3941 Repositories
PHP php-sdk Libraries
Xr - Lightweight debug server utility built on ReactPHP.
XR 🔔 Subscribe to the newsletter to don't miss any update regarding Chevere. XR is a dump server utility built on top of ReactPHP. Features ✨ Dump si
Wise-php - This library is written to accommodate the wise API's use in php projects With Wise
Wise-php - This library is written to accommodate the wise API's use in php projects With Wise you can automate payments, connect your business tools, and create ways to manage your finances. You can also power your cross-border and domestic payouts.
Framework - 🙃 Phony. Real-like Fake Data Generation Framework
🙃 Framework This repository contains the 🙃 Phony Framework. 🙃 Start generating fake data with 🙃 Phony Framework, visit the main Phony Repository.
PHP SDK for the Sellix Developers API (developers.sellix.io)
PHP SDK for the Sellix Developers API (developers.sellix.io). Quickly get started and create products, payments and more using PHP.
Sharkpay is a system to provide a full order/payment eco-system for your project.
sharkpay sharkpay is a PHP library which aims to provide a full order/payment eco-system for your projects. A form of plug-in & ready to go for E-Comm
Rah comment spam - Comment anti-spam plugin for Textpattern CMS
rah_comment_spam Packagist | Issues | Donate Rah_comment_spam provides customizable anti-spam tools for Textpattern CMS’ comment system. Set minimum a
Rah cache - Cache Textpattern's dynamic pages as flat files
rah_cache Packagist | Issues Rah_cache is a simple, experimental full-page caching plugin for Textpattern CMS. It caches Texpattern’s dynamic pages as
Rah memcached - Store parts of Textpattern CMS templates in Memcached
rah_memcached Packagist | Issues | Donate A plugin for Textpattern CMS that stores parts of your templates in Memcached, a distributed in-memory key-v
Rah sitemap - XML sitemap generator for Textpattern CMS
rah_sitemap Packagist | Issues | Donate Sitemap plugin for Textpattern CMS. Generates Sitemaps.org XML sitemaps for your site, which help Google and o
Unicode-url-for-Textpattern - Plugin for using unicode urls instead of transliterations to ASCII characters
Unicode-url-for-Textpattern Summary textpattern plugin wcz_utf8_url – uses UTF-8 permlinks instead of transliterated ones for SEO Features automatical
Pat eu cookies law - 🌝 EU Cookie Law Compliance: A Textpattern plugin (or standalone script) for Third-Party Cookies (RGPD compliance)
pat_eu_cookies_law EU Cookie Law Compliance: A Textpattern plugin (or a standalone script) for Third-Party Cookies. A simple solution that respects th
Textpattern-installer - Textpattern plugin and theme installer for Composer
Textpattern Installer for Composer Package directory | Issues Install plugins and themes to Textpattern CMS with Composer. $ composer require rah/rah_
Upm pending notify - Pending article notification for textpattern.
This is a textpattern plugin. Recompiled to work with textpattern 4.5.×. till 0.1.3 work from Mary Fredborg Changelog: 0.1.3 – changed to txpMail func
MassPlugCompiler - Textpattern CMS plugin compiler
mtxpc mtxpc compiles Textpattern CMS plugin sources into installer packages. Supports multi-file structure and a JSON manifest file. Install Using Com
Textpattern-plugin-template - A template for building plugins for Textpattern CMS.
Plugin template for Textpattern CMS Developer documentation Refer to the Textpattern plugin development documentation, and notably the Plugin template
Album-o-rama - Sample application for the Phalcon PHP Framework.
Album O'Rama Phalcon PHP is a web framework delivered as a C extension providing high performance and lower resource consumption. This is a sample app
Invo - Sample application for the Phalcon PHP Framework
INVO Application Phalcon is a web framework delivered as a C extension providing high performance and lower resource consumption. This is a sample app
Mvc - Phalcon MVC Examples
Phalcon MVC Examples These are examples of MVC file structures you can employ using Phalcon = 3.0.x For further documentation, check out the Phalcon
Phalcon - 📕 基于Phalcon集成Composer,事件监听,中间件,MongoDB,Redis
About Phalcon 基于Phalcon的高性能PHP框架,集成Composer 支持MongoDB Redis操作,监听器,中间件,以及多语言支持 A framework which use phalcon High performance Composer Database support
EmailValidator - PHP Email address validator
EmailValidator A library for validating emails against several RFC. Supported RFCs This library aims to support RFCs: 5321, 5322, 6530, 6531, 6532, 10
This library provides a way of avoiding usage of constructors when instantiating PHP classes.
Instantiator This library provides a way of avoiding usage of constructors when instantiating PHP classes. Installation The suggested installation met
Console - The Console component eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces.
Console Component The Console component eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces. Sponsor The Console component for Symfon
Simple-cache - PHP FIG Simple Cache PSR
PHP FIG Simple Cache PSR This repository holds all interfaces related to PSR-16. Note that this is not a cache implementation of its own. It is merely
Google-api-php-client - A PHP client library for accessing Google APIs
Google APIs Client Library for PHP Reference Docs https://googleapis.github.io/google-api-php-client/main/ License Apache 2.0 The Google API Client Li
Core - ownCloud gives you freedom and control over your own data.
ownCloud Core ownCloud gives you freedom and control over your own data. A personal cloud which runs on your own server. Why is this so awesome? 📁 Ac
Http-kernel - The HttpKernel component provides a structured process for converting a Request into a Response.
HttpKernel Component The HttpKernel component provides a structured process for converting a Request into a Response by making use of the EventDispatc
Webshell - This is a webshell open source project
webshell | English 这是一个webshell收集项目 送人玫瑰,手有余香,如果各位下载了本项目,也请您能提交shell 本项目涵盖各种常用脚本 如:asp,aspx,php,jsp,pl,py 如提交各种webshell,请勿更改名称和密码 注意:所有shell 本人不保证是否有后
Woocommerce - An open source eCommerce plugin for WordPress.
Welcome to the WooCommerce repository on GitHub. Here you can browse the source, look at open issues and keep track of development. We recommend all d
Debug - The Debug component provides tools to ease debugging PHP code.
Debug Component CAUTION: this component is deprecated since Symfony 4.4. Instead, use the ErrorHandler component. The Debug component provides tools t
Php-timer - Utility class for timing
phpunit/php-timer Utility class for timing things, factored out of PHPUnit into a stand-alone component. Installation You can add this library as a lo
Routing - The Routing component maps an HTTP request to a set of configuration variables.
Routing Component The Routing component maps an HTTP request to a set of configuration variables. Getting Started $ composer require symfony/routing
Process - The Process component executes commands in sub-processes.
Process Component The Process component executes commands in sub-processes. Sponsor The Process component for Symfony 5.4/6.0 is backed by SensioLabs.
Php-file-iterator - FilterIterator implementation that filters files based on a list of suffixes, prefixes, and other exclusion criteria.
php-file-iterator Installation You can add this library as a local, per-project dependency to your project using Composer: composer require phpunit/ph
Html-sanitizer - The HtmlSanitizer component provides an object-oriented API to sanitize untrusted HTML input for safe insertion into a document's DOM.
HtmlSanitizer Component The HtmlSanitizer component provides an object-oriented API to sanitize untrusted HTML input for safe insertion into a documen
Ertuo: quick routing for PHP
Ertuo: quick routing for PHP Ertuo (anagram of "Route"), is a small PHP library that does routing better and faster than conventional regular expressi
Iterators - The missing PHP iterators.
PHP Iterators Description The missing PHP iterators. Features CachingIteratorAggregate ClosureIterator: ClosureIterator(callable $callable, array $arg
Php-gamer - A repo with PHP 8.1, Swoole and Laminas. And of course, Docker in the front.
PHP-Gamer Instructions for run this app: First time $ git clone git@github.com:fatorx/php-gamer.git $ cd php-gamer $ chmod +x docker-build.sh $ chmod
Php-rpc-server - JSON RPC server implementation for PHP.
JSON RPC Server implementation for PHP. The json-rpc is a very simple protocol. You can see this by reading the protocol specification. This library i
EBook-Apps - The eBook Apps is a web application that helps you browse ebooks from anywhere using your smartphone and laptop.
⚡️ eBook Apps The eBook Apps is a web application that helps you browse ebooks from anywhere using your smartphone and laptop. 🚀 Getting Started To s
LDAP-OSNAME-CHANGE-ALLOWER - This is my first php, hopefully last.
LDAP-OSNAME-CHANGE-ALLOWER This PHP script allows SELF user to read and write the 'Operating System' property on the target computer/s. How was it dev
Video_Sharing_Platform - Fala Devs! Estou trazendo aqui uma plataforma de compartilhamento de vídeo (como um YouTube)
Video Sharing Platform Sobre o Projeto Fala Devs! Estou trazendo aqui uma plataforma de compartilhamento de vídeo (como um YouTube). A aplicação possu
Qase-phpunit - Qase TMS PHPUnit reporter.
Qase TMS PHPUnit reporter Publish results simple and easy. How to integrate composer require qase/phpunit-reporter Example of usage The PHPUnit report
Laravel-modulator - Laravel Modulator (HMVC) creating and handling in an easy and simple way.
Laravel Modulator HMVC creating and handling in an easy and simple way. Documentation You can find the detailed documentation here in Laravel Modulato
Practice-php - Repositório para praticar a sintaxe de php.
Configuração Inicial para desenvolver em PHP Instalando o PHP no Linux (Ubuntu) sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php sudo apt-get update Utilizand
Email-flooder - A CLI flooder e-mail tool, made in PHP.
E-mail flooder (PHP 8.0.13) You can send emails to any server, however the request must come from Gmail. (Remember to enable less secure apps to be ab
A Lotto plugin made with Pocketmine.
LottoPlugin Features Compatibility with Pocketmine 3.X.X Full Customization Automatic Launch Automatic Draw Usage Initialisation You have to install P
A PHP notebook application build with PHP Symfony as back-end API and VueJS/Vuetify front-end.
PHPersonal Notes 📓 - BETA RELEASE PHPersonal notes is an application to store your personal notes! PHPersonalnotes is build with Symfony/VueJS/Vuetif
Desarrollo de una aplicación muy sencilla, desarrollada con HTML - Bootstrap - PHP - (PDO)- Mysql. (Login - Registro - Create Read Update Delete)
php-mysql-aplicacion-web Desarrollo de una aplicación muy sencilla, desarrollada con HTML - Bootstrap - PHP - (PDO)- Mysql. (Login - Registro - Create
Taskpm - Run multi tasks by PHP multi process
php-pkg-template Run multi tasks by PHP multi process Install composer composer require phppkg/taskpm Usage github: use the template for quick create
PHP Project - Export your profile to vCard file
KamVCard PHP v1.00 Easy to have your own vCard file, fill in the form and hit the "Export" button UPDATE : Now you can add your picture too ! Preview
Code to accompany the YouTube video "Full PHP cURL API tutorial - how to use a REST API from PHP using cURL"
PHP cURL CRUD Example Example code to accompany this YouTube video. Note that the init_curl.php file contains a placeholder for an API key. DO NOT che
Proyecto 1 - Recetas de Cocina
daw2_2021-22_yii2_basic EPSZ-DAW2 - Yii2_basic. Esta plantilla es la estructura base para los trabajos en grupo de la asignatura DAW2. La plantilla es
YogsMAP adalah GIS(Geographic Information System) yang dibangun dengan PHP Native, MapBox API dan Boostrap
YogsMAP adalah GIS(Geographic Information System) yang dibangun dengan PHP Native, MapBox API dan Boostrap. Website ini menampilkan data pada area di yogyakarta, serta bisa menampilkan lokasi-lokasi yang diinginkan.
A php library for coinex exchange apis .
Coinex API PHP Coinex digital coin exchange API for PHP Requirements PHP=7.1 CURL PHP module Install composer require roozbeh/coinex_php Acquire acce
Scripts em PHP para um processo seletivo, onde trabalho com lógica básica para testar minhas competências na linguagem referida.
Processo-Seletivo-PHP-Junior Scripts em PHP para um processo seletivo, onde trabalho com lógica básica para testar minhas competências na linguagem re
An asynchronous ClamAV wrapper written in PHP with amphp/socket
amphp-clamav An asynchronous ClamAV wrapper written with amphp/socket Installing composer require pato05/amphp-clamav Examples Ping and scan of a fil
IMAGON is an image optimization and compression API Free, that helps improve your website performance.
IMAGON API Demo Image Optimization and Compression API by IMAGON IMAGON is an image optimization and compression API Free, that helps improve your web
API for Symbiota using the Lumen PHP PHP Micro-Framework By Laravel
symbiota-api API for Symbiota using the Lumen PHP PHP Micro-Framework By Laravel Laravel Lumen Official Documentation Documentation for the Lumen fram
Данная библиотека несет цель упростить жизнь php разработчику и сократить время на решение рутинных задач.
Полезные вспомогательные функции для php разработчика Установка composer require mellanyx/helpers Обёртка над функцией print_r - p() ?php $arr = ['on
Explore , Experiment with data science and machine learning.
sodiumchloride Project name : sodium chloride objective : Explore,Experiment your data with datascience and machine learning version : beta 0.1.2 rele
Laravel package allows you to generate a YouTube player from a video link.
Youtube Frame Generator Laravel package allows you to generate an iframe tag with a video player depending on a youtube URL. 1 - Dependency The first
The Facebook SDK for PHP provides a native interface to the Graph API and Facebook Login
Facebook SDK for PHP (v5) This repository contains the open source PHP SDK that allows you to access the Facebook Platform from your PHP app. Installa
This component provides a collection of functions/classes using the symfony/intl package when the Intl extension is not installed.
Symfony Polyfill / Intl: ICU This package provides fallback implementations when the Intl extension is not installed. It is limited to the "en" locale
Behat Transliterator library inherited from Doctrine1 and used in Behat for snippet generation
Behat Transliterator Behat Transliterator provides transliteration utilities for PHP. Transliteration data are ported from the Perl Text-Unidecode mod
Laravel SDK for Sentry
Sentry for Laravel Laravel integration for Sentry. Laravel Version Compatibility Laravel = 4.2.x is supported until 0.8.x Laravel = 5.7.x on PHP =
Livewire UI components with tailwind base style
WireUI 📚 Documentation Wire UI is a library of components and resources to empower your Laravel and Livewire application development. Starting a new
Make Laravel and Storyblok work together beautifully.
Use Storyblok’s amazing headless CMS in way that feels familiar to Laravel developers This package allows you to use fantastic Storyblok headless CMS
An open-source Laravel 8 online store, client area, and billing software specially made for Pterodactyl panel
PteroBilling An open-source Laravel 8 online store, client area, and billing software specially made for Pterodactyl panel Announcement: An
Detection of design patterns in PHP code
Pattern Detector for PHP Detects design pattern in your code
This tool check syntax of PHP files faster than serial check with fancier output.
PHP Parallel Lint This application checks syntax of PHP files in parallel. It can output in plain text, colored text, json and checksyntax formats. Ad
Tool to detect assumptions
PHP Assumptions Setup $ composer require --dev rskuipers/php-assumptions Introduction PHP Assumptions is the result of a proof of concept inspired by
Library emulating the PHP internal reflection using just the tokenized source code
PHP Token Reflection In short, this library emulates the PHP reflection model using the tokenized PHP source. The basic concept is, that any reflectio
PHP 7 Compatibility Checker
PHP 7 Compatibility Checker(php7cc) Project status The project is no longer supported. Please consider using one of the following alternatives: phan p
PHP 7 Migration Assistant Report (MAR)
Introduction What is PHP 7 Migration Assistant Report(MAR)? PHP 7 MAR, or just "php7mar", is a command line utility to generate reports on existing PH
PhpCodeAnalyzer scans codebase and analyzes which non-built-in php extensions used
PhpCodeAnalyzer PhpCodeAnalyzer finds usage of different non-built-in extensions in your php code. This tool helps you understand how transportable yo
Dead Code Detector (DCD) for PHP code.
This project is no longer maintained and its repository is only kept for archival purposes. PHP Dead Code Detector (PHPDCD) phpdcd is a Dead Code Dete
Analyzer of PHP code to search issues with deprecated functionality in newer interpreter versions.
PhpDeprecationDetector PhpDeprecationDetector - analyzer of PHP code to search usages of deprecated functionality in newer interpreter versions - depr
Add scalar type hints and return types to existing PHP projects using PHPDoc annotations
PHPDoc to Type Hint Archived! This repository is now archived. Consider using PHP CS Fixer (and especially the phpdoc_to_param_type and phpdoc_to_retu
PHP Magic Number Detector
PHP Magic Number Detector (PHPMND) phpmnd is a tool that aims to help you to detect magic numbers in your PHP code. By default 0 and 1 are not conside
Docker image that provides static analysis tools for PHP
Static Analysis Tools for PHP Docker image providing static analysis tools for PHP. The list of available tools and the installer are actually managed
PHPQA all-in-one Analyzer CLI tool
PHPQA PHPQA Analyzer CLI tool Overview Available Analyzers Install Usage Override configuration Nice to have features Overview This project aims to se
PHPSA - Smart Analyzer for PHP
PHPSA - Smart Analyzer for PHP PHPSA is a development tool aimed at bringing complex analysis for PHP applications and libraries. P.S This software is
AdminArchitect - Active Admin for Laravel
Admin Architect Missing Laravel Administration Framework. It's like ActiveAdmin for Laravel. Docs Follow the documentation. License The Admin Architec
🧩 Laravel Query Builder integration for PhpStorm
Laravel Query Laravel + DataGrip = ♥️ This plugin provides database integration for Laravel query builder. Features Schemas, tables, views and columns
The light version of NexoPOS 4.x, which is a web-Based Point Of Sale (POS) System build with Laravel, TailwindCSS, and Vue.Js.
About NexoPOS 4.x NexoPOS 4 is a free point of sale system build using Laravel, TailwindCSS, Vue and other open-source resources. This POS System focu
Adds a way to write php and run it directly in Laravels' Artisan Tinker.
Adds a way to write php in PhpStorm/IDEA and run it directly as if through laravel artisan tinker - allowing you to quickly run a piece of code with a
⚡️ MIRROR — A feature-rich Laravel wrapper for the WeasyPrint Document Factory.
WeasyPrint for Laravel A feature-rich Laravel wrapper for the WeasyPrint Document Factory. This package requires Laravel 8.47+ running on PHP 8+ in or
Debug with Ray to fix problems faster
Debug with Ray to fix problems faster This package can be installed in any PHP application to send messages to the Ray app. The desktop app: can be us
Laravel Integration for Switchover PHP SDK. Feature Toggle Management made easy.
Switchover Laravel Integration Switchover Switchover is a Software-As-A-Service for managing feature toggles (aka switches, flags or feature flips) in
Spikkl API client for Laravel
Spikkl for Laravel Spikkl-php-laravel-client incorporates the Spikkl API into your Laravel or Lumen project. Requirements Get yourself a free Spikkl a
Nebula is a minimalistic and easy to use administration tool for Laravel applications, made with Laravel, Alpine.js, and Tailwind CSS.
Nebula Nebula is a minimalistic and easy to use administration tool for Laravel applications, made with Laravel, Alpine.js, and Tailwind CSS. Nebula m
The Workflow Package add Drag & Drop Workflows to your Laravel Application.
Workflows add Drag & Drop automation's to your Laravel application. The Workflow Package adds Drag & Drop Workflows to your Laravel Application. A Wor
Laravel package to search through multiple Eloquent models. Supports sorting, pagination, scoped queries, eager load relationships and searching through single or multiple columns.
Laravel Cross Eloquent Search This Laravel package allows you to search through multiple Eloquent models. It supports sorting, pagination, scoped quer
ScoutAPM PHP Agent for the Laravel Framework
Scout Laravel APM Agent Monitor the performance of PHP Laravel applications with Scout's PHP APM Agent. Detailed performance metrics and transaction t
Laravel package to easily send events to Google Analytics
Laravel Analytics Event Tracking https://twitter.com/pascalbaljet/status/1257926601339277312 Laravel package to easily send events to Google Analytics
Make a Laravel app respond to a slash command from Slack
Make a Laravel app respond to a slash command from Slack This package makes it easy to make your Laravel app respond to Slack's Slash commands. Once y
A Laravel wrapper for apex charts
Larapex Charts A Laravel wrapper for apex charts library Check the documentation on: Larapex Chart Docs. Installation Use composer. composer require a
A desktop Laravel admin panel app
Laravel Kit A simple and elegant desktop application for managing your Laravel applications. Available for Windows, Linux and macOS. Website | Feature
Laravue is a beautiful dashboard combination of Laravel, Vue.js and the UI Toolkit Element.
Laravue Laravue (pronounced /ˈlarəvjuː/) is a beautiful dashboard combination of Laravel, Vue.js and the UI Toolkit Element. The work is inspired by v
👻 It's never been easier to build and customize admin panels. Yah! yaldash is a beautifully designed administration panel for Laravel.
👻 It's never been easier to build and customize admin panels. Yah! yaldash is a beautifully designed administration panel for Laravel.