RockMongo is a MongoDB administration tool, written in PHP 5.

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Database rockmongo
RockMongo is a MongoDB administration tool, written in PHP 5, very easy to install and use.

1. Install PHP runtime environment if you don't have one yet, such like Apache Httpd, Nginx ...
2. Install MongoDB PHP driver (
3. Download the package from
4. Unzip the files into your disk, under root of your site
5. Open the config.php with your convenient editor, change host, port, admins and so on to yours
6. Visit the index.php in your browser, for example: http://localhost/rockmongo/index.php
7. Login with admin username and password, which is set "admin" and "admin" as default
8. Play with your MongoDBs!

Upgrade from old version
1.Copy all files excluding config.php to your old version directory

iwind.liu <[email protected]> Leader
leblanc.simon <[email protected]> French translation
Klaus Silveira <[email protected]> Brazilian translation
bmansion <[email protected]> Some small changes
Vladimir Razuvaev <[email protected]> Implement features.
Anton Zering <[email protected]> German translation
Borda Juan Ignacio <[email protected]> Panels Layout
Diego Baravalle <[email protected]> Spanish Translation

* Many thanks to for cute icons. 
* Thank Michal Migurski(<[email protected]>) for perfect Services_JSON class.
* Thank OFC,  we borrowed json_format() function to make JSON pretty. 
* Thank jQuery, a popular javascript library.
* Thank for mime types mapping.
* Also thank these guys (Marcin, Tyler, Richard, Idan, ...) who spent their time on
  sending feedbacks and advices to me, and let me know i am not alone. 
* Thank Klaus Silveira for Brazilian translation
* Thank leblanc.simon for French translation

Bugs & Issues
Please feel free to report any bugs and issues to me, my email is: [email protected] .

Source Code Repository
Repositories are located at

Somebody who want to contribute to the project, may help us by doing these:
* Translate messages from English to other languages (you can see them in app/langs directory)
* Make donations here:
  • Execute failed:need to login function (){ return db.getCollectionNames(); }

    Execute failed:need to login function (){ return db.getCollectionNames(); }

    What steps will reproduce the problem?

    1. sudo pecl install mongo (1.3.0)
    2. open rockmongo 1.1.4
    3. login with credentials (mongo auth = true)
    4. Subject error appear in tables panel
    5. All rockmongo functions not working.

    RockMongo Version (1.1.4) Operation System (Ubuntu 12.10 Desktop/Server) PHP Version (5.4.6) php_mongo Version (1.3.0) MongoDB version (2.2.2)

    opened by acelot 8
  • cannot run  on  mongo extension 1.5.1

    cannot run on mongo extension 1.5.1

    i just updat my mongo php extension to 1.5.1 and suddenly show this error : Fatal error: ini_set(): To prevent data corruption, you are not allowed to turn on the mongo.native_long setting on 32-bit platforms in Unknown on line 0

    opened by endjay 7
  • error in mongodb v2.4.10

    error in mongodb v2.4.10

    there is an error when i upgrade mongodb to v2.4.10

    Deprecated: MongoDB::command(): The 'MongoCursor::$timeout' static property is deprecated, please call MongoCursor->timeout() instead in ...

    and i fixed this in app/models/MServer.php modify "MongoCursor::$timeout = $this->_mongoTimeout;" to "$timeout = $this->_mongoTimeout;" and everything goes well.

    opened by solarcellsky 5
  • MapReduce plugin error

    MapReduce plugin error

    I installed the MapReduce plugin and tried a very simple mapreduce functions. However, I always got the following errors:

    Result { "errmsg": "exception: SyntaxError: Unexpected token {", "code": NumberInt(16722), "ok": 0 }

    Can anyone help me on this? Thanks in advance!

    opened by bowu8 5
  • Reading configuration from environment variables

    Reading configuration from environment variables


    First off all Rockmongo Rocks!. Thanks for creating this great app.

    I am having some issues connecting to Rockmongo running inside Docker container. One of the limitation with Docker is that it's hard to modify existing configuration once the image has been built. One has to recreate the image with the new configuration. Currently I am not able to override the default configuration to allow it to connect to my Mongo instance running on a separate container.

    I would like to propose that Rockmongo configuration can be overridden from environment variables? is that something that Rockmongo already capable off? Or can it be implemented?

    I think having the capability to read from environment variables is a good feature especially for users who uses Rockmongo in virtual container like Docker.


    opened by gilacode 4
  • added MongoId Metadata to row operations line

    added MongoId Metadata to row operations line

    i added some metadata from the mongoid class to the action bar of every row this information are available since PECL mongo >= 1.0.11


    i added checks for every method so that older mongo extension should work but just do not show the data

    i found this quite usefull, for example when there is no creation timestamp in a document

    Preview: rockmongopatch

    opened by woodworker 4
  • Bugfix for incorrect URL calculation on FastCGI / nginx hosting

    Bugfix for incorrect URL calculation on FastCGI / nginx hosting

    As described in issue:

    Proposed fix:

    opened by kixorz 3
  • Empty Document fields {} re-translated into empty List fields [] on save

    Empty Document fields {} re-translated into empty List fields [] on save

    What steps will reproduce the problem?

    1. Open a record with an empty Dict field
    2. Save it as is
    3. Field (dict) is converted to

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

    RockMongo Version (1.1.2++)

    Operation System (Windows/CentOS, ...) Windows

    PHP Version (5.1.6, ...) 5.3.13

    php_mongo Version (1.0.9, ...) 1.1.3

    MongoDB version (1.8.5, ...) 2.2.0

    Please provide any additional information below.

    Since 1.1.2 and still in 1.1.4, when you are "updating" records, if that record contains an empty Document {}, which looks like a list in RockMongo [], it will convert the empty Document (DICT) into a LIST.

    This then can cause validation errors if you use an ORM like MongoEngine.

    Would it be possible to NOT covert empty documents/dict entries when doing updates/inserts?

    opened by Amorano 3
  • Unable to set username / password without enabling control_auth

    Unable to set username / password without enabling control_auth

    The mongo_user / mongo_pass options are only used when control_auth is enabled. The documentation only mentions that mongo_auth=false is needed, but the user/pass doesn't work until control_auth has been set to true.

    We would like to set the mongo_user / mongo_pass in de config, without an authentication screen for the user (authentication to the rockmongo application is managed on server level).

    opened by integratedforpublishers 2
  • "Modify Row" Update fails on documents with escaped double quotes inside JSON field values

    "Modify Row" (reached from "Update" hyperlink) does not escape double quotes from within JSON field values from existing documents. This prevents any updates, as the JSON becomes invalid (from having the unescaped double quotes inside it).

    1. Insert this document: { "description": "This is a wonderful &quot;trendy&quot; location." }
    2. From document listing view, click "Update" hyperlink next to that document
    3. The "Modify Row" screen shows a large text area. Try to make a simple change, such as changing the word wonderful to nice.

    ERROR: Only valid json is accepted

    (In contrast, the "Modify field" feature is working OK as it correctly retains the escaping on double quotes, e.g. &quot;trendy&quot;)

    Using RockMongo v1.1.0

    opened by thisislondon 2
  • Update to the latest MongoDB PHP driver (1.5.x+) and use MongoClient

    Update to the latest MongoDB PHP driver (1.5.x+) and use MongoClient

    In version 1.5 of the MongoDB PHP driver some driver functionality which was previously documented as deprecated will now formally raise deprecation notices. This includes:

    • Instantiating the Mongo class
    • Calling MongoCursor::slaveOkay()
    • "wtimeout" and "safe" options for MongoCollection write operations
    • Manipulating public properties on core classes (such as $collection->w)

    Rockmongo needs to be updated to the latest version of the PHP driver API.

    A workaround in the interim is to force an install of the older MongoDB PHP driver (1.4.x or earlier).

    To force an install of the 1.4.5 PHP driver with PECL, use:

    pecl install -f mongo-1.4.5
    opened by stennie 2
  • 1.1.7(Jun 6, 2014)

    This is a quick fix to 1.1.6:

    • Fix deprecated warning in collection creation and modification
    • Fix pagination jump issue
    • Fix PHP undefined notice in Database Transfer
    • Fix json highlight with some symbols
    • Fix MongoCollection::update(safe => true) deprecate warning
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.6(Jun 5, 2014)

    • Turkish translation thanks for M. Yılmaz SÜSLÜ [email protected]
    • 2d index support
    • Compatible with php_mongo 1.4.x & 1.5.x
    • Compatible with PHP 5.5.x
    • Add URI, E-mail, Picture URLs field value recognition
    • Open log_query feature, can log your query to file, execute them later
    • Add docs_render option:
    • Bug Fix: array display as object
    • Bug Fix: update array or object field
    • View microtime as date string
    • Add "Query Examples" link under query box
    • Support empty object
    • Support unix domain sockets
    • Fix $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] under nginx cgi
    • Fixed cookie vulnerability as reported in CVE-2013-5107 (thanks for synthomat)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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