Dynamic Widget for Flutter
A set of PHP classes to let you manage your Dynamic Widget UI programmatically.
Why not? Developing my application I found really interesting dengyin2000 package and after I implemented it I found some problems to handle widgets as I would have liked.
Supported widgets
- Container
- Text
- TextSpan
- TextStyle
- RaisedButton
- ElevatedButton
- TextButton
- Row
- Column
- AssetImage
- NetworkImage
- FileImage
- Placeholder
- GridView
- ListView
- PageView
- Expanded
- Padding
- Center
- Align
- AspectRatio
- FittedBox
- Baseline
- Stack
- Positioned
- IndexedStack
- ExpandedSizedBox
- SizedBox
- Opacity
- Wrap
- ClipRRect
- SafeArea
- ListTile
- SelectableText
- Icon
- DropCapText
- Scaffold
- AppBar
- LimitedBox
- Offstage
- OverflowBox
- Divider
- RotatedBox
These are the official supported widgets from Dynamic Widget documentation.