Html-sanitizer - The HtmlSanitizer component provides an object-oriented API to sanitize untrusted HTML input for safe insertion into a document's DOM.


HtmlSanitizer Component

The HtmlSanitizer component provides an object-oriented API to sanitize untrusted HTML input for safe insertion into a document's DOM.


use Symfony\Component\HtmlSanitizer\HtmlSanitizerConfig;
use Symfony\Component\HtmlSanitizer\HtmlSanitizer;

// By default, an element not added to the allowed or blocked elements
// will be dropped, including its children
$config = (new HtmlSanitizerConfig())
    // Allow "safe" elements and attributes. All scripts will be removed
    // as well as other dangerous behaviors like CSS injection

    // Allow all static elements and attributes from the W3C Sanitizer API
    // standard. All scripts will be removed but the output may still contain
    // other dangerous behaviors like CSS injection (click-jacking), CSS
    // expressions, ...

    // Allow the "div" element and no attribute can be on it

    // Allow the "a" element, and the "title" attribute to be on it
    ->allowElement('a', ['title'])

    // Allow the "span" element, and any attribute from the Sanitizer API is allowed
    // (see
    ->allowElement('span', '*')

    // Block the "section" element: this element will be removed but
    // its children will be retained

    // Drop the "div" element: this element will be removed, including its children

    // Allow the attribute "title" on the "div" element
    ->allowAttribute('title', ['div'])

    // Allow the attribute "data-custom-attr" on all currently allowed elements
    ->allowAttribute('data-custom-attr', '*')

    // Drop the "data-custom-attr" attribute from the "div" element:
    // this attribute will be removed
    ->dropAttribute('data-custom-attr', ['div'])

    // Drop the "data-custom-attr" attribute from all elements:
    // this attribute will be removed
    ->dropAttribute('data-custom-attr', '*')

    // Forcefully set the value of all "rel" attributes on "a"
    // elements to "noopener noreferrer"
    ->forceAttribute('a', 'rel', 'noopener noreferrer')

    // Transform all HTTP schemes to HTTPS

    // Configure which schemes are allowed in links (others will be dropped)
    ->allowedLinkSchemes(['https', 'http', 'mailto'])

    // Configure which hosts are allowed in links (by default all are allowed)
    ->allowedLinkHosts(['', ''])

    // Allow relative URL in links (by default they are dropped)

    // Configure which schemes are allowed in img/audio/video/iframe (others will be dropped)
    ->allowedMediaSchemes(['https', 'http'])

    // Configure which hosts are allowed in img/audio/video/iframe (by default all are allowed)
    ->allowedMediaHosts(['', ''])

    // Allow relative URL in img/audio/video/iframe (by default they are dropped)

    // Configure a custom attribute sanitizer to apply custom sanitization logic
    // ($attributeSanitizer instance of AttributeSanitizerInterface)

    // Unregister a previously registered attribute sanitizer
    // ($attributeSanitizer instance of AttributeSanitizerInterface)

$sanitizer = new HtmlSanitizer($config);

// Sanitize a given string, using the configuration provided and in the
// "body" context (tags only allowed in <head> will be removed)

// Sanitize the given string for a usage in a <head> tag
$sanitizer->sanitizeFor('head', $userInput);

// Sanitize the given string for a usage in another tag
$sanitizer->sanitizeFor('title', $userInput); // Will encode as HTML entities
$sanitizer->sanitizeFor('textarea', $userInput); // Will encode as HTML entities
$sanitizer->sanitizeFor('div', $userInput); // Will sanitize as body
$sanitizer->sanitizeFor('section', $userInput); // Will sanitize as body
// ...


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  • [HtmlSanitizer] maxInputLength can be disabled

    [HtmlSanitizer] maxInputLength can be disabled

    I have very long html because of base64 encoded images. Using $config->withMaxInputLength(strlen($content)) is useless. Using $config->withMaxInputLength(null) to turn off the check is a better alternative.

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  • v6.2.2(Dec 16, 2022)

    Changelog (

    • bug #48602 Fix HtmlSanitizer default configuration behavior for allowed schemes (Titouan Galopin)
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    Source code(zip)
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  • v6.1.0-BETA1(Apr 15, 2022)

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