This PHP script allows SELF user to read and write the 'Operating System' property on the target computer/s.
How was it developed?
Firstly, differences that occur on SDDL string has to be detected when Read & Write permissions added to Operating System Property on the target computer object.
At this stage, I used Chad Sikorra's amazing PHP ldaptools library for parsing SDDL string and much more.
As a result, we found that two objects need to be added -to the SELF- for Operating System's permissions to be granted:
sid: S-1-5-10 indicates that we are dealing with SELF:
objectType: 3e978925-8c01-11d0-afda-00c04fd930c9 indicates that we are changing Operating System attribute:
How to use?
os_read_allower has 6 parameters:
- b (Required): Base DN. Example: yeni.lab
- i (Required): IPv4 address of the target DC. Example:
- u (Required): Username for the LDAP connection. Example: Administrator
- p (Required): Password for the LDAP connection. Example: Passw0rd
- d (Optional): Specify a DN if you need to narrow the scope. Example: "ou=ankara,dc=yeni,dc=lab"
- f (Optional): Specify a filter if you need to be more specific. Example: "(cn=warsaw)"
Usage examples:
- Specify a target OU or object. It gives the permission to all computers under that OU:
php os_read_allower.php -b yeni.lab -u administrator -p Passw0rd -d "OU=adana,dc=yeni,dc=lab" -i ""
- Don't specify any additional OU or object. It gives the permisson to all computers under the whole DN (ex: yeni.lab):
php os_read_allower.php -b yeni.lab -u administrator -p Passw0rd -i ""
- Use additional filter:
php os_read_allower.php -b yeni.lab -u administrator -p Passw0rd -d "OU=adana,dc=yeni,dc=lab" -i "" -f "(cn=adanali)"
For future changes:
os_read_allower should be a one-time operation. If you want to apply these changes for future computer objects; default security descriptor for computer object should be changed with the modified.