Kuro Photos
Web app to share your favorite photos, made with laravel.
This web app was made for educationals purposes only.
I enjoyed so much learning Laravel, you can see the docs here!.
Quick setup
You can run this web app on your machine, just follow these steps:
git clone https://github.com/kuro-vale/kuro-photos.git
cd kuro-photos
composer install
- Create a .env, use .env.example as reference*
php artisan serve
Editing .env
If you want to use local storage just checkout to the commit c62701c8b662a34527ddd47a190b790c7f4d8467, that's before I setup Google Drive as a storage provider, commits after that are configs for deployment in Heroku.
- For Google Drive as a storage provider see flysystem-google-drive-ext.
More info about .env here