A library for adding economic concepts.



This plugin adds the concept of money to the server.

Wallet data held by the player is stored in .json format and I/O asynchronously.

As for the Option setting, you can change the asynchronous setting to your liking. Basically, there is no need to change the default settings.


  • use binary version 8.0.10
  • use PocketMine-MP version API4-beta11+dev2067


get player's Wallet.

use pocketmine\player\Player;
use oiran\walletlib\api\WalletLib;
use oiran\walletlib\dto\WalletDTO;

/** @var $player Player */
$xuid = $player->getXuid();
$wallet = WalletLib::findWallet($xuid);

check Wallet Money amount.

$moneyAmount = $wallet->getMoney()->getAmount();

earn or spend Money.

use oiran\walletlib\model\Money;


pay Money to other Wallet.

$to = WalletLib::findWallet("to player xuid");
$from = WalletLib::findWallet("from player xuid");

$from->payTo($to, 300);
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