WordPress entities creation library (CPT, CT, native option page, ACF option page, user role, block pattern category, block category…)


Webaxones Core

Custom declarations

1- Create a folder for your plugin


The example below integrates all the declarations in 1 single plugin for simplification but:
using a library inside a main global composer/vendor like in Bedrock allows you to make as many plugins as you want.

2- Add library

Add Webaxones Core library to the global composer if you have one:

composer require webaxones/core

If you don’t have one, you can initialize composer inside plugin folder with composer init or create a composer.json file manually:

	"name": "webaxones/my-example-plugin",
	"description": "Custom content declaration",
	"license": "GPL-2.0",
	"authors": [
		"name": "Webaxones",
		"email": "contact@webaxones.com"
	"type" : "wordpress-plugin",
	"minimum-stability": "dev",
	"prefer-stable": true

Then add the Webaxones Core library to it:

composer require webaxones/core

3- Create the plugin

Add desired content declarations to your my-example-plugin.php file:

'manage_options', 'icon_url' => 'dashicons-admin-generic', 'position' => 99, ], ] ); /** * Custom ACF option page: Projects archive */ $declarations[] = new EntityFactory( [ 'entity' => 'Webaxones\Core\Option\AcfOptionsPage', 'labels' => [ 'page_title' => _x( 'Projects archive', 'Option page title', 'webaxones-content' ), 'menu_title' => _x( 'Projects page', 'Option page menu title', 'webaxones-content' ), ], 'settings' => [ 'slug' => 'wax-projects-settings', 'location' => 'custom', /*'custom', 'dashboard', 'posts', 'pages', 'comments', 'theme', 'plugins', 'users', 'management', 'options'*/ 'parent_slug' => 'edit.php?post_type=project', /* if location is "custom" */ 'capability' => 'manage_options', 'icon_url' => '', 'position' => 99, ], ] ); /** * Add Custom role: Owner */ $declarations[] = new EntityFactory( [ 'entity' => 'Webaxones\Core\Role\Role', 'labels' => [ 'role_name' => _x( 'Owner', 'Custom role name', 'webaxones-content' ), ], 'settings' => [ 'slug' => 'owner', 'action' => 'add', 'role_to_clone_slug' => 'administrator', 'capabilities_to_remove' => [ 'manage_options', 'switch_themes', 'remove_users', 'activate_plugins', 'delete_others_pages', 'delete_site', 'delete_pages', 'delete_private_pages', 'delete_published_pages', 'delete_others_posts', 'delete_posts', 'delete_private_posts', 'edit_theme_options', 'export', 'import', 'edit_private_pages', 'edit_private_posts', 'promote_users', 'customize', ], ], ] ); /** * Remove Custom role: Test */ $declarations[] = new EntityFactory( [ 'entity' => 'Webaxones\Core\Role\Role', 'labels' => [], 'settings' => [ 'slug' => 'test', 'action' => 'remove', 'role_to_clone_slug' => '', 'capabilities_to_remove' => [], ], ] ); /** * Update Custom role: Owner */ $declarations[] = new EntityFactory( [ 'entity' => 'Webaxones\Core\Role\Role', 'labels' => [ 'role_name' => _x( 'Owner', 'Custom role name', 'webaxones-content' ), ], 'settings' => [ 'slug' => 'owner', 'action' => 'update', 'role_to_clone_slug' => 'administrator', 'capabilities_to_remove' => [ 'manage_options', 'switch_themes', 'remove_users', 'promote_users', 'customize', ], ], ] ); /** * Add custom block pattern category: Webaxones Patterns */ $declarations[] = new EntityFactory( [ 'entity' => 'Webaxones\Core\Block\BlockPatternCategory', 'labels' => [ 'label' => _x( 'Webaxones Patterns', 'Custom block pattern name', 'webaxones-content' ), ], 'settings' => [ 'slug' => 'webaxones_patterns', 'action' => 'add', ], ] ); /** * Remove custom block pattern category: test */ $declarations[] = new EntityFactory( [ 'entity' => 'Webaxones\Core\Block\BlockPatternCategory', 'labels' => [], 'settings' => [ 'slug' => 'test', 'action' => 'remove', ], ] ); /** * Add custom block category: Custom category */ $declarations[] = new EntityFactory( [ 'entity' => 'Webaxones\Core\Block\BlockCategory', 'labels' => [ 'title' => _x( 'Custom category', 'Custom block category name', 'webaxones-content' ), ], 'settings' => [ 'slug' => 'webaxones_custom_category', 'icon' => 'dashicons-admin-generic', /* Slug of a WordPress Dashicon or custom SVG */ ], ] ); array_walk( $declarations, function( $declaration ) { try { $entity = $declaration->createEntity(); $entity->hook(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { error_log( $e->getMessage() ); } } ); ">

 * Plugin Name:       Example Custom Content
 * Author:            My Name
 * Text Domain:       wax-custom-content
 * Domain Path:       /languages
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

// In this case, library is inside Bedrock root vendor so we just create a constant inside Config/Application.php just after $root_dir definition:
// Config::define('WAX_ROOT_DIR', $root_dir);
// So that we can use it now to load our classes inside plugin(s)

require_once wp_normalize_path( WAX_ROOT_DIR ) . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Webaxones\Core\I18n\I18n;
use Webaxones\Core\Utils\ContentFactory;

$i18n = new I18n( 'webaxones-content' );

 * Custom Post Type: Project
$declarations[] = new EntityFactory(
		'entity'   => 'Webaxones\Core\Classification\PostType',
		'labels'   => [
			'gender'            => 'm',
			'plural_name'       => _x( 'Projects', 'Capitalized Plural Name', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'singular_name'     => _x( 'Project', 'Capitalized Singular Name', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'parent_item_colon' => __( 'Parent project: ', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'all_items'         => __( 'All projects', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'new_item'          => __( 'New project', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'the_singular'      => __( 'The project', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'the_plural'        => __( 'The projects', 'webaxones-content' ),
		'settings' => [
			'slug'          => 'project',
			'taxonomies'    => [],
			'supports'      => [ 'title', 'thumbnail', 'editor', /*'excerpt', 'author', 'comments', 'revisions', 'page-attributes', 'post-formats', 'custom-fields', 'trackbacks'*/ ],
			'menu_icon'     => 'dashicons-portfolio',
			'menu_position' => 7,
			'hierarchical'  => false,
			'public'        => true,
			'show_in_rest'  => true,
			'has_archive'   => true,

 * Custom Taxonomy: Project category
$declarations[] = new EntityFactory(
		'entity'   => 'Webaxones\Core\Classification\Taxonomy',
		'labels'   => [
			'gender'            => 'f',
			'plural_name'       => _x( 'Project categories', 'Capitalized Plural Name', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'singular_name'     => _x( 'Project category', 'Capitalized Singular Name', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'parent_item_colon' => __( 'Parent project category: ', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'all_items'         => __( 'All project categories', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'new_item'          => __( 'New project category', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'the_singular'      => __( 'The project category', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'the_plural'        => __( 'The project categories', 'webaxones-content' ),
		'settings' => [
			'slug'              => 'project-category',
			'hierarchical'      => false,
			'public'            => true,
			'show_admin_column' => true,
			'show_in_rest'      => true,
			'object_type'       => ['project'],

 * Custom native option page: Company data
$declarations[] = new EntityFactory(
		'entity'   => 'Webaxones\Core\Option\OptionsPage',
		'labels'   => [
			'page_title' => _x( 'Company data', 'Option page title', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'menu_title' => _x( 'Parameters', 'Option page menu title', 'webaxones-content' ),
		'settings' => [
			'slug'        => 'wax-company-settings',
			'location'    => 'top_level', /*'custom', 'dashboard', 'posts', 'pages', 'comments', 'theme', 'plugins', 'users', 'management', 'options'*/
			'parent_slug' => '', /* if location is "custom" */
			'capability'  => 'manage_options',
			'icon_url'    => 'dashicons-admin-generic',
			'position'    => 99,

 * Custom ACF option page: Projects archive
$declarations[] = new EntityFactory(
		'entity'   => 'Webaxones\Core\Option\AcfOptionsPage',
		'labels'   => [
			'page_title' => _x( 'Projects archive', 'Option page title', 'webaxones-content' ),
			'menu_title' => _x( 'Projects page', 'Option page menu title', 'webaxones-content' ),
		'settings' => [
			'slug'        => 'wax-projects-settings',
			'location'    => 'custom', /*'custom', 'dashboard', 'posts', 'pages', 'comments', 'theme', 'plugins', 'users', 'management', 'options'*/
			'parent_slug' => 'edit.php?post_type=project', /* if location is "custom" */
			'capability'  => 'manage_options',
			'icon_url'    => '',
			'position'    => 99,

 * Add Custom role: Owner
$declarations[] = new EntityFactory(
		'entity'   => 'Webaxones\Core\Role\Role',
		'labels'   => [
			'role_name' => _x( 'Owner', 'Custom role name', 'webaxones-content' ),
		'settings' => [
			'slug'                   => 'owner',
			'action'                 => 'add',
			'role_to_clone_slug'     => 'administrator',
			'capabilities_to_remove' => [

 * Remove Custom role: Test
$declarations[] = new EntityFactory(
		'entity'   => 'Webaxones\Core\Role\Role',
		'labels'   => [],
		'settings' => [
			'slug'                   => 'test',
			'action'                 => 'remove',
			'role_to_clone_slug'     => '',
			'capabilities_to_remove' => [],

 * Update Custom role: Owner
$declarations[] = new EntityFactory(
		'entity'   => 'Webaxones\Core\Role\Role',
		'labels'   => [
			'role_name' => _x( 'Owner', 'Custom role name', 'webaxones-content' ),
		'settings' => [
			'slug'                   => 'owner',
			'action'                 => 'update',
			'role_to_clone_slug'     => 'administrator',
			'capabilities_to_remove' => [

 * Add custom block pattern category: Webaxones Patterns
$declarations[] = new EntityFactory(
		'entity'   => 'Webaxones\Core\Block\BlockPatternCategory',
		'labels'   => [
			'label' => _x( 'Webaxones Patterns', 'Custom block pattern name', 'webaxones-content' ),
		'settings' => [
			'slug'   => 'webaxones_patterns',
			'action' => 'add',

 * Remove custom block pattern category: test
$declarations[] = new EntityFactory(
		'entity'   => 'Webaxones\Core\Block\BlockPatternCategory',
		'labels'   => [],
		'settings' => [
			'slug'   => 'test',
			'action' => 'remove',

 * Add custom block category: Custom category
$declarations[] = new EntityFactory(
		'entity'   => 'Webaxones\Core\Block\BlockCategory',
		'labels'   => [
			'title' => _x( 'Custom category', 'Custom block category name', 'webaxones-content' ),
		'settings' => [
			'slug' => 'webaxones_custom_category',
			'icon' => 'dashicons-admin-generic', /* Slug of a WordPress Dashicon or custom SVG */

	function( $declaration )
		try {
			$entity = $declaration->createEntity();
		} catch ( Exception $e ) {
			error_log( $e->getMessage() );
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