easy consumption.


The PHP security advisories database is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

Checking for Vulnerabilities

There are several possibilities to check for vulnerabilities in your applications beside manual checks:

  • Use the Local CLI tool:

     local-php-security-checker --path=/path/to/composer.lock
  • Use the Symfony CLI (no PHP dependency, no third-party API calls, checks are done locally on a clone of this repository):

     symfony security:check --dir /path/to/composer.lock

TIP: If you are using Github, you can use the PHP Security Checker Github Action to automatically check for vulnerabilities when pushing code.


Contributing security advisories is as easy as it can get:

  • You can contribute a new entry by sending a pull request or by creating a file directly via the Github interface;

  • Create a directory based on the Composer name of the software where the security issue exists (use symfony/http-foundation for an issue in the Symfony HttpFoundation component for instance);

  • Each security issue must be saved in a file where the name is the CVE identifier (preferred) or the date when the security issue was announced followed by an increment (2012-12-12-1 for instance);

  • The file is in the YAML format and must contain the following entries (have a look at existing entries for examples):

    • title: A text that describes the security issue in a few words;

    • link: A link to the official security issue announcement (HTTPS links are preferred over HTTP ones);

    • reference: A unique reference to identify the software (the only supported scheme is composer:// followed by the Composer identifier);

    • branches: A hash of affected branches, where the name is the branch name (like 2.0.x), and the value is a hash with the following entries:

      • time: The date and time in UTC when the security issue was fixed or null if the issue is not fixed yet (most of the time, the date of the merge commit that fixed the issue in the following format 2012-08-27 19:17:44) -- this information must be as accurate as possible as it is used to determine if a project is affected or not;

      • versions: An array of constraints describing affected versions for this branch (this is the same format as the one used for Composer -- ['>=2.0.0', '<2.0.17']).

  • If you have a CVE identifier, add it under the cve key.

  • Make sure your file validates by running php -d memory_limit=-1 validator.php from the root of this project. This script needs some dependencies to be installed via composer, so you need to run composer install before.

If some affected code is available through different Composer entries (like when you have read-only subtree splits of a main repository), duplicate the information in several files.

  • Disallowing installation of current `magento/magento2ce` versions due to 0-day in crypt component

    Disallowing installation of current `magento/magento2ce` versions due to 0-day in crypt component

    While it saddens me to report a vulnerability that prevents installation of ALL Magento CE versions, that's what happens with 0-day disclosures. I don't agree with what was done with the original disclosure, I'm just here to add it to the database.

    The file provided here will have to be updated once the Magento team has released a replacement for the current crypto.

    Ref: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2016/07/19/3

    Copying disclosure text for reference:

    Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 00:56:58 -0400
    From: Scott Arciszewski <scott@...agonie.com>
    To: fulldisclosure@...lists.org, oss-security@...ts.openwall.com
    Subject: Ruining the Magic of Magento's Encryption Library
    Hello mcrypt, my old friend
    I've come to exploit you again
    Because a version slowly rotting
    Is well-deserved for a boycotting
    And the S-box that was planted in its GOST
    Still remains
    Within the sound of silence
    ~ 8< ~ 8< ~ 8< ~ 8< ~ 8< ~ 8< ~ 8< ~ 8< ~ 8< ~ 8< ~ 8< ~ 8< ~ 8< ~ 8< ~ 8< ~
    Let's talk about Magento.
    The Wikipedia page for Magento begins, "Magento is an open-source
    e-commerce platform written in PHP." This bears emphasis: e-commerce
    When I hear e-commerce, I think "financial information". I think "credit
    card numbers" and "probably PCI-DSS violations should anything be obviously
    Let's look at how Magento implements cryptography, with a series of
    exhibits followed by an explanation of what's happening and why it's
    If you looked at the code, I promise this is every bit as bad as it looks
    at a glance.
    Magento's decryption expects up to 4 strings concatenated by a : character.
    Depending on the number of pieces, it assumes a totally different setup:
    1 piece: Blowfish, in ECB mode!
    2 or 3 pieces: Probably blowfish, but maybe AES or Rijndael-256, depending
    on the integer supplied by the attacker.
    4 pieces: We finally get an initialization vector, which means CBC mode can
    be used.
    At no point do they authenticate _anything_, so no matter what:
    - You get to control which branch is selected by breaking pieces off the
    attacker-chosen message.
    - You get to choose the ciphertext that the attempted decryption is
    performed upon.
    If you thought the ability to be encrypted with AES was a saving grace, too
    bad. They hard-code your choice to ECB mode.
    The only way you can get CBC mode (which, again, is unauthenticated) is to
    use the non-standard Rijndael256 cipher.
    If you thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, Magento's encryption
    library will either:
    - Give you an IV consisting entirely of NULL bytes.
    - Generate it, using rand(), on a 62-character keyspace.
    (Y'know, because it's not XORed with the plaintext in CBC mode and biases
    aren't a concern or anything.)
    Yes, that is how Magento hashes passwords. Which is weird: They go out of
    their way to compare strings in constant-time, but
    An attacker has a great deal of control over the ciphertext, and
    incidentally which cipher mode is used by the decryption routine.
    Nothing is authenticated. At all.
    ECB mode everywhere.
    When CBC mode is actually used, it's used with a laughably weak IV and a
    non-standard cipher. Also, unauthenticated.
    Magento, one of the largest open source e-commerce platforms, ships a
    broken cryptography library that clueless developers are probably using to
    encrypt your credit card information for their client's customers.
    Given the prevalence of ECB mode, and the weak IV used in CBC mode, you
    should assume anything you encrypted with Magento's encryption library is
    - Decryptable, if an attacker can alter plaintexts or ciphertexts and study
    the output of either operation, without the key
    - Forgeable
    This cryptography implementation is very irresponsible and, because
    cryptography is involved, warrants immediate full disclosure so everyone
    can cease to use their broken crypto as soon as possible.
    If you need a remediation strategy, I've got you covered:
    Scott Arciszewski
    Chief Development Officer
    Paragon Initiative Enterprises <https://paragonie.com>
    opened by Ocramius 19
  • paragonie/random_compat 1.* uses insecure CSPRNG (openssl_random_pseudo_bytes())

    paragonie/random_compat 1.* uses insecure CSPRNG (openssl_random_pseudo_bytes())


    TL;DR - In environments where the PHP process is forked, openssl_random_psuedo_bytes can generate the same stream of values.

    There are other security issues that also caused @paragonie-scott concern.

    Also I'm not sure what to do with the branch name, the vulnerability spans more than one branch and can best be described as "all versions 1.*? (edit - as @stof mentioned it's actually all versions <2 )

    opened by AndrewCarterUK 19
  • Add the Enlightn security checker

    Add the Enlightn security checker

    Just released a security checker package that is similar to the Sensiolabs security checker (now deprecated). I'm adding this to the Readme so that people are aware of this and can use it.

    Benefits / differentiation of this package include:

    • Can be pulled in with Composer.
    • Exposes a PHP API.
    • Licensed under the MIT license.

    The package is backed with tests and implements HTTP caching while pulling in the Advisories database from Github. 🚀

    opened by paras-malhotra 16
  • False positive on drupal/search_api_solr

    False positive on drupal/search_api_solr

    The Drupal module Search API Solr Search gets flagged by the security checker, because of the following issue: https://www.drupal.org/sa-contrib-2018-065. From what I can gather this issue only applies to Drupal 7 installations (correct me if I'm wrong here).

    I'm running Drupal 8 with the latest 8.x-1.x (1.2.0) version of the Search APi Solr Search module. I would expect the security checker not to flag this installation as vulnerable.

    This could be fixed by adjusting sa-contrib-2018-065.yaml to only apply to Drupal 7. In this case such could be achieved by specifying the branch containing the security issue, which would be 7.x-1.x in this case. But from what I can gather from https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories/issues/366#issuecomment-466175158 this won't be possible.

    What would be a solution to this issue?

    opened by Pton 15
  • Add advisory for Parsedown

    Add advisory for Parsedown

    Parsedown has had multiple XSS issues for a long time when using its ->setMarkupEscaped(true) option (e.g. being able to break out of the AST representation by adding quotes in link ~~addresses~~ titles). All of these issues are fixed in https://github.com/erusev/parsedown/pull/495, but this has remained open for almost a year now, and there appears to be no interest in merging it any time soon from the repository owner (I digress).

    There might be some debate as to whether XSS issues in a markdown parser can actually be considered security issues (since markdown itself permits HTML). To address this I would present the following:

    • The Parsedown Wiki has for a long time stated that HTML can be escaped using the ->setMarkupEscaped(true) configuration:

        echo Parsedown::instance()
           ->setMarkupEscaped(true) # escapes markup (HTML)
           ->text("<div><strong>*Some text*</strong></div>");
        # Output:
        # <p>&lt;div&gt;&lt;strong&gt;<em>Some text</em>&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</p>

      (Parsedown does not do this properly)

    • Attempts at escaping HTML appear throughout the code, but are not sufficient, or are applied in some places but missed in analogous ones (e.g. https://github.com/erusev/parsedown/pull/495#issuecomment-340721927)

    opened by aidantwoods 15
  • Adds Record For facade/ignition RCE: CVE-2021-3129

    Adds Record For facade/ignition RCE: CVE-2021-3129

    This PR adds a record for the facade/ignition RCE vulnerability.

    • https://www.ambionics.io/blog/laravel-debug-rce
    • https://github.com/facade/ignition/pull/334
    • https://github.com/facade/ignition/pull/353
    opened by freshleafmedia 12
  • Issue with security info for root package ezsystems/ezplatform

    Issue with security info for root package ezsystems/ezplatform

    After addtion of https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories/blob/master/ezsystems/ezplatform/2018-11-21-1.yaml by @glye, many users reports being unable to install latests or update to versions due to our usage of roave/security-advisories. In these cases composer is unable to determine version of root package so it gives it a version of v1.0.0 and composer stops with package conflict.

    We have changed roave/security-advisories in favour of sensiolabs/security-checker in https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform/commit/4e94c9552d28961e4251252b1cccd453ac96924f, however that won't help users already with a install. And afaik sensiolabs/security-checker does not check root package anyway.

    As roave/security-advisories auto generates their rules from the source here and thus won't accept changes, I'm wondering if we can add a syntex match for 1.0.x and say =<1.0.0 is valid to avoid it, with some inline comment here about why. Alternative is that we remove it for this package.

    Any suggestions/conventions?

    opened by andrerom 12
  • propel: 2.0.0-alpha11

    propel: 2.0.0-alpha11

    Based on this https://github.com/propelorm/Propel2/issues/1675

    the following does not apply to 1propel/propel": "2.0.0-alpha11`

    I'm still getting the error https://github.com/ChurchCRM/CRM/runs/1471875270?check_suite_focus=true

    Other files to note https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories/blob/master/propel/propel/2018-02-14.yaml https://github.com/ChurchCRM/CRM/blob/master/src/composer.json

    opened by DawoudIO 11
  • Advisories for Drupal contrib

    Advisories for Drupal contrib


    Just wondered if having advisories for Drupal contributed modules in here would be possible/wanted?

    They generally do not have a CVE, and of course they would have to be maintained by someone. My thinking was to create a script that parses the advisories available, and programatically create PRs for the ones that were missing. This would help to keep it up to date as well, I could run the script periodically.

    Thanks for this package btw, it is very useful!

    opened by eiriksm 11
  • Create 201803-01.yaml

    Create 201803-01.yaml

    I'm not sure I have the time exactly as it should be. The example I looked at didn't match to the second (it used 00 for the second, so I did as well), but someone familiar with submitting these should probably check that date/time value.

    This security advisory also affected simplesamlphp/saml2, but unfortunately I don't have time to submit a file for that path at the moment.

    opened by forevermatt 10
  • Report security-affected php versions?

    Report security-affected php versions?

    From what I can see, the repository contains no information about security advisories for PHP versions or PHP extensions.

    While I know the ecosystem is hugely messed up here (because of linux LTS distros that just "invent" a new versioning system for backported security patches), it would still be a good idea to just report any PHP release that does reference a CVE.

    I think this would hugely improve the push for deploying latest stable releases.


    opened by Ocramius 10
  • Added latest 3 TYPO3 extension security advisories

    Added latest 3 TYPO3 extension security advisories

    Added the following TYPO3 extension security advisories:

    • https://typo3.org/security/advisory/typo3-ext-sa-2022-016
    • https://typo3.org/security/advisory/typo3-ext-sa-2022-017
    • https://typo3.org/security/advisory/typo3-ext-sa-2022-018

    Note: The extension for CVE-2022-47408 does not use semantic versioning, so it is not possible to cover all affected versions.

    opened by derhansen 0
  • Import advisories from the Github security vulnerability database automatically

    Import advisories from the Github security vulnerability database automatically

    Problem: Maintainers use the Github security advisory database to publish security issues. Currently random developers like me find out about them when Github's dependabot flags them in a composer.lock file in one of my repositories. That is how the FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories database missed the Dompdf security issue #625 for 3 weeks, oopsie doodle.

    Proposed Solution: Write a Github action that imports Github security advisories fully automatic into this repository. It could work something like this:

    • Github action runs periodically (once per day?)
    • It uses the Github GraphQL API to fetch all PHP composer security advisories from https://github.com/advisories?query=type%3Areviewed+ecosystem%3Acomposer
    • It checks based on CVE identifier if the advisory already exists in this repository
    • If not: it creates a new advisory file and commits it automatically (I assume this is somehow possible, not sure under which user account it would push the commit)

    This could be a nice Google Summer of Code project or similar for a student :-)

    opened by klausi 10
  • Export advisories in OSV format

    Export advisories in OSV format

    Fixes #576

    This commit adds an automatic OSV export to the osv branch while keeping the current repository as is.

    Inspired by rustsec: https://github.com/rustsec/advisory-db/blob/main/.github/workflows/export-osv.yml



    Possible improvements

    • [ ] Validate generated JSON against spec (https://github.com/ossf/osv-schema/blob/main/validation/schema.json)
    • [ ] Validate uniqueness of IDs

    Before merging

    • [ ] Create an empty osv branch with a readme similar to this one: https://github.com/rustsec/advisory-db/blob/osv/README.md
    opened by jaylinski 6
  • [Discussion] Adopt OSV unified vulnerability schema for open source

    [Discussion] Adopt OSV unified vulnerability schema for open source


    Google recently published it's OSV unified vulnerability schema for open source: https://security.googleblog.com/2021/06/announcing-unified-vulnerability-schema.html

    OSV is a vulnerability database and triage infrastructure for open source projects aimed at helping both open source maintainers and consumers of open source.

    For open source maintainers, OSV's automation helps reduce the burden of triage. Each vulnerability undergoes automated bisection and impact analysis to determine precise affected commit and version ranges.

    For open source consumers, OSV provides an API that lets users of these projects query whether or not their versions are impacted.


    It like the idea of having a unified schema for open source vulnerabilities, so I think it would be nice if this repository could adopt the new OSV schema.

    I see the following benefits:

    • No more discussion about the format (since it now follows a standard)
      Relates to #537, #496, #465
    • The unified schema will make it easy for other libraries to use this repository as a data-feed, since it follows a schema also used for other languages
      Example: https://github.com/pypa/advisory-db/blob/main/vulns/aiohttp/PYSEC-2021-76.yaml
    • This vulnerability feed can be made accessible via https://osv.dev/ API

    I'm looking forward for your input. :octocat:

    The format-change should be pretty straight forward. I'll open a PR if this proposal receives positive feedback.

    opened by jaylinski 1
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