4063 Repositories
PHP php-library Libraries
Thin assertion library for use in libraries and business-model
Assert A simple php library which contains assertions and guard methods for input validation (not filtering!) in business-model, libraries and applica
PHP implementation of JSON schema. Fork of the http://jsonschemaphpv.sourceforge.net/ project
JSON Schema for PHP A PHP Implementation for validating JSON Structures against a given Schema with support for Schemas of Draft-3 or Draft-4. Feature
Pest is an elegant PHP Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity
Pest is an elegant PHP Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. It was carefully crafted to bring the joy of testing to PHP. Explore the docs: pe
Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
Pico Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS. Visit us at http://picocms.org/ and see http://picocms.org/about/ for more info. Screensh
Home of the Joomla! Content Management System
Joomla! CMS™ Build Status Drone-CI AppVeyor PHP Node npm Overview This is the source of Joomla! 4.x. Joomla's Official website. Joomla! 4.0 version hi
Open Source Invoicing Solution for Individuals & Businesses
Introduction Crater is an open-source web & mobile app that helps you track expenses, payments & create professional invoices & estimates. Web Applica
Laravel ecommerce package for professional, ultra fast online shops, complex B2B applications and #gigacommerce
Aimeos Laravel ecommerce package ⭐ Star us on GitHub — it helps! Aimeos is THE professional, full-featured and ultra fast e-commerce package for Larav
The Laravel Boilerplate Project - https://laravel-boilerplate.com - For Slack access, visit:
Laravel Boilerplate (Current: Laravel 8.*) (Demo) Demo Credentials Admin: admin@admin.com Password: secret User: user@user.com Password: secret Offici
Simple forum software for building great communities.
About Flarum Flarum is a delightfully simple discussion platform for your website. It's fast and easy to use, with all the features you need to run a
Invoices, Expenses and Tasks built with Laravel and Flutter
Invoice Ninja Hosted | Self-Hosted We're on Slack, join us at slack.invoiceninja.com or if you like StackOverflow Just make sure to add the invoice-ni
A platform to create documentation/wiki content built with PHP & Laravel
BookStack A platform for storing and organising information and documentation. Details for BookStack can be found on the official website at https://w
Associate users with roles and permissions
Associate users with permissions and roles Sponsor If you want to quickly add authentication and authorization to Laravel projects, feel free to check
🔐 JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel & Lumen
Documentation Documentation for 1.* here For version 0.5.* See the WIKI for documentation. Supported by Auth0 If you want to easily add secure authent
🚀 Supercharged Excel exports and imports in Laravel
Supercharged Excel exports and imports A simple, but elegant Laravel wrapper around PhpSpreadsheet exports and imports. Quickstart · Documentation · V
Self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework.
October is a Content Management System (CMS) and web platform whose sole purpose is to make your development workflow simple again. It was born out of
Simple forum software for building great communities.
About Flarum Flarum is a delightfully simple discussion platform for your website. It's fast and easy to use, with all the features you need to run a
PHP Image Manipulation
Intervention Image Intervention Image is a PHP image handling and manipulation library providing an easier and expressive way to create, edit, and com
📛 An open source status page system for everyone.
Cachet is a beautiful and powerful open source status page system. Overview List your service components Report incidents Customise the look of your s
Laravel Debugbar (Integrates PHP Debug Bar)
Laravel Debugbar This is a package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel. It includes a ServiceProvider to register the debugbar and attach it to th
Personal CRM. Remember everything about your friends, family and business relationships.
Personal Relationship Manager Monica is a great open source personal relationship management system. Introduction Purpose Features Who is it for? What
The Laravel Framework.
About Laravel Note: This repository contains the core code of the Laravel framework. If you want to build an application using Laravel, visit the main
A PHP framework for web artisans.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
PHP implementation for reading and writing Apache Parquet files/streams
php-parquet This is the first parquet file format reader/writer implementation in PHP, based on the Thrift sources provided by the Apache Foundation.
This is a php parser for plantuml source file.
PlantUML parser for PHP Overview This package builds AST of class definitions from plantuml files. This package works only with php. Installation Via
Learning about - Basic HTML & CSS, JSON, XML, Session & Cookies, CRUD Operations in Php using MySQL and Create MVC from scratch
This Project is based on course CSC 3215. Learning about - Basic HTML & CSS, JSON, XML, Session & Cookies, CRUD Operations in Php using MySQL and Create MVC (Model–View–Controller) from scratch. Just learning about web technologies, Not focusing on UI (Bootstrap or other 3rd-Party UI libraries or frameworks).
Software para consultas veiculares construído com PHP, Laravel e MySQL
DespCar Um projeto de uso pessoal para um despachante veícular para consulta de carros através da placa Sobre o Projeto Construído Com PHP PHPUnit Lar
Easily integrate custom-made NPS (Net Promoter Score) into your application
Laravel NPS Easily integrate custom-made NPS (Net Promoter Score) to your application. Installation You can install the package via composer: composer
PHP Source - Telegram Bot - Standart Method
Telegram Bot- yaratish uchun mo'ljallangan standart metod asosida ishlovchi, PHP tilida yozilgan kod Dasturchilarning eng yaxshi ko'rgan odati c/p bo'
Minimal PHP MVC Framework that is eternally broken.
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ██ ▄▄▄ █ ▄▄▀█ ▄▄██▄██ ▄▀██▄██ ▄▄▀█ ▄▄▀ ██ ███ █ ▄▄▀█▄▄▀██ ▄█ █ ██ ▄█ ▀▀ █ ██ ██ ▀▀▀ █▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄█▄▄▄█▄▄██▄▄▄█▄██▄█
Um site para diversos tipos de notícias.
Notícias Um site para diversos tipos de notícias. Configuração Tenha o Composer instalado em sua máquina e através de seu terminal entre no diretório
Simple, fast and secure PHP Framework with easy integration.
simple-php-framework Simple, fast and secure PHP Framework with easy integration.
Let's dev a PHP Web Blog
My Own PHP Blog Last update: 02 december 2021 Owner: Julián Campos Pérez Website: https://juliancampos.es Twitter: https://twitter.com/juliancamposes
Tool to remove code based on specific comments.
PHP-DEL Tool to remove code based on specific comments. Configuration Create php-del.json in the root directory of the project { "dirs": [ "src"
A collection of useful traits for working with PHP 8.1 Enums
A library of helper traits for working with PHP 8.1 enums This package provides a series of traits that allows you to: RestorableFromName Trait Create
A MySQL-PHP based hotel reservation system
hotel-reservation-system A MySQL-PHP based hotel reservation system We have created a Hotel Reservation system, which can be used by the Hotel clients
PHP Simple Response, XML, JSON,... auto response with accept in request's header
simple-response Simple package to handle response properly in your API. This package does not include any dependency. Install Via Composer $ composer
Aprenda a construir um CRUD simples, fácil e rápido
CRUD PHP MYSQL Aprenda a construir um CRUD simples, fácil e rápido CRUD pastas: /config/ = pasta onde será armazenado toda a lógica de configuração da
Solutions for Advent of Code 2020 (in php)
Advent of Code 2021 Solutions Solutions to the 2021 edition of Advent of Code. Running Simply php day01.php and so forth should do the trick! Lessons
This package is aimed to be a simplistic PHP workflow package that works in a similar fashion to GitHub Actions.
Workflow This package is aimed to be a simplistic PHP workflow package that works in a similar fashion to GitHub Actions. Installation To install this
A simple package that helps PHP developers to generate the QR code signature as per Zakat authority (ZATCA) requirements of Saudi Arabia.
A PHP package that implements the e-invoice QR code signature requirements as designed by the Zakat authority of Saudi Arabia. How to install? compose
Simple and universal connection pool for ReactPHP applications.
szado/reactphp-connection-pool Async and flexible pool for any type of connections built on top of ReactPHP. Connection pooling allows you to easily m
A library for adding economic concepts.
Summary This plugin adds the concept of money to the server. Wallet data held by the player is stored in .json format and I/O asynchronously. As for t
A set of PHP classes to let you manage your Dynamic Widget UI programmatically.
Dynamic Widget for Flutter A set of PHP classes to let you manage your Dynamic Widget UI programmatically. Why? Why not? Developing my application I f
A package for adding more type safety to your PHP projects.
Table of Contents Overview Installation Usage Simple Checks Advanced Checks Custom Checks Skipping Checks Testing Security Contribution Credits Change
🐘 A PHP client for interacting with Gotenberg
Gotenberg PHP A PHP client for interacting with Gotenberg This package is a PHP client for Gotenberg, a developer-friendly API to interact with powerf
Learn how to run WordPress with Docker. Read about our experiences and start off with an easy boilerplate.
Hi! We're Dan and Jay. We're a two person team with a passion for open source products. We created Server Side Up to help share what we learn. Find us
Deeper is a easy way to compare if 2 objects is equal based on values in these objects. This library is heavily inspired in Golang's reflect.DeepEqual().
Deeper Deeper is a easy way to compare if 2 objects is equal based on values in these objects. This library is heavily inspired in Golang's reflect.De
Add internal link to your published assets.
WORK IN PROGRESS, some functionalities may be changed in the future. Add internal link to your published assets. Installation You can install the pack
The Hoa\String library (deprecated by Hoa\Ustring).
Hoa is a modular, extensible and structured set of PHP libraries. Moreover, Hoa aims at being a bridge between industrial and research worlds. Hoa\Str
The Universal Device Detection library will parse any User Agent and detect the browser, operating system, device used (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), brand and model.
DeviceDetector Code Status Description The Universal Device Detection library that parses User Agents and detects devices (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv
Helps detect the user's browser and platform at the PHP level via the user agent
cbschuld/browser.php Helps detect the user's browser and platform at the PHP level via the user agent Installation You can add this library as a local
An easy way to add colors in your CLI scripts.
COLORS Here is a preview of what you can achieve with the library: Installation Installation via composer is highly recommended. { "require": {
Query caching for Laravel
Query caching for Laravel
Server growth statistics plugin by NhanAZ for PocketMine-MP
General Server growth statistics plugin by NhanAZ for PocketMine-MP Contacts You can contact me directly through the platforms listed below Platform C
An easy code to send messages on a discord text channel with webhook.
Status Webhook-Discord An easy code to send messages on a discord text channel with webhook. Don't forget to check the latest version of Webhook-Disco
Lightweight PHP library for WhatsApp API to send the whatsapp messages in PHP provided by ultramsg.com
Ultramsg.com WhatsApp API PHP SDK Lightweight PHP library for WhatsApp API to send the whatsappp messages in PHP provided by Ultramsg.com Installation
Online-examination-System in PHP and Mysql using XAMPP server
online-examination-systen-in-php Online Examination System Today Online Examination System has become a fast growing examination method because of its
PHP-Xdebug Useage 修改/ConfigurationFile/php/php.ini
PHP 8.1 like legacy enum (Experimental Alpha Version)
flux-legacy-enum PHP 8.1 like legacy enum Experimental Alpha Version Installation COPY --from=docker-registry.fluxpublisher.ch/flux-enum/legacy:latest
JSON:API serializer for PHP resources
kwai-jsonapi A JSON:API serializer for PHP classes using PHP attributes. Currently, this library has no support for links. Installation composer requi
Generate auto numbers for your Laravel Model.
Generate Autonumbers for your Laravel Model This package can help you in creating autonumbers for your laravel model. You can create autonumbers using
A simple web application for seeing a store's books. Built with Laravel 8 (a PHP Framework).
HappyBookStore Happy Book Store is a simple web application for seeing a store's books. As a user, you can look what book is available in the store by
💾 High-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager written in Golang. RR2 releases repository.
RoadRunner is an open-source (MIT licensed) high-performance PHP application server, load balancer, and process manager. It supports running as a serv
GraPHPinator ⚡ 🌐 ⚡ Easy-to-use & Fast GraphQL server implementation for PHP
Easy-to-use & Fast GraphQL server implementation for modern PHP. Includes features from latest draft, middleware directives and modules with extra functionality.
Laravel eCommerce headless APIs allow you to experience seamless and easily scalable storefront performance.
Bagisto GraphQL API Laravel eCommerce headless APIs allow you to experience seamless and easily scalable storefront performance. An open-source and Gr
Give thanks (in the form of a GitHub ★) to your fellow PHP package maintainers
Give thanks (in the form of a GitHub ★ ) to your fellow PHP package maintainers (not limited to Symfony components)! Install Install this as any other
Provides a configuration factory and multiple rule sets for friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer.
php-cs-fixer-config Provides a configuration factory and multiple rule sets for friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer. Installation Run $ composer require --dev e
An improved helper for working with cache
Laravel Cache Installation To get the latest version of Laravel Cache, simply require the project using Composer: $ composer require dragon-code/larav
Implements a Refresh Token system over Json Web Tokens in Symfony
JWTRefreshTokenBundle The purpose of this bundle is manage refresh tokens with JWT (Json Web Tokens) in an easy way. This bundles uses LexikJWTAuthent
A collection of type-safe functional data structures
lamphpda A collection of type-safe functional data structures Aim The aim of this library is to provide a collection of functional data structures in
⚡️ This package provides a wonderful PHP skeleton to start building your next package idea.
This package provides a wonderful PHP Skeleton to start building your next package idea. Requires PHP 8.0+ ⚡️ Create your package using Composer: comp
Standardized wrapper for popular currency rate APIs. Currently supports FixerIO, CurrencyLayer, Open Exchange Rates and Exchange Rates API.
💱 Wrapper for popular Currency Exchange Rate APIs A PHP API Wrapper to offer a unified programming interface for popular Currency Rate APIs. Dont wor
Powerful data objects for Laravel
Powerful data objects for Laravel This package enables the creation of rich data objects which can be used in various ways. Using this package you onl
Plivo PHP Helper Library
plivo-php The Plivo PHP SDK makes it simpler to integrate communications into your PHP applications using the Plivo REST API. Using the SDK, you will
Barcode generator in PHP that is easy to use, non-bloated and framework independent.
PHP Barcode Generator This is an easy to use, non-bloated, framework independent, barcode generator in PHP. It creates SVG, PNG, JPG and HTML images,
Upgrade module for PrestaShop
1-Click Upgrade About Upgrade to the latest version of PrestaShop in a few clicks, thanks to this automated method. This module is compatible with all
A WordPress package to nudge users to upgrade their software versions (starting with PHP)
whip A WordPress package to nudge users to upgrade their software versions (starting with PHP) Requirements The following versions of PHP are supporte
Our team created for you one of the most innovative CRM systems that supports mainly business processes and allows for customization according to your needs. Be ahead of your competition and implement YetiForce!
We design an innovative CRM system that is dedicated for large and medium sized companies. We dedicate it to everyone who values open source software,
Lumen on Docker - Skeleton project with Nginx, MySQL & PHP 8 | Aws ECS, Google Kubernates, Azure Container Engine
Docker infrastructure for Lumen Description Microservice Lumen is a starting skeleton based on Docker and Lumen Framework. This project helps to devel
Matomo is the leading Free/Libre open analytics platform.
Matomo (formerly Piwik) - matomo.org Code Status Description Matomo is the leading Free/Libre open analytics platform. Matomo is a full-featured PHP M
RockMongo is a MongoDB administration tool, written in PHP 5.
Introduction -------------------------------------- RockMongo is a MongoDB administration tool, written in PHP 5, very easy to install and use. Inst
phpRedisAdmin is a simple web interface to manage Redis databases.
phpRedisAdmin phpRedisAdmin is a simple web interface to manage Redis databases. It is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Th
Cachet is a beautiful and powerful open source status page system.
Cachet is a beautiful and powerful open source status page system. Overview List your service components Report incidents Customise the look of your s
PHP malware detector
PHP malware detector Smart PHP vulnerability detector Web mode: Console mode: Using PHP malware detector Requirements PHP 5.4+ Install php-malware-det
Security advisories as a simple composer exclusion list, updated daily
Roave Security Advisories This package ensures that your application doesn't have installed dependencies with known security vulnerabilities. Installa
PHP frontend for security.symfony.com
SensioLabs Security Checker WARNING: Don't use this piece of software anymore as the underlying web service will stop working at the end of January 20
PHP Secure Headers
Secure Headers Add security related headers to HTTP response. The package includes Service Providers for easy Laravel integration. Version Installatio
SonarPHP: PHP static analyzer for SonarQube & SonarLint
Code Quality and Security for PHP This SonarSource project is a static code analyser for PHP language used as an extension for the SonarQube platform.
Parse: A Static Security Scanner
Parse: A PHP Security Scanner PLEASE NOTE: This tool is still in a very early stage. The work continues... The Parse scanner is a static scanning tool
A static analysis tool for security
progpilot A static analyzer for security purposes Only PHP language is currently supported Installation Option 1: use standalone phar Download the lat
phpcs-security-audit is a set of PHP_CodeSniffer rules that finds vulnerabilities and weaknesses related to security in PHP code
phpcs-security-audit v3 About phpcs-security-audit is a set of PHP_CodeSniffer rules that finds vulnerabilities and weaknesses related to security in
This Project is for digikala.com scrapping challenge of 2021 blackfriday using php/laravel/horizon
Objective This script is intended for finding the hidden treasure, A scraping challenge by digikala for 2021 black Friday Prerequisites Php mysql redi
This package contains a PHP implementation to solve 3D bin packing problems.
3D Bin Packager This package contains a PHP implementation to solve 3d bin packing problems based on gedex implementation on Go and enzoruiz implement
PHP Extension installer
pickle - PHP Extension installer Pickle installs PHP extensions easily on all platforms. Installation Grab the latest phar at https://github.com/Frien
Simple patches plugin for Composer
composer-patches Simple patches plugin for Composer. Applies a patch from a local or remote file to any package required with composer. Support notes
Production-grade rapid controller development with built in love for API and Search
Installation For CakePHP 4.x compatible version: composer require friendsofcake/crud For CakePHP 3.x compatible version: composer require friendsofca
A Simple PHP Renderer for Slim 3 (or any other PSR-7 project)
PHP Renderer This is a renderer for rendering PHP view scripts into a PSR-7 Response object. It works well with Slim Framework 4. Cross-site scripting
Instrument headless chrome/chromium instances from PHP
Chrome PHP This library lets you start playing with chrome/chromium in headless mode from PHP. Can be used synchronously and asynchronously! Features
Object-Oriented API for PHP streams
Streamer Streamer is an Object-Oriented API for PHP streams. Why should I use Streams? A stream is a flow of bytes from one container to the other. Yo
Very flexible git hook manager for php developers
CaptainHook CaptainHook is an easy to use and very flexible git hook library for php developers. It enables you to configure your git hook actions in