Give thanks (in the form of a GitHub ★) to your fellow PHP package maintainers

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Strings thanks

Give thanks (in the form of a GitHub ★ ) to your fellow PHP package maintainers (not limited to Symfony components)!


Install this as any other (dev) Composer package:

$ composer require --dev symfony/thanks

You can also install it once for all your local projects:

$ composer global require symfony/thanks


$ composer thanks

This will find all of your Composer dependencies, find their repository, and star their GitHub repositories. This was inspired by cargo thanks, which was inspired in part by Medium's clapping button as a way to show thanks for someone else's work you've found enjoyment in.

If you're wondering why did some dependencies get thanked and not others, the answer is that this plugin only supports at the moment. Pull requests are welcome to add support for thanking packages hosted on other services.

Original idea by Doug Tangren (softprops) 2017 for Rust (thanks!)

Implemented by Nicolas Grekas (SensioLabs & 2017 for PHP.

Forwarding stars

Package authors can send a star to another package that they would like to thank.

If you are a package author and want to thank another repository, you can add a thanks entry in the extra section of your composer.json file.

For example, symfony/webpack-encore-pack sends a star to symfony/webpack-encore:

    "extra": {
        "thanks": {
            "name": "symfony/webpack-encore",
            "url": ""
  • star only direct dependencies

    star only direct dependencies

    It seems the plugin currently sends stars to all dependencies of a project, including the dependencies of the the libraries you actually added to your composer file.

    It would be nice if there would be an option to star the explicit dependencies only.

    opened by splitbrain 12
  • Issue with Composer 2 PreFileDownloadEvent

    Issue with Composer 2 PreFileDownloadEvent

    After, symfony/thanks breaks with the following error:

    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Composer\Plugin\PreFileDownloadEvent::__construct(),
    3 passed in /var/www/html/site/vendor/symfony/thanks/src/GitHubClient.php on line 191
    and at least 4 expected in phar:///home/eddie/bin/composer2/src/Composer/Plugin/PreFileDownloadEvent.php:54

    I'm not sure what the 4th parameter should be here? The commit above uses package and metadata. Maybe metadata?

    Maybe @Seldaek could tell more.

    opened by emodric 7
  • composer thanks works but getting

    composer thanks works but getting "[Composer\Downloader\TransportException]"


    I'm proud to have finally run composer thanks on a small project I developed :smiley:
    But after running it, I get the following error :

      The "" file could not be downloaded (HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway)

    I thought it hadn't worked, but after looking at the issues mentionning graphql in this repo, I realized it had actually worked & I'm now starring the ~ hundred repos I use in the project. Still, I was wondering why there was this mistake and if it was normal, thought I'd tell you about it.

    Have a nice day :)

    opened by rooselle 6
  • "composer thanks" returning an exception

    Hello, just installed this package and when I'm running the command "composer thanks" in the root of my repo, composer thanks return me :

    Undefined index: data

    and just after :

    thanks [--dry-run]

    I checked on two packages on GitHub and no stars have been given to them.

    opened by InfRandomness 6
  • Add support for composer-plugin-api v2

    Add support for composer-plugin-api v2

    Composer version 2 has composer-plugin-api version 2, and this plugin attemts to support both API versions.

    See What's new in Composer 2 and UPGRADE-2.0 for more changes in API.

    • Empty methods \Symfony\Thanks\Thanks::deactivate() and \Symfony\Thanks\Thanks::uninstall() are added to make it compatible both versions.
    • On Composer v2, \Hirak\Prestissimo\CurlRemoteFilesystem is not used in favor of Composer's native \Composer\Util\HttpDownloader which make multiple Curl connections.

    Related: #84 and composer/composer#8726.

    thanks 🙏

    opened by Ayesh 5
  • Error when running command on my project.

    Error when running command on my project.

    If a package repository cannot be resolved, the thank command fail and not complete other repositories thank.

    composer thanks --dry-run -vvv
    Reading ./composer.json
    Loading config file /Users/dev/.composer/config.json
    Loading config file /Users/dev/.composer/auth.json
    Loading config file ./composer.json
    Checked CA file /private/etc/ssl/cert.pem: valid
    Executing command (/Users/dev/projects/myproject): git branch --no-color --no-abbrev -v
    Reading /Users/dev/.composer/composer.json
    Loading config file /Users/dev/.composer/config.json
    Loading config file /Users/dev/.composer/auth.json
    Loading config file /Users/dev/.composer/composer.json
    Loading config file /Users/dev/.composer/auth.json
    Reading /Users/dev/.composer/auth.json
    Reading /Users/dev/projects/myproject/vendor/composer/installed.json
    Reading /Users/dev/.composer/vendor/composer/installed.json
    Loading plugin cweagans\Composer\Patches
    Loading plugin PackageVersions\Installer
    Loading plugin Symfony\Flex\Flex
    Composer >=1.7 not found, downloads will happen in sequence
    Loading plugin Symfony\Thanks\Thanks
    Running 1.6.5 (2018-05-04 11:44:59) with PHP 7.2.5 on Darwin / 17.5.0
    Reading ./composer.json
      Could not resolve to a Repository with the name 'jmespath'.
    Exception trace:
     () at /Users/dev/.composer/vendor/symfony/thanks/src/Command/ThanksCommand.php:222
     Symfony\Thanks\Command\ThanksCommand->callGitHub() at /Users/dev/.composer/vendor/symfony/thanks/src/Command/ThanksCommand.php:171
     Symfony\Thanks\Command\ThanksCommand->execute() at phar:///usr/local/Cellar/composer/1.6.4/bin/composer/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php:242
     Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() at phar:///usr/local/Cellar/composer/1.6.4/bin/composer/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:843
     Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at phar:///usr/local/Cellar/composer/1.6.4/bin/composer/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:193
     Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() at phar:///usr/local/Cellar/composer/1.6.4/bin/composer/src/Composer/Console/Application.php:251
     Composer\Console\Application->doRun() at phar:///usr/local/Cellar/composer/1.6.4/bin/composer/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:117
     Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() at phar:///usr/local/Cellar/composer/1.6.4/bin/composer/src/Composer/Console/Application.php:100
     Composer\Console\Application->run() at phar:///usr/local/Cellar/composer/1.6.4/bin/composer/bin/composer:59
     require() at /usr/local/Cellar/composer/1.6.4/bin/composer:24
    opened by Webonaute 5
  • Can't thank anyone

    Can't thank anyone

    I'm running this on my machine:

     $ composer thanks -vvv
    Reading ./composer.json
    Loading config file ./composer.json
    Checked CA file E:\dev\cacert.pem: valid
    Executing command (e:\dev\www\corahn_rin): git branch --no-color --no-abbrev -v
    Reading C:/Users/Pierstoval/AppData/Roaming/Composer/composer.json
    Loading config file C:/Users/Pierstoval/AppData/Roaming/Composer/composer.json
    Reading e:\dev\www\corahn_rin/vendor/composer/installed.json
    Reading C:/Users/Pierstoval/AppData/Roaming/Composer/vendor/composer/installed.json
    Loading plugin PackageVersions\Installer
    Loading plugin Pyrech\ComposerChangelogs\ChangelogsPlugin
    Loading plugin Symfony\Flex\Flex
    Loading plugin Hirak\Prestissimo\Plugin
    Loading plugin Symfony\Thanks\Thanks
    Running 1.8.4 (2019-02-11 10:52:10) with PHP 7.3.1 on Windows NT / 10.0
    Reading ./composer.json
    Executing command (CWD): git config github.accesstoken
    Executing command (CWD): git config github.accesstoken
    Executing command (CWD): git config github.accesstoken
    Executing command (CWD): git config github.accesstoken
    # ... goes on and on like this

    What could be causing this issue?

    Running 1.8.4 (2019-02-11 10:52:10) with PHP 7.3.1 on Windows NT / 10.0

    opened by Pierstoval 4
  • Feature Idea: Also watch for new releases

    Feature Idea: Also watch for new releases

    Github recently introduced the new "Releases only" watch option for repositories.


    The idea is: Introduce a new flag or command to not just "star" the repo but also mark it as "watch for new releases".

    Let me know what you think about it.

    opened by mablae 4
  • Exception when running composer update

    Exception when running composer update

    When I run composer update I get the following exception:

    Writing lock file
    Generating autoload files
    composer/package-versions-deprecated: Generating version class...
    composer/package-versions-deprecated: ...done generating version class
    134 packages you are using are looking for funding.
    Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Composer\Util\StreamContextFactory::getTlsDefaults() in /Users/loevgaard/.composer/vendor/composer/composer/src/Composer/Util/HttpDownloader.php:63
    Stack trace:
    #0 /Users/loevgaard/PhpstormProjects/SyliusMailchimpPlugin/vendor/symfony/thanks/src/GitHubClient.php(103): Composer\Util\HttpDownloader->__construct(Object(Composer\IO\ConsoleIO), Object(Composer\Config))
    #1 /Users/loevgaard/PhpstormProjects/SyliusMailchimpPlugin/vendor/symfony/thanks/src/Thanks.php(81): Symfony\Thanks\GitHubClient->__construct(Object(Composer\Composer), Object(Composer\IO\ConsoleIO))
    #2 [internal function]: Symfony\Thanks\Thanks->displayReminder(Object(Composer\Script\Event))
    #3 phar:///usr/local/bin/composer/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php(164): call_user_func(Array, Object(Composer\Script\Event))
    #4 phar:///usr/local/bin/composer/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php(96): Composer\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->doDispatch(Object(Composer\Script\Event))
    #5 phar: in /Users/loevgaard/.composer/vendor/composer/composer/src/Composer/Util/HttpDownloader.php on line 63
    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Composer\Util\StreamContextFactory::getTlsDefaults() in /Users/loevgaard/.composer/vendor/composer/composer/src/Composer/Util/HttpDownloader.php:63
    Stack trace:
    #0 /Users/loevgaard/PhpstormProjects/SyliusMailchimpPlugin/vendor/symfony/thanks/src/GitHubClient.php(103): Composer\Util\HttpDownloader->__construct(Object(Composer\IO\ConsoleIO), Object(Composer\Config))
    #1 /Users/loevgaard/PhpstormProjects/SyliusMailchimpPlugin/vendor/symfony/thanks/src/Thanks.php(81): Symfony\Thanks\GitHubClient->__construct(Object(Composer\Composer), Object(Composer\IO\ConsoleIO))
    #2 [internal function]: Symfony\Thanks\Thanks->displayReminder(Object(Composer\Script\Event))
    #3 phar:///usr/local/bin/composer/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php(164): call_user_func(Array, Object(Composer\Script\Event))
    #4 phar:///usr/local/bin/composer/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php(96): Composer\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->doDispatch(Object(Composer\Script\Event))
    #5 phar: in /Users/loevgaard/.composer/vendor/composer/composer/src/Composer/Util/HttpDownloader.php on line 63

    My composer version:

    $ composer --version
    Composer version 1.10.17 2020-10-30 22:31:58
    opened by loevgaard 2
  • syntax error, unexpected '}'

    syntax error, unexpected '}'

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in symfony/thanks/src/GitHubClient.php on line 108

    You are missing a ; on line 107.

    $this->rfs = new HttpDownloader($io, $composer->getConfig())
    opened by tanthammar 2
  • Star only root dependencies

    Star only root dependencies

    There is a lot of people arguing against Symfony/Thanks because they don't think it's useful/relevant/whatever.

    Mitchell on the public slack pointed something interesting (link):

    Mitchell: If symfony/thanks would only star the top level dependencies them I wouldn't mind (as much). Starring every depedency that a package has seems a bit overkill, especially if that depedency should have been a suggest and not an actual require (and I'm sure there a lot of those).

    IMO this is a great idea: we actually better like the dependencies we really add to the project, but sometimes we just don't care about our deps' deps, because well it ends up starring tons of projects on Github we wouldn't even be interested about, just because our dependencies depend on them.

    Imagine doing a "thanks" plugin for NodeJS: one run would star hundreds of projects that are not really useful but just depended on because of legacy/bad practices/whatever issue that is not yet fixed via npm audit fix... For PHP it could be the same for some old versions of some packages, that's why root deps only is maybe a better option.

    And it better reflects the real popularity of a package.


    • Either star root dependencies only by default and add --with-dependencies option to star other packages.
    • Or just keep the current behavior and add --root-only|--root option.


    opened by Pierstoval 2
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